Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 658

Chapter 658

Zuo Zhou doesn't like politics, and he doesn't bother to play politics, but he doesn't understand. He clearly understands what politics means, which is nothing more than using non-violent means to achieve his goals.

Ever since Emperor Qinhuang transformed into a dragon, there were very few people in Daqin who bothered him deliberately. As for Hu Hai, Zuo Zhou always thought he was an idiot.If it wasn't for fate's tricks, Daqin would definitely not be in his turn to take over.

This has something to do with Qin Huang's previous focus on ascending to the sky. Of course, it is more likely to be the power of repair after the fusion of heaven and law!

In fact, something can be seen more or less from the historical comparison of the two worlds.

The first emperor of the next-door earth unified the six countries, and the Qin emperor of this world instilled the power of unification.The Hu Hai on the next-door earth is so confused, the Hu Hai in this world... Well, this is the most outrageous point.

When Emperor Qin left, he left behind a Daqin with an extremely profound background. Even if Hu Hai didn't do anything, it would be enough for him to squander a hundred years just by running on his own.

Moreover, people like Zhao Gao and Li Si are no longer here, probably because of this, so many exiles did not connect the Hu Hai of the two worlds together.

But now Zuo Zhou started to think about it!
"Camel, I have your letter!" After handing the letter to Zuo Zhou, Ah Xiang found a comfortable position and burrowed into his arms, twitching her nose slightly, her pair of beautiful big eyes narrowed slightly, hum, The taste of Wanwan.

Zuo Zhou didn't know what the beautiful woman in his arms was thinking, opened the letter in a weird way, and delivered the letter so blatantly, probably many people already knew it by now.

"Zhu Wushi, um, this person is most afraid of setting off."

Ah Xiang raised her head and asked strangely: "What did Zhu Wushi write you a letter for?"

"Ming Kingdom has many spies from Daqin. Similarly, Daqin naturally has the eyes and ears of Mingguo. Don't forget that Zhu Wushi started his business as a guardian of Longshan Villa. Now Hu Hai's deeds are almost known to many people. General Li Yuanfang disagrees! Then what do you think this letter is about?"

Ah Xiang blinked her eyes, straightened up slightly, "Is he trying to provoke?"

Zuo Zhou laughed, "What are you provoking? The relationship between me and Hu Hai still needs provocation now? And Zhu Wushi is the most special one among all the emperors. He was born in the royal family, became famous in the world, and finally ascended to the throne. It can be said that among all the emperors, he understands the twists and turns of the officialdom, and also understands the rules of the world. In addition, he is a leader himself, and he knows what the masters care about."

"so what?"

"So this letter seems to outsiders to provoke, but in fact he is trying to win."

"He wins you over?" Ah Xiang was a little confused, "What do you mean, are we going to live in Ming Kingdom?"

Zuo Zhou casually folded the envelope, "I don't need it for now. After all, the imperial capital is so prosperous, and it's comfortable to live in. Besides, it's not the right time."

Ah Xiang looked at Zuo Zhou and then at the put away letter, but she had already made up her mind to pack some things, she knew Zuo Zhou too well.In the past, Zuo Zhou had the habit of rubbing the letters into flying ashes after reading them, but now he put them away, which means he was moved.

"What are you thinking?" Ah Xiang saw Zuo Zhou in a daze.

"I was thinking, among all the countries, Zhu ignored the fastest, and I was the first letter from him when I came back by boat. At that time, I didn't quite understand what his letter meant. Now it seems that, He really went straight to the end."

"Frankly? You mean, he was wooing you back then? Didn't you just kill Zhu Qizhen with your own hands? How could he woo you since then? And at that time he had already determined that you and Hu Hai were not compatible Already?" Ah Xiang frowned, the meaning of this matter was different, although she was not good at conspiring, she still understood the key points.

There have long been rumors that Hu Hai and Li Yuanfang were at odds with each other, but no one would take it too seriously. Even Murong Fu, Shao Yu and others had been in contact for a long time before they confirmed this matter.

But it was only recently that Hu Hai really 'handled' Li Yuanfang, so why was Zhu Wushi so sure before that?The only explanation seems to be that he has eyeliner beside Hu Hai or Zuo Zhou!

Zuo Zhou scratched his cheek, and said with great interest: "Zhu Qizhen is actually dispensable to Zhu Wushi and the government and the people of the Ming Kingdom, even from a certain point of view, the people of the Ming Kingdom should thank me For a real Mingjun, whether or not luck is very important, but how much is not important, after all, luck can also be increased or decreased. Compared with the lost luck, the existence of me, a master, is actually more important .”

"As for the's not by my side anyway, hehe!"


Duang! Duang! Duang!

Porcelain was broken in a row, and Zhu Wushi's letter was indeed to win over, but it did have the effect of provoking, although there was no need to provoke Hu Hai and Zuo Zhou.

"Rebellious officials and thieves! Rebellious officials and thieves!"

Hu Hai was furious, and subconsciously wanted to continue smashing things, but saw that there was nothing audible around him.

Xu Fu heard Hu Hai's roar from a long distance away, and now he walked slowly into the hall, and said respectfully, "Your Majesty, this Li Yuanfang is very ambitious, and now he is even more entangled with foreign forces, his heart is to be punished!"

Hu Hai said angrily: "That's right, but how do you punish him? Can you beat him?"

Xu Fu didn't feel embarrassed, and said slowly: "Li Yuanfang's strength is unfathomable, if he uses force, he won't be able to do it. However, if you want to deal with a person, you don't need to use force. We can force him to go!"

"Oh? Aiqing, let's talk about it."

Xu Fu saluted slightly, contemptuous in his heart, this Zhu ignored Li Yuanfang, but you still wanted to force him away, isn't this putting a trump card in his hands?Why, you don't think that people can't make trouble for you after they leave the imperial capital, do you?Who gave you confidence?Who gave you the logic?

Contemptuous in his heart, but he said flatly: "We can keep targeting his friends, making Li Yuanfang feel that his friends are suffering because of him, forcing him to leave the imperial capital! After all, we can't beat him."

Hu Hai's eyes lit up and he felt that this idea was great, but Xu Fu was full of helplessness in his heart, it was too difficult for me!I don't know why this idiot denied the strangulation of the Qinglonghui. If he wanted to drive Li Yuanfang away, he could only use this method.

Today's Hu Hai is actually quite similar to Zhu Qizhen, and he often has an idea when he slaps his head. Coupled with his own prejudice against Zuo Zhou, a targeted farce begins.

The first unlucky one was naturally Di Renjie, after all, he was the one who led Li Yuanfang into the capital at the beginning.However, it is difficult to simply find the fault. Di Renjie doesn't look like a clear stream, and he never falls behind in various entertainments, but he uses actions to maintain the essence of a clear stream.

No bribery, no bribery, no corruption, even personal style is beyond reproach.So the only way Hu Hai could think of was to torture him with official duties.

"My lord, these are old cases from decades ago. What kind of moth came out of His Majesty!" Yuchi Zhenjin threw aside a stack of dusty letters in disgust, and God testified, if it wasn't for this time, he would not have known Dossiers from decades ago are still there.

Di Renjie took out a scroll of letters with great interest, saying that it was an unsolved case, but in fact, with the strength of various yamen such as Dali Temple and Liufanmen, there are very few cases where the murderer can't be found or can't be solved.What's more, it's because the assailant is in a high position or powerful, and the Yamen doesn't want to arrest people.

These cases are difficult to deal with. To arrest someone is to offend someone, and most of these perpetrators do not deserve to die. If they are caught, they will be fined a small amount of money, or given a sentence of one or two years, which is not enough to even send them out.

But it is real that you have offended someone!

After reading a few volumes casually, Di Renjie understood what Hu Hai meant, and made things difficult on purpose.

"Yuchi, go to Bao Zheng's place and see what's going on with him. He's in charge of money and food now, so I'm afraid he's going to face a lot of moldy ledgers right now."

Yuchi Zhenjin was stunned for a moment, turned around and went out with a heavy heart, he had followed Di Renjie for a long time, the expression on his lord just he going to accept the move?
In the depths of the palace, Yin Man went to look at Bai Qi, asked for some advice on boxing skills, and then returned to her palace.

As soon as she entered the door, she lay lazily on the bed, and almost at the same time, a woman in a long skirt appeared beside her.The picture of the two embracing each other is charming and warm.

After a long time, Yin Man closed her eyes and said slowly: "I have persuaded Hu Hai, he will not trouble the Qinglong Society for the time being."

The woman rubbed Yin Man's forehead with her chin, "I heard that Hu Hai made a foolish move against Li Yuanfang?"

Yin Man was happy, and she burrowed into the woman's arms, "I don't know if it's a trick, but I know that those who have a good relationship with Li Yuanfang are the pillars of Daqin. It doesn't matter if he hits Li Yuanfang, I'm afraid it will shake the country. Book."

"You care?"

"not give a damn about."

The woman laughed and said: "It's really interesting to think about it. Emperor Qin, Fusu, Bai Qi, and you, people who should really care about the government and the public, don't even care. But such a great Qin has such a rich foundation!"

Yin Man slowly opened her eyes, and suddenly hugged her tightly, "Who says I'm not in a hurry and don't care? I don't care about Da Qin, but I care about you and our future!"

The woman let out a long breath, but it was a bit bitter, "It is not easy for me to live until now, but after so many years of struggle, I have also understood and seen many things. Sometimes life must end Yes, all we can do is try our best. If God won't let you and me off... just let him go!"

Yin Man lightly printed on the woman's lips, "Don't give up, we have a lot of time, maybe we can see the day when Hu Hai wipes out Da Qin Zuo, if it doesn't work, I will get to know him personally!"

 Menghualu is good
(End of this chapter)

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