Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 653 Isn't this a reward?

Chapter 653 Isn't this a reward?


Jiang Yuyan looked at Zuo Zhou anxiously, if you dare to say you are happy, he will cry!
Zuo Zhou picked up the teacup with a calm expression, and seemed to sum up his words, "This general has never been so relaxed. I just realized today that people in this world live so easily!"


Jiang Yuyan was a little confused, "The general just said it's good, right?"

Zuo Zhou gave her a blank look, "Although Zhao Min's looks and body are top choices, she is just a chick and she is not like you who have learned how to serve men. How could she be so...harmonious in matters between men and women, probably I was the one to guide."

Jiang Yuyan nodded, but the words were true. Back then, she was forced into the brothel to learn the knowledge that made people blush and heartbeat. If it wasn't for survival, she would not have acted so seriously.

Of course, Zuo Zhou didn't say all that he said, it must be cool, but the satisfaction of that bit of desire is completely incomparable with the relaxation on his body now.

Last night, he abandoned the system, that's right, the system that has been helping Zuo Zhou to practice since he arrived, was also excreted from the system that was the lottery draw and the detection of the top players!

In fact, Zuo Zhou had this idea very early on. As his strength increased, the disadvantages of the system showed up again and again.It made him more and more distrustful of Tiandao.

If it wasn't for the opportunity that Jiang Yuyan took the initiative to send up this time, then Zuo Zhou would have even been prepared for the catastrophe. After all, without the system, he would be equivalent to giving up his identity as the brand of the next-door earth, and at the same time, he was not completely affected by this The world accepts it, and it is no different from a person like He Ran who has been abandoned by heaven.This is still good, maybe it will be blasted into an explosive head by Heavenly Tribulation.

The appearance of Zhao Min made it possible for the relationship between Zuo Zhou and Tiandao to ease. He used the intention of destruction to force the system out, and then shot into Zhao Min's body mixed with luck, and Zhao Min's own With luck, this child's future achievements are bound to be limitless, and he might become a certain kind of "responsible person"!
The appearance of the person who should be robbed must have some meaning for Tiandao, which can be seen from the rolling thunderclouds last night.

If Tian Jie didn't care about this child, then Zuo Zhou's move to deviate from the Heavenly Dao of the two worlds would definitely attract a thunderous bombardment, but in the end Tiandao just frightened him, which meant that Tiandao had already figured out how to deal with this child.

Or to put it more bluntly, this child's fate is probably already doomed!
From this point of view, Zuo Zhou promoted the birth of this child, which is considered to be in accordance with God's will, and he was naturally accepted by Heaven again. The only difference is that he no longer has three lives, and there will be no lottery draw and no proficiency reminder in the future. Or the detection capability of the system.

"So, is the general leaving?" Jiang Yuyan reluctantly scratched Zuo Zhou's palm with her fingers.

"Do you still have something to do? It's almost time to leave tomorrow, and I'm going to pick up Yunxian and the others today."

"Can't wait another day? People will miss you very much!"

Zuo Zhou laughed, "Think I can go back together, I can let you officially enter the house, anyway, Axiang and the others are probably already prepared."

Jiang Yuyan froze for a moment, then shook her head resolutely, "No, it's meaningless to live a too ordinary life."

Zuo Zhou smiled but didn't say anything. This was all within his expectations. After all, Jiang Yuyan has great ambitions and is also very obsessed with power. If one day she says that she wants to live a normal life with him, then she must be in her heart. What kind of bad water is hiding!

"That Liusheng Piaoxu... what is the general going to do with it? Our sources say that Liusheng Xueji has not been found yet, but our people have found the trace of Guihai Yidao, who was transported to Japan by the Ten Killers. Our I wanted to try to rescue him, but the escort was a top-level expert, so I couldn't succeed in the end."

Zuo Zhou didn't care too much when he heard the words, "The Ten Killing Gates have been hit hard by me now, and their plan has been shattered, but the core people have not died, so you should be more careful in the future. As for the matter of returning to the sea, you can pass Murong's family, that is, the relationship with Tianzun, told Zhu Wushi that how to make decisions is his business. But this is also good news for Liusheng Piaoxu, at least it proves that Liushengxueji was not caught by the enemy."

Jiang Yuyan looked at Zuo Zhou strangely, "General, why do people think you care about them so much? Liu Sheng Piaoxu, a swordsman from Japan, although he is pretty, but you and others have a hatred for killing your father! And That Tan Yunxian has an elegant and outstanding demeanor, but she is just a medical girl, worthy of your attention?"

"They are not important, what is important is the child?"

Jiang Yuyan frowned, "Is that the one called Xiaochan? The general owes the child's mother? Otherwise, why would he care?"

Zuo Zhou shook his head but did not explain. After all, the Shishamen's attention to that child stems from a certain power, but it is not only because of that power. After all, there are so many gods and Buddhas in the sky, but the Shishamen only cares about this child Shangxin, if Zuo Zhou didn't guess wrong, there is something special about his decision.

It's just that this special feature has not been discovered yet!
The small talk ended here, because Zhao Min was tortured enough last night and was still in a coma in the afternoon, so Jiang Yuyan could only stay and take care of her, and Zuo Zhou could only go on the road by himself.

Liu Sheng Piaoxu and Tan Yunxian were not far away from them. When Zuo Zhou found them, he unexpectedly saw a little relief in their eyes.

"Hehe, don't you think I don't want you?"

"Hmph, it's as if we have something to do with each other. If you don't come back, we will leave." Liu Sheng Piaoxu sat in a wheelchair with a proud face.

"You can even sit in a wheelchair. This Black Jade Ointment is really amazing!" Zuo Zhou raised his head and glanced at Tan Yunxian who came out with the child in his arms. Get better quickly.

"Where do you want to go? Dongying? Your sister probably doesn't know where the cat is recuperating. I'm afraid there is no chance of returning to Dongying."

Liu Sheng Piaoxu was slightly startled, "How are you sure?"

"I can't explain this kind of thing to you. I can only say that my intelligence is relatively good." Zuo Zhou casually perfunctory, reached out to take Xiao Chan, the child seemed to want to say something, but it's a pity that just now Not long after he was born, he doesn't seem to be able to control his tongue that well, and he can't say anything.

"Afterwards, we will go back to Daqin together, and we can go to your sister when you fully recover from your injuries."

"Why are you being so nice to me?"

Zuo Zhou was a little surprised when he heard the words, looked at Liu Sheng Piaoxu and said with a smile: "I know Duan Tianya well, I heard that he has a good relationship with your sister, so I just go along with it. But that's all I can do, now This period of Tianya is dead, and this relationship is over. You don't want me to help you avenge you or something. Besides... I heard that Fan Ju is dead. If you want to thank you, you can thank Lao Di !"

Naturally, Liu Sheng Piaoxu would not thank Lao Di, all she could do was pout her lips, and she didn't know who to be angry with.

To be honest, when he heard that Lao Di killed Fan Ju himself, he was a little skeptical about life. Lao Di, what a stable person he was, he couldn't help but go up by himself with a weapon?But looking at it from another angle, it's quite possible that the Ten Killers can provoke Lao Di to fight in person.

After Liusheng Piaoxu was able to sit in a wheelchair, it was much easier for them to move around, but it was still not possible to take a carriage. After all, the bumps of the carriage could easily dislocate the bones, so they still chose to take the boat.

However, since they chose to take a boat, it means that their whereabouts can be easily discovered, so when they went ashore for supplies, they were found.

Of course, not everyone would dare to mess with Zuo Zhou today. The one who came to him was a messenger, or an official messenger.

Zuo Zhou looked at the unique symbol of the royal family on the envelope and knew where it came from. I have to say that Jiang Yuyan is still very reassuring in her work. She didn't expect that just after she left, she had already passed Tianzun's hand. Zhu Wushi was notified about Guihai's stabbing.

"What did the letter say?" Liu Sheng Piaoxu was a little anxious.

Zuo Zhou raised his eyebrows, and handed the letter to Liu Sheng Piaoxu. After he took a few glances at it, his face was full of doubts, "This...why do you want to accuse me?"

"Hey, who let Guihai Yidao be escorted to Japan!"

"But he wasn't escorted by our Yagyu family? Besides, I'm not the one who makes the decisions of the Yagyu family, so why do you want me? Isn't he... an ally with my Yagyu family?"

Liu Sheng Piaoxu felt like he couldn't keep up with the changes in the world. Zuo Zhou laughed and said, "I'm afraid you've been using your brains to practice knives. Isn't that obvious! Everyone knows that Gui Hai Yi Dao is someone Zhu ignored. It would be chilling if he didn't do anything, but now that he is the emperor, those secret agents and what he used to do in Hulong Villa are likely to become black spots. How can an emperor have black spots? It's too late!"

"So... don't plan to save Guihai Yidao at the same time?" Tan Yunxian continued.

"That's right, and what's more, the black spot is not only the past of Hulong Villa, but also the cooperation with your Liu Sheng family. Collusion with external forces, this matter can be big or small, especially in the current chaotic state of the Ming Dynasty Among them, it is very likely to be a reason for courtiers to accuse Zhu of ignoring."

"So you came to question me? Damn it, isn't this breaking your word?" Liu Sheng's fluttering chest heaved violently.

But Zuo Zhou rolled his eyes, "Bullshit doesn't believe what he says, did your Liusheng family help him? When he ascended to the position, you neither cooperated in creating the environment, nor provided help when he started, even Liusheng But Ma Shou has also become the internal response of the Ten Killing Gate. If you really count it, it is because your Liu Sheng family is not a man!"

Liu Sheng Piaoxu's face was extremely ugly, his eyes were red, and he seemed to be crying at any time.

Tan Yunxian looked at the two and asked curiously: "Then what does it mean that Zhu ignored this letter? Why did you give it to you?"

Zuo Zhou looked indifferent, as if everything was in his mind, even if he didn't speak, he felt very unfathomable.But he himself was in a daze, yes, why did he write this letter to me?

Zuo Zhou reached out and took the letter again, but felt that there was nothing extreme in his words. The diplomatic rhetoric throughout the article made Liu Shengpiaoxu seem to be an international criminal who needed to be extradited, but he didn't ask Zuo Zhou to cooperate in the arrest. , which is very strange.

But doubts are doubts, temperament still needs to be handled, no matter what he means, he just needs to do his own thing.

Zuo Zhou didn't speak, and the two girls naturally couldn't break the casserole and ask the end, but Liu Sheng Piaoxu was a little worried, "If Zhu Wushi and Liu Sheng's family fell out, wouldn't it be even more difficult for my sister in Ming Dynasty?"

Seeing this, Tan Yunxian could only comfort him: "Don't worry, if the people from Shishamen and Zhu Wushi haven't found your sister before, it won't be so easy now. It's you, don't mess around, or it will fall into the hands of the enemy On the contrary, it will lead your sister out, so it's not worth it."

Liu Sheng Piaoxu gritted his teeth, and endured all the concern in his heart.

Zuo Zhou rubbed the letter into fly ashes casually, pretending that this problem had never happened before, and continued sailing after the supplies were resolved.

The river was swaying, and time passed like this. After seven days, Zuo Zhou and others finally returned to the imperial capital by water, and a large number of people greeted them as soon as they landed.

"Is this all here to welcome me?"

Zuo Zhou looked at the three Qingping girls who were at the end of the crowd. It was strange that they were not at the front of the crowd, which was a bit interesting.

It's fine if that awkward old man Zuo doesn't come, Ah Xiang and the others are very clear about their character, Zuo Zhou, but they will definitely pounce on them the first time they see them, but this time they didn't, it means that this time they are welcome It's a serious business!

But... business?
Could it be Hu Hai's order!

Zuo Zhou felt itchy for a moment, what the hell is Hu Hai doing?

"Hahaha, Yuanfang, we have been waiting for a long time!"

Di Renjie and Bao Zheng took full advantage of the elders, and the two old guys held his arms from left to right, which was called an affectionate relationship.

"Hey, you guys... have something to say, I will definitely help if I can. If you are short of money, I will try my best to find my brothers to make it up for you, but if you are so disgusting again, sorry, we don't know each other!"

Di Renjie rolled his eyes, probably feeling a little Yue, he let go of his hands and said, "I used to think that you had no feelings for Daqin, let alone loyalty, but who knows this time, hahaha, I guess everyone will be nervous now Bar!"


Zuo Zhou was getting more and more confused. Looking at Di Renjie's appearance as a riddle, he probably won't get any real hammer.Turning to look at Bao Zheng, you can't do the riddle guessing game with me!

Bao Zheng said with a smile: "It's meaningless for you to look like this. Although you didn't admit anything, you left the Oara sword there. Who doesn't know it's you?"

Zuo Zhou froze for a moment, and said calmly: "I really didn't want to hide it, yes, Zhu Qizhen was indeed killed by a certain family, why? The Ming Dynasty has come to make trouble, and they still have time to protest?"

The surrounding officials laughed loudly when they heard the words, "How dare they!"

Bao Zheng looked at Zuo Zhou with a smile on his face, "Ming Kingdom is too busy to take care of itself, how can it have time to take care of you, let alone with your strength, would you care about it? Everyone came to welcome you this time because they admire your patriotism!"

A little vein suddenly appeared on Zuo Zhou's forehead, could this old boy be swearing?The fetters between him and Daqin are gone, and everything that should be paid has been paid back. There is such a fart of patriotism!
But Zuo Zhou didn't change his expression, just walked forward surrounded by everyone, and listened to Bao Zheng laughing: "A while ago, a lot of luck fell from the sky. At that time, the courtiers didn't know why, until the news of Zhu Qizhen's death came back, And when it was confirmed that it was you who killed it, everyone realized that it was because you stole the luck of the Ming Kingdom, hahaha!"

Zuo Zhou's heart skipped a beat, and a messy thread was immediately cleared up, damn it!

It turns out that the misunderstanding is here...

That's right, if Zuo Zhou is a great general who wholeheartedly serves the country, then when he kills Zhu Qizhen, a lot of luck will indeed fall on Da Qin's head.

But the problem is, Zuo Zhou is too clear that no part of that luck falls on Da Qin's head.Part of it was divided between Li Yuzhu and the official exiles, and part of it was given to Zhao Min's children.

So here comes the question, looking at the joyful appearance of all the officials, ruling out the possibility of all the officials lying and playing him together, where does this luck come from?
Think about it, there are three possible luck events in the same time period,
One, Zuo Zhou cut Zhu Qizhen with his hand.

Second, Jiang Yuyan and others seized 42 chapters of the Sutra.

Three... The royal family of the Yuan Kingdom was slaughtered!

Although Wei Xiaobao's little bit of luck might fall on Da Qin's head, but Wei Xiaobao didn't get much at all, he had already digested a lot, and it might not be apparent that it fell on Da Qin's head.The only possibility is the latter, the person who slaughtered the royal family of the Yuan Kingdom... was Da Qin, no, it was Hu Hai's people!

Zuo Zhou thought of Xu Fu almost instantly, no wonder Xu Fu went out to sea out of nowhere, probably because he went to find Zhao Min according to his luck!

"Hahaha, be happy, this is nothing shameful, why should you be so serious." Bao Zheng patted him on the back and laughed.

Zuo Zhou's expression suddenly became strange, "This...what does His Majesty say?"

Bao Zheng paused, and his tone was slightly lowered, "Don't worry, although His Majesty didn't say anything, but you have made great achievements this time, even if he doesn't like you, he will reward you according to your merits, otherwise, who will use his life in the future? This old man will never allow this to happen!"

Zuo Zhou is happy, very happy, Hu Hai undoubtedly knows the truth, but he can't say, this is different from his previous non-combat style, if it is exposed, everyone will know that you are an insidious guy , and even disregarded the rules to the point of sending local masters to behead the royal family.Then it is bound to make all the countries unite to entangle with you Daqin, which is not what Hu Hai wants.Secondly, if it really gets out, don't they all know that General Li Yuanfang and Da Qin have two hearts?This impact is huge, after all, Li Yuanfang is a fault-level deterrent force capable of killing top players!

"In this case, I will rely on you all. To be honest, the family is really short of money hehe!"

Zuo Zhou clasped his fists and said to the ministers shamelessly, speaking sincerely, as if he didn't want to be promoted or anything, but just wanted some rewards and didn't feel chilled.

have a look!What a good person, who works hard and wholeheartedly for the country!
In comparison, His Majesty is really a bit... Sigh!


Duang! Duang! Duang!

In the imperial palace of the imperial capital, Hu Hai smashed several beautifully shaped vases into pieces, and turned his head left and right in perplexity, looking for something that could be broken.

Soon, Yin Man walked in from the outside, looking at the debris on the ground, with a flash of disdain in her eyes.

"Calm down, it's just a little money, don't you want to give up what it is?"

Hu Hai loosened his collar and sat down unwillingly, "I just can't be reconciled, it's obviously not his credit, why should I reward him!"

He raised his eyebrows to hide it, and sighed: "Since the coincidence happened, let's face it squarely. When Xu Fu made a move, he happened to kill Zhu Qizhen too!"

"It's all Xu Fu's fault, let him do it earlier, and insist on procrastinating!"

Yin Man sneered in his heart, do you think it is that simple to kill all the royal family of the Yuan Kingdom in a very short time?It is not easy to avoid the induction of luck, not to mention that there are so many members of the royal family, it is not easy to gather or find out one by one.

But Yin Man definitely wouldn't say it out, and just said: "If you can't bear it, you will make big plans. Although Li Yuanfang doesn't care about Daqin, she doesn't have any hostility towards us. Even if you can't be friends, don't be enemies."

Hu Hai's irritable heart finally calmed down a bit, "Why hasn't Xu Fu come back?"

Yin Man replied: "The distance between Yuan State and Daqin is a bit farther than that of Ming State. I think I will come back a few days after Li Yuanfang."

Hu Hai nodded and didn't want to say anything more, while Yin Man stood up and said, "Okay, remember to reward more, otherwise it will chill the hearts of all the officials, and you will have a headache again then!"

After speaking, he turned around and left, and the sound of porcelain falling to the ground and shattering came from behind him.

"Hmph, idiot!" Yin Man curled her lips and walked towards the depths of the palace.

Yinman's palace is remote in the harem, and if it wasn't for the large number of servants, some people would compare it with the cold palace.However, the reason why this place became more and more deserted was not because no one was visiting, but because all the servants were driven to the outer hall by Yin Man. Anyone who dared to enter the inner hall without passing through would definitely be torn to pieces by her!

So there is a rumor among the maids in the palace that Princess Yinman is a monster who eats human flesh and drinks human blood...

Yinman entered the inner hall, and casually and lazily climbed onto a deck chair. The breeze shook the locust tree and made a rattling sound, and the shadow swayed with the wind. A man stood up.

He was dressed like the most ordinary scholar, with a dignified appearance but an unspeakable temperament. From the moment he appeared, the green locust tree began to wither and turn yellow.

Yinman closed his eyes and opened his arms, the man smiled and followed, lying on the recliner, gently hugging Yinman into his arms, this moment was so sweet.

Yin Man greedily sucked the peace of mind, and said after a while: "Xu Fu has done it, luck should be enough, when shall we do it?"

The scholar gently pressed his cheek against Yin Man's forehead, and the face that was originally full of heroism became more beautiful and shiny, from a scholar to a beautiful woman disguised as a man.

"Wait a minute, it's still short of the final stage of accumulation."

(End of this chapter)

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