Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 788 Kill the one who didn't take us seriously

Chapter 788 Kill the one who doesn't take us seriously first

Yin Ruiji was stunned, it was the first time she was hit by a cavalry, it reminded her of the days when she had no memory of awakening.At that time, because she was pretty, she didn't have to wear a big man every day like other sisters, but she still couldn't avoid being bumped by some powerful people.It was an intoxicating and crazy experience, that is, enjoying the luxury and self-pity for the repeated favors against the heart.

After Yin Ruiji awakened her memory and became a member of the Shinto, she rubbed all the sisters who knew her experience to ashes, and she did not let anyone who bumped into her, no matter male or female.

Originally, she thought that experience would never be recalled again, but this time, the collision of the cavalry seemed to knock her into the palace of memories, reminding her of her helplessness as a human being!

"Ah, I killed you!"

The zhenqi at the ground level exploded, and Yin Ruiji's roar was accompanied by a black wind blowing towards the cavalry, while the soldiers held their spears high without fear, and the zhenqi condensed from the army formation was full of impact.The moment he came into contact with Heifeng, he tore it into pieces. However, the ground board is the ground board after all, and a breath of Yin wind canceled out nearly half of the true qi connection of all the cavalry.

Seeing that Yin Feng was about to break through the true energy and hit the soldiers, Yin Ruiji only felt a dazzling red light appear in front of her eyes, almost blinding her peach blossom eyes.

Yin Ruiji was knocked into the air, hit Lao Gao, flew for a long time before landing, the ground was even knocked out a big hole, and when she crawled out of the hole, her long dress was already in tatters. The seductive spring color is undoubtedly revealed, making Gong Shuchou, who is incompetent, study it carefully several times.

"Just now, what hit me flying?"

Yin Ruiji was a little dazed, seeing the cavalry approaching again, she hurriedly asked her accomplices.

"Those horses." Li Bi's expression was a little subtle.

"Nonsense, Gongshuchou is so far away from me, how could he hit me in the blink of an eye?"

"It's not the three horses of Gongshuqiu, it's...the horses of the cavalry!"


Yin Ruiji turned her head, and saw that all the cavalry and horses opened their mouths, and there was a series of bang bang bang bang, densely packed fireballs shot towards her.

"Hiss! Are all horses created by mechanisms?"

Gongshuchou said that the foundation is not to be six. He did come to the Western Regions checkpoint recently, but it doesn't mean that his mechanism creations also started to prepare recently.You must know that it took Di Renjie 15 years to prepare the plan!

In fact, for everyone who practices mechanism art, carrying mechanism creations is a very troublesome problem. It is a way of thinking to use the form similar to the magic weapon of cultivation like Chuchu to absorb mechanism people into the body, but strictly speaking, it is not a mechanism. Technique, because the process of cultivating magic weapon is far more troublesome than practicing mechanism technique, and it also requires higher materials, etc., which is far less suitable and popular for everyone than mechanism technique.

In addition, storing magic weapons like Zuo Zhou Qiankun Bowl is also an idea, but a person who can condense something like Qiankun Bowl must be powerful in himself, so how can he concentrate on mechanism skills all the time?

Later, Gongshuchou thought of a trick, as long as the creation of the mechanism is endowed with the ability to deform, it will be enough to transform in wartime and maintain the usual state in daily life.This not only solves the problem of carrying, but even increases the concealment.

Boom boom boom!
The fireball was blocked by the prepared Yin Ruiji with the wind wall, but she was knocked out again, because the horse began to deform, the back of the butt spewed fire, the speed increased, and the charge came close in the blink of an eye, she didn't even react.

In fact, even the cavalry didn't react, they just subconsciously raised their lances.

"What are you doing standing there? Go kill that old man!"

Yin Ruiji shouted to her accomplice angrily, and rubbed her chest at the same time, the second impact had already made her feel tight in her chest, which she had never imagined before.Why can a group of mortals hurt her?

Li Bi and the others looked at each other and Yaoyao slapped Gong Shuchou. This slap had no killing intent, they were still thinking about a plan, and they couldn't just kill here.What's more, there is no reason, Jin Chan hasn't come out yet!
But Gong Shuchou didn't seem to let it go easily, his eyes were more determined, and he reached out and touched it in his arms. It was a piece of bamboo of merit, each of them had it, and when they made corresponding actions At that time, you can communicate with the way of heaven through bamboo pieces of merit and virtue, and inject rules into the way of heaven in a form that is close to sacrificing life.

Of course, this rule does not mean that as long as you are willing to die, people will take care of you.If Ni's rules are very outrageous, Tian Dao will resist, and the result of resistance is similar to the pattern of chasing and killing the Shi Sha sect.If you still want to persevere in instilling rules, then you should forcefully accept the killing order, and when the Heavenly Dao can't target you, you will succeed.

In Di Renjie's plan, public defeat is a key part, but it is also the most free part, so he was arranged by Di Renjie to make it clear. As for how to act, it is up to public self to decide.

"Five people in the divine way, it should be fine!"

Gongshuchou casually patted the other horse's buttocks, and the rear half of that horse immediately became a shield and stood in front of him.

Bang bang bang, after a series of muffled noises, four palm prints could be seen on the shield. The cavalry saw that there were only the first half of the horses left below, and dismounted very tactfully.

Well, I'm sorry for affecting your running!
Li Bi felt more and more annoyed watching this scene, the face has already been given, is it possible that you still want to make more progress?Do you really think we dare not kill people?The big deal is to kill all these soldiers!

Everyone paused strangely, are you getting stuck?Just as we were about to start a massacre, did you call for gold and withdraw your troops?

But the fact is that, all the people in Shinto, including Yin Ruiji, stopped, and then the cavalry paused for a moment, obviously about to retreat, but the next second, Yin Ruiji was knocked out again.

Li Bi and the others were stupefied, but Gongshuchou burst out laughing, "Idiot, do you think Mingjin's withdrawal means withdrawing after knocking? It also needs to be matched with special conditions such as flags."

Although Yin Ruiji is a god and has awakened the memory of her previous life, but this is completely her blind spot in the knowledge of her two lifetimes, so she was deceived once.But this time it was not easy, I felt a palpitating danger when my body was still in mid-air.

Yin Ruiji didn't dare to push her too hard, the natural force of the wind element mixed with true energy formed a hurricane armor on her body, which seemed to be able to deflect all attacks.

Li Bi and others in the Shinto were still in a daze, but Gongshuchou had already recruited two more horses, and after a burst of changes and combinations, a cannon appeared in front of everyone, but the appearance of this cannon was a little different. Its barrel is very long and narrow, and what is even more puzzling is that the barrel is split from the middle!
Gongshuchou fiddled with it skillfully, and the muzzle of the cannon immediately aimed at the falling Yin Ruiji.

Buzzing buzzing, the glowing blue light gradually filled the cracked gun hole, and then there was a muffled pop, and a projectile hit Yin Ruiji at a speed that surpassed the visual limit of all Shinto people.

call!Not only the vision of people in the Shinto couldn't keep up, even the air seemed to be unable to keep up with the speed of the projectile. It was obvious that the storm barrier on Yin Ruiji's body was torn apart, and the air waves behind her became visible to the naked eye. distortion.

However, the cavalry, who were focusing all their attention on Yin Ruiji at this time, didn't have time to pay attention to this. They just noticed that the barrier on Yin Ruiji's body had been torn open, and they all stabbed up with long spears!

Puff puff puff!

Long spears pierced through the body, holding Yin Ruiji in the air without any suspense, and the burst of blood swayed around like a fountain.

Yin Ruiji's eyes widened suddenly, she was confused for a moment, she even wanted to turn her head and ask a few of her accomplices, was I really hit?

What about the barrier that I mixed the real energy of the earth list and the natural force of the wind element?How did it break, I was actually pierced by a group of big soldiers who didn't even make the list?

Li Bi and the remaining three Shinto people completely looked like they had seen hell. Not only were you impaled, you were even going to die!
Yin Ruiji felt the pain, it was too painful, but she couldn't cry out, because a spear pierced her throat, and whenever she wanted to speak, she could only gushe out some blood from the opening.

She also wanted to pull herself out, but a long spear pierced her waist and eyes from the back, and another pierced her dantian. These soldiers are not good people, and someone stabbed her with a long spear next...

Bang, Yin Ruiji was thrown on the ground by the soldiers like a piece of rag, and a dozen horses surrounded her and stomped on her, and the soldiers' hands didn't stop, stabbing her into flesh again and again Sauce.

At this moment, there is no meaning to any peerless beauties, any charms, let alone any gods or gods.

"Ah! Presumptuous!"

Li Bi seemed to be intimidated just now. He and the other three Shinto believers had been thinking about a question, what was that attack on earth?It was precisely because of this question that she was confused, and Yin Ruiji was so dead that she couldn't die anymore.

"Why are you yelling so loudly!"

Li Bi didn't wait to make a move, he was stunned by Gongshuchou's roar, and then DuangDuangDuang, this time it was really Mingjin who retreated. To the voice can only obey orders.

Gong Shuchou breathed a sigh of relief, he was just caught off guard just now, although Yin Ruiji is a master of the earth, but her cultivation lies in her understanding of the power of nature, and she is already young, if she is not in the divine way Man, at this age, it is not so easy for her to cultivate to the level of the ground list.So she must not be a master of body training.

To put it simply, this is a crispy skin with high attack and low defense. As long as her defense is broken, even the swords and guns in the hands of soldiers can kill her.

"You still want to leave after blasphemy?"

When Li Bi came back to his senses, he didn't intend to hold back his hands. He jumped out and waved his folding fan, and the water in the sky turned into ink and poured down on the soldiers.

Gongshuchou's face changed slightly, he couldn't see that every drop of ink in this attack had a heavy impact like a bed crossbow, and the soldiers definitely couldn't resist it with their own abilities.

He patted the muzzle again, and the fluorescent blue light that had just been extinguished came back on again. At the same time, the horses under the cavalry began to deform. The horses suddenly became one-wheeled forward unicycles with a much lower chassis, while the rest rose up to become hard armored shields to ward off the ink.


The dense impact sound, comparable to the impact force of a bed crossbow, is so difficult to counteract. The soldiers were hit to the ground one after another, but that was all. Even if the soldiers who were already wearing armor felt chest tightness, it was only for a while. Pain, I don't know how much better it is than death.

Li Bi finally couldn't help it anymore, "This is a bullshit trick, how can a trick change shape at will! Even if it can change shape, can it be so targeted at us? You are not targeting us! "

Gong Shuchou looked like he cared for the mentally retarded, "Hehe, you guys, don't pay attention to gods and ghosts every day, pay more attention to the development of human beings, cutting-edge technology is closely related to our lives!"

Ordinary mechanism techniques naturally can't do this, even the life mechanism technique can't endow mechanism creations with this kind of intelligence.This is also thanks to Chu Chu, Gong Shuchou did not expect Chu Chu to be so talented in this area, she used the knowledge of Zhou Yi formation runes and other knowledge to create a kind of core, which can be used as a key component of mechanism creation. Give the mechanism creation a very simple thinking ability, which can analyze the enemy's attack and then form a countermeasure by itself or according to the order.

Chu Chu called this kind of core a processor, and Gong Shuchou thought it was appropriate, and at the same time he was extremely proud. The apprentices he taught could be famous in history just because of this invention called a processor. Similarly, as Chu Chu's master , It is bound to leave a mark in the history books.

A flash of pride flashed through Gong Shuchou's mind, and then he began to seriously fight against the enemy. Just now, he took advantage of the enemy's carelessness to kill one, and now there are four more, so he must exert his full strength.

"Soldiers, form a battle form!"

The soldiers looked at each other with bewildered faces, what are you talking about?We don't understand!

Of course, the order to lose hatred was not given to them. All the horses began to crack, and countless parts began to be staggered. There was a sound of metal collisions, and the sun shone, and a shadow gradually became huge. The entire horses of countless cavalry rushed Coming up, a gigantic monster quickly formed.

It looks like a tiger, with huge spines and a pair of bone wings on its back. It is tens of feet high and looks terrifying and hideous!
Gong Shuchou is full of vigor and spirit, and has the courage to point out the country, "Qongqi! Clean up the target!"

The giant mechanism beast Qiongqi's eyes glowed an ominous red light, and he swooped as if trying to crush all four of them to death.

Li Bi and another person in the divine way jumped to the two sides respectively, and the remaining one man and one woman burst into golden light, and two equally huge dharma figures rose from the ground. .One is an arhat, with wide-eyed eyes, mighty blessings, and worship of all living beings.

boom!The mechanism giant collided with the two methods, and the method of the inferior product and the top-ranking skills have reached a strange balance?

Li Bi looked at this scene in disbelief, and suddenly felt a sense of crisis. If the world sees this scene, wouldn't it mean that everyone thinks that mortals can fight against gods?
No, Gongshuqiu must be killed!

"Hold on, I'll kill him!"

(End of this chapter)

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