Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 694 Hu Hai's Death Waves

Chapter 694 Hu Hai's Death Waves

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty is going down!"

Shouting one after another, the servants wished to drain their dantians. The huge sound waves echoed throughout the entire imperial city, and soon spread outside the imperial palace.

"His Majesty!"

The ministers knelt down as they should have meant it, but they, who were supposed to be in tears, now created a ridiculous scene where there was thunder but no rain.

Jiang Yufeng didn't kneel, she felt that she already respected Hu Hai enough, not to mention, an emperor who was wiped out by heaven didn't seem to deserve any more respect.

Cao Zhengchun didn't kneel, you don't respect me, why should I kneel to you?Under the Dao of Heaven, the strong are more valued by the Dao of Heaven, and the identity of the emperor is nothing.To be honest, if people who do not concentrate on cultivation cannot govern a country, the terms strong and emperor should be unified.

The performance of the two of them seemed a bit weird in this situation, no, it should be said to be outrageous.

So, soon everyone's attention was focused on Jiang Yufeng. Well, Cao Zhengchun is a master of the field after all. Compared with staring, these courtiers are really not necessarily opponents.

Jiang Yufeng looked aggrieved, "Are you gentlemen wanting me, a weak woman who is about to give birth, to kneel to the death regardless of her safety?"


Hey, what you said makes people angry no matter how you listen to it. Madam, you really don't have any intention of respecting Hu Hai in your heart.

Jiang Yufeng said again: "According to the procedure, gentlemen, shouldn't you also cry or something? Don't hold back, come on, start crying."

Her words seemed to be about to read a joke, but they pointed to the root cause, they really couldn't cry.

Logically speaking, the acting skills of the courtiers are quite good, isn't it just a few tears, why is it so difficult?They have even been prepared for a long time, as soon as Hu Hai dies today, they will start crying, it depends on who cries heart-piercingly, and whoever can't cry is not clear!
But, here comes the problem, there seems to be a mysterious power in the dark, which makes them unable to squeeze out any tears.

Soon, the officials discovered the problem. If one person can't cry, it can only be said that he is acting abnormally, then everyone can't cry. This is...

Jiang Yufeng gently stroked her stomach, looked up at the sky and said with some emotion: "Is this the power of heaven? It's really powerful!"

An emperor who was struck to death by the way of heaven, what right does he have to make others cry?It's such a simple reason to hold back to Ben Tiandao.

Of course, what Jiang Yufeng felt was not this, but the impact of this matter.

Don't forget, the emperor's death is a matter for the whole country, and the courtiers want to fake cry but can't cry. This is actually not a big deal. What's more troublesome is the people's hearts!
It is a procedure for a minister to cry, so the crying of the people is the final proof of whether an emperor is wise or not.However, just now everyone watched the incident of Hu Hai attacking the heaven with his innocent soul, so, in the eyes of the common people, what is this?This is the faint king who offended the heavens and was punished by the heavens.There is no need for someone with a heart to fool around. Tomorrow morning, the rumors of Hu Hai Hu Hai being punished by heaven will spread throughout the entire imperial capital.

Hu Hai, you can do it. Not only did you kill yourself, but you also made Daqin have a difficult life without an emperor, and even lost the hearts of the people when he was dying. Hehe, can you do more tricks?

Mount Hook

The shouts of killing at the foot of the mountain became one piece. After Zuo Zhou blocked the road leading to the Beast King, the people from the Ten Killing Gate had no ability to continue to seduce the Beast King.

After being notified, the Yang family army simply started the general attack. Although the environment of Gouwu Mountain is complicated and full of swamp miasma, it will naturally be a serious test if these are replaced by ordinary soldiers, but the army in this world generally has cultivation skills. Martial arts, not to mention the elite Yang Jiajun.

In particular, most of the members of the Shishamen came from the rivers and lakes, and they had little idea of ​​the real elite cavalry. When they saw the cavalry drawn in a horizontal array but still able to gallop on the mountain, their expressions were broken.

Perhaps, it would be okay if these people were from the former Azure Dragon Society. After all, the former leader of the Azure Dragon Society was King Xian, and the imperial court also knew how to deal with the army.But today's Ten Kill Gates are much worse!
Ka, Zuo Zhou casually smashed the neck of a so-called master of the Ten Kills Gate, and then shook his hand a little bored. To deal with these half-bad guys, the eagle claw skill is enough, but if you want to meet a master who is good at hand-to-hand combat It's a bit troublesome. Before, I always wanted to develop some fighting martial arts that can cooperate with the spirit of destroying the world. Unfortunately, this kind of martial arts is not available. He shot the system again, and he couldn't even do it by lucky draw.

"Huh? Look!"

Di Que stopped him suddenly after the poison knocked out two enemies, followed his line of sight, and saw a monster rubbing its eyes, and stood up staggeringly as if it had just woken up?

Zuo Zhou's heart shook and he screamed inwardly. After beheading the monster with a huge sword, he ran back to the depths of the mountain range, just in time to see a golden light sinking into the body of the beast king, also known as Xian Wang.

"Hiss! Who the hell is doing trouble in the imperial capital?"

With Zuo Zhou's current strength, it is very difficult for you to see Zuo Zhou lose his composure, but now he really can't help it.

That golden light is so familiar, not only Zuo Zhou is familiar, but the land is also very familiar, isn't it just luck!

Both of them are smart people, combined with the identity of King Xian, they still can't figure out what happened.

Hu Hai is dead, and as the emperor of the Great Qin Dynasty, he will naturally have some luck. Although it is not as exaggerated as that of Song Huizong, it is definitely a lot.If he dies, the luck will be distributed to the person who killed him and the rest of the royal family, and even a little to the ministers.

And King Xian, as the royal family of Daqin, is of extremely high seniority, so he definitely has a lot of luck.Originally, King Xian couldn't bear the expansion of his perception because he was promoted too fast, but now he has a little more luck, which is just able to share the part that King Xian can't bear, so, King Xian is about to wake up!
Zuo Zhou looked at the densely packed monsters that were about to wake up, and said helplessly, "You'd better pray that King Xian will go with you, otherwise I would not allow such a species that endangers the world to exist."

Di Que also understood what harm these monsters would do if they ran out, so he sighed and said, "Don't worry, I... I know what to do."

As he said that, Di Que took a few steps forward and walked towards King Xian, but before he could take a few steps, a monster suddenly jumped out and bit her head.

Di Que was stunned for a moment, of course she could dodge easily, after all these monsters are at an innate level, but the problem is why there are monsters suddenly rushing over!
Weren't they crumbling just now?How can a carp stand up when you wake up and open your eyes!

Zuo Zhou was also stunned for a moment, and then looked at the big cocoon in disbelief. At this time, the big cocoon was no longer complete, and a bunch of lines cracked, and then a hand, no, it was a claw. out of it.

When Dang Que saw the claw, she stopped, and there were two clear lines in her eyes, which were full of disbelief, but finally turned into despair.

"what happened?"

"This kind of transformation is in accordance with the original heart. The person who transforms is a human, so it must be in human form, but human beings have a certain animal nature, so there will be different degrees of mutations. There are two situations where major mutations will occur and become monsters. , one is that someone deliberately led it to add other things, such as Gu insects or poisons."

Zuo Zhou suddenly said, "For example, Zhao Ji from the past."

"Yes, it's Zhao Ji's kind. There is another kind... that is, if a person completely loses his humanity, then his animal nature will affect his transformation and turn him into a complete beast!"

Hearing this, Zuo Zhou looked at the beast claw protruding from the cocoon, there was no human figure left!
"What if I turned into a complete monster?"

With a hint of crying, Di Que said, "If you become a complete monster, you will act according to the instinct of a wild beast, hunting, preying, and multiplying..."

Zuo Zhou frowned and looked at the big cocoon with cold eyes. This kind of monster does not reproduce by male and female mating. Go down until there is no more food in the world!
"Sorry, I might have to break my promise!"

As Zuo Zhou said, he threw the extra-large sword towards the cocoon, but more than a dozen figures rushed out and blocked the extra-large sword with their bodies.

Zuo Zhou was stunned for a moment, then found that all the nearby monsters had woken up and started to charge towards them, the crazy aura made people feel suffocated.

Di Que was startled for a moment and began to throw various poisons forward, but obviously she didn't research the targeted poisons, so those monsters were not greatly affected.

And Zuo Zhou has shown his Asura appearance, and the blood-flaming sword can cut a path with a single sweep. However, the problem is a bit serious. Not only the awakening of ordinary monsters has been accelerated, but even the awakening of King Xian has been accelerated.

Before Zuo Zhou could walk three meters forward, he had already jumped out of the big cocoon.

This is a little guy that is quite different from other monsters. Although it is small, it is only because it is still only the size of an adult, and it is different from the three to five meters of ordinary monsters.What's more, he has a very different head.

This head has clear eyes, ears, mouth and nose, and it is far more like a product of this world than those monsters. It looks like a degenerated human face, which looks extremely strange.

Xian Wang, or should be called the Beast King, roared up to the sky as soon as he appeared, and the aura of the top ranking began to disperse.

Zuo Zhou curled his lips, "Why are you yelling so loudly? You want to die? I'll make you happy!"

Zuo Zhou slashed at him with a magic sword slash, and then... the Beastmaster ran away.

The primitive instinct made it understand that it was not an opponent, so it let countless monsters rush to die, but it started digging into the ground, and it only took three breaths to get into the ground and disappear, and then let those monsters bury the pits and holes. up.

(End of this chapter)

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