Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 683 Always leave a cleaning party

Chapter 683 There Is Always A Cleaner To Open A Party
Ximenxiang supported Tan Yunxian, and slowly probed into his body with zhenqi, and found that it was only the meridian blockage, so he could massage it gently with zhenqi for a while.But at this time, no one was going to do this anymore, and everyone's eyes fell on Liu Sheng Piaoxu at the same time.

The crow smiled triumphantly, and took Xiaochan from Liu Shengpiaoxu's arms. The child's ignorant eyes made him very satisfied, very good, he is not an exile, and there is no precocious situation, so the child can be controlled when he grows up. .

"I used to think that Yuan Fang's charm was invincible, but I didn't expect that there would be women who could betray him!"

Qingping clenched the big knife in her hand and teased, just now she could have hit Liu Sheng Piaoxu with the knife just now, but she was soft, because Liu Sheng Piaoxu was also because of Xiao Chan, but when Xiao Chan was hugged by the crow, A vein popped out of her forehead, and she couldn't forgive herself for being soft.

Liu Sheng Piao Xu turned slightly to avoid Qing Ping's cold gaze, but Crow seemed to appreciate the way he clearly hated me but couldn't kill me.Hey, Li Yuanfang, aren't you amazing?If you are capable, you kill me now across thousands of mountains and rivers, and I will take your child away!

A strong sense of revenge made the crow almost cry, it's too difficult, it's really too difficult, our ten brothers, how have Li Yuanfang been harmed now!
"Hurry... let's go, the night is full of dreams." Liu Sheng Piaoxu reminded.

The crow disdainfully said, "What are you afraid of, they don't dare to rush out of the formation. I hope they can come out, hehe, when the time comes, let Li Yuanfang understand what despair is!"

"As you wish!"


Qingping was the first to jump out of the formation, in mid-air, the huge Guan Dao was raised above her head, "Chop!"

The air twisted for a moment, and heavy pressure fell like a mountain.

The crow was taken aback but didn't panic. The three ants were just newcomers at most. They might be rare masters in the martial arts world, but to people like them, they were nothing.

The ghost hand with a layer of black muscles and knots in the raised hand was attached to the crow's arm, and it grabbed the Daguan knife. In the crow's mind, he even began to think about how to torture these Li Yuanfang's women, Be sure to let Li Yuanfang completely collapse when he sees it.

The Ghost Hand and the Daguan Dao hadn't met yet, and the strong fluctuations of the natural force of the water system rushed towards them.

Ximenxiang was hiding behind Qingping, and the water-piercing sword was pierced by surging water. If Shuide Xingjun's attack just now was a tsunami, then Ximenxiang's attack was a river pouring, which should not be underestimated.

Crow frowned, and snorted coldly, the cooperation between the two women was quite tacit.He handed Xiaochan to Liu Sheng Piaoxu casually, and then pressed one hand on the ground, a tall door broke through the ground, this door was very spacious, five to sixty meters wide, and tens of meters high, with grimaces as reliefs on the doorway. It's full of weirdness.

The huge portal blocked the pouring of the river, and the dull loud noise was enough to prove the power of Ximenxiang's blow. However, the crow was not yet complacent, but suddenly sensed a hint of danger.

Looking up, Qingping's blade was entangled with an incomprehensible aura, that sharpness seemed to be able to pierce him through hundreds of meters away.

This wrong!

Crow's complexion changed drastically. He didn't understand that he had been tricked, but now that the ghost's hand could no longer be taken back, he could only bite the bullet and face the hard steel of Daguan Dao, but he himself was ready to cut off the ghost's hand at any time .

At this moment, he suddenly regenerated, and the gate that blocked the pouring river was suddenly melted into a hole enough for two people to pass through. A figure came to him as fast as lightning, and he stepped into his arms .

"Camel said that he can't even fight hand-to-hand, so he has the nerve to call himself a mage?"

After the words fell, a series of bangs and bangs came out, and Zhan Shiqi had already completed a set of punches directly passed down by Zhou Tong on the crow.

Just like when Xu Fu was beaten up by Jiang Yuyan back then, people who play magic should never get close to masters who specialize in martial arts.Xu Fu is still working hard on his fists and feet. It hasn't been long since the crow recovered the memory of the gods. It is good to be able to restore the strength of the ground list. How can there be time for both magic and martial arts?
This set of combos is good, Liu Sheng Piaoxu next to him heard the sound of bone cracking three times, as for whether the internal organs were broken or not, no one can say for sure.

The point is that it's not over yet, Qingping's big sword has already fallen, and the divine sword cut plus the spring and autumn sword technique chopped off the ghost's hand in an instant, with a puff of black blood like a fountain shooting out of Lao Gao.

The crow screamed and backed away quickly. If he hadn't disconnected the ghost hand from him just in time, it would have been his own hand that had been broken.

There are three moves in the Spring and Autumn Saber Technique, the first and second moves are consecutive, Qingping started with Lingbo micro-steps under her feet, and followed the crow to stick to it.

Naturally, this Lingbo Weibu was also taught by Zuo Zhou, but it's a pity that she doesn't have much talent for knowledge of the I Ching astrology and the like, if there is a sudden explosion, it's okay, but adding a little change won't work.And this momentary burst is also in line with the two-style continuous chopping of the Spring and Autumn Saber Technique.

The Daguan knife slashed horizontally, the blade was as dazzling as a small sun, and the air screamed in a trance.

Crow's face twitched for a while, he was a top priority, how could he be forced to such a degree by three stinky girls, it's embarrassing!But with the blade in front of his eyes, he didn't care about being embarrassed, and his body fell on the ground.

However, Qingping, who had experienced battles, could not hide this trick of rolling a lazy donkey. Her spirit was firmly locked on the crow, and Tiaozuo continued to slash at him without a trace of the Daguan knife in her hand.

Remnants of limbs and broken arms flew everywhere, and bright red flesh and blood danced wildly in the sky.

However, there was a trace of regret on Qingping's face, she was not hit after all!

At that critical moment, all the ninja Onmyoji standing around the crow rushed up and hugged Qingping's Daguan Dao without fear of death.

The power of the divine sword slash was not so easy to limit, so with one slash, more than a dozen ninja onmyoji were chopped into flesh.

However, the momentary delay was still seized by the crow, who rolled on the spot and managed to get out of Qingping's attack range.

If she missed a single blow, Qingping would not be able to pursue her. Since the third strike of the Spring and Autumn Saber Technique is to slash with a knife, it is very difficult to pursue her.Secondly, the remaining ninja onmyoji have already started to stand in front of the crow to form a human wall.

"Hey! So the reason why you brought those men with you is actually to use them as cannon fodder?" Ximen Xiang swung the Pishui sword, and almost pointed at the crow's nose and cursed.

"It's not cannon fodder, it's for sacrifice!"

The crow's eyes were red, and there was a hint of madness in them. When he closed his hands, a bloody formation with unknown lines appeared in his palm, and those ninjas and onmyojis began to scream.

Bang bang bang, one after another began to explode, and blood-colored monsters flew out from their bodies.These monsters have hands and no feet, and their bodies are blood-colored, but their blood color is a bit unorthodox, as if they are leaning towards pink.

The head was in the shape of a bird's head, but it had no feet but had a tail. It was bare like some kind of lizard, making piercing screams, one by one scrambling to grab Qingping and the others.

"Hmph! Let you all understand what is the real gap between the local rankings and the human rankings!"

The crow screamed viciously, a bunch of stinky bitches are doing sneak attacks and don't pay attention to martial arts, now it's my turn, you die...

Crow's expression froze on his face, watching the blood demons explode into piles of blood, he waved his hand to recall the blood demons, and gritted his teeth as he watched the faint blue light suddenly appear in the sky.

That's Huang Chang's formation. Yes, Qingping and the others are quite chicken thieves. They also know that there is only one chance to sneak attack. If it doesn't work, they must return to the formation. Could it be that they are really facing a master of the local list? ?They can be a group of witty!
The crow gritted his teeth in hatred, why didn't he even give him a chance to retaliate?

Liu Sheng Piaoxu hurriedly took a step forward, "Let's go, we may not know who else will come to help, this is the capital of the empire!"

The crow paused for a moment, and although he was unwilling, he had to admit that Liu Sheng Piaoxu's words were not wrong. There was a problem with Liu Sheng's killing god not coming here before, and he didn't know what happened, so it's better to leave first.

"Hmph! This is only the first time, tell Li Yuanfang, let's wait and see!"

After playing the harsh words, the crow grabbed Liu Shengxuan and jumped onto the back of a giant bird. The giant bird looked a bit like a pterosaur but had the long beak and throat pouch of a pelican. Feathers can fly.

"Come in if you have the ability, don't just talk harshly, you'll be finished if I prick you!" Tan Yunxian seemed to have finally recovered, and shouted fiercely with a silver needle in the middle of the formation, especially It was the look in the eyes of Liu Sheng Piaoxu, wishing to tie it well.

Liu Sheng Piaoxu looked ashamed and turned away, followed the crow and flew away.

The changes here have all been seen by Kong and others, and at the same time he yelled to scatter the Faxiang away.Li Bai suddenly lost his target and staggered, but saw that Shangguan Jing'er suddenly turned into a thunderbolt and came behind Li Bi, and his true energy flowed directly behind Li Bi.

Shui De Xingjun and others who were fighting against Huang Chang suddenly exploded, or more accurately, the palms between Huang Chang and Shui De Xing Jun exploded.

That infuriating energy directly blows up Shui De Xingjun a little bit, it is obvious that there are more people on Li Bi's side, why did he blow up here?
Before Shui De Xingjun could figure it out, the pair of hammers from the giant spirit god over there smashed it, and the blasted air wave forced Zhou Tong back temporarily, and the others flew away without saying a word. The whole process was not cruel , didn't even leave a look to everyone.

Shui De Xingjun was upset, he was left alone in the blink of an eye, wouldn't he have to face Huang Chang, Li Bai and Zhou Tong alone?Then this lineup is still playing a fart!
Shui De Xingjun's speed was strange, and he was already in the air in the blink of an eye... Then he was slapped by a figure.


Shui De Xing Jun's eyes are about to burst, why is there a master of the local rankings lying in ambush around him?
Shi Zhixuan ignored Shui De Xingjun, just looked at Huang Chang, "Is the imprint of immortality easy to use?"

Huang Chang pondered for a moment, "Fortunately, it's just a bit complicated, not as pure as Jun Bao's Taijiquan."

(End of this chapter)

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