Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 703 This Daughter Is A Little Difficult To Marry

Chapter 703 This Daughter Is A Little Difficult To Marry

Did Yukihime Yagyu give up?It depends on the relationship between Liusheng Piaoxu and the crow.

If it was just a threat, then Yukihime Liu Sheng, who had only one arm left, would naturally have no decision-making power.But if he has become a member of the Shishamen, then there will be many ways in it.

In fact, no matter Zhu Wushi, Kangxi or Jue Wushen and others, they would not care about Liu Shengxueji and Liu Sheng Piaoxu, after all, these two women are of no use value.But it's not absolute for crows!
First of all, Yukihime Yagyu herself is a member of the Yagyu family, and her status in the Yagyu family is very high. It can be said that if there is no Yagyu Shashen, then Yukhime Yagyu will be the next head of the family.

But the problem now is that Liusheng Yukihime broke her arm, and Liusheng Shashen regarded their sisters as prey.But this seemingly unsolvable problem is actually not really unsolvable.It's just one arm, and some masters can even grow back their little brothers, so what's so difficult about just one arm?What's more, the crow is good at all kinds of weird spells, as long as he thinks, he can always find a way.

In other words, from a certain point of view, the Ten Killing Gates have mastered a method to control the Yagyu family, and the only thing that may become an obstacle is Yagyu Shashen.

A woman who is under your control, or a vicious immortal who acts crazy, which one is better to control?I am afraid that people know how to choose.

So Zuo Zhou has almost been able to make up the movements after the Ten Kills Gate. Of course, this is from the perspective that the Ten Kills Gate cares about power. .

"Brother Li means that he wants to use the decisive battle at the top of the Forbidden City to do something." Zhu Wushi asked meaningfully.

Zuo Zhou smiled but didn't answer directly. It's easy for smart people to communicate sometimes. You smile at me and I smile at you. You don't even need to speak halfway to understand each other.

Dongpu's kendo is a bit different from theirs, more like a mixture of knives and swords, and it is precisely because of this that a level of battle like the decisive battle at the top of the Forbidden City can definitely be used as a reference for Dongpu's kendo of.

Therefore, as long as Liu Sheng Shashen is not stupid, he will definitely come to see it. With his current seriously injured body, it is undoubtedly a good opportunity for assassination.

As for Liusheng Xueji, it depends on the state of the situation. There is still a short time before the duel, which is enough time for Liusheng Xueji to find a complete arm.If her arms were intact when she came, it meant that she was already a member of the Ten Killers, and if she still had one arm, it meant that the sisters had been in a state of being controlled and threatened.

However, this possibility is relatively low, because if the Ten Killers want to use Yukihime Yagyu to control the Yagyu family, it will definitely restore Yukihime Yagyu's strength.

Zhu Wushi thought for a while and said with a smile: "The Shishamen is our common enemy, but the issue of the Yagyu family is open to discussion."

When Zhu Wushi said this, Zuo Zhou probably understood what he meant. Although Shishamen and Liusheng Shashen were in the same group when they were in the imperial capital, it can be seen that the crow has never handed over the Liusheng sisters to Liusheng Shashen. Knowing that the two must be at odds.

In this way, Zhu Wushi has an extra space for maneuvering. As long as the Liusheng sisters are handed over to the Liusheng Shashen, not only can the Liusheng Shashen recover their strength and restore Dongpu to the chaotic state of confrontation between the two powers, but also to a certain extent. ,Why not do it?

The only problem may be Zuo Zhou, that Liu Sheng Piaoxu has been with Li Yuanfang all the time, except for his own family, who outsiders regard him as Li Yuanfang's forbidden house?

But this is no wonder everyone is thinking about it. Li Yuanfang is a hero who is impeccable in terms of image and ability, and is Liu Shengpiaoxu's savior, so "promise with your body" is almost the only answer.

It is precisely because of this erroneous cognition that Zhu Wushi had to ask Li Yuanfang first, don't have a grudge with each other because of this matter, that's not going to happen.

"Hehehe, Your Majesty is worrying too much, well, we are actually innocent."

"I believe, I believe, hehe."


Zuo Zhou rubbed his temples, I'm Li Yuanfang, can't my words be trusted?

But Zuo Zhou felt that he couldn't convince the other party, so he said with a smile: "Compared to Liu Sheng Piaoxu, Liu Shengxueji has a better relationship with Duan Tianya back then. I wonder if Your Majesty will miss the old relationship?"

Zhu Wushi opened his mouth and Duan Tianya's appearance flashed through his mind, and he was a little bit embarrassed for a moment, human beings can't give up their feelings, even the most ruthless hero must have a little softness in his heart.

Although it is said that Zhu ignored the use of the four former secret agents, it is unrealistic to say that he has no feelings at all at first.

"Hey! Tianya is a good boy, but it's a pity... I'm not Zhu Qizhen, and I won't delay national affairs because of a little bit of personal affection."

"Your Majesty is wise."


In the middle of the night, Zhu Wushi left from Li's residence. This meeting with Li Yuanfang can be said to be very successful.During the whole process, Li Yuanfang didn't show any arrogance, and he respected him as an emperor, showing enough sincerity.

As for Dongying's problem, it was actually not a problem at all, not to mention that he didn't want much, even if he let Li Yuanfang do it, Zhu Wushi would not think there was any problem.

On the contrary, Li Yuanfang's words about Duan Tianya just now made him feel a little bit emotional.

I didn't feel this before when I was not an emperor, but now I feel a lot of sighs.It is not without reason that the emperor is called a "widow", "solitary" and so on. It is too difficult to find someone who treats each other sincerely in this position.

Duan Tianya and the others are more like his children, the kind of admiration that he once didn't cherish because of the hegemony, but now that the hegemony has been achieved, he realizes how precious it is.

"If Su Xin and I can have a child, then..."

Su Xin is his concubine and his favorite person. The two have been married for some time. Although they are both a little old, they don't look old because they both have martial arts. It stands to reason that they have fertility of.It's a pity that, as a strong man on the ground list, it is very difficult to have children unless he puts out some skills.

"Go to the prison."


Zhu Wushi got into the carriage and soon entered the sky prison surrounded by a group of guards and servants.

Sky Prison is not a good place, it's cold and humid here, once you enter here, even if you don't get punished, ordinary people will lose half their lives.

However, there is a special area near the bottom of the sky prison, where a person is also imprisoned, but it is different from ordinary prison cells in that it is very large.If the other cells were cramped small dark rooms, then this was a large and bright villa, the one with a backyard swimming pool and a basketball court.

And the person living in this cell is the one among the four secret agents who originally admired Zhu the most, the No. [-] Shangguan Haitang.

"Your injuries are already healed, do you want to go out?" Zhu Wushi asked.

It can be seen through the railings that Shangguan Haitang seems to have adapted to the life in the prison at this time. She is wearing thin white cloth underwear and her hair is loose at will. Her complexion has returned to her normal blush, and she has even brought a bit of beauty and laziness. The lazyness of the bed.

"Don't dare to worry about Your Majesty, Haitang is quite happy here, she doesn't have to worry about intrigues in the world, and doesn't have to run around for other people's ambitions, life is much more relaxed."

Perhaps it was the influence of previous emotions. Hearing this resentful retort, instead of being angry, Zhu Wushi said happily: "It would be great if you can adapt. Now the Ming Dynasty is just waiting to be rebuilt. Can you Are you willing to come out and contribute to the country?"

Shangguan Haitang paused for a while, "Your Majesty's governance of the country is naturally far better than Zhu Qizhen's. How can we need the help of a useless person like Haitang?"

Zhu Wushi was not surprised by the other party's refusal, and he was also to blame for this matter. In the past, in order to better hide his ambition, he taught these children to be jealous, but now he is asking for trouble.

"Forget it... I once promised Su Xin that I will find you a good family when all the dust settles. Your stepmother has always taken this matter to heart, and she chose for you the son of the servant of the Ministry of Rites... "

"The son of the servant of the Ministry of Rites, the one who was jealous of the charlatans in the brothel, but was scared to pee his pants when he drew his sword?"

Zhu Wushi was embarrassed for a moment, but he forgot that Shangguan Haitang used to be in charge of the intelligence collection and analysis of Hulong Villa, and knew everything about the affairs of the court and China like the palm of his hand.This is different from him, he only pays attention to the information that may affect his career, and usually it is given to him after being screened by Shangguan Haitang.

Where would he pay attention to these trivial matters, but he never thought that the son of the Minister of Rites who looked quite handsome turned out to be so unbearable.

"Ahem, what do you think of Xinke Tanhua? He looks dignified, behaves politely, and was once Yu Qian's student..."

"Oh, it was Tanhua who was rescued by a business woman who was living in the south of the Yangtze River. They provided him with food and lodging to go to Beijing to take the exam. After high school, he regretted his marriage and even bought a killer to silence him. It is quite a bit of His Majesty's ruthlessness!"

The corner of Zhu Wushi's mouth twitched, so scumbag?Well, anyway, the imperial examination was held when Zhu Qizhen was still alive, and this 'talent' was not selected by him.

"Uh, there is also Yu Qian's son Yu Mian, he is upright and quite capable, can you please?"

Zhu Wushi asked with a smile. In fact, this person was the one he was most satisfied with. Although he really didn't know the filth of the two people before, he had carefully selected this person, so there must be no problem.

Shangguan Haitang was stunned for a moment, and instantly understood that she had been tricked. Let me give you a few scum for comparison first, so you won't be so picky about the next choice.

But... "What capacity does Your Majesty think Haitang should marry?"

"You and I love father and daughter, so naturally we are princesses!" Zhu Wushi puffed out his chest proudly, Su Xin should be happy when this matter is done.

"Princess... then Yu Mian is the son-in-law. According to the rules, the son-in-law is not allowed to be an official. Sir Yu Qianyu has always been strict with his son's education, and he has high hopes for him. If he becomes a son-in-law..."

Zhu ignored the change in his face, was negligent, and careless. Yu Qian is a capable minister, and he didn't want to hurt him because of this.

"Well, seeing that you're doing well, I'm relieved... I'll see you later."

Zhu ignored it and walked away, not to mention hiding his face, but his steps were quite fast.

Shangguan Haitang watched the other party leave, a hint of cunning flashed in his eyes, but then he became more lonely, and suddenly there was a laughing voice in his ear, "Hahaha, I didn't expect Zhu Wushi to have such an interesting side, hehehe !"

 The book friend spring breeze blows the willows and releases the paper kites happy wedding, a hundred years of love

  When will he explode the photo, when will I consider adding more things
(End of this chapter)

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