Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 709 Count me as a loser?

Chapter 709 Count me as a loser?
In fact, Cheng Shifei had been waiting outside Li's residence for a long time. He didn't care much about the Liusheng sisters, but when Duan Tianya and Guihai Yidao disappeared, he was with Liusheng Xueji.Although it can be confirmed that Duan Tianya is dead now, isn't there still Gui Hai to kill him?
However, Cheng Shifei also met Zuo Zhou face to face, and he was a ruthless character. Originally, he thought that the Liusheng sisters were destined to die.Who knew it would come out intact?
So he has been disguised and quietly followed the two women, and listened to their words. Naturally, he could do nothing to help them in their troubles, until he heard about Gui Hai's knife, he couldn't help but speak out.

"Come with me, we'll talk in a secret place." Cheng Shifei waved the handkerchief in his hand, as if he was still immersed in the character set of 'Auntie' and couldn't get out.

However, he only walked a few steps into the alley and found that the Liusheng sisters did not follow, so he could only come back in desperation, "I really don't have any malicious intentions, I just want to know about Guihai Yidao."

Liu Shengxue Ji still walked forward unhurriedly, and sighed softly: "It's not that I doubt you, it's just that the people from the Ten Killing Gates cast a curse on me, and they can monitor the route I've been through through magic."

Cheng Shifei was stunned for a moment, "The enemy is so mad? Since they want to follow you, why did you let them out in the first place?"

Liu Shengxue Ji's face was gloomy, what could be the reason, to blackmail her, but it was not Liu Sheng Xue Ji's own safety, but Liu Sheng Piaoxu's safety.

Wu Ya is a very insidious person. He threatens Liu Sheng Piaoxu to snatch the child with the safety of Liu Sheng Xue Ji, and then casts a curse on Liu Sheng Xue Ji to plot Liu Sheng to kill the god.But there is a flaw in this, that is, Yukihime Liusheng can actually have her own resistance, she can completely commit suicide to avoid being insulted by Liusheng Shashen.What's more, she can just find a man to break the perfect body, so that at most, she will be killed by Liu Sheng in a fit of murderous anger, and she will not be humiliated again.

But this is obviously not in line with the crow's calculations, so in this spell, the crow has also added a positioning function, as long as Liu Shengxueji has been to the place, the crow will know.He can't touch Liu Shengxue Ji, but he can kill Liu Sheng Piaoxu!

After all, the two sisters are together, and the place where Liu Shengxueji went must be related to Liu Sheng Piaoxu. The two sisters are not familiar with this place at all, let alone looking for someone who can protect them, even if they don't have anyone who can be called friends.

The crow took away Liu Sheng's earrings today, and left a black handprint on her ankle tomorrow. After a long time, Liu Shengxueji gave in and promised to make Liu Sheng look good again.

But of course they won't be caught without a fight. No matter what the two sisters think, it seems that the only one who can protect them is Li Yuanfang.Liu Shengxue Ji knew that it would be difficult for her to escape, after all, she didn't know if there were any other traps in the spell, but the only thing she was worried about was Liu Sheng Piaoxu.

It's a pity that Li Yuanfang's attitude was completely beyond their expectations. Thinking about it, she was really angry. Isn't her sister so beautiful, attractive?You know, because the status of women in Dongpu is very low, even if Liu Sheng Piaoxu's talent is not bad, she was forced to learn a lot of ways to please her.Liu Shengxue Ji never thought that there would be a man who would reject her sister.

The more Liu Shengxue Ji thought about it, the angrier she became, and she didn't even care about right and wrong anymore, "Just ask if you have anything to say, if I leave with you, it will hurt you."

Cheng Shifei rubbed his nose in embarrassment, "I just want to know the news about Gui Hai."

"Guihai Yidao was stunned and taken away at the beginning, and then he was taken to Dongpu by the crow. He used special techniques to train a kind of puppet. They planned to release Guihai Yidao back along the coast, and then make him disrupt the martial arts, so as to achieve Create conflicts between Ming and Wulin."

Cheng Shifei was a little surprised, "The strength of Gui Hai's it enough to disrupt the martial arts world?"

When it comes to knife skills, Yukihime Liu Sheng has the right to speak. Although she has no arm to use a knife now, she still has knowledge and eyesight.

"The Ah Bi Dao San Dao practiced by Gui Hai Yi Dao originally focused on ruthlessness, but now he has been trained by the crow to become a puppet without emotion. On the contrary, it is in line with the heartless sword intent of Ah Bi Dao San Dao, so Gui Hai Yi Dao who has become a puppet is actually a puppet. It's even stronger, and it's just a crazy and inhuman killing machine."

Cheng Shifei swallowed hard, suppressing his anger, "How do you know this information?"

"Hmph, the crow has already cast a spell on me, what secret do you think is more sinister than mine?"

Cheng Shifei paused for a moment and then tore off the disguise. A big man in women's clothes immediately made many of the people under surveillance sick, especially the one with the powder on his face, which almost solidified into a lump and fell off.

"You can use this news to ignore Zhu in exchange for asylum."

Liu Shengxue Ji shook her head, "Unless he really values ​​Gui Hai Yi Dao, or if he only cares about his reputation, then the final result is that after the problem of Gui Hai Yi Dao is solved, we will be sent to Liu Sheng to kill God Favor."

"No, you can temporarily take shelter of Zhu Wushi, and when we find a way to rescue Guihai Yidao again, I promise to save you, how about it?"

Liu Sheng Piaoxu seemed to have some hope, and looked up at Cheng Fei in disbelief, "Why did you help us?"

"Just because Duan Tianya risked his life for you, because you told us this information, because Duan Tianya and I feel like brothers, is that enough?"

Cheng Shifei's eyes were burning, and his whole body seemed to glow.

Liu Shengxue Ji laughed and said, "I can barely trust you, although I know you still have something to ask for."

Cheng Shifei was a little embarrassed, he had already acted so serious, didn't he win any trust?
Liu Shengxue Ji turned around and walked towards the palace, Cheng Shifei turned around and entered the alley, with a few leaps, he got rid of the following spies, and then used lightness skills to lurk into the lower level of the dungeon.

"Haitang, I heard an important piece of information!"

Cheng Shifei was like a child who just got a toy and wanted to show off, his eyes were bright as he clasped the railing of the sky prison with both hands and looked at Shangguan Haitang who was combing his hair quietly.

Shangguan Haitang rolled her eyes cryptically, did this guy use the prison as a vegetable market?Just come for a stroll.

"I got news about Guihai Yidao! He's still alive!"

As soon as the words were finished, Shangguan Haitang came to Cheng Shifei in the blink of an eye, as fast as a gust of wind.

"Oh? Your kung fu..."

"Practice again, don't talk nonsense, what's wrong with one knife?"

Cheng Shifei was a little depressed, yes, he was the only one among the four secret agents who was not raised by Zhu Wushou, and although he and Gui Hai were considered good friends, they were not so close as to be desperate, the most important thing was that he knew Shangguan Haitang In fact, I have some feelings for Guihai Yidao, and if I use this news, I will definitely be able to get her out of the sky prison.

"I got the news that Guihai Yidao was turned into a puppet by the enemy, and now he has lost his sanity, so he will throw it on the coast to disrupt the martial arts, so as to ruin Zhu Wushi's reputation!"

Shangguan Haitang figured it out in an instant. Guihai Yidao was the No. [-] spy in Hulong Villa and knew a lot of secrets. Although she didn't think Guihai Yidao would betray Zhu Wushi, they were made into puppets. What kind of sewage isn't just splashing around with the enemy!
Then let Guihai disrupt the martial arts with a knife. At that time, the people in the martial arts who don't know the truth are likely to blame Zhu Wushi. When the people are unstable, Zhu Wushi will have a very headache.

Shangguan Haitang only took three seconds to think, and casually took a chopstick to make a hairpin and put it in a high ponytail, "Come on, let's go out." He pushed the door and walked out of the cell.

The two of them ran out of the prison with great strides without any delay. Shangguan Haitang slapped down many yamen servants just as they tried to stop them. Shangguan Haitang even shouted mischievously, "Tell me Your Majesty, I'll go find a man!"


An hour later, Zhu Wushi came to the lower level of the prison and waved all the guards away.

"You gave her the skills?"

Zhu Wushi asked as he walked forward, a haggard gray-clothed old man was sitting on the stone bed, and the iron chain that was used to lock his hands had been broken long ago.

"Hmph, look at your embarrassed appearance, how can you still look like an undefeated naughty boy!"

Gu Santong narrowed his eyes lazily, and said with a chuckle: "Don't worry, your daughter, how can I teach her indiscriminately, she must be more filial to you!"

Zhu ignores the corners of his eyes and twitches wildly, what you say is even more disturbing!
"You gave her all your skills, so you're not afraid of dying?"

"I'm at this age, and I haven't played anything before. Do you think I'm still afraid of death? Just wait for reincarnation, oh yes, in the words of exiles, it's a new account!"

Zhu ignored and sneered, "Reopen the account? Are you willing to be Su Xin?"

"Reluctantly, but will you tell Su Xin the truth back then?" Gu Santong asked with a smile, as if he already had the answer.

"Why tell? Besides, I ask myself that I love her more than you! It's enough to have me, and I don't need you!" Zhu Wushi seems to be full of confidence in this matter.

"Then will you write your secret in a book and let Su Xin have a chance to read it?"

Zhu ignored and dismissed, "Why should I record what I have done? To give others a handle? Or do you think I have the habit of keeping a diary?"

Gu Santong asked again: "Then do you think Shangguan Haitang will tell Su Xin all the secrets?"

Zhu ignored: "...No!"

"So, since it is impossible for Su Xin to come to me again, what am I doing alive?" Gu San Tong shrugged his shoulders, with a look of 'you are not stupid'.

Zhu Wushi had a strange expression on his face, "Since you know that Shangguan Haitang won't do that, you still give her your kung fu? It's because... Cheng Shifei is interested in Shangguan Haitang!"

Gu Santong laughed up to the sky hahaha, and then died with a rattle.

Zhu Wushi narrowed his eyes slightly, but an idea came to his mind instantly, "Gu San Tong, if Shangguan Haitang and Cheng Fei are successful, I will lose!"

(End of this chapter)

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