Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 790

Chapter 790
Institutional creation actually has great potential, because it is a special kind of white paper, on which you can draw whatever you want.

Just to see if you have the ability!

In fact, there has always been a rather embarrassing thing about the masters of organs, that is, they have a poor understanding of the true meaning of martial arts.After all, if you have extra time, you will study mechanism skills, and your research on martial arts will naturally be poor. Even the most talented masters cannot be exempt from this point.

This has led to the uneven strength of the organization's creations. It can have a bottom line based on factors such as materials, technology, and intelligence. Just instill an understanding of the true meaning of martial arts.

And at this point, you need to ask others for help, but Gong Shuchou is facing a new problem.

The strength of Di Renjie's group is not weak, and it would not be difficult to add some powerful martial arts true meaning to his mechanism creations.But they didn't just fight this one with the enemy!

If Gongshuqiu used his companion's ability here, it would be equivalent to giving the enemy important information later on. Gongshuqiu would never deceive people like this.

Therefore, Gongshuqiu did not take the initiative to ask his companions for help, and Di Renjie and the others tacitly did not mention this matter.

As for the ability to transform snakes, if Zuo Zhou was here, he should be able to perceive it, but it was the person he was most familiar with, Ximen Xiang!

In fact, a large part of the reason why Shui De Xingjun approached Ximen Xiang was because A Xiang had very good potential, especially in terms of the natural power of the water system.

Gongshuchou, as the enshrinement of the Daqin royal family, naturally knew about this, so he secretly went to the Ming Dynasty and found Ximenxiang.

This time, before Gongshuchou came to fight, he didn't know that the enemy was Hebo Libi, who was also good at the natural power of the water system. This caused the snake to be restrained to a certain extent. In this regard, the snake does not have the upper hand.

It can be said that at the beginning of this round, he was completely at a disadvantage.So if you don't talk about Wude, you can't win this battle.

The first step of Gongshuqiu is to show up, making the enemy feel that he is very threatening, and then he can be lured here.It's just a little unexpected that the enemy was so arrogant that he found a chance to kill one of them!
Now that the enemy's fear has turned into anger, and the other party seems to have seen through what they want to do, then only one person can go back alive today.


The desert, the first impression here is thirst, an instinctive sense of crisis, and I feel that it is very likely to feel thirsty here.

Although Li Bi considers himself a god, he is still a human body in essence, and his desire for water will not be less.And because of this, when Gong Shuchou mentioned the desert, he also felt panicked.

Subconsciously began to condense the moisture in the air, and indeed felt a little jerky, but this little jerky should have been there, after all, this is a desert environment and there is a lack of water.

While Li Bi was puzzled, Gong Shuchou also used his actions to let him understand the concept of "lack of water".

A control force that was not violent but unexpected enough was competing with him for the control of the natural force of the water system. What surprised him was that he lost control of the water, and all the water that had been condensed just now fell into the desert.

The sudden loss of water made Li Bi very angry, but he also found it very funny, "You don't think that if all the water enters the desert, I can't control it?"

"Of course not, it's just that the water dissolved in the desert is more difficult to extract than the water in the air, not to mention you have to deal with my obstruction at the same time. Can you be distracted?"

Double distraction?

Li Bi looked puzzled, is it difficult to be distracted?Strictly speaking, he has to control the water and use it to attack, which can be regarded as a distraction.

However, he soon understood what the other party meant by being distracted.

The huge body of the snake started to move in a crazy snake shape, which made Li Bi, who was staring at it closely, almost cramp his eyes!

The tail of the snake swung over with a whistling sound, and the huge force made the air howl, before even hitting it, Li Bi felt a gust of wind blowing against his face, as if he was in a [-]th-level gust.

According to the past practice, Li Bi instinctively wanted to give himself a water system defense, but after this mobilization, he found that the force of nature squeezed out a little bit. If it was diabetes insipidus before, it is suffering from urine insipidus now. Stones, dripping out drop by drop!
At this moment, he completely understood the meaning of the so-called "dual use of distraction" just now. It is not about doing two things at the same time, but the difference between two people doing two things!

Helpless, Li Bi had no choice but to give up the fight to control the natural force of the water system, and concentrate on controlling his body to avoid this fatal sweep with lightness kung fu.

Well, as long as I don't compete with you for the natural power of the water system, then you won't be able to use this to drag my energy, and I can also be freed from the so-called 'dual distraction' dilemma.There is nothing wrong with this logic.

Then a series of water arrows began to shoot around Li Bizhuan!

Li Bi was so desperate that he could only continue to compete with him for the natural power of the water system. There was no other way. This was equivalent to a siege of justice. If you don't grab the same resource, it will become someone else's.

In this way, the reason why Gongshuchou chose the desert terrain is also clear. The lack of water resources does not mean that you have no water available, but that there is not too much water available around.

Because if the water is abundant, Li Bi can control a part of the water resources with you to attack each other.With limited water resources, you can only participate in the competition.This is exactly the same as the competition for resources between countries!

Hua Snake also seemed to know that he had the upper hand now, and a sound that was different from the hiss of a snake formed a whirlpool and shot towards Li Bi.

Li Bi's eyes glared angrily, and the attack speed of the sound was very fast. The instantaneous change exceeded his reaction ability, and the air distortion visible to the naked eye instantly enveloped him in it.

Li Bi put his hands together and couldn't pinch the root seal. The sound waves passed through the muscles and trembled. The sleeves were torn first, and then under the gust of wind, the clothes were close to the body, revealing the excellent silhouette.

A series of water arrows shot over with extremely powerful penetrating power.

Li Bi couldn't help but feel agitated. The snake is a creation of organs, and its abilities are not fixed. As long as the public wants to defeat the enemy, he can equip it with various organs.And if the natural power of the water system is not counted, he has to use physical skills to deal with all the means, which is too difficult for a human being!

But if you mobilize your ability in the natural force of the water system to deal with it, then the surrounding natural force environment will be handed over to others.

Li Bi stretched out his hand to block all the water arrows, then kicked his legs in a big circle in the air, and fell towards the body of the snake.

Li Bi didn't know whether the creation of this mechanism would retain the weakness of snakes, but he always had to take a gamble. Besides, since he wanted to use physical skills to kill the opponent, he had to get close, even if he didn't retain the weaknesses of snakes. It's all about close combat.

Gong Shuchou was not surprised by Li Bi's choice. Now that martial arts are flourishing, although Li Bi retains many traces of spells and the like, his martial arts will never be weak.

Seeing that Li Bi is about to land on the back of the snake, this part is not only close to the seven inches of the snake, but also the center of the two wings, which is similar to the place on the back of a human being that cannot be touched by fingers.

However, as a mechanism, it is purely basic to install spherical joints on the wings. Li Bi, who had just landed, hadn't waited to make a move when he saw the wings covered with iron feathers suddenly flip over and shoot at him at the same time. !
Li Bi hurriedly dodged, and began to roll over on the relatively spacious back of the snake, but this roll caused more than a dozen wounds on his body.

Kakaka, the scales stood upside down and turned into sharp roadblocks like steel knives. Li Bi never expected such a thing to happen. The blood stained the small part of the snake's body red along the gaps in the scales.

"Enough! I'm done with your little tricks!"

When Li Bi was furious, he didn't care if there was any weakness under his feet. He lifted his foot and stomped down full of vigor. Bang, the huge power plus the real energy of the ground list level, its power must not be underestimated. The position of the snake near the tail is directly A dozen scales collapsed and flew away.

Li Bi looked at the exposed part below, it seemed to be some kind of metal, it was very soft, it could stretch and squeeze with the movement of the snake body, and it was also very defensive, the kick he used [-]% of his strength turned out to be just an extra footprint!

Ka Ka Ka, a series of mechanical transmission sounds startled Li Bi, who turned his head 180 degrees and stared at him.

"Hehehe, don't you think that the mechanism creation has a back? Isn't a head that can turn around a basic operation!" Gongshuchou's voice was very low, and the two eyes of the snake also lit up.

Sigh, the two clearly penetrating rays of light were covered by Li Bi's palms, and the severe burning pain made him grin his teeth.

Then the front half of the snake's body bent to the top of Li Bi's head, with a crisp snap, the scales on the snake's body stood up again, but this time they spewed out neatly, forming a net in the blink of an eye.

Whoosh whoosh!
The scales shot away several lines of blood, and Li Bi's body skills were obviously not high enough to avoid such intensive attacks.


However, this seemed to arouse Li Bi's ferociousness, and he burst out violent qi to defend against the scales, and then slammed down the stiff body of the snake with both hands, watching the blue veins bulge, and a large piece of skin was wiped out. torn down.

There are scattered parts in the air, there are many types of screws alone, and there are many broken transmission rods, which look distressing.

Gong Shuchou smiled cryptically, no puppet can last forever, and it is art to fight with all your strength to bring out the splendor of the moment!

The snake's tail curled up and slapped Li Bi's back directly, making him stagger, but this made Li Bi feel that he had grasped the weakness of the snake.

Hmph, isn't the so-called organ creation the combination of various structures, as long as you destroy one part, you can make the rest of it also be affected.

So he used one hand to cover the snake's tail from slapping, and punched hard with the other, piercing through the amazingly defensive outer skin, and when he withdrew his hand, he pulled out a metal bone spur.

"I'll take your snake apart and see how long you can hide!"

The most taboo thing about fighting is that you can't see hope. Now Li Bi's confidence has greatly increased when he sees the parts in his hand.

Bang bang bang, the snake's tail lashed again and again as if it didn't hurt anymore, Li Bi's hands turned into afterimages and began to tear the snake's body.

Huh, the snake changed its move again, a dark red poisonous mist spewed out from its mouth, and the hissing sound could tell that it had a huge corrosive effect.

boom!Li Bi was even more straightforward, and began to explode out of his true energy as if he didn't need money, and he propped up a protective shield, making it impossible for the poisonous gas to invade.

"Hahaha, let me tell you about the strength of the masters on the ground list. You do have a way to restrain my use of the power of nature, but you can restrain my huge true..."


Two blue electric currents passed by. They were two projectiles that were far beyond the line of sight. They were launched from the snake's nostrils. Look at the disappearing fluorescent blue electric currents, obviously attacking all the electromagnetic guns that killed Yin Ruiji before. Same.

Li Bi's qi shield was easily torn apart, but because the zhenqi shield was arranged very open, it gave Li Bi time to react when the projectile passed through the qi shield.

Regardless of the damage caused by the erected scales, he rolled again and then rushed towards the snake's face, a punch full of power smashed the bridge of the snake's nose in an instant.

Seeing sparks bursting out of it, Li Bi finally breathed a sigh of relief. That kind of attack is really hard to guard against, but the attack direction is too single. As long as you know where the launch port is, anyone A master on the ground list, no, even a strong man on the human list can dodge calmly.

And judging from the results just now, it seems that expanding the range of true qi defense is also a way, so that you can leave enough time for yourself to react.

Li Bi hadn't been complacent here for a long time, the snake's face hit him directly, and the heavy force made him feel like his internal organs were churning instantly.

"Hey hey, give me a headbutt!"

The voice of public defeat and hatred gradually became vicious. Seeing Li Bi being hit by the tail of the snake, a scale quietly stood up, and it slid across Li Bi's crotch with a sound. The black and red blood accompanied by the scream made the hearer sad The listener weeps.

Li Bi's face was already flushed, and he was rolling on the sand with his hands covering his crotch, the hatred in his eyes seemed to be able to poke a hole in the sky.

"Didn't expect that the head hammer doesn't have to be used on the forehead, but also on the face!"

The sound of Gongshuqiu was accompanied by the frenzied thrashing of the snake body, hitting Li Bi's body again and again, and soon Li Bi was in a bloody state.

However, Li Bi at this time was not really miserable. Although there was a lot of blood, most of them were skin trauma.

Li Bi suddenly raised his head and stared at the snake's neck, or more accurately, its vocal cords.

"You said that it is arrogance that hinders the survival of human beings, so what about you? I really think you have a chance to win! I... have found you!"

(End of this chapter)

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