Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 782 I am very pleased to see you doing good

Chapter 782 I am very pleased to see you doing good
"Uh, do you have brothers from Zoroastrianism?"


A certain Shinto person hidden in the dark looked back helplessly and asked, just now, he was going to stand up and perform miracles, but you suddenly said 'Zoroastrianism'!Damn Zoroastrianism, how can there be any gods of Zoroastrianism in our group of people, are you afraid that you are embarrassing me?
Speaking of people in Shinto, it is a general term, which includes Buddhism, Taoism, magic cultivators, sects and even very individual monster races. There are so many sects in it that it is dazzling.According to logic, there should be Zoroastrian gods among the people in Shinto, but the problem came, even if there were... they didn't come!
Just when people in the Shinto were in a dilemma, I only heard Master Jian Chi continue to speak: "The Zoroastrianism originated in the Western Regions. When it was introduced to the Ming Dynasty, it was influenced by the local culture. In order to meet the needs of the rulers, it evolved into today's Mingjiao. It is well known that the Ming religion played a vital role in the establishment of the Ming state, and some of its customs and customs also had a profound impact on the people of the Ming state."

A group of Shinto people are a little flustered, saying that you should not talk about the teachings of Zoroastrianism in depth when you talk about Zoroastrianism?This is great, it will have a profound impact on the local people when it comes up, and I think you want to influence us.

Several members of Shinto looked at each other and pondered for a long while, and finally came up with a solution that was not a solution, "It's too late to go back to Tang to find brothers who may be from the Fire Worship Cult. If this is the case, why don't you come up with a Shinto that is good at the natural power of the fire element?" Friends, come and pretend to be a Zoroastrian god!"

Obviously, those Shinto people think too highly of the so-called ignorant people in our eyes, and they plan to be tough because they care about the folks talking.

It's just that we still have to wait for us to show our holiness, so little master Jian Chi changed the subject again, "The Zoroastrian Cult originated from the Western Regions, and the terrain of the Western Regions is relatively short of water resources compared to the Central Plains, so when our customs spread to the coastal areas Encountering natural barriers. There is no such thing as "relying on the mountains to eat the mountains, and relying on the sea to eat the sea. The people along the coast all make a living by fishing, and we have no beliefs of our own, such as Mazu."

People in the Shinto way are a little numb. We know who Mazu is. Thinking of it, a group of people focused their attention on a man who had obviously cultivated to the status of Bodhisattva.

The man looked at us blankly, "It is because you are a man that they will call you Mazu. Have you ever seen the sea in your life?"

"Is that a matter of slowing down? I heard that one of Jin Chan's actions was disrupted by someone. Now that the situation is very stable, you can give up that small opportunity, not to mention that the common people have no idea. After passing Mazu, we will know the specific appearance of this god, he only needs to restrain these breaths belonging to the Buddhist sect."

The male bodhisattva thought for a moment after hearing the words, and hurriedly put away the wisdom wheel in front of his head, but if you still stand up, you heard Master Chi's voice turn around again, "Speaking of the people in the coastal areas, this must be true." Let me mention that there are very few countries in the sea, such as the low-lying Dongying and other island countries in the sea, each of which has its own beliefs. Among them, Dongying is the most unfamiliar to you. The main thing is that there are very few vagrants in Dongying who burn, kill, and loot along the coast. The so-called knowing yourself and the enemy is perilous. Some neighboring countries will focus on collecting information about Japan, which naturally includes the beliefs of Japan people. For example, Amaterasu, Susano's Daughter, or the most unknown Siqi snake or four-tailed fox in Japan... …

Everyone in the Shinto is stupid, one step at a time and one step at a time, but he went straight to the Siqi little snake and the four-tailed fox, how should you pretend?With the transformation technique, I'm afraid you really turned into little snakes flying around. He just slapped him back, saying he was subduing demons.

"If you still change according to the gods and Mazu of the Fire Worship Cult just now, at best they can be regarded as good gods. As for giving me a reason to do it."

The first Shinto person smiled wryly, "What he said is complicated, what's the matter with him jumping out one step or even two steps faster when people talk about other gods now, don't say it's crazy, even if you see it, you have to believe it .”

"They said that there is no possibility that the monk Jianzhi is against you unintentionally. I saw whether you have the gods and monsters I mentioned in your lineup, so I focused on it, and thus took the lead. "

People in the Shinto who had nothing to say as soon as the words came out looked at Jian Chi with strange eyes, and the monk Jian Chi seemed to see everything as if he could see everything. The common people listened to it without interest, like a seasoned urchin flipping through a thick book of [-] whys.

But after that scene, the silent Zuo Zhou was paralyzed by laughter, the old cunt is the old cunt, I thought it was the idea, the old monk thought of a way to break the situation overnight.He saw those who were embarrassed by these Shinto people, all of them looked like pickled eggplants.

Zuo Zhou cheerfully looked at Jin Chan, who looked dumbfounded. At this time, the girl had no distinction between the north and the south. It was too late to listen to it before the first one was suitable. Well, I knew it later. There are not so few beliefs in the world, it is quite boring

"If you don't care about it, if you do that, you will be able to complete your tasks. Xiaojia will come out together and shake those believers hard, and it will also play a role."

A group of people in the Shinto seemed to be planning to break the can, but at this moment, "Some gods, I created a place, and outside it was full of eerie ghosts, horrible tortures, and an unpleasant sulfur smell. We set some rules before, as long as he violates those rules, we will throw him back into this horrible place, let him be afraid, happy, tortured, let him perish forever, and we will say we love him! As for God, if you name us specifically, maybe one day we will jump out, because they doubt us, we are very angry, and we have to give them some trouble, let them know that God can offend. No matter what they say Nothing to do but forget about us."

The entire Duolin Temple fell into a turmoil instantly, and the believers, including the Shinto people hidden in the dark, fell into chaos at that moment. It was the monk who had seen the idiot, but he still had nothing to say, "God is not all capable, we still need They went to throw incense money out of the box, and told him that every time the copper coin rang, his sins would increase. If it is according to that logic, then these small businessmen should be the purest and most perfect people in the world. However, They all know that the status of merchants in various countries is not low. It was established by the emperors of various countries and rejected by the nobles of various countries. It’s all about praying, or changing to another person to pray for, such as Xiao Qin’s wife, you can satisfy nearly [-]% of their wishes, it just depends on whether you want it or not.”

"Your faith hesitates."

It seems that the words of Monk Jian Chi offended a certain believer. An aunt stood up and glared at him. Monk Jian Chi was immediately happy, "You are very relieved to see their faith in what they said. If he changed something when he prayed last time But if you want to bless his daughter-in-law and give birth to a son, you will be more depressed."

The little aunt immediately blushed, and seeing that the monk didn't put too much pressure on you, she turned her eyes and continued to look at the crowd and said: "To be honest, you have studied Buddhism for nearly a hundred years, but you still say that it is the ultimate in Buddhism." Who cares about childbirth. You don’t have a single friend, I don’t have eight wives around me, and I don’t have some confidante with a clear relationship, but I still have to worry about having children. You have considered persuading me to become a Buddhist, but it’s embarrassing But there are so few gods and Buddhas, but there is no one who can help me."

Zuo Zhou: "..."

"So, if they study the Dharma and do good things with all their heart, you will be very upset. If they believe in the gods and act according to our precepts, you will be very sad. You will fall into self-blame, and you will think about why you persuade them to be good. Will the Dharma be defeated by these gods who terrify them?"

All the believers fell into thinking for a moment, maybe it was because of the sorrow of Master Jian Chi, or maybe my words really touched the souls of those believers. Ringing the bell next to it put an end to the farce.

My movements are quick and gentle but slow as lightning, so slow that no one in the Shinto can react.

"Uh, do you still want to show your body? At this time, if you show your body with enough momentum, you will become the gods that scare believers in my mouth?"

Some Shinto people look at Jian Chi with hatred in their eyes, they are putting us under the fire, and they have even defined our sex.Bringing fear to people and controlling people's behavior, is that no different from a tyrant?
"Ask the following for instructions. That monk who sees the idiot against you should be punished by God!"

"Yes, in the plan, after finding the Buddha's relic, it is advisable to use drastic means, especially in the face of the low-ranking players. We are the backbone of each country. Delay in action will arouse the vigilance of the country where you are located, and hinder your future plans. .”

"It's wrong, let alone just some believers, you don't need our faith, you just need a gorgeous appearance."

"The time to cast divine punishment has not yet come. As long as the heavenly court can stand, the mortal dynasty is worth mentioning. Then it will be time to cast divine punishment."

"It's just a pity that the place of Duolin Temple is too suitable for you Shinto people to appear on the stage."

"It doesn't matter, no matter how good the plan is, there will inevitably be changes, just like this time when the story was disrupted by someone later. The next one is already unprepared, and there is no chance for you people in the divine way to manifest your holiness!"

"Okay, but it's really Gan, can you just let me go like that?"

"Can he beat me?"

"Uh, you can do it together."

"Is this the tyrant I'm talking about again?"


Wei Hai suppressed a smile while watching these Shinto people leave in desperation. At first, he wanted to follow, but he was still waiting when he saw a figure retreating from the front mountain of Duolin Temple into Monk Jianzhi's meditation room. I know that person. , but it was Yuchi Zhenjin who had been by Di Renjie's side all the time.

(End of this chapter)

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