Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 739 It's All About Strategy

Chapter 739 It's All About Strategy

"Okay, there will be another person in the family."

It was the first time for Zuo Zhou to see Ah Xiang talking in a strange way.Not to mention, that little expression is quite cute.

But Ah Xiang is definitely not the one in Zuo Zhou's family who dislikes Liu Sheng Piao Xu the most.Tan Yunxian, who had been standing by the side without speaking, almost had knives staring out of his eyes.Xiaochan was snatched from her arms back then, although she also knew that Liu Shengpiaoxu must have put a lot of effort into slashing her palm, but this was not a reason for her to forgive him.

The old man Zuo looked at his son strangely, and then at the long knife in his hand, "So this girl is a gift for buying the knife? You don't think you used the knife for the gift, did you? "

When everyone heard the words, they immediately focused their eyes on Zuo Zhou's face, but they couldn't see any of the expected blushing and embarrassment.Just listening to Zuo Zhou's righteous words, "Sad, really sad! Do you think that I re-accepted her only because I was greedy for her body? Am I such a superficial person?"

Zuo Zhou looked around with staring eyes, and found that everyone nodded in unison.

""Acknowledge the fart!All those who want to be crooked will face the wall for me. "

Zuo Zhou said angrily, "Liu Sheng is dead. The sisters didn't have feuds, and there are almost no people who can threaten their sisters. But why does her sister still ask me to protect her at this time? The answer is simple , because Liusheng Piaoxu is now the only orthodox bloodline of the Liusheng family."

"So? The orthodox bloodline is amazing." Zhou Tong looked at Zuo Zhou with a strange expression on his side.This guy doesn't seem to care about the distinction between concubine and concubine, there are other people who are high or low.

Zuo Zhou then rolled his eyes, "I don't care about the orthodox bloodline. But the people in Dongpu care, they have learned a lot about our culture. But the core of benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and trustworthiness is only superficial, but they have learned a lot about loyalty and loyalty. Don't worry about what you did to benefit the people in Dongying. As long as you are not orthodox, the succession position is not justified. This is why the Yagyu Family Alliance and Wushenjue Palace are both so strong. But there is still no The reason for the idea of ​​proclaiming the emperor is that there are still royal blood left in Dongpu."

How stupid and loyal are the Japanese people to this extent?Zhou Tong couldn't believe it. After all, he had never been to Dongying, and he didn't know much about it.But no matter what he said, he had dealt with the people of Jue Wushen.Absolutely godless demeanor did not even proclaim himself emperor in Dongying.That can only show that Wushen has given up on one thing. To be fair or to put it bluntly, Dongpu’s name is justified, which is somewhat different from ours.

Zuo Zhou said again: "Liusheng Piaoxu is now the orthodox heir of the Liusheng family. But she does not have the support of forces within the clan, that is to say, the foundation of the Liusheng family is beyond her control. The most legitimate way for those in power is to make Liusheng Piaoxu seized the forced marriage and became his own wife so that he could stand up in name. Not only the members of the Liusheng family and the alliance are anxious about this, but also the people of Wushen Juegong. If Jue Wushen gets Liusheng Piaoxu, That means he can literally dismantle the league."

"After the alliance is completely disintegrated, the power of Wushenjuegong will become the most powerful in Japan! Even if he is not the emperor, he will also become the uncrowned emperor in terms of power."

"The reason why Liu Shengxueji handed her over to me is because she knew that I was the only one in the whole Dibang circle who could protect someone so sure. In addition, Liu Shengxueji lived in the imperial city for so long, so it should be deduced to some extent. Zhu ignores the general direction of the strategy. That is to say, the war situation in Dongying is what Zhu ignores. He sent Liusheng Piaoxu to me, which means he registered with the official. After that, the imperial court can use Liusheng Piaoxu to control Liusheng The family, and then control the entire Dongpu. This temptation is irresistible to Zhu Wushi."

After Zuo Zhou finished speaking, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.Even Liu Sheng Piaoxu was a little confused.She has never been so concerned by so many people in her life, so she is so important?
Qingping glanced at him, "It turns out that Liu Sheng's fluttering catkins have such a great effect. So, you really didn't agree because you are greedy for someone's body?"

"Of course not. If I was that lecherous person, how could I leave Tan Yunxian alone for such a long time?"

Tan Yunxian was stunned for a moment, why did he burn himself?And if you want to say that, does it mean that you are greedy for my body?She seemed to have felt the chill coming from behind, Ah Xiang's sight became a knife again.

Qingping raised her eyebrows, and pulled Liusheng Piaoxu over. "Okay, Liu Sheng Piaoxu will sleep with me from now on. I promise to keep an eye on her."

Zuo Zhou grinned and said, "Coincidentally, I want to spend tonight in your room."

"You still said it's not the body of a greedy person. Hmph"

Zuo Zhou showed pity on his face, "I did it for her own good. You also know that my Li family does not support idlers. You see, Tan Yunxian has a doctor's name on him. Otherwise, I would have kicked her out a long time ago." I went out. This Liu Sheng Piaoxu cooks steamed uncooked rice. I can’t pierce patients well with needles. My Li’s house has no shortage of knives and woodcutters. What else can she do besides warm my bed and fold my quilt? What else can she do? What are you doing?"

Liu Sheng Piaoxu's expression was ugly.Are you so useless?He raised his head and glanced at the girls. She also lived in this house.I have some understanding of these people, and when it comes to force, it seems that he really can't beat any of them except Tan Yunxian.As for cooking and medical skills... let's talk about knife skills.When it comes to chopping wood, she will always be better than the servants.

Qingping stared. "You said just now that people play an important role. Why are there only warm beds and quilts left?"

"Her role is useless to me. I'm not Zhu Wushi sitting in that high position. Speaking of which, it would be interesting for Liu Shengxueji to hand her over to Zhu Wushi. Maybe something will happen. It's very important to reconcile her directly. Let’s draw a line. In this way, we can become the leader of Dongpu in a legitimate way.”

"Hmph, anyway, you just don't treat us as a family, and you don't ask us about such a big matter."

Zhan Shiqi usually doesn't talk much.Now he even jumped out to oppose it.It can be seen how much he cares about Liu Sheng Piaoxu's previous betrayal.

Zuo Zhou had no choice but to spread his hands. He couldn't say that Xiao Chan was the layout that he sent out on purpose.That's the way to go, so I can only wrong Liu Sheng Piaoxu.But it's not a shame to think about it.It was she who had committed the act of betrayal in the first place.Now it's been eaten.

Zuo Zhou pointed to an empty room in the backyard. "You will live there from now on."

Liu Sheng Piaoxu didn't speak, but walked into the house silently.Ah Xiang was about to speak, but was hugged by Zuo Zhou. "You're very jealous today. Just to see if your jealousy can be transformed into physical strength." He picked it up and ran into the house.But this time he didn't pull Qingping and Zhan Shiqi along.It really means to kill the chicken to scare the monkey. I will toss this chicken first, and then come out to deal with you two monkeys.

The old man left shook his head.He knows his son too well.Naturally, there is his reason for accepting Liu Sheng Piao Xu again.He just needs to express his displeasure.As for whether Liu Sheng Piaoxu could really be prevented from entering this house, he actually didn't care.

"Okay, don't worry too much about the two of you. In the old Zuo's house, there is no distinction between concubine and concubine, high or low. His friendship with you has never diminished. That Liusheng Piaoxu is just relying on his sister's legacy That's all. It'll be the same when he gets tired of playing. Even if it's a long-term love, it can't compare with your sisters."

Qingping didn't know whether to laugh or cry, did she need her father-in-law to comfort her?Zhan Shiqi shook his head, turned around and went to practice boxing with Zhou Tong.

Two hours later, Ah Xiang fell asleep in Zuo Zhou's arms.And Zuo Zhou sank back into the consciousness space to meet Liu Shengxue Ji
"Actually, when you are having sex, you can put me in your universe bowl."

Zuo Zhou was happy. "Are you very concerned about this matter? You are not a human being now, and I plan to take you with me when I go to find Liu Sheng Piaoxu at night. Wouldn't this make you feel more at ease?"

"You don't have to." Liu Shengxue Ji turned her body half sideways.With lowered eyebrows, I don't know if I really don't care, or if I'm shy. "Okay, don't say anything superfluous. Let's talk about your intelligence problem."

"When Shishamen first arrived in Dongpu, he contacted both of us at the same time, offering a medicine that can temporarily increase his potential as a reward. He invited us to build two secret bases for him."

"Two seats?"

"Yes, two. Because although he contacted our two families at the same time, our two families didn't know each other's existence. Speaking of which, even the Yagyu family didn't know about this information. I found it out secretly."

"One of them is located on the top of a cliff by the sea. The surrounding cliffs are steep and non-light kungfu are not allowed to go up. There is an arsenal of Shishamen. Weapons are often packed in boxes and baskets, and then they are transported to various places by boat when they hang down from the sea. "

"The other one is in the forest of Fuji. No one knows about the research project. I haven't seen much results from it. But I think that secret base is very important to the crow. In addition, the crow draws a formation on me. It was there when it happened."

Hearing this, Zuo Zhou was happy again, "I said that the crow is not a man. He stripped the girl naked and even painted. Is he a monkey or his ancestor's surname is grand?"

"Because only if I remain a virgin can I attract Liu Sheng to kill God." Liu Sheng Xue Ji turned her head away again.Ignore Zuo Zhou's ridicule.Continued: "I can draw the route map of the two secret bases there. But you may not gain anything from the arsenal. Because the crow must have known the matter by now. Liusheng Shashen is dead, and Liusheng Piaoxu is by your side. It’s hard to say that his base has been exposed.”

Zuo Zhou classical Chinese is quite recognized.Recalling the isolated island base he destroyed before, Ten Shamen is very willing in this regard.Well, he suddenly became a little curious.If he went to that arsenal now, would there still be a beautiful woman waiting for him?
Of course, this is just thinking about it, Ming Daohong let him kill because of his grudge against Zhang Junbao.If another beautiful woman is really going to appear, wouldn't that be a proof of killing a sister for no reason?Damage the reputation of my General Li!

"Okay, let's talk here for today. When I get to Dongying, you can show me the way. There is no need to draw a map."

Liu Shengxueji had already transformed into a brush and paper in the sky, looking at Zuo Zhou suspiciously. "Then what are you going to do now?"

"Nonsense, go fuck your sister!"

(End of this chapter)

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