Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 796 No chance to show acting skills

Chapter 796 No chance to show acting skills
Yinman has never been noticed by so many male creatures in two lifetimes, um, these monsters should be male, right?

Kuaima quickly passed the blockade of monsters and entered the depths of the Western Regions. The scorching desert and scorching sun made Yinman feel uncomfortable for a moment, but in a blink of an eye, he felt sorry for King Xian. He has been living in this environment for 15 years. Although there is no rationality, pain is pain, and it cannot be measured by feeling or not.

It's a pity that after she and Di Que's confirmation, although the current Beastmaster is sensible, there is a high probability that he is not Xianwang.It's just that he doesn't know whether it's because Xian Wang has changed, or because the animal nature itself has more wisdom.

The two of them tended to be the latter, after all, the Beastmaster's acting skills were poor, but he still pretended to be clever and wanted to deceive the two of them, Xianwang must not be so stupid.

'You said, is there a possibility that the consciousness of offering the king still exists deep in the body of the beast king? '

This was a question that Di Que had asked before, but she didn't even dare to say the answer.Is there such a possibility?Yes, but it may be very weak. No matter how strong a person's will is, after 15 years of training and being suppressed by intelligent animal nature, it is difficult for him to exist anymore.

Therefore, it was Yin Man who came to find Jin Chan and the others this time, not Di Que who had been hit.

At noon, Yin Man's fast horse stopped, and a mechanical wooden bird hovered in front of her. This mechanical wooden bird does not fly by flapping its wings, but has an exquisite rotor on its back. Well, it looks a little unlicensed at first glance. noodle.

However, there is a letter in the mouth of this mechanical wooden bird!

Yin Man opened the letter, slightly surprised by the contents, these brats... seem to have some tricks.


Somewhere in the desert, Ye Yujing and others hid in the carriage to enjoy the cool.

Suddenly there was a whistling sound, and everyone looked around, and saw a mechanical eagle from the sky fall into the carriage, its whole body sank under the floor after entering the carriage, and then a virtual image appeared in front of everyone.

The entire image seems to be composed of some kind of particle, but it is lifelike and there is no distortion.

The picture shows the process of Yinman getting the letter, but more of it is a few monsters hidden in the corner of the sand dunes a few kilometers away from Yinman.

"Hmph, the monster has also learned to track, but luckily I am better at it." Ye Yujing put his hands on his hips.

Ximen Wu knocked on the floor with her fingers in disgust, "I still have to thank Chu Chu for her mechanism, I didn't expect it to be effective in detection."

Jin Chan seemed to have gotten used to the relationship between the two, covered her mouth and snickered while looking at the picture, and asked curiously: "Who is this woman? I saw her and another person enter the group of monsters before, and they seemed to be negotiating." .”

Ye Yujing curled her lips, "No matter who this person is, the negotiation is obviously not going so smoothly. You can see that there are people... no, monsters are following."

"Look, she turned her head, she must have made a decision. By the way, what did you write in the letter?"

Ye Yujing said casually: "I told her that there are monsters following behind her. If she still insists on looking for us, then go forward and turn left and then turn left again. Otherwise, go back and we will play by ear."

Ximen Wu obviously knew Ye Yujing's character very well, and asked with some doubts: "Turn left, turn left and then turn seems like a circle!"

Ye Yujing smiled triumphantly: "Of course, although we have a mechanism carriage that can escape with speed, if she insists on seeing us, she definitely doesn't take us seriously. Since she doesn't care about putting us in danger, how can I spoil her ?”

Ximen Wu rolled her eyes, "I don't know what you are proud of. If people don't take us seriously, doesn't it mean that we are not important? You should be grateful that they value you, not proud of the success of some small tricks."

"How can it be called a small trick? Do you know this is the way of the world?"

"Sophisticated people, I haven't seen General Li talk about sophisticated people."

"Who said that!" Ye Yujing's eyes widened, "I heard from my mother that Li Yuanfang was also a man of the world in the past, but some people didn't reason with him, so he will become unreasonable in the future .”

Jin Chan's eyes flickered when he heard the words, thinking that the lord was so domineering before, did he ever make sense?

"Hey, focus on this!"

Ye Yujing enthusiastically began to talk about the past gossip. Although he was not born at that time, his mother Shangguan Haitang was once the owner of Hulong Villa, so she knew all about these information.As for telling others, he doesn't care. He can even say that as long as you like gossip, you are my good friend!


Zuo Zhou didn't know that the gang of bears were gossiping about him, but he was a little surprised when Yin Man came back alone, hehe, it seems that those boys are not stupid.

"General Zhang Han, Madam She, I'm afraid I'll have to bother you in the future!"

Zuo Zhou didn't say a word, he asked a tall and straight middle-aged man with a melon-seeded face to look really handsome, but there was a heroic spirit in walking, sitting and lying down.This man is none other than Wang Jian, one of the five great generals of the Great Qin Dynasty. Speaking of which, he is already in his 50s this year, but because he has entered the top ranks, his strength has improved and his face is not old. He looks very vigorous.

"General Wang, why don't you put on all your makeup? You don't look like you've been poisoned!" Zuo Zhou reminded hesitantly.

Wang Jian paused for a while and refused: "Forget it. This kind of poison has a strong latent nature. You can't tell from its appearance. The key is the dead air that emanates from its bones. I can't do anything about it. These God, I have been hiding from the spies in the mansion!"

Zuo Zhou thought for a while and smiled: "I can help with this. I will give you a few torture tools in hell, which contain a lot of dead energy. You can use your true energy to stimulate it, and you should be able to withstand it in a short time. "

Wang Jian lowered his head to look at a chain that Zuo Zhou handed over. Just now, the chain appeared so miraculously that he didn't realize where it was taken out from.

Wang Jian took the chain with a curious expression and wrapped it around his waist. Sure enough, he was quite frustrated, and he couldn't laugh or cry: "Honestly speaking, if Di Renjie didn't trust you so much, I really doubt that these methods of yours are the ones of the gods."

Zuo Zhou shrugged, "Coincidentally, people in the Shinto think so too."

Yin Man also came to the crowd at this time, "The Beastmaster sent monsters to follow me secretly, hehe, I didn't even notice it, it seems that the monsters have evolved very comprehensively."

Madam She nodded when she heard the words, "If you say so, you failed to bring Jin Chan back, so what are you going to do? Pretend you succeeded, or don't care about anything, just go there recklessly?"

Yin Man sneered, "That's not up to me to decide. I don't mind pretending to be successful, but I don't know if the Beastmaster is willing to cooperate with me."

"Report! There is a change in the monster group!"

A scout rushed over with a fierce face, and what he said was the latest information he had obtained.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then sighed: "It seems that the Beastmaster has no interest in continuing to act."

"The whole army!"

From the time Yin Mandi Que left, the army has actually been prepared. After eating and solving the feces problem, they can be pulled out to fight at any time.

Speaking of which, it's not the first time I've fought a monster. Daqin's fighters felt like clocking in for work, um, 'I heard that the monster has evolved? ''Party A asked again? ' something like that, in short, it seems very reassuring.

But Zuo Zhou's heart began to feel heavy. These soldiers probably didn't know that this battle would be the last battle of their two generals.

"Are you going to make a move?" Seeing Madam She and others leaving, a gentle but cold voice sounded from behind.

Zuo Zhou turned around and smiled, "Why did you come out? Where are the two snakes?"

Wu Qing was not as solemn as before. Her long hair hung down to her waist, and her goose-yellow dress smelled like pajamas. That kind of laziness made Zuo Zhou feel itchy suddenly.

Wuqing seemed to have sensed Zuo Zhou's emotions, and took a step back, "I asked them to leave with Chuchu. The child was not in a good mood because of the public loss, and I was afraid that something would happen to her."

Zuo Zhou said happily: "Then why didn't you leave? You know that I won't let you make a move here, not to mention that the affairs of people in the Shinto actually have little to do with you, um, are you reluctant to part with me?"

"Obviously not!" Ruthlessly turned his head away, "I'm worried about Mr. Zhuge."

Zuo Zhou stretched out his hand and pulled it into his arms when he was unaware, "I like to see your duplicity, but you should leave, because Mr. Zhuge is not near the checkpoint."

After struggling relentlessly for a while without success, he calmed down and said, "But didn't Di Renjie come here to look for you before?"

"That's because I was rescued by Song Ci, and I wanted to know if I could rescue the rest of the people, but he left after getting a negative answer. And there is actually no room for manipulation at the checkpoint, except for the five legions It's a monster."

Zuo Zhou said as he glanced at the desert where the wind was about to blow, "And now that the final battle between the legion and the monsters is about to take place, the layout here will also come to an end. At this time, Mr. Zhuge and others have not yet appeared, so we can only say that they The battlefield is not here."

Wuqing raised her head slightly, from this angle she could see Zuo Zhou's stubble, she touched it lightly, "Are you worried recently?"

Zuo Zhou scratched his cheek and said with a smile: "It's because of negligence, but it's not because of Di Renjie's problem. After all, they have been planning for 15 years, so I can't get involved. It's just...I'm thinking about a question."


"As my strength gradually increases, the connection between me and the Dao of Heaven becomes closer and I understand more, but some things are more difficult to understand. Therefore, I have to think carefully about the relationship between man and the universe. The relationship between them, why I came here, where is my goal, and... how to achieve my goal!"

(End of this chapter)

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