Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 751 I just want to pretend, why can't I think so

Chapter 751 I just want to pretend, why can't I think so
"Oh? Why are you standing still?"

Zuo Zhou turned indifferently and looked at the defective product beside him, and before he could speak, he suddenly realized, "Oh, I see, you must be the participant of the nirvana prepared by the head, right? Fortunately, fortunately, to be honest, I also wanted to compete, but I heard that the participants have to be restricted in the body, so I gave up in the end."

Zuo Zhou didn't even think about saying anything else, no matter what conspiracy the crow has, it must be a big project. For any big project, intelligence blockade is a difficult task, that's why the crow restrained it in the human body. a statement.

That means that Zuo Zhou will definitely not be able to get more useful information, and he doesn't want to get any more. Let's just say, his entanglement with Wu Qing is a bit embarrassing, but saying 'that's my woman' is absolutely Not too much.

So here comes the problem, you beat my woman in front of me, you really didn't take me, Li Yuanfang seriously, this time you will uproot you no matter what you say!


The exile raised his hands to maintain the formation, but the smile on his face froze. He really didn't understand why his companion who was joking just now stabbed him. He looked down, oh, it was a sword.

Zuo Zhou pulled out the sword shadow and was not in a hurry to kill other exiles. After all, there are too many defective products on the ground list. I thought there were more than 3000 people in the past, but today it is estimated that there are about 5000 people. Well, even if the master assassin from Odyssey wants to backstab 5000 people, it will take a while. At that time, I am afraid that Ruthless will become Lifeless.

Seeing that the crow and others are ready to do something, what should he do?
Nonsense is of course just positive!


After walking to a tree, Zuo Zhou took out from the Qiankun Bowl his most supportive and spacious robe, the whole body was black and gold with red edges, and he looked like a nobleman of the Qin Dynasty.

"Fulong Xiandao talks about Hunyuan, and Fanghua is overthrown in an instant! The sword is [-] miles across the sky, and the sword breaks through the demons and covers the Central Plains!"

The crow staggered and almost fell from the sky. What is this?Who the hell suddenly yelled?And it's a poem!
who do you think You Are?Li Yuanfang?
The mighty sound waves spread from the center of the island to all directions, the leaves swayed and bowed in the places they passed, and a soaring sword glow pierced the sky, disturbing the originally quiet dark clouds into turbulent waves again.

Just at this time, the well-prepared magic circle seemed to have a problem at a certain node and began to lose its effectiveness, and the various forces of nature that had been stopped just now also launched riots one after another.

There seemed to be fluorescent lights in the golden dragon's eyes. This time, he didn't care about the green snake and the white snake, but the four dragon claws kicked back crazily. shoot.

Correspondingly, a figure with thousands of gazes rose from the ground and landed on the top of Jinlong's head with precision. At that moment, it was like the golden wind and jade dew meeting each other. harmony and unity.

The sharp gasp resounded throughout the island, and even the cold air on the sea was reduced by [-]%.

The crow wished to slap himself a few times. Calling him a crow is not really a crow's mouth. Li Yuanfang has you all over the place, are you aiming at me?

Zuo Zhou ignored the resentful eyes of Wu Ya and others, and his affection for Wu Qing and Liu Sheng Piao Xu soared in his heart at this moment, how should I put it?

As long as you help me pretend, then you are my good women!

He told Liu Sheng Piaoxu before to wait for an opportunity to destroy the nodes of the formation. This girl is also very powerful and she will attack as soon as the poem number he thought of at the moment comes out, and the same is true for Wuqing. Zuo Zhou's compulsive style is almost stretched to the sky.

What's even more comforting is that Ruthless used the supernatural powers of the dragon clan to sweep the sky and thunderbolts to form a background picture of the majesty of heaven, making Zuo Zhou at this moment really oppressing all living beings like a demon god descended from the sky.

"Oh, it's comfortable to work with a smart woman."

Zuo Zhou tactically leaned back and muttered uncontrollably, stretched out his hand and stroked the moon-white smooth jade dragon horn next to it, the ruthless dragon body seemed to tremble slightly, probably it had the effect of touching the head to kill.

"Li Yuanfang, do you really think we are afraid of you? No matter what relationship you have with this evil dragon, you will definitely die today."

The crow screamed in a foul breath, Zuo Zhou's appearance made people feel like he had become a loser even before he made a move!

Zuo Zhou is happy, sure enough, if you want to stand out, you must have the awareness to be a target. You see, just now you shouted about Tu Zhenlong grabbing the dragon yuan, but now the target has become yourself, and this will is not firm at all.

Although Zuo Zhou despised him in his heart, he also despised him on the face, and asked disdainfully: "Are you sure you want to be my enemy? If you swim fast enough, you may escape now if you leave now."

Then Zuo Zhou saw fear in Juewushen Xu Fu and Duanlang's eyes in an instant, but Juewushen and Xu Fu seemed to be still watching, while Duanlang's eyes were filled with embarrassment and a firm intention to retreat, as if he was using The eyes said, "Brother misunderstood, I just passed by, if you don't believe me, ask Huolinjian"

Zuo Zhou didn't bother to talk to him, and saw the crow soaring into the sky, perhaps because he was too tired to talk with his neck up. Strategy, originally I wanted to test it with this evil dragon, but today it happened to be used on you, the righteous master."

Zuo Zhou curled his lips, "I'm so awesome, let's go down!"

As soon as Zuo Zhou's voice fell, the mountain of swords suddenly appeared and fell in the air, and the huge pressure had not yet settled on the crow, which made him scream and rush to the ground.

But the crow said anxiously: "Everyone, help me!"

The masters he invited to slay the dragon all moved out one after another, and the moves containing all kinds of true meanings of martial arts bloomed with various colors of light, resisting the whereabouts of Daoshan. Taking advantage of this time, Xu Fu took out a palm-sized sword The copper bell was thrown into the air with a slight shake, and when it saw the wind, it rose to the size of a mountain in the blink of an eye, and it firmly resisted the mountain of knives to prevent it from falling.

This is a magic weapon carefully condensed by a practitioner of magic. Although the quality is not as good as that of Daoshan, since Daoshan is not Zuo Zhou's condensed magic weapon, its power will be weakened, but it is offset by this huge copper bell.

Zuo Zhou didn't care that his trick was mainly to let the crow get the fuck out of here, I'm just pretending, when will it be your turn to come and sing against me.

The crow secretly breathed a sigh of relief, then took out a flag and began to wave it, but this flag is not a magic weapon but a command flag for giving orders. Most of the defective products on the ground list saw the command flag waved and started running consciously. position.

Zuo Zhou frowned slightly. Is this the trick they designed to deal with him?
Looking at the formation of these defective products, Zuo Zhou was curious, but he was not stupid enough to give the enemy time to use his tricks, so he jumped off the ruthless head, and he already had an evil spirit churning gun in his hand. Broadsword.

"Be brave first, let's see how many bastards you and I can kill today."

Heroic, every time Zuo Zhou grasps the courage to be the first, he feels that his whole body is awesome, and there are endless pride in his chest that he wants to vent. The national curse is just some accessories, the key is to look at this trick Alluring Love· Ten days turned into the sky!

As Zuo Zhou's strongest tactic today, the sky and the earth changed color as soon as the ten days turned out, the effect of the formation that restricted the power of nature was instantly shattered, and all the power of nature also lost its direction in an instant.

The ten black holes are like black suns across the sky at the same time, as if announcing the gaze of the demon god to the world, and also doomed the outcome of this battle.

However this time...

"I knew you would make this move. Li Yuanfang will show you the feast we have prepared for you."

The crow laughed wildly, but when he waved his hand, he summoned a huge magic circle in mid-air. A huge monster slowly crawled out of the magic circle. This monster was covered with wrinkled green skin, no eyes, no nose and no ears. A mouth with sharp teeth.

Zuo Zhou frowned, relying on this monster alone can resist him, no, this monster is delaying time
I don't know where the crow psychically produced this monster. After opening its mouth wide, it produced a violent suction force in its throat. The monster might have been frightened, and was still thinking about crawling back, but the ten black holes had pulled him out of the formation at close range, torn him into countless pieces, and disappeared into the black holes in the blink of an eye.

However, the suction force covered by its huge body did give time for the defective products on the bottom list to form an array, and a phantom covering the entire island appeared in mid-air

If the phantom of this formation is seen from a high altitude, it is a huge circle, with complicated patterns in its body, each of which is shining with mysterious brilliance, and these brilliance are connected with each other to form a more subtle pattern.

Zuo Zhou understood the pattern when he saw it, "Hey, you old sixes can think of such a way."

Zuo Zhou's formation skills are actually not very high, but he can still see the main effect of a formation. The effect of this formation is actually very simple, just two words, seal!
This is the method that Crow and others came up with. Isn't your ten-day turning sky amazing? We really can't stand it and can't break it, but we can seal it.Of course, the so-called seal also needs a container. These ten black holes that look like the sun cannot be sealed by something like a rice cooker at will. It is very likely that there is a great treasure or a small world connected behind it.

The ten black holes finally collided with the sealing formation, and the violent gravitational force was sealed in it by the formation. Zuo Zhou's molars were itchy after seeing it for a while, these gods of the past are really good things.

Zuo Zhou wanted to swing his knife again to break the formation, but he suddenly thought that the function of the formation is to seal, not teleportation. If it is teleportation, it only needs to interfere, and the seal can be applied to any force.

Shaking his head helplessly, sure enough, this unique move is no longer a unique move after being used once, but all villains with ambitions are trying their best to restrain you.

"Haha, Li Yuanfang, today is your death day!"

Zuo Zhou didn't panic, just took a look at the defective products on the ground list who had been raising their hands as if they were rubbing their vitality, and then sighed lightly: "I found a terrible thing."

"What?" The crow is able to get along with him, and he can even laugh at him.

Zuo Zhou sighed: "It seems that these defective items on the ground list can't move if they maintain the formation, then you will be left to face me, it's so scary!"

(End of this chapter)

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