Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 784 The user of the first merit bamboo

Chapter 784 The User of the First Merit Bamboo Chip

"Handsome, really handsome, just because of the hero's appearance just now, I can't believe that I didn't leave an indelible impression in my sister's heart!"

"Are you with... the monster?"

Jin Chan asked uncertainly, just now she was obviously about to hammer the monster to death, but this guy jumped over with a shiny body, although knocked away many monsters, but in her opinion, it was more like saving monster.

"You girl is somewhat ignorant, but I saved your life!"

Ye Yujing patted his chest, and the muffled sound was like a ripe watermelon.

Roar, before Jin Chan could answer him, the monster behind rushed up, and the messy blows with many hands and feet slapped his golden body without seeming to cause any damage.

Ye Yujing even had some free time to continue: "I think the girl is neither Taoism nor Buddha. A Zen stick is so strange that it jingles. It must have an extraordinary origin. I wonder if I can tell you something, so that everyone can learn more."


Jin Chan turned her head and saw that many people had come out of the small town, including the town's patrols and martial artists with weapons. Obviously, everyone came to fight the monsters.

"You guys knew that monsters would come out?"

Ye Yujing reached out and grabbed one of the monster's arms and pulled it to the ground, stepped on it and crushed its head, then stopped a scurrying monster, and at the same time turned around and said: "I didn't know it earlier, but I made preparations in advance That's all."

As he said that, all the people in the martial arts in the small town started to fight, all of them were vicious, and it seemed that the monsters were rather pitiful.

Jin Chan was not idle either, waving the nine-ringed tin staff to smash it in various ways. It was obviously a treasure full of good luck, but she used it with incomparable violence.

"Were the monster predation stopped by the five armies outside the Western Regions? Why do you look used to it?"

The corners of Ye Yujing's mouth twitched, lamenting that there were violent women around him, and at the same time replied: "Just half a month ago, the monster evolved for unknown reasons, and it became what it is today."

Jin Chan paused, half a month ago?I was a little bit guilty in my heart, wouldn't this also be a plot arranged by the people in Shinto?
Ye Yujing continued: "Originally, the legion could stop the monsters, but the re-evolved monsters can not only eat meat and grass, but also eat dirt!"

"..." Are these monsters extremely hungry?

"The monsters that can eat soil began to multiply crazily, and the number increased, and the legion that had the upper hand had to retreat to the pass. Unexpectedly, these monsters used the method of eating soil to hollow out three mountains, and then Bypassed the pass and entered the hinterland."

Jin Chan frowned slightly, "I don't think everyone is in a hurry?"

Ye Yujing smiled and said: "These evolved monsters have very obvious flaws. Although each of them looks very high-level, their physical bodies are not strong, and their true energy is completely scattered. Innate crop handles are not as good."

Jin Chan asked in surprise: "How do you understand it so clearly? Aren't these monsters just evolved?"

Ye Yujing replied casually: "Mr. Song Ci discovered these through autopsy, saying that the meridian does not exist, does not conform to biological logic, there is no dantian to store true energy, too many limbs affect the balance of the body, and... er, anyway, all kinds of things. Various reasons, and then people found that this monster is really vulnerable, didn’t you see that the folks also wanted to come up to help?”

Jin Chan glanced back, and sure enough there were a few men with hoes eager to try.

"Ah...although this monster's strength is a little weak, but it's not enough to let some men who are not even born dare to come forward to fight?" Jin Chan was a little messy, saying that the folk customs of the Western Regions are all so simple?Wouldn't it be a bit difficult for such a person to believe in reverence for heaven?
Jin Chan abruptly recalled what a scholar of the Shinto once taught him. What a preacher is most afraid of is not the violence and ignorance of the target, because the mind is different from muscles and weapons. It is invisible but can tear people's bones. Eat them all clean.

Now that Jin Chan thinks about it, those people in the divine way must be alluding to these people from the Western Regions, right?
"What are you thinking, think about it after killing all the monsters in this wave." Ye Yujing laughed.

Jin Chan nodded, spat with both hands, and swung the nine-ringed tin rod. It was a bit helpless that although these monsters were not strong, they were very flexible. A group of people chased and blocked them and finally killed them all. up.

I was immersed in this defeat, but when I looked up again, I found that it was already evening.Ye Yujing was very hospitable, and the people in the town were also very hospitable. They took her to stay for one night and even held a bonfire party.

"Uh, what are you eating again?" Jin Chan looked at the barbecue in the hands of the people and was a little silent.

But Ye Yujing said in a familiar way: "Oh, it's the monster's meat. About half a month ago, Mr. Song Ci gave a diagnosis to the newly evolved monster, saying that the monster's meat is not poisonous and can be eaten normally! "

"Hiss!" Jin Chan shuddered. Although Ye Yujing didn't feel anything when she said it, Jin Chan suddenly sensed some kind of fear, and then fell into deep doubts. Why do you faintly see the bloody light in the word 'edible'?
Ye Yujing didn't notice the strangeness of Jin Chan, but just took a bite of the monster's meat and asked, "Where did you come from? Why did you come here from the Western Regions?"

Jin Chan replied casually: "Come from the Tang Kingdom in the east, and go to the depths of the Western Regions to welcome back the Buddha's relic."

Ye Yujing paused, a bit embarrassed: "That would be difficult. Now that the monsters have suddenly rioted, and the five major legions have blocked all the roads leading to the Western Regions, it will not be so easy for you to go there."

"Isn't the blockade useless? Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to encounter monsters here?" Jin Chan asked puzzled.

"These monsters are actually not important, because once these monsters are far away from the Beastmaster, they will lose their minds. That's why they came out of the ground just now!" Ye Yujing continued: "Now there are more than a dozen fortune tellers in the castle ahead. People constantly change and lock the position of the Beastmaster every day, as long as it does not cross the checkpoint, then no matter how many of these irrational monsters come over, there is no threat."

Jin Chan exclaimed, the education she received in the Tang State did not have a deep understanding of the Western Regions, and now it seems that this side is doing a lot!

"But this is a mission given to me by His Majesty Tang, I can't give up. Would you like to ask Tang's general to help?"

Ye Yujing smiled and said: "The main force against monsters has always been the three legions of Daqin. Although the legions of Tang and Ming have a large number, they are much worse in terms of soldier quality and combat effectiveness. So if the three legions If you don’t open your mouth, it’s impossible for the army to escort you, not to mention you can’t do it, even the Tang Emperor himself can’t do it.”

"Then what should we do?" Jin Chan rubbed his temples in some embarrassment, and those Shinto people still said that everything was ready?Is that how you prepare?

"Hey, but you don't have to worry too much. If you really want to go, you can also take the mountain path dug out by the monster, but no one knows what's inside and how dangerous it is." Ye Yujing said indifferently, as if he knew the other party won't go the same.

But seeing Jin Chan's eyes brighten up, "Then I will trouble you to lead the way."

"Huh? I didn't promise you to go!"


Western checkpoint
After 15 years of development, it has become a huge town. There are no walls and no fortifications here, because the people living here are warriors.

In the past 15 years, fighting monsters has become the norm, and even countries have a tendency to turn killing monsters into a rite of passage.So more and more soldiers from all over the world are stationed here, and the tower at the center is the residence of the heads of the five legions and the masters.

Once something happened, the masters could come out in an instant. This time the monsters suddenly evolved, so that the defense line almost fell, and it was their shots that saved the situation.

"Have those Shinto people left outside?" Fusu gently blew on the teacup in his hand.

Bai Qi next to him shook his head, and said helplessly, "I don't know what they are thinking. Do you think the sudden evolution of the monster has something to do with them?"

Fu Su glanced at Bai Qi, "Haven't we already discussed this matter? It's not important. You don't have evidence anyway."

Bai Qi let out a long breath, and then asked: "How is Song Ci? Can you hold on?"

Fu Su shook his head, "Li Yuanfang went in to see him just now, and I don't know what's going on now. To be honest, I don't understand why I was so tired that I vomited blood after dissecting the monster once, and I was so thin After a lap, I almost thought he wouldn't survive last night!"

"Song Ci has helped us a lot these years, no matter what, I hope he is fine!"


In Song Ci's room, Zuo Zhou sat by his bed and looked at him responsibly.

At this time, Song Ci looked as if he was terminally ill, and his whole body was so skinny. If anyone could make a comparison, it would be Jie Fulishi who was dying after the Chimera Ant War!

"I remember you weren't so exaggerated when you forcibly defined the weakness of the monster before? What did you do this time?"

"Ahem, you're here!" Song Ci's voice sounded like a bellows that couldn't be pulled, "I also want to thank your father, without his meritorious bamboo slips, I wouldn't be able to do it."

As Song Ci said, he took out a piece of bamboo from his bosom, and Zuo Zhou recognized at a glance that this piece of bamboo belonged to or once belonged to a part of the meritorious bamboo slips, but this part no longer has the aura of merit.

"You...what have you done?" Zuo Zhou suppressed his shocked expression, so Di Renjie also relied on the bamboo slips of meritorious virtues to compete with the people in the divine way to inject rules into the way of heaven?
Song Ci didn't have any fear of dying in his eyes, he just smiled and said, "I know what you're thinking, but I didn't get involved in Lao Di's plan. I just used bamboo slips of merit to communicate with heaven, and merged monsters into nature. A link in the food chain!"

(End of this chapter)

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