Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 692 You may not believe it, I guessed Tiandao's script

Chapter 692 You may not believe it, I guessed Tiandao's script
"Your Majesty is serious. You have never understood that the world is changing. The former emperor has already made his own response, but you... have never."

Hu Hai faintly felt his heart steaming, but he knew that he had no heart.His father responded, but he didn't?
joke!His remains are in the imperial mausoleum, do you want me to die too?Rebel!

Seeing his expression, Cao Zhengchun knew that what he said was in vain, the world changed drastically, the fusion of heaven and earth, becoming stronger became the main theme between heaven and earth.Qin Huang saw through this point, so he cultivated himself very well, and he was not even willing to be manipulated by Tiandao to instill the power of unification into Tiandao.From a certain point of view, this is already a success against the sky.

However, Hu Hai did not. He has a noble status but he did not understand why he is noble. He has no respect for the strong. Then, this is going against the sky. How could there be no backlash?

Uh, it may be a bit exaggerated to say that he is going against the sky, but after all, he is the winner now, so the little bit of artistic processing is nothing.

Cao Zhengchun smiled at Emperor Qin and stopped talking, and he had nothing to say, while Hu Hai stared at Jiang Yufeng, "The good dog you raised dared to bark at me."

Jiang Yufeng had a disappointed expression, "Your Majesty, why bother to utter obscenities, you are the emperor of Great Qin, it's really... too inelegant."

"Elegance? Why do I have to be elegant in the face of rebels? Besides, do you still think I am the emperor of Great Qin?"

"Of course, you will always be the emperor of Daqin. You can do whatever you want. At least in Daqin, no one will stop you from doing what you want."

Hu Hai was slightly surprised by Jiang Yufeng's words. He looked at Cao Zhengchun and then at Jiang Yufeng, "In your heart, what exactly is Zhen?"

"You are Your Majesty, isn't this concubine clear enough? We should all respect you, so every time you are having fun with this concubine, even if the concubine is about to vomit with nausea, you will still I am constantly catering to you!"

There was a hint of anger in Hu Hai's eyes, "I thought we had feelings for each other."

"Your Majesty, as an emperor, you shouldn't lie. This will make all the officials look down on you." Jiang Yufeng seemed to be recalling a little, and said with a smile: "There were many beautiful women in the imperial examinations back then? Why did you only Is it because of the concubine's obedience that you can find the pleasure of defeating General Li? Hehe, sometimes, the concubine is thinking that the relationship between the concubine and General Li can make you so excited, If it were a female relative of General Li, would you die of joy immediately!"

"Presumptuous! How can I be so unbearable?"

Jiang Yufeng smiled, ignoring Hu Hai's angry expression, "Yes, you dare not, even if General Li dies one day, you will not do that. You will only find a reason to convict General Li, and then His family was exiled to the army, and his female relatives were included in the Jiaofang Division, even though the Jiaofang Division had already been banned by Emperor Qin."

"Enough! How are you doing?"

Hu Hai became angry from embarrassment, Jiang Yufeng was not surprised at all, it was clear from that expression that he had really thought about it that way.

"Your Majesty, this concubine is just here to see you and will not stop you from doing anything. As for Cao Zhengchun's behavior, it is all because you disrespect him, but it has nothing to do with this concubine."

Jiang Yufeng smiled patiently, what she said was true, she just said to let Cao Zhengchun destroy the power of the other concubines, but she didn't say not to let him go to Bai Qi instead.Whether it should be said or not, the two actually have a tacit understanding.

Hu Hai stared at the two for a dozen breaths, then got up and walked slowly outside. His nerves were highly tense, and he kept staring at the two as if he didn't take care of one eye, and the two would explode. Beat him into a pig's head.

Jiang Yufeng seemed to have finally vented, and she regained her dignified appearance. Cao Zhengchun slowly helped her to the side, waved her to attract the chair, and said in a low voice: "Be patient for a while, wait for Hu Hai to go out. Let's sit on the dragon chair, that chair is big, and it won't be too tiring to do it."

Jiang Yufeng gave him an angry look, "So big enough is the only advantage of the dragon chair?"

"if not?"

Hu Hai heard muttering voices coming from behind from time to time, he couldn't hear what the two said clearly, but he finally walked out of the palace, and when he appeared in front of the officials, he was relieved.No matter what Jiang Yufeng wanted to do, they would definitely not do it in front of the officials, because the reputation of regicide was definitely not good, and it was also a taboo for rebels.

Of course, it doesn't matter if there is a change of dynasty. The last emperor often ends badly, but the Great Qin is not over yet, and Jiang Yufeng can only be regarded as usurping the throne.

"Your Majesty!"×n
Hu Hai walked into the group of officials, he saw many people but did not see Di Renjie, "Where is Di Qing?"

Hu Hai's complexion was not good, maybe he thought of something again, Bao Zheng took a step forward and replied: "Master Di has left the palace, Your Majesty, you did not order that you are not allowed to leave the palace."

"..." So it's still mine, isn't it?

Hu Hai ignored Bao Zheng and continued to move forward, "Is the formation of Qin Tianjian properly arranged?"

Sure enough, several sunflower eunuchs stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, the formation is ready!"

"Follow me to the formation!"

Hu Hai's movements became a little anxious, and he glanced back at the depths of the hall, and found that Jiang Yufeng had come out with the support of Cao Zhengchun, and when he saw Hu Hai's gaze, he returned his gaze, with a look of "please start your performance" look.


"Bitch, when I become a zombie, I will take care of you!"

Cao Zhengchun looked at Hu Hai angrily and walked away in a strange way, and asked curiously, "Aren't you afraid that he will really turn into a zombie?"

Jiang Yufeng looked up at the sky and was suddenly happy, "The body of a zombie is a curse of the Dao of Heaven, and the power of unification has become a part of the Dao of Heaven. A state of curse, which conflicts with Heaven’s own rules, how can two contradictory rules take effect at the same time?”

"So, Bai Qi can be a zombie, and Yin Man can be a zombie, but the emperor of a country who may participate in the unification war in the future must not be a zombie!"

Cao Zhengchun nodded when he heard the words, a little wanting to laugh, "So, he is making an attempt that is doomed to fail."

Jiang Yufeng continued: "Laugh if you want. In fact, Hu Hai has always been a person who can't make decisions. He either listens to the minister, Xu Fu, or Yin Man. Disadvantages, but at least on the surface there is some truth. If you listen to Yin Man, it depends on what Yin Man wants to do. If you listen to Xu Fu, although there is no problem on the surface, there must be many hidden dangers inside. So, since Zhao Gao died After that, he lost the support to become emperor."

"I used to think that he would spend the rest of his life safely under the protection of the ministers of all parties. If this continues, the final result will be nothing more than a weak monarch and a strong minister, the emperor will be more restricted, and there will be many families in the future. But who knew he thought of this , um, maybe it was Yin Man who reminded him, but he introduced Xu Fu by mistake, haha!"

Cao Zhengchun seemed to have thought of something, "I heard many exiles say that the Great Qin will die in the second generation."

"I have also asked this in detail. More specifically, it should be regarded as the death of the third generation, but it is true that everything has come to an end here. But as Bai Qi once said, this can also be regarded as a struggle between Emperor Qin and the way of heaven. Well, you say that I'll die in the second generation', I don't believe it! Lao Tzu has laid a large enough foundation, and then handed it over to the most humble son, it depends on whether he can defeat the country in his lifetime."

Cao Zhengchun sighed helplessly: "Emperors are capricious."

Cao Zhengchun has a great say on this point. At first he came from the country of Yan. At that time, the emperor of the country of Yan was very self-willed. Afterwards, he came to Daqin and experienced the two emperors of Qinhuang and Huhai. He has long been used to this matter. No wonder.

Jiang Yufeng stroked her stomach suddenly, and sighed leisurely: "Actually, I also want to know how Daqin would die if he deserved to die! After all, it seems that Daqin's background is too deep now, let alone, that one I never knew about a stone giant with a watchtower that can move freely. I heard that deep in the underground imperial mausoleum, there are twelve golden men who were built by the Qin Emperor. With the addition of five generals and four legions, how lose?"

Cao Zhengchun nodded. He also couldn't think of a reason to lose. This was Hu Hai. If it was someone with a little ambition, Daqin would have started the war long ago.

However, Jiang Yufeng seemed to have a trace of sadness flashing between his brows, "It's just that the fate arranged by Tiandao is not so easy to deal with. In the past, no one could tell what Tiandao's next move would be, but now I think a little bit."

Cao Zhengchun was stunned for a moment, and looked at Jiang Yuyan in disbelief, "Is this kind of topic the two of us are qualified to discuss?"

"Why are you not qualified?" Jiang Yufeng said with a smile: "It is unknown how the way of heaven weakens the current Daqin background, but one thing is definitely true, that is, the next generation of Daqin emperor must be worse than Hu Hai, so that it is possible Achieve the possibility of Daqin's demise."

Cao Zhengchun glanced at Jiang Yufeng's stomach, "But your child was born soaked in merit and luck, no matter how you think about it, you can't become like Hu Hai... right?"

Jiang Yufeng smiled and said: "Yes, my actions almost defeated Tiandao's army. How could the future emperor with so much luck and merits defeat the country. So, Tiandao must be angry. I'm having a difficult labor, hum, remember to bring a knife when the time comes, I heard that there is a method called caesarean section in the exiles, don't let me die, anyway, General Li's family has a lot of black jade intermittent ointment."

Cao Zhengchun didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Have you figured this out?"

Jiang Yufeng smiled more heartily, "Not only that, the power of heaven is very strong, and I'm ready for it."

"What to prepare?"

"Preparing to give birth to a girl, um, maybe this girl will be a love brain when she grows up!"

" you know how to play like this?"

(End of this chapter)

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