Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 8 Shaolin Abandoned Disciple Hong Rixin

Chapter 8 Shaolin Abandoned Disciple Hong Rixin

Some people say that when death is approaching, there will be a revolving lamp, and you can see a lot of things that happened in the past, a lot of pictures, and even a lot of scenes that you have forgotten.

No one has been able to figure out the mechanism of this phenomenon, and some 'scientists' have put forward the idea that it is the subconscious looking for a way to save itself from past life experiences.

However, those who were beaten out of the lantern still survived by chance. It cannot be said that there are none, but it is really rare.

The strong wind came from behind, and the beggar man pushed the girl in his arms, but he himself felt the pain of his ribs being smashed.The scene in front of him changed, it was no longer the cold night, but the bloody arrogance of his youth.

His name is Hong Rixin, and his father gave him this name to tell him that every day is a new beginning, and every day must be lived well.Unfortunately, he was someone who couldn't let go of the past.

When he was young and ignorant, all he could think about was going to the rivers and lakes, enjoying grievances, and leaving his disappointed parents to go out to learn martial arts alone.In order to obtain the true inheritance, he became a monk and joined the Shaolin Temple. With his excellent qualifications and tenacity, he soon entered the Arhat Hall and even became the first direct disciple of the Arhat Hall.

This practice lasted for ten years, and then Daqin began to conquer, and the area where the Shaolin Temple was located belonged to the state of Chu.However, many disciples in the temple became monks because they wanted to practice martial arts, and their hearts were still warm when they were called by the motherland to naturally go down the mountain to fight against Qin.

However, the purpose of Shaolin Temple is not to intervene in national disputes, so all the disciples who go down the mountain will naturally be removed from Shaolin Temple, which can be regarded as the price of willfulness.But no one cared at that time, but what they didn't expect was that even with the participation of martial arts masters like them, they would not survive even a month in the face of the Great Qin Iron Cavalry.

Qin Jun didn't let the Shaolin Temple go after the incident. It doesn't mean that you have nothing to do with you removing people from their names!

The Shaolin Temple was set on fire like this, and the disciples in the temple were scattered all over the rivers and lakes.When the Shaolin Temple collapsed in a sea of ​​fire, it was probably the first time Hong Rixin regretted and cried for the first time in his life.

Hong Rixin came home full of guilt, but what awaited him was the cold stove and bed. His parents died of overworked illness in the third year of his study abroad.At that time, no one knew where he had gone, and he had to be buried with the help of kind-hearted neighbors.

Looking at the tombstones made of simple wooden plaques and the graves overgrown with weeds, Hong Rixin regretted it for the second time, cried for the second time, this time, it was heartbreaking!

Looking back on that year, he was so immersed in the joy of being able to pass on a secret art that he didn't even think of sending a letter to his family for a few years...

At this point, martial arts became his heart disease. He subconsciously avoided responsibility, feeling that martial arts had a strange and magical nature, which made him forget to support his parents, forget the fact that he was not a native of Chu, and also made him an unfilial son.

Time passed in such a murky way, with a heart disease, even if he possessed a unique skill, he could not make further progress in martial arts, and he could not even cultivate Sleeping Arhat Boxing to a state of ecstasy.

He joined the beggar gang, not to avoid the Qin army's pursuit, hehe, the Qin army may not remember that he burned a very old temple, after all, too many sects fell under the iron hoof of the Qin army. , he joined the Beggar Gang just to live a comfortable life.

Soon, he became the head of the beggar in Jiannan Road, and he still lived in a daze every day, without worrying about eating and drinking.

Then, he met two little girls, one named Xiaoqing, one named Xiaomei, and two female beggars.

The two girls apparently met halfway through. Although they were not sisters, they had a very good relationship. According to them, their family members were all murdered by rapers.

Hong Rixin could see that they had concealed something but didn't care. To put it a bit dejected, Daqin seemed to be destined to be destined for it. The reason why they were able to go anywhere was largely due to the strong soldiers and strong horses, and another part of the reason was that many countries often There was an internal problem before the battle.

As far as the state of Chu where the Shaolin Temple is located, the king was incompetent, robbing his daughter-in-law, killing Zhongliang, and pampering the traitor, which made the good court a black smoke.In the end, he was even decapitated by a robber while he was out!
A king, under heavy escort, would be decapitated by robbers?Hey, I'm afraid the secret of this will never be revealed.

At the beginning, these Shaolin disciples resisted the Qin army under such a situation, and they were considered powerful if they survived for nearly a month.The same thing has happened to other countries, all kinds of reasons, all kinds of coincidences.

So when he heard about 'killed by a traitor', there was no turbulence at all. After all, there are too many countries that have destroyed their country because of their own corruption and darkness.

Xiaoqing had severe stab wounds on her body, and she had no money for treatment and could only be maintained with the herbs she picked up.Xiaomei has a wild temperament, a lot of prudence, but a kind-hearted nature.Getting along with the two girls made Hong Rixin gradually regain a touch of warmth and warmth, and slowly took the role of a 'father'.

Not long ago, when Xiaoqing's injury worsened, he felt the pain of sadness, and then he realized that this is father's love. When his father watched him leave, it must have been more painful than this.

It turned out that it wasn't martial arts that had a demonic nature, it was himself who became demonic!

At the end of the revolving light, he did not find any way to save himself from his past experience. The only thing he regretted was that he should have believed in the official and fought the enemy recklessly.

It's a pity that the hatred for burning down the Shaolin Temple still remains in his heart, even if he doesn't deliberately target the officers and soldiers of Daqin, he still has a problem.It was this prejudice that made him miss his last chance to survive.

But...he was still able to spell out a future for his two 'daughters'!
Pfft, the iron spear pierced through the ribs, taking away a large piece of flesh and bone as big as a finger.Hong Rixin's eyes were red, as if he could not feel any pain, he turned around and grabbed the whip.

The young man in Chinese clothes was stunned for a moment. Why did he directly enter the stage of returning to light and returning to light?If you turn around and use that girl as a shield, you can still survive!

Before the surprise of the young man in Chinese clothing was over, a strong force came from the other end of the whip, and he couldn't help but shoot at Hong Rixin.

"Shoot him!"

Hong Rixin hugged the young man in Chinese clothing, shouted and sprayed blood on his face.

Although Zuo Zhou was puzzled and shocked, he would not waste this opportunity. He waved his hand to signal the outside, and the three bed crossbows on the attack line directly roared in a low voice.

Three big iron guns smashed the wall and shot at the two people hugging each other!

The eyes of the young man in Chinese clothing were wide-eyed, and his inner strength exploded with all his strength. His hands and ten fingers began to change. Sharp bone spurs protruded from the fingertips, as sharp as a sword and even hung with blood when piercing the flesh.

The young man in Chinese clothing let out a piercing scream, broke free with his arms, and swung his arms rapidly, actually scratching the three large iron spears.

The fragments of the iron spear fell to the ground and made a tinkling sound. The terrifying picture frightened all the arresters and yamen, and the morale of the servants was boosted for a while.

However, just when everyone thought that the battle tonight was about to be defeated, a call from death rose from the heart of the young man in Chinese clothing.

Turning back suddenly, the archer standing on the roof has drawn his bow like the moon, and the bowstring is not an arrow, but a beautiful long sword!

(End of this chapter)

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