Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 764 Destroy the world and destroy you

Chapter 764 Destroy the world and destroy you

"What is he doing?"

Sheng Tianya returned to his sister's side and suddenly felt that he was doing well again. Looking at Zuo Zhou talking and laughing with Kangxi and Song Zhixi from a distance, he couldn't help but wondered: "What is there to talk about with those two guys? Tch, they are clearly with each other It’s hypocrisy to want to kill the other party!”

Bang, with a ruthless move of the dragon, Sheng Tianya was taken aback, and the long eyes stared, "When is it your turn to talk nonsense, saying, what do the people from the Ten Killing Gates know from you? Why did they go to me?" Where are you looking for trouble?"

Sheng Tianya was a little dazed, the White Snake Demon and the Green Snake Demon came up to him, pinching his cheeks from left to right.

Sheng Tianya burst into tears immediately, "The two big sisters are merciful, I don't know what they know? They used the soul search technique to deal with me. The things obtained by this kind of magic are already fragmented. In addition, I committed suicide in time, so they should not get any specific information."

Ruthless heard the words and asked again: "What happened next? Did you resurrect in this space?"

Sheng Tianya nodded, "That's right, this space is amazing, it can actually block the attraction of reincarnation to souls. We exiles can all be resurrected here. After that, I have been hunted down by the Ten Killing Gates, and it was only just now that I was out of trouble. Oh, woo, sister, if you guys come a little later, I will probably be caught, and I will lose my life by then, sister, you can only help me sweep my grave every year on the festival day."

Wu Qing didn't bother to talk to him, but his words caught the attention of others, and Jian Xin's voice sounded slowly, "How long have you been hunted down?"

Sheng Tianya looked curiously at the ball of light that was ruthlessly wrapped inside, "It's been a few months."

Nodded ruthlessly, "It seems like nothing. The enemy really didn't get much information from here, so they must have searched for a long time before they found my location."

Jianxin's voice sounded again, "How did you escape so many people's searches in the past few months?"

Sheng Tianya said with a matter of course: "Just keep hiding like that, this place is so big, why can't you hide someone?"

What Sheng Tianya said was straightforward, but Lu Junyi and others around him also felt that something was wrong, "Since the world of Shanhe Shejitu is controlled by Ksitigarbha, there is no reason why you can rely on 'East Hiding XZ' to make yourself safe Bar?"

Everyone's eyes suddenly turned wrong. Is there something wrong with this product, is it a fake?

Ruthlessly glanced at everyone, shook his head in affirmation, "There should be no problem with the person, after all, it is difficult for another person to act out such a stupid feeling."

Everyone stopped talking after hearing the words, Sheng Tianya quit, "What do you mean being so stupid? I'm very smart, otherwise why would I have been hiding for so long? I have brought guerrilla warfare to the extreme and even killed two A top player!"


Everyone felt that something was wrong again, you only have the innate strength of a beginner now, why kill the master of the top list?You thought you were Li Yuanfang!
Jian Xin suddenly asked again: "Wait, let me ask you, what do you rely on to survive these days? What do you eat?"

Sheng Tianya smiled and said: "You don't know something, this space is quite special, you can live without eating or drinking!"


Silence, long silence, Jianxin suddenly let out a sigh, then extinguished the light unexpectedly, and regained his figure.

Everyone looked at her suspiciously, and Zuo Zhou turned his head strangely in front of him.

Hearing Jian Xin slowly lift off and fly out from the ruthless sanitation, her voice immediately spread throughout the space of Shanhe Sheji Tu.

"Ksitigarbha! I underestimated your determination. You clearly knew that the way of heaven stipulated that martial arts should be prosperous, but you still did this. You bound all your soul cultivation to the fragments of the map of the mountains and rivers. Such a big sacrifice, does it worth?"

Zuo Zhou frowned in front of him and said nothing. It seemed that something happened that he didn't know. Although he couldn't understand it, it seemed to be very powerful?

"Your Majesty has been rewarded. Since the plan to reopen the underworld failed, I have no choice. Speaking of which, the Map of Mountains and Rivers originally belonged to My Majesty, but I am afraid I will repay this cause and effect in the next life."

"I said, what kind of messed up riddles are you guys playing? Can't you speak Mandarin?"

Zuo Zhou looked around, and suddenly saw that the city that he had just destroyed with his killing fist turned into a thriving scene again.

Huh?Does this map of mountains, rivers, and land have such a role?
Jian Xin no longer concealed it, and said bluntly: "We have been fooled, this is not a real reality, but the consciousness space of Jizo!"

Zuo Zhou froze for a moment, and said with a smile: "Impossible, if it's the consciousness space, I wouldn't be able to recognize it?"

Jian Xin shook his head, and continued: "But what if he merged his soul with the map of Shanhe Sheji?"

Zuo Zhou was out of words, he didn't expect this result, but he understood the consequences of doing so, Ksitigarbha would become the spirit of Shanhe Shejitu!

It's just... No, if it becomes a weapon spirit, then the original body of Jizo will be discarded. Could it be that for such a long time, the Ten Killing Gates have been obeying a magic weapon?Outrageous!

Jianxin continued: "I've been wondering since we came in. He can instantly explore the pictures in your memory. This strength should not be underestimated. You must know that you are also a master comparable to the top rankings. It is easy to be detected. Then Sheng Tianya’s words reminded me that he has been hiding in XZ for several months but he has not even eaten rice. This is absolutely abnormal, because even the map of mountains and rivers cannot affect the physiological needs of the human body itself. The only possibility is that Sheng Tianya is actually a soul body, so he doesn't have the hunger that a human body should have."

After saying this, Zuo Zhou immediately understood, "No wonder this kid was able to hide for such a long time. Let me ask you, since Jizo can mass-produce top players in the local rankings, he should have strict control over this place. It is too easy to deal with Sheng Tianya. It’s good not to let him have a new body, so that the soul will always exist in this space of consciousness, and Jizo doesn’t even care about him, anyway, he will be found sooner or later.”

Sheng Tianya in the distance was stunned, he squeezed his face, it would have hurt, but once he believed it now, the pain that should have been there is gone.

"Wuuuuu, sister, I've become a ghost!"

Ruthlessly ignored him, just continued to listen, and Jianxin said again: "I should have thought about it a long time ago. How could Tiandao personally destroy the Shanhe Sheji map and leave any artifact spirit behind. Now that the earth treasure has become an artifact spirit, then It doesn't make sense for me to compete with him any longer, and what he did, I'm afraid... is to hold us all back!"

Sure enough, as Jianxin's voice fell, the original two-divided world instantly turned into blue sky and white clouds. It seemed that the evenly matched confrontation just now was just a show.

Zuo Zhou frowned, turned to look at Kangxi and Song Zhixi, "You too... no, you are not fake, this breath of soul cannot be faked."

Kangxi sneered, "Li Yuanfang, so what if you are the best in the matter? Do you know that in this space of consciousness, time is different from the speed outside! How long!"

Everyone thumped in their hearts, and Zuo Zhou's face darkened instantly, "What did you do in reality?"

Song Zhixi smiled and said: "Don't worry, I won't do anything. Speaking of it, I would like to thank you. If it weren't for what you did before, there would be no possibility for the various countries to plan to recuperate. Similarly, the realm of chaos and the Qing Dynasty We also need to recuperate. It's just that we are different from Daqin, Tang, and Ming, our recuperation is not to develop people's livelihood, but to explode soldiers non-stop!"


This word is actually very unfamiliar to exiles, but the greatest charm of Chinese is that even if you have never heard it before, you can roughly guess the meaning.

As for Zuo Zhou, he naturally understood that the 'soldiers' exploded by the other party were not ordinary soldiers, but defective products on the ground list!
Kangxi sneered, "Why bother to develop the people's livelihood? When we sweep the world, the people's livelihood in other countries will be ours!"

Zuo Zhou let out a long sigh of relief, "If you want to sweep the world, how many defective products have you cultivated!"

Song Zhixi smiled, and pointed to the exiles below, "To tell you the truth, these exiles are all candidates who are about to become masters in the local rankings. It can be said that we have prepared so many people all the time. You After all, how many top masters have been created? By the way, I would like to remind you that the speed of time here is very fast, and it is impossible to say that once you go out, you will already be a grandfather!"

Zuo Zhou rubbed his chin, ignoring the enemy's smug expression, "I said how I realized it so smoothly just now. It turns out that the space and time here are different from usual, and it is easier to be discovered and understood. Speaking of which, I must thank you all! "

Kangxi laughed loudly, "The general is indeed a man of high skill and courage. In fact, we also understand that even if there are hundreds of thousands of masters in the local rankings, we may not be able to keep you. After we withdraw the space, we will naturally let the general go. I will not touch the general's family either. If the general is willing, my Qing country is willing to regard the general as the national teacher and share the world with me!"

Zuo Zhou didn't say anything, just looked back and forth, left and right, and sighed: "It's really blinding, and looking at it now, it is indeed similar to the space of consciousness. Damn, you gods left by the last era are real. Creepy and unpredictable!"

"The general hasn't replied to me yet." Kangxi's triumphant look was quite disgusting.

Zuo Zhou got a little annoyed, "I've been stolen for some unknown number of years for no reason, how dare you put this up to recruit me? Die you, you all die!"

The price of breaking Zuo Zhou's defense is very serious. He stretched out his finger to the sky, and a touch of gray seemed to appear faintly.

"No wonder I can't find a hiding place for Ksitigarbha. It turns out that this world is Ksitigarbha. If this is the case, just destroy this world!"

(End of this chapter)

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