Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 699

Chapter 699
"Oh? The crow gave the child to you so easily, which is beyond my expectation."

Zuo Zhou's eyes were half closed, and his face still had an indifferent expression, as if what he said didn't match what he thought in his heart.

Liao Kong knelt down and sat down, respectfully replied: "The crow's attitude is very straightforward, and because of this, thinking of the love behind it, the disciples did not kill it."

Zuo Zhou nodded, "Forget it, as long as Ksitigarbha doesn't affect the plan, I'll let him go, but this is the last time, if he commits the crime again, let him be sent to reincarnation."

"Follow the law!"

Kong Kong's body trembled, he could vaguely hear the anger of the adults, but he could somewhat understand it, because after snatching Xiao Chan back, they found that the child Kong Kong had Buddha nature but could not awaken the slightest memory of the past, It was obvious that he had tampered with it when he was caught by Shishamen.

This is easy to affect the plan, and it is only natural for adults to be angry.

"You should pay more attention to Xiaochan's education, but don't force it too much, after all, her existence itself is more meaningful."


Zuo Zhou waved his hand, stood up, saluted and exited the room, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Zuo Zhou let out a long breath. He didn't realize that so many things had happened until he returned to the imperial capital.

Shui De Xingjun's attack, Liu Sheng Piaoxu's betrayal, Liao Kong and others attacked and killed Hu Hai, and then found the crow with the help of Jue Wushen and others. This series of reversals was finally settled, and Xiao Chan entered the Tang Kingdom according to the original plan. Hu Hai's death was a surprise, but it was a bit unexpected that Liao Kong and the others didn't kill the crow.

It seems that the relationship between these Shinto people is very complicated, and they seem to be split on the surface, but if conditions permit, I am afraid they can cooperate at any time.

It can be seen from this that people in Shinto are unreliable, and you cannot cooperate with anyone you cooperate with in the future!
"It's about to give birth! It's about to give birth~! The camel is about to give birth!"

Zuo Zhou rolled his eyes, and when he walked out of the room, he saw Ah Xiang jumping up and down.

"I don't have that function, what are you talking about?"

Ah Xiang wrapped her limbs around Zuo Zhou's body, excitedly said: "Jiang Yufeng's amniotic fluid broke, just now a servant came over to invite Yunxian to enter the palace!"

Zuo Zhou nodded, he had been dragging for half a month, didn't he just wait for the child to be born, he raised his head and pointed to the palace, "Go, go and have a look, by the way, bring that vat of Black Jade Intermittent Ointment. "

On the carriage outside the door, Qingping, Zhan Shiqi and the others were also waiting early, and everyone was familiar with each other, how could they resist watching such a commotion?

Not only are they paying attention, but in fact the entire government and opposition ministers are paying attention, but these people have different thoughts. Cao Zhengchun's killing made the entire concubine in the harem lose the confidence to fight, plus a group of old officials such as Di Renjie and Bao Zheng Many people have entered a wait-and-see state.

The reason why I wait and see instead of giving up is because the child has not yet been born, and no one knows whether it is a boy or a girl.If it's a girl, they naturally can't be emperors in their concept, so they still have a chance.

"Who is coming?"

The guards at the palace gate stopped with a shout, and there were still archers drawing bows on the tower to guard.

In fact, Zuo Zhou didn't need to talk to them, all he needed to do was throw out a waist card, and the guards guarding the gate would move away in panic, but Zuo Zhou didn't have that kind of bad taste, so why pretend to be forceful when things can be solved with a single sentence?

"Li Yuanfang enters the palace to bid farewell to the empress and open the door."

Li Yuanfang's name is really intimidating. Those guys seem to be able to hear and see all of a sudden. They also recognized the carriage of the general's house and heard the general's voice, ha ha.

But obviously this sentence has a more explosive content, 'Farewell? ',What's the meaning?
In an instant, the explosive news spread to the ears of all those who had been paying attention to Jiang Yufeng's birth. Li Yuanfang was leaving Daqin!
Zuo Zhou didn't bother to pay attention to those people's thoughts, wandered around in the carriage and soon came to the harem. At this time, a long line of imperial doctors were wandering outside, looking like a bunch of ants in a hurry.

"I have seen the general!"×n
Zuo Zhou waved his hand casually to signal his body, and then let Tan Yunxian in. Jiang Yufeng obviously didn't trust those imperial doctors before, so Cao Zhengchun guarded the door and refused to let anyone in.

Naturally, those imperial doctors didn't know Tan Yunxian, and there was a lot of contempt in their eyes, but they were all stared back by A Xiang who was accompanying them.

Zuo Zhou pushed behind Qingping and let them go in with Tan Yunxian, firstly to help, and secondly to provide an extra layer of protection, lest some bastards jump over the wall in an emergency.

Zuo Zhou yawned and looked at Cao Zhengchun, "Many of these imperial doctors are malicious."

"Yeah, one by one is quite obvious."

Zuo Zhou and Cao Zhengchun's question and answer made those imperial doctors suddenly sweat coldly. This is the powerlessness of ordinary people in front of the masters of the local list.The malice on them cannot be hidden at all!
Zuo Zhou didn't intend to beat them either. He didn't have many people who could help Jiang Yufeng, so he couldn't really stay and be the regent of Daqin like the rumors said.

Jiang Yufeng cried out, being a mother is not easy, even Jiang Yufeng, a woman with a firm mind and a kung fu practitioner, would still cry out in pain.

Cao Zhengchun looked back worriedly, frowned and said, "The empress said earlier that she might have a difficult delivery, unexpectedly..."

Zuo Zhou was happy, "She has always been a very sober girl, not only knows what she wants, but also knows what she will encounter." He said and looked up at the starry night sky, "If the way of heaven wants Daqin to decline, then a person with There is no need for a queen mother who can listen to politics behind the curtain, and a mother who can seriously educate her children, so dystocia is almost inevitable."

But Zuo Zhou was not worried at all, because Tan Yunxian went in with a knife, as long as there was any sign of dystocia, he would have the knife immediately, and then use black jade intermittent ointment, not giving Tiandao a chance.

Cao Zhengchun obviously knew this too, "Do you have to leave?"

"Yeah, when I went to the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Wushi was much more sincere than Hu Hai. I heard that the house is bigger than this, and the money can be used as you like, and the maids are more beautiful than the other. I am drooling."

Cao Zhengchun shook his head amusedly, of course he didn't believe that Li Yuanfang would like these things, "I have to entrust you to take care of my sister."

"They are doing very well now. Working with Shangguan Jinhong is better than living in Daqin, not to mention the relationship with Murong's family. It is far more nourishing than you as an older brother."

Cao Zhengchun nodded and stopped talking, a burst of light suddenly fell from the sky.Everyone looked up, and a rising sun emerged from the sky, and a wisp of purple air appeared in a trance.Fluttering, tangled and tangled, it seems like a dragon writhing endlessly with its teeth and claws.

So the subject shook his head and rubbed his eyes, and the dragon of purple energy got into the room in an instant, and then a loud cry echoed throughout the palace, and even the entire imperial capital!

This is definitely not an exaggeration, the cry seems to have such a deadly penetrating power, the common people walked out of the room sleepily, they looked at the direction of the palace in confusion and didn't know what to do.

Zuo Zhou shook his head and sighed, and patted Cao Zhengchun on the shoulder. It seems that you will be busy in the future.

In fact, this is also expected by Zuo Zhou, how much good fortune is in the keel, and it is normal for auspiciousness to come when he is born.It's just that there is no way to hide this matter. The spies from various countries will definitely report this matter back as soon as possible. It is estimated that there will not be too many assassins who come here after hearing the news!

"Boy or girl?" Zuo Zhou howled.

Ah Xiang's excited voice followed, "Girl, she's so pretty!"

How beautiful can a child be?It is estimated that it is wrinkled like a bun!
Zuo Zhou shook his head in a funny way, but the excitement in Ah Xiang's words made him understand a little bit. It seems that this girl likes children very much, but it's a pity that whether she can have children is quite random.It's not that he doesn't work hard, he can only say that he will try more postures and work harder in the future.

Zuo Zhou glanced at the side and was equally happy. No, it should be said that it was the ministers who were smirking. They probably thought they had a chance.

In fact, it doesn't matter to them even if Jiang Yufeng can't be moved. In their thinking, Jiang Yufeng will always find a prince to inherit the throne even if he listens behind the curtain. Of course, no one cares about the prince's biological mother.

The prince will definitely regain power in the future. As the prince's relatives, they are destined to gain huge benefits one day, it's only a matter of time.

What's more, in their hearts, when Jiang Yufeng died, Cao Zhengchun would become the prince's guardian.

Cao Zhengchun has been in the palace for so many years, how can he not see the thoughts of those ministers, but he has no intention of arguing with them, he has already started to think in his head, how should he teach the children in the future?

This child can't be handed over to those so-called Qingliu, and he can't learn how to balance Hu Hai. Now it's time for the countries to develop crazily. The balance method has no benefit except slowing down the pace.

Zuo Zhou didn't care about these anymore, and didn't even look at the child. He just turned around and shook his fist at the ministers. Farewell, the future of Daqin depends entirely on how you play!"

The ministers looked rather embarrassed, and they clasped their fists in return while beating drums in their hearts. What's the matter?Why don't your words sound like good words?
Zuo Zhou laughed and left, and not long after, Qingping and other women also walked out of the delivery room and got on the carriage.

However, the old man Zuo had quite a few followers, and a group of literati from unknown families brought their own carriages to follow.

Just when Zuo Zhou was about to leave the city gate, a beautiful figure in a white dress got into the carriage and crashed directly into Zuo Zhou's arms.

"Junior Brother, you don't want Senior Sister anymore?"

"What's wrong? My old lady is ready to sell her apprentice? Does she just buy me after selling me? How embarrassing for me then!"

"Then what are you doing?"

"At least a pair of stockings!"

(End of this chapter)

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