Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 718

Chapter 718
"Actually, you can chop off your fingers, or your wrist, and it's a bit..."

Ye Gucheng glanced at the cowardly Sikong Zhaixing who wanted to complain, and the latter resolutely shut up, but these words did make Shangguan Haitang and Cheng Shifei glaring.

Xie Xun didn't pay much attention to it, he stretched out his hand and put the severed arm on the table, and the severed arm was still holding the Ghost Head Knife.

"I know a man who has a medicine that should fix a severed arm."

No one in the surrounding circle was excited, and Cheng Shifei even gave him a blank look, "Well, Li Yuanfang is in the capital. When we arrive, his arm will probably be rotten."

Xie Xun didn't mind turning around and started to study the Ghost Head Saber, "I have done some research on the sword technique, but it's not that deep. I really can't see what's wrong with this Ghost Head Saber. But since it can absorb evil spirits, it can also let Those ninjas use it to control the mind of Guihai Yidao, I think it should not be a magical weapon in the traditional sense, but a magic weapon."

Sikong Zhaixing stretched out his finger and flicked the blade lightly, the jingling sound made his face full of doubts, "There doesn't seem to be anything unusual about this ghost knife, why was it so evil just now?"

"No matter what, we must think of a way to deal with it."

Cheng Shifei looked at Shangguan Haitang, "You should first think about how to deal with Guihai Yidao and your own problems. Now that Guihai Yidao is seriously injured, only the capital has the best doctors!"

Shangguan Haitang was silent, Ye Gucheng's sword was clean and neat, except that he had no arm and did not cause any fatal injuries to Guihai.However, the present Guihai Yidao has never woken up, and she has to wonder if the enemy used some tricks when they made the puppets.

No matter what it was, obviously she couldn't solve it by herself, but...she really didn't want to go back to the capital.

"Miss Haitang can go on the road with us, I'm going to the capital."

Fu Junmao, who hadn't spoken much, spoke up. Their targets were Liusheng Xueji and Liusheng Piaoxu, or Liusheng Shashen.Shun Lu is indeed a Shun Lu, but I am afraid that there is no good intention to say anything. It is more about finding helpers in case of later confrontation with Liu Sheng Shashen.

What should I say?It's not his own skills, his confidence is really lacking, even though he knows that Liu Sheng Shashen has been seriously injured, he is still worried.

Shangguan Haitang didn't agree easily. It's really unclear how much weight Fu Junmao, a local master, can have. If it was Xie Xun who spoke at this time, then she would not hesitate. After all, Xie Xun is not only strong himself, but also has Ximen Chuuxue behind him Waiting for others, and also has friendship with Li Yuanfang.

But obviously, Xie Xun also knows that his words and deeds are important, and this way of getting along is the most taboo to find things to do for friends, even if you know that some things are just a little effort, but you must not promise anything for the other party without the consent of your friends.

"It seems that you have offended many people, hehe, you can follow me."


A group of people stared blankly at Ye Gucheng, were they hallucinating?Did it come out of his mouth?Well, for what purpose?
Shangguan Haitang frowned, "My enemies are not qualified to sharpen your sword intent!"

Ye Gucheng looked at her, "You don't know swords, how dare you talk about sharpening?"

Hey, this is very annoying, always saying 'you don't know swords' how much do you know?
"Hehe, I'm not even qualified to sharpen your sword intent for you. Is it a question of whether you understand your sword intent? I think it's arrogance!" Fu Junmao sneered, and the two younger sisters behind him showed contemptuous expressions at the same time.

Ye Gucheng was a little impatient, but he seemed a little helpless. If you don't hit some people, there will be no end.

"You think you're qualified?"

"Hmph, the entire Goryeo respects my master like a god, even if Liu Sheng kills the god, it's just taking advantage of the restraint of the exercises. Why do you say that I am not qualified?"

Ye Gucheng snorted: "Gao Li respects your master like a god, because Gao Li has no masters. In addition, Liu Sheng's killing god can beat your master by chance not because of his skill, but because your master is too weak. His sword intent It is a trick in itself, not really powerful!"

"You dare to insult my master?" Fu Junmao blushed with a womanly face.

"You better not draw your swords in front of me, it will be miserable."


Ye Gucheng continued: "The key to swordsmanship lies in anticipating the enemy's opportunities, and restricting the enemy's moves through observation, investigation, probing, and even mind reading. This is essentially a utilitarian fighting method. It’s not even a sword intent to say that he hasn’t broken out of the pattern of his moves. Even if he can clearly see what will happen in the next few minutes, as long as he attacks fast enough, he can kill him before he reacts.”

"Hmph, the reason why your master is famous overseas is that he bullies children by relying on his rank. How many battles do you really have with people of the same level? How many life-and-death fights? Can Liusheng Shashen beat him, isn't it? Because of the restraint of the exercises, it is simply stronger than him."



This is definitely unbearable, so if you can't bear it, you can draw your sword, but you can't pull it out, seeing the long sword that was just half out of its sheath being held down by Ye Gucheng.

Don't get me wrong, there is no physical contact, just pointing your finger at the end of the hilt of the sword, with a feeling of 'don't beat me', it has no lethality, and it is extremely insulting!
Xie Xun and the others all looked sideways, their expressions of anticipation turned into disappointment. They thought they could watch another duel, but who knew that you couldn't even draw your sword in front of others, what kind of a fart is this?

However, it was Fu Junmao who was hurt the most, because before she drew her sword, she had already used the Jiuxuan Dafa, which can improve spiritual perception and is comparable to mind reading.This is the matching mental method of Yi Jianshu, which has the effects of improving spiritual awareness, calming the mind, and increasing computing power. It is not a mind reading skill but it is comparable to a mind reading skill.So before Ye Gucheng made a move, she already knew what the opponent was going to do, but Ye Gucheng's finger still touched her sword hilt. There was no other reason, it was just as Ye Gucheng said, just faster than her!


Silence, or embarrassment.

Everyone didn't bother anyone, even Sikong Zhaixing, who likes to be kind the most, didn't dare to say more, for fear of making the girl come down from the stage.

Fu Junmao slowly retracted the sword, then turned and left, and the two younger sisters behind him naturally chose to follow.

Sikong Zhaixing was a little disappointed, he actually didn't care much about how strong Fu Junmai was, but she had a grudge against Liu Sheng, even if she couldn't deal with those masters, it could be used to beat the gangsters, it would be a pity to leave like this.

"Did you provoke them on purpose?" Shangguan Haitang suddenly frowned and asked.

"It's just doing it casually. Their swordsmanship talent is pretty good, but it's a pity that they are limited by fixed thinking."

"Is Yi swordsmanship really that unbearable?" Shangguan Haitang was a little puzzled.

"When did I say that Yi's swordsmanship is unbearable? It's just that I don't like it. Although it has not broken away from the pattern of moves, let alone reached the limit of moves, it has important effects such as improving spiritual awareness. This is something that many unique skills have never seen. own!"

Sikong Zhaixing smashed his fist, "Understood, that is to say, if Yijianshu is defined as a special type of exercise, it is extremely precious!"

Ye Gucheng didn't say any more, he seemed too lazy to explain, but Xie Xun laughed and said, "Unexpectedly, you are also a knife-mouthed and tofu-hearted."

Ye Gucheng still didn't speak, but a glass of wine was served by the sword waiter beside him, do you think I care about you?
"Then let's go together. As the prince, my Highness must treat Ye Daxia well." Cheng Shifei hurriedly asked Jin Yiwei to bring a carriage, and carried Gui Hai Yidao into the carriage.

"That old Lu, you send a message to the local governor, telling him to appease the local people and do a good job in the reconstruction work. This prince will intervene. Then you bring your confidants and mix with me in the future!"

Lu Jianxing was so excited when he heard that, kneeling down made his head ring, this may be the most excited kneeling in his career.

Shangguan Haitang frowned, "You have entered the role of prince quite quickly."

"Haha, haha, well, power can easily corrupt people's hearts. You see, I was corrupted so quickly hahaha!" I felt a kind of comfort.

Thinking back to when I was a secret agent before, what investigation I wanted to do, the evidence was very convincing, but I would be blocked by officials at the same level. At this time, I often have to go to the Shangguan to intercede, and the Shangguan can settle the matter with a single sentence. solve.

So, there is often a saying among them that the ability to influence Shangguan's favor is far more important than the ability to do things!
What to say?

Cheng Chengfei wanted to refute this statement a long time ago, but he couldn't refute it. It's really a kind of helplessness. I can only say that the problems that exist in reality do not mean that they are correct.

Now that I am a Shangguan myself, I suddenly understand something. After the position is high enough, people will be lazy. With the same money, it takes one day to be in charge of the case, one day to eat, drink and enjoy, so why bother?But how can you reflect your own importance? Of course, you must maximize the power in your hands.

Even if the evidence in the submitted case is convincing, it needs to be investigated again, and even if the document submitted is perfect, it must be revised, just to let you know who is the most important.Enjoy the fear and admiration of the people below, ouch, don't feel too good about it, no wonder so many people want to be an official!

"My son has his own frame, and he is not used to riding with irrelevant people..."

"It doesn't matter, I just want to discuss the way of swordsmanship with Your Excellency." Ye Gucheng waved his hand to stop the sword servant behind him, and his eyes fell on Xie Xun.

Of course, Xie Xun readily agreed. It wasn't long before he obtained the Sword Intent of this giant sword. If it didn't really fit him, it wouldn't be able to reach its current power.Speaking of which, apart from the ups and downs, he was lucky in martial arts, and the lion's roar skill and giant sword sword intent he obtained were very suitable for him.Now that he can exchange sword intent with Ye Gucheng, it will definitely make his sword practice improve by leaps and bounds.

(End of this chapter)

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