Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 646 I am here, I am leaving again

Chapter 646 I am here, I am leaving again
The huge sword light burning with blood flames is like a line that separates the sky and the earth. There is no blue sky and sea water in sight, and the red light seems to cover everything.

If it’s not a big deal to say the truth, Xu Fu was frightened when the sword came out.

"Damn it, why is he so strong again? Shouldn't there be a bottleneck?"

There is no doubt about the power of this blood flame knife light, at least the big snake did not dare to touch it head-on, so before the knife light flew halfway, many giant pythons jumped up desperately, and many of them even came from the water. It jumped out, and Zuo Zhou watched the whole process in amazement.

Chachacha, the sacrifices of countless giant pythons finally forcibly blocked the blood flame knife light, and the sprayed blood even dyed a small piece of sea red.

While Zuo Zhou sighed, Faxiang raised his saber again and planned to use it again, um, who made us more angry!
But this time, the person hiding in the dark couldn't bear it any longer. He saw a black shadow leaping over the big snake's head, crossing many distances and pressing down with his palm, the whole sky instantly fell into darkness. Bit by bit the irresistible feeling!

Um?This is... a mental attack?
Zuo Zhou noticed the problem immediately. I have seen the Heavenly Tribulation before, and the frenzied power of the sky has not been able to make him succumb. It's good of you, and you started to deter him at this moment?You are better than Tiandao, does Tiandao know?
In the eyes of the soldiers, this palm covered the sky and the sun, and even felt like the sky was falling, as if they had said something outrageous, and the heavens were punishing themselves!
However, from Zuo Zhou's point of view, the performance of this palm is a bit dark. Apart from mental attacks, it is actually a kind of palm aggregation rolling black mist.

There are many palms, just like the barbs on a hedgehog, and they seem to keep rising and falling with breathing.

"Hey, fortunately it's not the eyes, otherwise it would be too harsh." Zuo Zhou teased, Fa Xiang seemed to have never noticed him, and slashed at the big snake in the distance again.

The next thing is interesting, the black shadow jumped to the big snake with a strange scream, and the black mist just disappeared in an instant.

"Huh? Give up a great opportunity to attack and save him? It seems that this big snake is more important than yourself!"

Some people's thinking is different, Zuo Zhou found Huadian at a glance.

You said that the protagonist of Shenlong Island must be Hong Antong, after all, the leader, why is it called Shenlong Cult?Is it because he also has the dream of becoming an emperor?Maybe, anyway, he probably didn't think too much when Jin Daxia named it.

But it's worth thinking about putting it in this world, after all, the logic doesn't make sense!
Hong Antong himself is not qualified to be an emperor even if he is on the top list, or he doesn't even have the qualifications to think about it. After all, he needs strength but no strength, power but no power, he is ugly, and he is not kind at all...

That figure is naturally Hong Antong, and now facing the blood flame blade, he doesn't have the posture of coercing the world just now. After all, moves that pay more attention to mental attack power, and their own destructive capabilities are relatively weak.

The bloody flame blade light swept away his many black mist palms very quickly, but Hong Antong's move seemed to be very continuous, one palm followed by another palm, and the blood flame blade light was consumed by continuous attacks. exhausted.

"Hey, it's interesting!" Zuo Zhou happily took out the huge sword, waved his hand to fill the sky with the blade of the magic weapon, and then began to shoot at the big snake from all angles.

This time Hong Antong seemed a little dazed, he struggled to resist those swords of magic weapons, especially when he found that these blades had the strength of magic weapons, panic was already written on his face.

"This Shenlong leader... is a bit unbearable!"

Jiang Yuyan whispered to Xie Xun behind him, and the latter nodded in agreement. It's not that this Hong Antong is not good at kung fu, his strength is indeed on the top list, but the question is what is the reason for this unsteady strength ?

Could it be that the big snake behind him is so important to him?

Zuo Zhou was also very curious. He really couldn't see how precious this big snake was. He suddenly remembered that Xu Fu was by his side, so he asked with a smile, "Master Xu has profound Taoism and is well-informed and memorized. Can you understand how precious this big snake is?" mysteries?"

Xu Fu was silent for a moment and said: "According to a certain family's experience, this big snake should have been able to turn into a dragon long ago, but it didn't, so there are only two possibilities. Growth is building size."

"What about the second possibility?"

"Secondly, this big snake is very likely to be an ancient alien species. Its evolution route is not to transform into a dragon and then transform into a dragon, but directly from the alien species itself to transform into a dragon, or even not to transform into a dragon!"

Zuo Zhou suddenly realized that there were rumors that there were strange beasts in the wild, and they could even feed on dragons and phoenixes!It can be seen that some strange beasts are of the same level as dragons, or even higher than dragons.If this big snake is of any other species, then it really doesn't need to transform into a dragon.

Of course, Zuo Zhou doesn't believe that there are any strange beasts in this world, because the way of heaven has changed drastically, and all the strange beasts that exceed the limit will be punished by heaven, and it is impossible to live anymore.

Especially after Qin Huang turned into a dragon, the dragon is the top creature in the world!

"Then Master Xu, what do you think this big snake can do? I mean, is it a big tonic?"


Xu Fu saw Zuo Zhou lick his lips, what the hell are you doing licking your lips?

The big snake suddenly screamed, yes, it was screaming, although outsiders couldn't tell the difference, Zuo Zhou did understand it with his strong mental strength.

The blade of the magic weapon really hurt it, and those scale armors that could easily withstand the artillery fire were not worth mentioning in front of Fengrui.However, the big snake's cry seemed to frighten Hong Antong.

I saw him flustered... ran away?
Damn, is a master of the local list so unbearable?You... You should say a few harsh words anyway!
Zuo Zhou and the others were stunned, and then they found that not only Hong Antong was running, but also the other surviving disciples of the Shenlong Sect were also running, as if they would die if they ran too slowly.

"Uh, this big snake shouldn't explode!"

Zhao Min, who hadn't said much all this time, suddenly said something, but it frightened everyone, uh, it shouldn't be so.

There was indeed a loud noise, but it didn't mean that there was an explosion, but that the big snake suddenly exploded a layer of halo. As far as the halo reached, all the disciples of the Dragon Sect seemed to be frozen, and they were so frozen in place. It even sank to the bottom while still gurgling in the water.

Hong Antong is no exception because he is a master of the ground list. He jumped very high, so he fell from the sky with his limbs spread out, and landed on his face with a bang. list.

Immediately afterwards, the big snake started to change its moves again, the halo began to recover, as if time was going backwards, the space twisted and the giant pythons struggled to be sucked into the bloody mouth by it, and all the disciples of the Dragon Sect, including Hong Antong, were flying back.

Their faces were full of fear, as if they had seen the most terrifying thing in the world.

Well, to be honest, it is really scary, after all, it is about to be eaten!
"There's no reason for us to wait for the enemy to hold back his big move, right?" Zuo Zhou turned around and asked with a smile.

Xu Fu had already made a move, and he was a little timid in his heart, no, it was cautious!
A huge circular array was hastily written from his fingers, and then his fingers became brighter and brighter, and the patterns on the edge of the array became more and more complicated.

Zuo Zhou understood, this is also a big move, as expected, these people who play magic have this skill.

But it was obvious that Xu Fu had to do it before Xu Fu, but it wasn't Zuo Zhou and others.

Wu Yunning... passed by at an extremely fast speed from a distance, and the thunder rolled all the way with sparks and lightning. It looked like a huge floating castle across the sky, which looked quite mysterious.

However, Zuo Zhou felt a kind of aura that belonged to the rank of the local list from inside. Someone could actually walk against the clouds?


This is a completely different call from the big snake, it is more grand, more imposing, and has that thick and ancient aura.

The thunder cloud soon reached the top of the big snake. Zuo Zhou thought that a thunderbolt would fall directly on top of the big snake, but a golden dragon's head suddenly appeared from the dark cloud.

Zuo Zhou: "..."

Hehe, the weather is so nice today, I can always see acquaintances!
The incomparably majestic golden dragon slowly lowered its cloud head, it didn't pay attention to the big snake, it just went through the halo and snatched a giant blue python under the big snake's eyelids.

Then with a flick of the tail, a bitter hurricane kicked up, and it slammed on the big snake's chin, causing it to close its bloody mouth unconsciously.

The big snake may be a little confused, it didn't chase after it, let alone stop swallowing, it just closed its jaw temporarily, but soon opened it again, and more humans and giant pythons were eaten.

When Jinlong got into the cloud again, he took a meaningful glance at Zuo Zhou, and then shook his body, not knowing if it was intentional, causing a big wave to splash on Zuo Zhou's face.

Wow, Zuo Zhou didn't use his true energy to resist, um, she used to douse the little camel with water like this, how nostalgic!

Jinlong left with a cloud, the whole process was very fast, you couldn't tell what she was here for, could it really be because of a snake?

Because of this interruption, the big snake seemed to have finally completed its transformation, all the disciples of the Dragon Sect and the giant python entered its stomach, and then began to shed its skin.

This kind of molting is completely different from the molting of ordinary snakes. His scaly skin began to turn white in an instant, and then seemed to tear his clothes, and the old skin exploded in an instant!
Then a very luscious snake body was revealed, covered with barbs, each one seemed to be tens of meters high, the golden animal pupils suddenly shrank, and then the vertical pupils turned slightly to stare at Zuo Zhou and the others.

“Interesting and a great meal!”

Spiritual language!

Everyone was shocked, but what was even more strange to Zuo Zhou was, where did the other party come out rational?

(End of this chapter)

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