Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 673

Chapter 673
"Has Li Yuanfang made a statement?"

Hu Hai was a little excited, he confirmed this matter again and again, and seemed to regard it as his own victory.

Yang Paifeng saluted respectfully and replied: "Your Majesty, Li Yuanfang and Princess Yinman are the candidates to go to destroy the Qinglong Society this time. Now the whole army is making preparations, and they will go out in three days."

"Okay, three days later, I will do my best for all my lovers!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty..." Yang Paifeng replied sonorously, but he did not leave the hall just then.

Hu Hai looked at her curiously, "But there is something else?"

"Your Majesty, the princess is a body of gold, so it would be a bit of a rush to fight before the battle..."

Hu Hai nodded knowingly, "After all, King Xian is my uncle. There should indeed be a member of the royal family present at the time of execution, so let's treat him as a face. What's more, the emperor's sister is very strong in martial arts, and I don't worry about her safety." .”

Seeing this, Yang Paifeng withdrew from the main hall, and the smile on Hu Hai's face slowly subsided. In fact, he didn't understand very well, saying that it is completely unnecessary to give King Xian a face.

However, these were all requested by Yin Man herself, and Hu Hai felt that there was nothing special and agreed.

Although Yin Man is a master that Hu Hai must focus on training, but now that Xiong Ba and his grandfather are two local masters sitting in charge, he feels that he has nothing to be afraid of.

Almost at the same time, Yin Man, who was being talked about by Hu Hai, was also anxiously waiting for Di Que's return.

"Wait a minute."

Di Que's figure jumped in from outside the wall with a whoosh, and Pu hugged Yin Man as soon as he landed.

"I didn't get to see King Xian this time. Many unknown enemies surrounded the main altar. With my strength, I couldn't break through. In order not to startle the enemy, I had to retreat again."

Yin Man's face was serious, and while holding Di Que's hand, she worriedly said: "Although King Xian is our matchmaker, if I had to choose between him and you, I would choose you without hesitation. We... Do your best."

Di Que caressed Yin Man's ear temples movedly, "You know, how rare it is to have someone who treats me well in this world, I can't give up easily."

There is a trace of pity in Yinman's eyes, Yinman is the body of a zombie, and Dique is a person abandoned by heaven. Speaking of which, one of the two is cursed by heaven, and the other is rejected by heaven. I hate it, Di Que doesn't care about the curse of zombies, the two of them together can be regarded as an alternative 'fit made in heaven'!
However, if the two talk about differences, there are still some differences. Yin Man is an exile who passed through the earth next door, and her values ​​have already been formed.I also had a complete and beautiful childhood on the next-door earth, and being a zombie body is self-inflicted, so it didn't make my mind distorted and deformed.

But Dique is not like this. The life of a person abandoned by heaven is bound to be painful. Take He Ran as an example. It takes countless struggles to live a healthy life.But He Ran met Zuo Zhou when he was an adult, and Di Que met Xian Wang when he was a child.

It can be said that Xian Wang and her are like a pair of sons and daughters. How can this relationship be abandoned?

"Don't worry, Li Yuanfang has promised me to help, his reputation can still be trusted, but... I'm afraid that King Xian will..."

Yin Man looked at Di Que's worried look and understood what he meant. Speaking of King Xian, he was usually quiet and hardly appeared in the sight of everyone, but everyone would take it more or less seriously when talking about King Xian.

After all, Qin Huang was able to cause so much trouble to him when he was still there, so it can be seen that the martial arts wisdom of this King Xian should not be underestimated.

It's just a pity that the moment Qin Huang transformed into a dragon meant that the Xian Wang lost.

King Xian is still fighting for power, but Qin Huang has successfully instilled the power of unification into the Dao of Heaven, and after the success, he will directly transform into a dragon and not play with him. This is too much, and there is really no chance of a comeback give.

Since then, Xian Wang has become a bit decadent. No, it is not entirely correct to say that it is decadent. It can only be said that he pays more attention to things like immortality. I am afraid that he is still thinking about immortality and looking forward to being able to be with Qin one day. The emperor is in the showdown.

What this person is most afraid of is that his thinking will go wrong. No matter how wise and powerful a person is, he will become strange and unreasonable.

"So, he really wanted all the information channels of the Azure Dragon Society?"

"On the surface, he doesn't care about the Demon Sect or the Queen of Yin, but in fact he has done a lot for them. Only such a person who values ​​love and righteousness is worthy of trust."

Seeing that she was so determined, Yin Man didn't say much, and just sighed: "This matter is indeed too much for Hu Hai. When the father was still there, he didn't notice his desire to control so much. All the masters and All the powers listen to him, wishing that he was the only voice in the court, that's right!"

Di Que hugged Yin Man even tighter, "Okay, don't mention unhappy things, I... miss you!"

Yin Man's already fair face gradually turned a blush, forgetting everything in love and tenderness, in fact, both of them understand that the country is easy to change, and the nature is hard to change. There is a saying that "if you want to help, you can't turn back to heaven"!

It's another late night, maybe there will always be a period of calm before the war, this kind of calm is difficult for some people, and similarly, it is also the most suitable time for some people to do things.

Tan Yunxian held Xiaochan in his arms and fed the dumplings one after another. He chopped all kinds of vegetables and meat into fine pieces, and then carefully wrapped the dumplings with noodles. Each dumpling was only half the thickness of a thumb, which was exquisite.

Tan Yunxian felt that he was probably the most relaxed of all the wet nurses in the world. There was no other reason. It was because this child was too sensible. He didn't cry, make trouble, or even wet the bed. He had never seen such a good-natured child.

"I heard that the army will be dispatched the day after tomorrow, and Li Yuanfang will follow. What about you? With your medical skills, shouldn't you join the army?"

Liusheng Piaoxu is still sitting in a wheelchair. Although her spine is almost healed, she still doesn't dare to use her strength. Li Yuanfang said that this is a psychological effect that needs to be overcome slowly.

Tan Yunxian shook his head, "The army often has its own military doctor... I actually thought about being a military doctor when I was in the Ming Dynasty, but those military masters said that it is inevitable to travel long distances in battle, and the girl's family can't follow her." Don't fall behind."

Liu Sheng Piaoxu curled his lips, "It's all an excuse. Don't horses exist just for transportation? I don't believe that those military doctors run behind the soldiers with their feet."

Tan Yunxian smiled and didn't care, but said casually: "By the way, I heard that Minguo seems to want to learn from Daqin to reform the imperial examination system, and women can also participate in the imperial examination."

"Hey, that's all nonsense. Haven't you seen what Daqin looks like now? So many female Jinshi are doing odd jobs in the Imperial Academy. Who knows what's going on in the Ming Dynasty. Maybe that Zhu Wushi is a prostitute, and he just wants to be elected by the imperial examination. Concubine!"

Tan Yunxian couldn't laugh or cry when he heard the words, "Is the emperor already so demanding now? Are you starting to rely on imperial examinations to select concubines?"

"That's not sure, look at the one who is the most favored now..."

Boo, bang!
The chatting of the two women was blocked by a black shadow, and a box flew over lightly outside, and landed in front of the two women with incomparable precision.

Tan Yunxian turned pale, hugged Xiao Chan and hid behind Liu Sheng Piaoxu, and Liu Sheng Piaoxu also stood up from the wheelchair with a bang, probably because he didn't hold a knife, and he clenched his fists like nothing at all. Not fierce.

Liu Sheng Piaoxu instinctively wanted to yell, the two of them lived in a side courtyard, and they could attract Zhou Tong and others just by yelling, no matter who the enemy was, they would all be fisted.

Just as he opened his mouth, Liu Sheng Piaoxu saw what was in the box. It arm, an arm in a white gauze skirt, the skin had turned gray, and the originally slender fingers seemed to be a little distorted, but... But Piaoxu Liusheng could tell the identity of the owner of this arm at a glance.

"elder sister……"

Liu Sheng ran up the fence with a whirring sound, the moonlight was very bright but there was no one to be seen, and the surrounding silence was palpitating.

A rush of fire rushed into her heart, Liu Sheng Piaoxu felt dizzy, and she almost fell over the wall.

Tan Yunxian heard Liu Sheng Piaoxu's muttering, and knew who this arm belonged to. She put Xiao Chan aside first, and then squatted down to examine that arm carefully.

"Judging from the gap, this arm seems to have been grabbed and torn apart! Your sister must have encountered a strong enemy, and she is also a person who has achieved physical fitness. This arm has been specially treated with drugs, It just seems to have been a long time since it was processed, which means that the arm was not recently amputated."

When Liu Sheng Piaoxu came back, he stood beside the box but didn't dare to touch the severed arm at all.

Tan Yunxian asked again: "Are you really sure that this arm belongs to your sister?"

Liu Sheng Piaoxu cried, with two tears running down his cheeks, "This arm is the left arm, which I have held more than once, and I know every detail of it."

Tan Yunxian was a little embarrassed, "It depends on feeling? Is there any special mark, does your sister have a birthmark or something?"

"My sister is naked, and it's hard to find even a mole."

Tan Yunxian thought for a while and said: "Don't worry, it's not necessarily a bad thing. Think about it, it's been at least a month since this arm was cut off. If your sister is in their hands, it's totally okay Use other things to scare you, there is no need to use the arm that was cut off a long time ago, in case you don’t know it? Isn’t that ridiculous!”

Liu Sheng Piaoxu seemed to have regained his senses, and looked at her blankly, "You mean..."

"I want to say that your sister is probably not in their hands! Well, let's show this arm to Li Yuanfang. He has his own information channels. Maybe he has a way?"

"Also... also good."

(End of this chapter)

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