Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 727

Chapter 727
The news brought by Chao Gai made Zhu Wushi's and others' hearts feel as heavy as a mountain. However, although the 35 defective masters are full of deterrence, they may not be unsolvable.At least if the strength of the entire Ming country is gathered together, and with the help of formations and so on, it is still possible to deal with it.

But what is even more worrying is that the intelligence brought by Chao Gai is not comprehensive, that is to say, the strength of the enemy may be worse than what they know.

"The most urgent thing is to find Hu Sanniang. She is the only person who knows the first-line intelligence." Murong Qiudi is in charge of intelligence, so he naturally knows the key, so he left without hesitation to issue orders.

But before she left the meeting hall, Chao Gai stopped her, "Wait a minute, Hu Sanniang is an expert in the local rankings, and her perception ability is very strong. If she wants to avoid it, no one will find her."

Zhu Wushi frowned and asked, "Heavenly King has a solution?"

Chao Gai nodded, "She can't find many allies, and the forces that can protect her are even rarer. They should come to me."

Shangguan Jinhong frowned slightly, and said with some doubts: "Maybe, the Realm of Chaos was originally the territory of Song State. Based on her position at that time, she should be the closest to Tang State. Tang State also has many god masters, so it may not be impossible to protect her."

Chao Gai had a weird expression on his face, "This involves some past life issues. To put it simply, although demons can be regarded as people in the divine way, but... demons are often not favored by people in the divine way."

"So she will come to Ming Kingdom? That's a good thing. Ming Kingdom welcomes anyone who has the ability to come and build it together!" Zhu ignored a smile to express his acceptance, a very official speech.

But Murong Qiudi looked a little strange, and said uncertainly: "Since you can think of it, if the enemy knows these things, can they also figure out her destination?"


Shangguan Jinhong continued to make up the knife, "Although Hu Sanniang's perception is very strong, she can avoid being chased and killed, but as long as she still comes to the capital, there will definitely be a road that must be passed..."

Zuo Zhou raised his eyebrows, "I'm a little excited about what I said, it seems that we have a chance to have a close contact with the enemy!"

"Brother Li is interested in this matter? How about letting Brother Li take care of Hu Sanniang?" Zhu Wushi is not an idiot, so he will naturally follow suit.

Zuo Zhou didn't refuse either, he nodded cheerfully, and got up and left the palace directly.

As soon as he stepped out of the palace, he saw a lot of messengers leaving the palace gate quickly.

The former Chaos Domain was not worth defending, but today's Chaos Domain has been unified in a short period of time and has more than 35 masters on the leaderboard.

So Zhu ignored it and began to dispatch troops and generals. However, when he didn't get the exact news in the early stage, he made a big move, which was a bit of a warning. The function of these first orders was just to remind the army to be vigilant.

As for the second batch of orders, it depends on what news Hu Sanniang can bring back!

Zuo Zhou went home first, without saying much, just hugged Chuchu in front of everyone, said to be vigilant, and then left the city.

The moment he left the city, he opened his mental power perception, and the aura of the seven masters of the local list appeared within the range of perception in an instant.However, at this time it has become ten!
"It seems that the king of heaven still has a face. In order to silence him, he even summoned ten masters from the top rankings to fight him."

Zuo Zhou snorted angrily, then climbed up the tree, laying down lazily and waiting for the enemy to move.

Since we know that Hu Sanniang will come and the enemy will intercept and kill, then just follow these seven, no, ten defective products.After all, you can't just chase them down, you have to intercept them, right?

Hu Sanniang flitted across the bushes with an extremely fast figure. Her figure was extremely low, as if she was lying on the ground, but her moving speed was far faster than a person running.

A dozen or so figures in the distance gradually disappeared, and she took a long breath. This was the No. 12 chase she escaped.

Twelve times, each time was an interception. The enemy seemed to have laid out in advance in different places, so she felt that there was no way to go to heaven and nowhere to go.

However, she was a snake last time, and then a jiao, and now she is a dragon or a dragon person. She has a lot of experience in escaping, which is far beyond the comparison of these defective products.

It's a pity that she can't have any anti-killing intentions, otherwise, once a dozen or so masters on the ground list entangle her, she will definitely die in the end.

"Hu Sanniang! Li Yuzhu sent you away with his own life, do you want to know what he said at the end?"

The sound wave swept across the jungle and mountains, Hu Sanniang's figure suddenly stopped but she didn't take any action. She knew that the enemy just wanted her to show her flaws.In fact, she didn't have any feelings for Li Yuzhu, but...she had to admit that Li Yuzhu was the only man willing to die for her in her two lifetimes.

"Do you know? He, a man who has gone through countless tortures without frowning, is kneeling in front of me and begging us to let you go!"

Hu Sanniang was slightly angry, but she still didn't do anything. This was obviously a lie. She wanted to say that Li Yuzhu was not that kind of person, and that the relationship between the two of them was not that good.What's more, exposing one's feelings in front of the enemy before dying is equivalent to telling the enemy about one's weakness, which can only be done by a fool.

Fortunately, the relationship between myself and Li Yuzhu is average. If they really love each other, then this kind of news can only hurt her at the moment.

"Hmph, it seems that Li Yuzhu has fed the dog with all his sincerity!"

Hu Sanniang still didn't move, those figures seemed to be discussing something together, maybe they thought she was really not around so they left.

Hu Sanniang cautiously did not get up quickly, but waited for another hour, and then started on the road again.

The Song Dynasty has been destroyed, and after the Chaos Realm, a lot of people's livelihood has been invested in the construction of the people's livelihood, so Hu Sanniang can easily see the road leading to the Ming Dynasty in the mountains, but she doesn't know how to take that road. It's just a general direction.

After confirming the correct direction, Hu Sanniang climbed two more mountains and finally crossed the border of the Ming Kingdom.

She didn't relax because of this, she still came out day and night, specially catching the time when people tend to relax.It may be that those enemies in the Ming Dynasty can no longer search with great fanfare, so Hu Sanniang's actions are more efficient than before.

Finally, after two days, she entered a town, a town with little money that could be called the capital.

This time she plans to change the way forward, because the capital is right there, and the enemy will definitely intercept her if they know she is going in. The cordon, do you still want to break through?
But if you mix into the ranks of ordinary people entering the city, the process will be much easier, because those people can't investigate everyone passing by like officers and soldiers, and as long as she hides herself well, those enemies can't find out she.

So, Hu Sanniang jumped into the backyard of an inn, and as far as the eye could see, there were three carriages parked here, and the innkeeper was feeding the horses with good fodder.

Hu Sanniang carefully identified that one of them looked ordinary, and the horse was not a long-distance horse. The wear of the horseshoe was very regular. It should be a businessman who often travels around the capital.Although this kind of person is a good target, you can't be sure whether the owner of the carriage will go out or return to the capital this time.

The other two carriages should be together. The carts are pulled by long-distance horses with excellent endurance. Judging from the fatigue of the horses, it has been a long time since this place is very close to the capital. It is obvious that the destination of these two carriages is It is the capital.

Hu Sanniang didn't hesitate any longer, and directly used her true energy to attach herself to the carriage completely, and then she held her breath and concentrated, her mental power blocked to minimize her sense of existence.

Half an hour later, she heard the owner of the carriage chatting, and she knew that she had made the right choice.

"Let's go quickly. When we get back to the capital, there will be a good doctor who will definitely be able to save him." Cheng Shifei looked at Shangguan Haitang with a bit of distress, and in the past few days, in order to sharpen Ye Gucheng's sword intent, Several times, they were carried back to the room without strength, and there were twenty or thirty pieces of damaged clothes alone.

Shangguan Haitang smiled and said nothing, but directed the shop assistant to carry Gui Hai into the car.In fact, not only did she not feel uncomfortable, she was even a little happy, after all, the indestructible magic of King Kong also needs to be practiced.

This is the same as those who practice hard qigong pay attention to being beaten. Ye Gucheng's sword intent needs to be honed, but why doesn't Shangguan Haitang's vajra indestructibility magic skill need to be honed?

"Young master, please get in the car."

Ye Gucheng still looked so lonely, stepping on the horse stool to get into the car step by step, but he paused before entering the carriage, and asked, "Miss Shangguan, would you like to ride with me?"

Everyone froze for a moment, and looked at Ye Gucheng in horror.

You are going too far, do you want someone to help you sharpen your sword intent when you are on your way?

Ye Gucheng thought for a while and seemed to come up with a not-so-casual reason, "Although your carriage is big, there are also many people. For patients, ventilation is very important."


Everyone is disdainful, this reason is outrageous, according to this logic, anyone can get in your car!
Ye Gucheng looked at the crowd and seemed to understand their thoughts, raised his head slightly and hummed with a contemptuous look: "Your sweat smells too strong, she just took a bath."


Thank you so much for reminding us!

Shangguan Haitang blushed a little, but after thinking about it, she actually got into Ye Gucheng's car.

For a moment, Cheng Shifei felt that something was broken, and the sound was so crisp...

As the two carriages started on the road one after the other, Shangguan Haitang's expression turned serious, "What advice does Mr. Ye have?"

"Without it, there is a top player hidden under that car."

"Hiss! Then why didn't you say it earlier?"

"I only found out when I got close, but if it was malicious, any of you would sneak attack, and I didn't have time to react. Since the other party didn't do it, it means there is no malicious intent, at least not to kill any of you."

 I have a doubt, who can tell me, besides his strength, what kind of personality charm does Kozuki Oden have?
(End of this chapter)

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