Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 759

Chapter 759

"Well done, hey, this punch is strong enough... this punch is beautiful, come again... why is this punch so cowardly? You still want to unify Dongpu with such a small force... come again, come again... don't be shy when you get bored, Tell me about your dream..."

The master of boxing is going crazy, he has never seen such a wonderful person, it's nothing more than using his body to catch the fist, but he still feels that the punch is not hard enough or hard enough.

He even encouraged me so much, he encouraged me!

Zuo Zhou wiped away a trace of blood from the corner of his mouth, his eyes were full of relief, looking at the God of Boxing was like looking at his children.

Sometimes people who are not very smart are very cute. Take this boxing god as an example. No wonder he has been sealed by Juewushen for so many years. Obviously, this brain is not very easy to use. If it were someone else, it would have been obvious He was trying his fist with his body, but in the end, this guy was still using his strength foolishly, which made Zuo Zhou reluctant to kill him.

At this time, Zuo Zhou couldn't be too satisfied with the killing fist, the killing fist, the so-called killing, kills his life!

The key lies not in 'life' but in 'seizure'!
This 'loot' means plunder. Before that, Zuo Zhou had been wondering where the flames in Jue Wushen's hands came from when he used his killing fist, and where did the flames and lightning come from when the master of martial arts used his killing fist.Zuo Zhou didn't believe that with their aptitudes, they could have such a deep knowledge of the power of nature while cultivating the Killing Fist and the Immortal Golden Body. Besides, even if they were geniuses and had a very deep understanding of the power of nature, then this kind of Comprehension should also be used in daily battles. It makes no sense to attack only when using the killing fist.

Now Zuo Zhou really understands that it is precisely the effect of the word "seize". The moment the killing fist is cast, it will form a similar black hole that is almost distorted in space, but it is different from Shiri Hengkong, his black hole has limited damage to ordinary things But it has the effect of absorbing and using the true meaning of other martial arts.

Take today's boxing god as an example, the flame and lightning power on his killing fist is the true meaning of martial arts plundered from heaven and earth.You don't need to know too much, you only need to know a little bit, and then Killing Fist can absorb it.

Speaking of which, it is not the first time that Zuo Zhou has encountered a kung fu with the characteristics of absorption, but what others absorb is nothing more than true energy, and kung fu that robs the true meaning of martial arts like Killing Fist is rare.

However, Zuo Zhou's reason for affirming the killing fist has nothing to do with absorbing and plundering the true meaning of martial arts. What he values ​​more is that killing fist can add various true meanings of martial arts.

You must know that there is probably no martial arts true meaning in this world that is stronger than the Qi of Mieshi, and when the Qi of Mieshi is attached to the Killing Fist, its power must far exceed that of Jue Wushen and Quan Dao Shen.

"How on earth are you willing to let me go?"

The kung fu god seemed to have finally awakened, he scattered the flames and lightning from his hands, and his figure rose and fell with the sea, looking straight at Zuo Zhou.

"You can leave at any time, as long as you beat me."

A black line appeared on the boxing god's face instantly, "Then you fight back, you have been blocking, dodging and moving around, do you think you look down on me?"

"What do you think?"

The whole face of the Quan Dao God was contorted, and the ferocious eyes seemed to have added to his skill. He clenched his fists and rushed towards Zuo Zhou again. The entire arm is wrapped in strong energy fluctuations.

Zuo Zhou stood still but raised Yong Wei first. Facing the attack of the boxing god, he found that the opponent seemed to be at the end of his skills, and there were no tricks worth learning by himself. If so, let everything end.

Zuo Zhou raised Yongwei and sent it forward. There was a muffled pop sound and blood splashed more than three feet high. The long handle of the knife was directly inserted between the arms of Quan Dao Shen, defeating him by virtue of his length advantage.

Yes, it's such a child's play, so unbelievable, the kung fu god covered the blade of Yong Weixian, his whole face was full of disbelief.

The weapon is longer than the arm, what the hell kind of trick is this?

However, it was so unreasonable that Zuo Zhou defeated Quan Dao Shen, and Yong Wei first pierced Quan Dao Shen's body directly from the collarbone.

From a certain point of view, it is impossible for a kind of martial art to be completely flawless. Even if it is really a panacea-like skill, there will be different shortcomings due to different users.The same is true for Killing Fist. In Zuo Zhou's view, his biggest problem is that he cannot fight from a distance.
Although both flames and lightning can perform long-range attacks, when they are robbed by the killing fist, they become an additional state.

And the only means of killing fist that can affect the distance is the kind of suction generated when it is used, but this kind of suction can only bully and bully the juniors.For Zuo Zhou, he has a powerful technique like Mofengbo that can replace him.

"Why don't you say you're stupid, you haven't figured out what's wrong with your killing punch after punching for a lifetime?"

Zuo Zhou curled his lips, in line with the principle that the dead are the greatest, and he didn't have too much irony.

The body of the boxing god fell into the sea and sank slowly, Zuo Zhou hovered in the air and raised his head slightly, looking far to the east.

So far, he has actually finished what he needs to do on this trip to Dongpu. Even if there are still masters in Dongpu today, they are just rookies who have just entered the ranking. With the cooperation of Shangguan Haitang and Xie Xun, they can easily win.

But he knows that the peaceful days won't last long, and even tonight or tomorrow morning there will be a big change

"Why don't you come back, the sun has already set."

The green snake demon beat the green grass in his hand again and again. The sunset on the sea is always beautiful, but for those who are used to seeing similar scenery, that beauty will become a little weight in anxiety.

Ruthlessly patted the Green Snake Demon on the forehead in a funny way, "It seems that I neglected to discipline you before, and I don't even have the patience for this."

The green snake demon looked aggrieved, its head lowered almost to the lower abdomen, but it didn't know that this operation that violated the common sense of the human body made Duan Lang gasp on the side.Well, this is also the first time for him to get close to monsters, so it seems that he is rare and ignorant.

Liu Sheng Piaoxu looked at Wuqing with doubts in his eyes, as if mustering up a lot of courage, he asked, "How did my sister know Master Li?"

Ruthlessly turned back to look at Liu Sheng Piaoxu.The super perceptual ability made her aware of Liusheng Piaoxu's faint sourness, but this sourness also reveals humbleness and cautiousness.

Li Yuanfang understood the status of Liu Sheng Piaoxu almost instantly. To put it a bit embarrassingly, Li Yuanfang has many problems with this man, but none of these problems are embarrassing for his woman.Now that Liu Sheng Piaoxu is treated and indulged in this way, it can only be said that Liu Sheng Piaoxu's status is a bit special in the Li family.

Although Wuqing doesn't know the reason for all this, but as her, she doesn't have any position to help change.

In fact, to put it bluntly, the relationship between myself and Li Yuanfang is not complicated, it is nothing more than a dewy marriage, not even the word "evil fate".However, the logic of the world's evaluation of relationships is very simple and rude, whoever is strong will take the lead, and the weak will naturally become the vassal of the strong.

Therefore, those who knew about that incident basically put the label of "Li Yuanfang's woman" on Wu Qing's body.

It's just that if the inquirer is someone else, Wu Qing will say it casually, but if it is Liu Sheng Piaoxu, she can't tell it easily. She must maintain the rules and restrictions Li Yuanfang set for Liu Sheng Piaoyai before.
He smiled ruthlessly: "It's a long story, let's wait for the general to come back and ask him."

Liu Sheng Piaoxu nodded, took a step back and didn't ask any more questions, while Duan Lang rolled his eyeballs, how could he not be aware of the problem with his intelligence, "Speaking of which, Feng Yun and others are also very concerned about what happened to Miss Wuqing back then. I am quite sorry, if I see you intact, I think the knot in my heart will be relieved a little."

Smiling ruthlessly, he couldn't help but think back to the days when everyone went to Jiangnan Road together. At that time, Nie Feng almost awakened his inner demon because of his powerlessness, and he didn't know what happened next.

In addition, there are Zhuge Zhengwo, Tie Shou, etc. My disappearance must have worried them, and Jian Chen, I almost chose him for a while, but it's a pity that things are impermanent, and the two of them are at best destined to have nothing to do with each other.

"What are Miss Wuqing's future plans?" Duanlang asked again.

"It's time to go back and see my family, so let's go back to the city with Li Yuanfang."

But Duanlang said with a smile: "It seems that Miss Wuqing has been in seclusion for a while, and she really didn't know that Li Yuanfang had fallen out with Daqin, and now she is the guest of Ming Dynasty Zhu Wushi, and the treatment is much better than when she was in Daqin. "

She paused in ruthless surprise. When she was in the Song Dynasty, she already knew that Li Yuanfanggui was the fifth general, and he was also an important figure in the Great Qin Dynasty. How could she suddenly fall out?


Duanlang didn't hide anything, and told Wuqing all the information he knew, Wuqing's expression gradually changed from weird to funny, and finally he sighed, "You can't live by yourself!"

But in the blink of an eye, the ruthless expression became serious again. Seeing this, Duanlang hurriedly asked what the problem was, and ruthlessly replied: "According to what you said, Hu Hai's death has given the people of the Shishamen some luck, although Daqin's luck It didn't focus on Hu Hai, but as the lord of a country, even if the luck is divided into several parts, it should be quite a lot, why are the Ten Killers coming to besiege and kill me now?"

Duanlang frowned and thought for a while, "Although the crow kept talking about Longyuan, but in fact, what they want is luck from the perspective of actions."

"This is the most suspicious part. Luck is not a merit, and it has no obvious effect on cultivation. Throughout the ages, many people with great luck have died. If we really want to fight for world supremacy, luck is just a passport for those heroes That's all, it proves that you can participate in the competition, not that you will definitely be the overlord if you have luck."

"What's more, the Ten Killing Clan doesn't actually control any country, and even their sect is already the soil where everyone shouts and never grows. So what do they want to be lucky?"

These words obviously caught Duan Lang's question. He is just an undercover agent who can't even get in touch with a real high-level person like Jizo, so how could he know such a secret.

Just as he was thinking about how to answer, a cloud in the distance suddenly shone brightly, and this ray of light illuminated the entire world in the blink of an eye. All the masters above the list felt a sense of Qi Qi raised their heads and looked up at the sky, a trace of traction, a trace of hostility, like a brand mark fell on their hearts.

But all the masters who have some understanding of the way of heaven have already realized at this time, the way of heaven has come down... the order to kill!
(End of this chapter)

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