Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 706 You are in a hurry

Chapter 706 You are in a hurry
"There is one less pure swordsman in this world!"

Zuo Zhou said so and stepped into the gate of Murong's house. The four guards who guarded the gate didn't react, and they don't blame them. The main reason is that the sword intent is too terrifying. It can scare out the dementia.

That is to say, when Zuo Zhou ran into him, the burst of breath suppressed the death intent, otherwise the Murong Mansion might have lost dozens of lives today.

Sigh, the two figures in the sky fell into the courtyard almost at the same time, and stood still at the same time as Zuo Zhou, and the two auras of the earth were diffused, but they were only released and then absorbed.

Zuo Zhougang cupped his fists indifferently, "Your Majesty and Brother Shangguan are moving so fast!"

Shangguan Jinhong kept smiling and didn't say anything. Others didn't know, but he himself knew very well that this harmless guy in front of him was ruthless, and he didn't get close if he could.

Zhu Wushi laughed and said: "Brother Li's speed is really fast, and I have to thank Brother Li for his help, otherwise the people in my capital may suffer casualties again."

"Do it casually, there is nothing worth caring about, but I want to congratulate Your Majesty, the Ming Kingdom will fill in another top player, hehehe."

It's no surprise that there are many people in the ceremony, even if there is a lot of discord between each other, they will greet each other with a smile on their faces, not to mention that everyone is now in the honeymoon period.

"Huh? This sword intent..."

Shangguan Jinhong was not interested in talking nonsense with Zuo Zhou, but when he looked up at the soaring sword intent, he suddenly noticed something was wrong.

Zuo Zhou also looked up, but he saw the problem at a glance. There is nothing wrong with the sword intent itself, the problem is that it is too strong!

From this sword intent full of death flavor, Zuo Zhou can almost tell who is breaking through at a glance, isn't it the Murong family's son-in-law Yi Tianxing!

This guy has a very high level of comprehension, and he has experienced the massacre before, and he grew up overnight. His elder brother Yi Tianfan refused Li Si's marriage for the sake of the family, which made him understand the importance of responsibility, so he practiced sword very diligently.

But sometimes some things can't be achieved by 'sudden advance'. You must know that if it is an ordinary sword intent involving death or killing, it will be fine.

But Yi Tianxing was not, he followed Zuo Zhou for a while, and the enemy of Miemen was Yama of the Ten Palaces, the true meaning of the martial arts of destruction and death was different from usual.

Yi Tianxing is like a genius student who has just finished his junior high school chemistry and physics. You suddenly have the technology of manufacturing seven-nanometer chips in front of him. Out.But, can you say that he really understands?

Yi Tianxing is now at this stage. He used it and broke through the list with it, but he couldn't take it back smoothly.

Whether it can be released or not, the problem is serious. This is not an ordinary sword intent. If it cannot be retracted, it can only be released, otherwise it will hurt yourself.But where to launch it?heaven?Hehe, the idea is quite beautiful, regardless of the nature of destruction or death, it must be targeted. This is the reason why some magic soldiers will see blood when they are unsheathed, and it is determined by the true meaning of martial arts.

If you really forcibly launch it into the sky where there is nothing, then as the height increases, you will find that the sword will become extremely heavy, and in the end it will even roll back and hurt yourself.

"Tch, next time I try this half-baked sword intent, go to the suburbs, at least there are some flowers and plants for you to try." Zuo Zhou shook his head and said, his voice was delicately controlled within the scope of the entire Murong Mansion.

"Come on, let me try the fineness of your sword intent."

Zuo Zhou took out the extra-large sword with a wave of his hand, and put it on his shoulder casually, as if looking forward to it.

Seeing this situation, Zhu Wushi and Shangguan Jinhong naturally would not let go of the opportunity to test each other's strength, and they lined up left and right by coincidence.Soon, a black horse fell from the sky and slashed straight down.

I was a bit disappointed to see this black horse practicing Zuo Zhou. He couldn't see the sword skills anymore. It was obvious that the true meaning of martial arts of death and destruction completely overwhelmed the sword intent, making it impossible for Yi Tianxing to practice all the skills. This is the true meaning of martial arts, which is why there is a disorderly attack.

Styx Sword Technique!

Zuo Zhou didn't even say to use the huge sword to fight tit for tat. He just stabbed it into the yard, and a destructive aura filled the air like melting spring snow, dispelling the sword intent. The whole process didn't even take a breath. No, everyone around was dumbfounded.

Zuo Zhou, however, was a little unsatisfied. If he had known that he was so weak, he should let Axiang show off. With her Styx swordsmanship, she should be able to wash away this sword intent.

"Those who learn from me will live, and those who resemble me will die. If you continue like this, it will be difficult to take the next step." Zuo Zhou put away the huge sword and reminded meaningfully.

Whether it is death or destruction, it does not belong to the comprehension of the foundation laid by Yi Tianxing. It can be said that although it is strong, it belongs to others.

Let’s talk about death first. That’s the unique skill of Yan Luo, the tenth palace of others. It was only realized in the hell realm for many years in the previous life. Do you have the conditions to enter the hell realm to comprehend it?Even if Zuo Zhou gave him the green light, do you have a lifespan as long as the gods in the past?No matter how strong your savvy is, if you want to defeat Jizo with the sword intent of death, you may not be able to do it in a hundred years.

Besides, destruction is even more of a joke. Zuo Zhou's spirit of destruction does not belong to this world. How do you rely on this world to enhance the true meaning of destroying martial arts?
Unless one day Zuo Zhou imitated Qin Huang and injected the spirit of destruction into the Dao of Heaven to form a rule.But even so, you can never imagine surpassing Zuo Zhou in terms of destructive energy.

What is the meaning of this kind of martial arts true meaning? If Zuo Zhou is Yi Tianxing, he will take the initiative to lower his level and cultivate pure sword intent from scratch, so that there will be room for improvement in the future.

"To trouble Your Majesty and your friends' concern, please come in and talk about it."

Murong Qiudi's voice came slowly, when the three of them entered it, they saw Ji Furong standing behind Murong Qiudi, but Yi Tianxing and Murong Yanran were not there.

"Tian Xing is working hard to adjust his breath, I believe he will come out after a while."

Zuo Zhou took a seat and took a look at Ji Furong. It was the first time he had seen Ji Furong. She was dressed in the official uniform of the Jinyiwei command room, and she looked heroic.

Zuo Zhou couldn't help but think back to when he was a child in the world next door. At that time, his favorite thing to watch was the female agents on TV, especially the female agents in military uniform. full.

When I grow up, I know that it is called uniform temptation!
"Just now, thank you Brother Li for your action." Murong Qiudi stood up first and smiled, his words were quite sincere.

"Ma'am, you don't need to be too polite. I have a good relationship with Tianxing. How could I watch him get hurt?" Zuo Zhou waved his hand casually, and then directly changed the subject, "This time I came here to go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing. Ask, is there any news about the crow, I heard that he has appeared on the coastline again."

Murong Qiudi is obviously not used to it. After all, it is more important that my son-in-law advances to the local list. Are you understating it so lightly?

Zhu ignored Zuo Zhou and said with a smile: "It seems that Brother Li is determined to win that crow. It just so happens that Mrs. Murong gave me the information before."

"Oh? I'd like to hear about it."

"According to the information, the crow and the Liusheng sisters have been lurking towards the capital in secret. Similarly, Liusheng Shashen also got the news, and it is said that they have already boarded the boat. Hehe, it was said to the outside world to watch the duel. As for the real reason? , I believe everyone understands."

Zuo Zhou picked up the teacup next to him and took a sip, "It's good that it's coming, it's good that it's coming, well, speaking of which, His Majesty, Brother Shangguan and Mrs. Murong shouldn't be interested in this crow, right?"

"Hahaha, Brother Li was just joking. I have so much to do every day, so I don't have the time to worry about any idiots." Zhu Wushi laughed a lot.

Shangguan Jinhong snorted disdainfully: "Whether the crow has money, I can't think of him."

Murong Qiudi smiled, "Your Excellency, you are too worried. Tianzun is only interested in information, and the crow has no interesting information. Why arrest him?"

At this moment, Yi Tianxing came out from the backyard with a pale face, and Murong Yanran supported him with a worried expression on his face, "I made everyone worry, just now the state was unstable, but it was rude."

"It's okay."

Zhu ignored nature and said it didn't matter. Zuo Zhou looked up and down and shook his head in disappointment, "I don't have enough energy, I don't have enough comprehension, so I forcibly use the famous sword's eight-style combination to reach the attack level of the ground list and then break through. Although the method is a bit tricky, it can be It can be regarded as a victory to enter the list. But this sword intent is not suitable for you, and the entry will be extremely slow in the future, you can think about it."

Yi Tianxing frowned slightly, and Zuo Zhou said again: "Think about it, it's easy to force the realm now, and when the realm is completely stable, it will cost a lot to rebuild it."

Shangguan Jinhong looked at Zuo Zhou in surprise. He actually didn't quite understand the sword intent just now, but he knew it was very strong. Now it seems that there is another mystery.

Zhu Wushi was struggling a bit. Of course, he hoped that the Ming Kingdom could have one more top player, but... After all, all countries have entered the development period, and the days to come are still long. It doesn't seem too good if a good seed is really wasted. , faintly, this makes Yi Tianxing suppressing the realm a better choice.

However, Yi Tianxing seems to have been prepared for a long time, "Thank you for your concern, senior. I have already thought about the way to suppress the realm. After I have saved my father and the others, this junior will actively prepare for pregnancy with Yanran."


The entire hall was silent, except for Murong Yanran's blushing face, everyone else was stunned.

Everyone knows the reason why it is difficult for masters to have children, but who would have thought that Yi Tianxing would use this method to force himself to fall?

"It's a good idea, but if you want to succeed, you probably have to wait more than ten years!"

"Huh?" Yi Tianxing was a little confused, what do you mean?
Zuo Zhou explained: "There is no problem with the method, but what do you think of that martial arts artistic conception? Yes, it is true that you can use the method of leaving an heir to fall into the realm, but have you ever thought too much about how much that kind of sword intent will affect pregnant women? ?”

(End of this chapter)

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