Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 725 How many teachers does Fang La have?

Chapter 725 How many teachers does Fang La have?
"I thought you should be more focused and pure."

"For swords, I have always been pure."

"Teaching your own children how to practice swords is considered pure? I'm afraid your daughter and son can't even hold a sword."

Zuo Zhou sat cross-legged on the bench, next to Ximen Chuuxue in the same posture, and in front of them were two little dolls from Ximen's family, they were holding a wooden sword and fiddled with it clumsily but persistently.

"That's why Ye Gucheng said that you don't understand swords. Swords never stick to things or existence. It doesn't matter whether they can hold a sword, I'm just cultivating their sword heart."

Ximen Chuuxue's words made Zuo Zhou a little upset, it's amazing to know swords!

But to be honest, the way Ximen Chuuxue cultivated his sword intent since he was a child also opened his eyes a bit.Children of this age probably haven't even fully formed the Three Views. They know what sword intent is?

Of course, Ximen Wudi is an exile, and the three views have already been formed. It is not wrong to teach him to comprehend sword intent, but watching him actively swing the wooden sword, it is more like using the system to improve his swordsmanship experience. It did the same.

As for Ximen Wu, Zuo Zhou was the most surprised. This is an aborigine, so why should he be so serious, so persistent, so...outrageous?
"Could it be... that the inheritance of the bloodline is really so powerful?"

Before Zuo Zhou said anything, the muttering of the old man Zhou Tong had already been heard.After all, how could he, who is an expert on the ground list, fail to see that the little girl Ximen Wu already has some sword intent in her body.

"Hmph, my daughter, as it should be!"

Ximen Chuuxue's face was expressionless, and there was no ups and downs in a sentence, but that tugging expression made people want to beat him up.

Zuo Zhou curled his lips, he almost wanted to throw Momanosuke in the face of this guy, to let you understand what a tiger father has no dog son.

"From the perspective of future generations, Ximen has already won!" Hua Manlou smiled, waving his folding fan.

These words are a bit of a bully to Ye Gucheng, but Ximen Chuuxue unexpectedly did not refute anything, but the old man Zuo couldn't stand it anymore, "I still have children here, you all restrain me a little bit!"

Everyone shut up, but Chu Chu in the arms of the old man on the left didn't care at all, and kept playing with a gear as a ring on his finger.

Zhou Tong glanced at Zuo Zhou, well, as the daughter of the Li family, she doesn't seem to have any interest in kung fu, which is very annoying, and I don't know how upset Li Yuanfang is.

"I'm going to Murong Mansion, you two continue to practice, martial arts is the most important thing to persevere, don't slack off." Ximen Chuixue got up, and then walked out the door.I guess I also felt that it might make Li Yuanfang a little sad. Although he has never been abused by the "neighbor's children" since he was a child, he has never eaten pork and seen pigs running.

But before he stepped out of the gate, Murong Fu had already appeared at the end of the long street with a livid face.

Speaking of which, the location of Li's Mansion is very good. It can not only lead directly to the bustling streets but also connect to the palace, and it can be regarded as a quiet place amidst the hustle and bustle, which shows that Zhu ignored Li Yuanfang's attention.But it is precisely because of this that as long as they open the door, they can see the end of the street.

At this time, Murong Fu seemed to be on the verge of erupting into a demon, and the rippling killing intent made passers-by unconsciously stay away and avoid him.

Ximen Chuuxue came back after a pause, Zuo Zhou was also a little surprised, got up slowly, and stood at the door as a greeting, "Brother Murong, this is..."

"My blood is gone!"

"..." Zuo Zhou froze for a moment, feeling confused for a moment, "What effort?"

"The resources and troops accumulated by two generations of my Murong family are gone!"

Murong Fu said that his eyes were red, he was on the verge of being possessed, Zuo Zhou was speechless, and suddenly regretted that he shouldn't have taught him the magic sword at the beginning, you can't even understand the words now.


Chopped Murong Fu on the back of the neck and sent him to sleep smoothly, Zuo Zhou then gave Hua Manlou a wink...Okay, "Brother Hua, please go find Bao Bu Bu Dong, I remember he came with Murong Fu People from the Ming Dynasty should live in your inn."

Hua Manlou realized the seriousness of the problem, and soon attracted Bao BuTong.

Today's Bao Dong seems to be in a trance, and he didn't wake up until he saw the unconscious Murong Fu, "Master!"

"It's okay, I'm just dizzy. I don't think he's in the right state of mind. Tell me, what happened? Is there something wrong with Yuan Song?"

The only troops that could be said to be 'hard work' were those in the chaotic domain, but Zuo Zhou didn't think there would be any problems with those people.Because the official plan of the exiles is not to eliminate anyone, but to tolerate them, and finally achieve a perfect country that includes multiple ethnic groups and multiple beliefs.

There was a touch of gray in Bao different eyes, and his fat face was loose, "Since we came to the Ming Dynasty, according to the rules, the stewards of the Song Dynasty have to send news every day. But the news was cut off two days ago! Young Master Sensing that something was wrong, he immediately asked Tianzun's spies in the country of Song to report back the information urgently. As a result..."

Zuo Zhou's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly thought of the letter Chao Gai sent earlier. Lin Chong didn't mention any specific danger in the letter, but just asked for help. Could it be that something serious happened?But if it's really a big deal, would you say it clearly, or...he actually doesn't understand it?
"What did you say in the end?" The old man Zuo asked in disgust, there was no breaking up here.

"According to the report from Tianzun's spies, Fang La suddenly launched an attack, taking advantage of the occasion of Liangshan's military division and Hu Sanniang's wedding, completely paralyzed the command system of each force, and then swept across the entire chaotic domain within three hours. All the forces in the country have been targeted. The methods are extremely cruel, almost massacring the city. The soldiers of our Murong family resisted bravely... and finally the entire army was wiped out!"

Silence, right now is the only word that can describe the current Li Mansion.

Something's wrong, how many teachers does Fang La have?How many nukes are there?Why is it possible to sweep all the forces in the Chaos Domain at the same time?

When the Song Dynasty was destroyed, the number of rebels alone increased by two. How could Fang La kill all the forces? Kill for two months!
And... Li Yuzhu married Hu Sanniang?

How weird!
Zuo Zhou was a little confused.

Da da da da da, suddenly there was the sound of horseshoes coming quickly, a young man dressed as a general jumped into the courtyard, and half-kneeled in front of Zuo Zhou with a plop, "My lord, Your Majesty welcomes you!"

Zuo Zhou frowned slightly, but without any delay, he flew straight into the palace's meeting hall as soon as he stretched his body.

At this time, Zhu Wushi, Shangguan Jinhong and Murong Qiudi, all members of the Iron Triangle, looked solemn and said nothing to each other. After Zuo Zhou took his seat, Murong Qiudi started directly.

"I have concentrated all the intelligence forces around the Chaos Domain. In addition, there are also many unknown personnel gathering on the border. As far as I know, they should belong to intelligence forces of other countries or organizations. The great changes in the Chaos Domain, It is very likely to disrupt the balance that has been achieved so hard!"

Zuo Zhou narrowed his eyes slightly, it was okay to have different opinions just now, but now he can already understand how big a problem this is.

Ming, Tang, and Qin have reached a delicate balance. Everyone wants to recharge their batteries, but at this moment, your chaotic domain suddenly popped up, and you unified the chaotic domain in a very short period of time. Domain, what the hell is this?How did you do it?What are you going to do, don't you want to take the opportunity to unify the world and fight against the three of us at the same time!
Shangguan Jinhong's face is very ugly. He is in charge of business and has invested a lot in the chaotic domain. Now all of them are in vain. What is more important is that he has not received any news. Could it be that the enemy's intelligence power is really so awesome? Not even a single person escaped?
"It's not quite right, they have massacred cities, it doesn't look like they want to form a country!" Zhu Wushi patted the armrest of the dragon chair, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

Zuo Zhou frowned slightly, and said slowly: "Before, Chao Gai sent a letter from Lin Chong to Zhou Tong, which contained the intention of begging for help, but he didn't say why, and besides, Zhou Tong has nothing to do with them. I have made friends, so I didn't care about it, but now it seems... how are the people in Liangshan? Didn't the military adviser say that he would marry Hu Sanniang?"

Murong Qiudi replied: "According to the latest information, Liangshan military commander Li Yuzhu and other forces' military commanders were all killed. Lin Chong died in battle, but Hu Sanniang said that he escaped by chance and disappeared!"

Zuo Zhou was silent, the exile official was being blamed... "Wait, what about Fang La? Who commanded the battle, and who was the leader?"

The three looked at him strangely, "The general on Fang La's side is unknown, but the commanding officer must be military advisor Song Zhixi."

Hearing this, Zuo Zhou closed his eyes, hehe, what is this?I thought the natives had noticed something, so they turned against it. Now it seems that the most perfect fortress is probably destroyed inside.

"Do you know the strength of Fang La's troops? Where did he get so many people to sweep everything?"

Murong Qiudi shook his head, with a displeased expression on his face, "This is the most irritating thing. The battle is so fast, and there must be a large-scale army movement in advance. How can there be no trace of this level of transfer? But those spies actually paid back None! So much so that we have no way to know the enemy's troop configuration."


The meeting hall once again fell into an eerie silence, which is absolutely unreasonable. Everyone has experienced wars. How can there be no traces of troops moving?
Zhu Wushi broke the silence and looked at Zuo Zhou, "Is Chao Gai still in the city?"

Zuo Zhou paused and got up and said, "I'll go and see for myself." After saying that, he flew out of the palace, but he didn't really rush to find Chao Gai, but hovered in the sky, his consciousness entered the realm of hell .

(End of this chapter)

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