Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 721 Sharpener

Chapter 721 Sharpener

Good guy, your analysis is useless!

We do know why Liu Sheng Shashen is so powerful, but how to deal with it?According to the evil knife, carrying a wisp of original yin energy is inevitable, how should we deal with it?

We... huh?and many more!
"This Liusheng Shashen, how did he get seriously injured before?"

Fu Junmai seemed to be enlightened suddenly, and suddenly thought of this question, but unfortunately, no one could answer him. Everyone knew that Di Renjie did it, but no one knew exactly how it was done. No one can figure it out, even Zhu Wushi doesn't know, so who can tell her?
Liu Sheng Piaoxu just continued: "I have heard about this matter, it was done by Di Renjie from Daqin."

"Di Renjie? Isn't that a civil servant, but also a master?"

Liu Shengxue Ji laughed and said, "Who knows?"

Fu Junmao felt a little helpless. Di Renjie was definitely helpless in Daqin, and now the plan was back to the original point. Since no loopholes could be found, he could only continue to maintain the original plan and kill the opponent with hard power.Fortunately, Yagyu Shashen himself was seriously injured, so it should be possible according to their current lineup.

Liu Shengxueji looked at Fu Junmai who regained her confidence, and asked curiously: "Didn't you say something related to Liu Sheng's killing god when you sent the master back?"

When mentioning Fu Cailin back then, the three women couldn't help but feel sadness flashing across their faces, "Back then, the master said that Liu Sheng's martial arts skills for killing gods are vicious, and he can only be defeated with magic weapons. If there is no magic weapon, he should retreat."

Liu Sheng Piaoxu rolled his eyes, it was no different from not saying anything, something like magic weapon is something that cannot be found at all.In other words, if you can find the magic weapon, you won't be looking for Zhu Wushi to form an alliance now.

"Forget it, everyone go back to sleep, Liu Sheng Shashen will come at a certain time, leave the layout to His Majesty, he is better at this."

The crowd had no choice but to turn around together, and the news of their meeting naturally couldn't satisfy Zhu Wushi, but he still couldn't figure out what kind of medicine was sold in Liu Shengxue Ji's gourd.


Two days later, Liu Sheng Xue Ji's mood became better and better. Every day when she walked around the imperial garden, her face was full of smiles, as if she wanted to bring back the smiles that had been lost in the past ten years.

Of course Liusheng Piaoxu would be happy, after all, who wouldn't want their relatives to be cheerful, but whenever she saw Liusheng Xueji's happy look, she would have an ominous premonition, as if... she was about to lose her.

This feeling is like there is a mosquito around you all the time, you want to hit the mosquito but you can't catch it, and finally after a night of hard work, you lose both.You didn't sleep well, it didn't eat enough!

And when Liu Shengpiaoxu was so anxious, another change occurred in the capital, an important change.

Ximen Fuxue has arrived!

In the afternoon, two carriages drove slowly into the capital. Officers, soldiers, common people and people in the martial arts world put down their work one after another, and countless eyes fell on the two carriages.

Everyone knew that the Lord was in one of the carriages, but since entering the city gate, no one had shown up except the groom.The two carriages walked forward quietly, unhurriedly, as if wandering in the back garden of their own house.

It wasn't until they walked on a road that no one understood where they were going, Li Mansion!

This place is amazing. Li Yuanfang, the former Great General of the Qin Dynasty, has now defected to the Ming Kingdom. Although he does not have any real positions, no one dares to underestimate him. Not to mention his record against the sky, even the meaning of his existence is also important. Enough to make the entire Ming Kingdom excited for a while.

The Ming Dynasty was just bullied by the Qing Dynasty. Although the Qing Dynasty had a bit of fun, it did not affect the morale of the Ming Dynasty.Although Zhu ignored the airs and wanted to do a big job, the officials and the people were a little discouraged, and it was difficult to deal with.

Later, when Li Yuanfang came, everyone was relieved. This is one of the five great generals of the Great Qin Dynasty, and he is still the strongest. Our Majesty was able to poach such a corner of the wall, and it will definitely lead us to become rich. !
That's why they were shocked when they found out that Ximen Chuuxue and others were going to Li Yuanfang's place. Could it be that Ximen Chuuxue was a spy of the Great Qin Emperor and wanted Li Yuanfang to go back?

By the way, the emperor of Daqin is dead, and Adan heard that the empress dowager once had an affair with Li Yuanfang.

At this time, Zuo Zhou didn't know that the rumors were getting more and more outrageous. He opened the door, held a handful of melon seeds, and watched the excitement indifferently.

After a while, a few people got out of the carriage, Ximen Chuuxue came out first and turned around to help Sun Xiuqing get out of the carriage, followed by Lu Xiaofeng and the three children.

The old man Zuo is not used to anyone, no master is as important as my granddaughter, he reached out and took Chu Chu from Lu Xiaofeng's arms, in fact, Chu Chu is already three years old now, his chubby face looks like a freshly peeled eggshell, At this moment, he seemed to be still in a daze, and when he opened his eyes, he saw the old man Zuo begging for a hug.

"Huh? Is this kid motion sick?"

Zuo Zhou was amazed, while Lu Xiaofeng rolled his eyes, "You're not good, you're too troublesome, you're not as obedient as Xiaoxi's."

Hearing this, Zuo Zhou turned his head to look at the two children who were carried down by Ximen Chuuxue one by one. The twins seemed to be born on the basis of advantages in appearance.The delicate and lovely Zuo Zhou wanted to snatch it over, hug her and hold her high.

But what surprised Zuo Zhou even more was that the two children seemed to have distinct personalities. The boy is an exile, which is not worth making a fuss about, but the girl is a native of this world, so why does she look cold? ?
"It's been bumpy all the way, and Ye Gucheng's journey is slow, plus something happened, it may take a while to come."

Ximen Chuuxue led Sun Xiuqing in, and replied, "No rush."

Zuo Zhou lowered his head and smiled at the two children, "Do you want uncle to take you to play?"

The girl raised her head and glanced at him, her cute little face suddenly frowned, as if a little puzzled, "I hate you, but I don't know why I hate you, maybe... you are ugly!"

"Ahahahahaha, let me tell you, children are the most innocent and never tell lies."

Zuo Zhou didn't have time to be depressed, Axiang's barbell-like laughter came from behind, and then he picked up the girl and showed it to Qingping and the others as if offering a treasure.

"You are Li Yuanfang, you have long admired your name!"

Zuo Zhou raised his eyebrows and looked back at the boy. Although it was an immature voice, the mature tone made him a little uncomfortable.

"What's your name?"

"The previous name is not important anymore, my current name is Ximen Wudi!"

"..." Zuo Zhou took a deep breath, "I don't know why, but I suddenly lost interest in talking to you. I remember that Ximen Chuuxue let you two brothers and sisters choose their own names, so you chose this name ?”

"Yeah, isn't it very majestic?"

Zuo Zhou looked at the child proudly and suddenly wanted to hit him, "What's your sister's name?"

"Her name was chosen by her mother, and the single name has the word 'Dancing'. She said that she hoped that she would not devote everything to the way of swordsmanship, and be more agile."

"Ximen Wu..." Zuo Zhou turned his head and looked at Qingping and other girls who were smiling in a group, while Ximen Wu, who was surrounded by them, was still calm and composed, "So, your sister's swordsmanship talent should be very good Bar."

"How can you say it is very good? It is quite good! Although it is not as good as me."

Zuo Zhou declined to comment, but felt that Ximen Chuixue was born a funny person, which should be able to add a lot of joy to the family.

"Okay, I'll tease the kids later, I have something to tell you."

Lu Xiaofeng settled the carriage and came to his side, and then kicked Ximen Wudi's ass, "You brat is bragging again, go to the backyard to practice swords!"

Ximen Wudi ran away, and Lu Xiaofeng's expression became serious.

"If you have something to say, I guess I can't help."

"Hehe, it's not funny. This duel may be just fun for us, but for the two of them, it's a life-and-death fight. I heard from the morning that it's okay to die in the evening! But I don't want Xiaoxi to die like this."

Zuo Zhou looked at him, "Unexpectedly, your feelings are quite real."

"No, you misunderstood." Lu Xiaofeng looked hopeless, "I just don't want to help him take care of those two brats!"

"Really, it seems that my family is cute."

"Counting your family, Chuchu, is the most difficult thing!"

Zuo Zhou was selectively deaf, "Tell me, what do you want me to do? Sharpen your sword intent?"

Lu Xiaofeng was slightly surprised, "How do you know?"

"Hehe, Ye Gucheng is using this method to sharpen the sword intent, and I heard it is quite effective."

"Damn it, Ye Gucheng really lived up to his reputation, and he thought of the same method."

Zuo Zhou rubbed his chin in a bit of a dilemma, "It's not a good idea for you to ask me to sharpen his sword intent. After all, my opinion on sword intent is a bit unique. Ye Gucheng already said that I don't understand swords. .”

"It's better if you don't know the sword. It can be purer when you use it as a whetstone. Otherwise, you might mislead the sword intent that needs to be sharpened!"

"But the problem is, I can't go all out, so I can't kill Ximen Chuuxue!"

"This...can't you hold back a little bit of strength?" Lu Xiaofeng curled his lips in disgust, he couldn't even control his strength, Bai Xia was so awesome.

Zuo Zhou wanted to cry without tears, "I'm also very embarrassed, okay, if I could control it freely, then I would already be on the top list, why should I put aside the daily practice? At least find someone who is evenly matched to sharpen the sword. , or those who don’t fluctuate much up and down will do.”

"Oh? Do you have a candidate?"

"Coincidentally, Jun Bao once mentioned to me that there is a master in Tianzun who should be able to do it."


Almost at the same time, when Shangguan Haitang and others were sleeping outdoors, a sword servant suddenly came to Shangguan Haitang.

"Thank you for your help along the way. If there is anything Haitang can do, please give me some famous words." Shangguan Haitang was very solemn. To be honest, she didn't want to owe this favor.

Ye Gucheng woke up from the trance, looked at her and said, "I want you to help me practice."

(End of this chapter)

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