Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 802 Rejecting the Enemy Outside the Country

Chapter 802 Rejecting the Enemy Outside the Country

The death of Abe Nakamaro indicates that this battle is about to come to an end, and Sansu, who besieged and killed Wang Jian, ran away immediately when he saw that the situation was not good.The two Shinto people who stopped Yin Man and Di Que also lost their tracks wisely. Zuo Zhou glanced at them and saw them mixed into the Tang soldiers, but he didn't care too much.

Li Guangbi led the Tang army to withdraw from the battlefield little by little. The Ming army was busy joining the Qin army to deal with the blame, and was in no mood to chase them.

And the battle between the Yang family army and the Beastmaster finally came to an end.

The angry joint attack of ten thousand people has surpassed the limit of the level of warriors. Everyone said that the top masters are the enemy of ten thousand people. This time, let the world see whether the top masters can really resist the joint attack of ten thousand people!
Zuo Zhou is a little excited, today's battle will be a battle against the previous public loser, who can kill God! 'The most perfect embodiment of the rule modification, from now on the world will understand that the masters of the local list are never invincible, and the common people are never lambs to be slaughtered.

After a while, the power of the aftermath swept across the battlefield. Yang Paifeng staggered a few steps and struck the ground with his spear. Turning around, she saw the beast king who had been split in half.

They won, and the power of the combined attack of ten thousand people pierced through all the defenses of the Beastmaster, completely dividing it into upper and lower parts.

However, no matter whether it was Yang Paifeng, Aunt Gongsun or others, there was no joy on their faces.They also knew that this move was not their skill, if not for the death of Madam She, they would not have shared the same hatred.Even if they were given another chance, they might not be able to...

A golden light flickered, and a spot of light emerged from the two corpses of the beast king. It was the Buddha light relic that had just been polluted by Zhang Han's blood and phlegm. At this moment, it seemed to break through the pollution and start to shine again.

Yang Paifeng's eyes glared angrily, and countless people were furious, boom!The vigor that just dissipated is boiling again, you fucking dare to live!
A second ago, everyone thought it was a fluke, and there was no way to use this trick again. Now, in a blink of an eye, the momentum of tens of thousands of people has condensed again.

Beastmaster, we are not targeting you, we just want to say, no matter how many times you live, we will smash you to pieces!

Sing!Wang Jian's long halberd chopped up the part of the body that had just condensed, looked at the soldiers of the Yang family army, and sighed: "It's just an evil animal, you can't make such a big battle."

Should it be said that the Buddha Light Relic has a powerful effect, or that the Beastmaster's ability is stronger?

Just as Wang Jian broke him apart, he began to condense again. Wang Jian frowned slightly and before he could make a move, two sword intents swished down and crushed the newly-appeared flesh.

Ye Gucheng said with a novel and interesting smile: "The vitality is very tenacious, what exactly is this Buddha relic?"

Although Ximen Chuuxue was equally curious, his aloof personality prevented him from opening his mouth. He just raised his hand and knocked on the Buddha relic with the scabbard.

"Why don't you try how hard it is?" Ye Gucheng stroked the hilt with his fingers, eager to try it.

"Don't be impulsive, the two of you have ruined the plan by coming out. If you mess up again, then Di Renjie and the others will be in vain. Besides, you don't want to be on guard against sneak attacks from Shinto people every day in the future. You can block it, and your relatives can block it." ?"

It was rare for Wang Jian to say so many words, but Ye Gucheng didn't seem to care very much, but he didn't really say that he would try to destroy the Buddhist relics.

"It's better to ask your son and the others to come out."

The dissatisfaction on Ye Gucheng's face flashed away, "Don't shout, he jumped out after the dust settled, hum!"

Ximen Chuuxue also looked worried about his old father, "I guess Xiao Wu will be angry, because fighting can't keep up with the heat."

Ximen Chuuxue knew her daughter very well. At this time, Ximen Wu kicked Ye Yujing off the carriage. Naturally, the reason was that this guy was too cowardly, so she didn't even have a chance to draw her sword.

Jin Chan tried her best to hold back her laughter, but she didn't stop her. Jian Wutang controlled the carriage to move towards the battlefield.

Ximen Wu was depressed and could only use some monsters to vent her anger. The monsters along the way immediately became the target of venting their anger. Sword lights slashed and wreaked havoc, causing the monsters who had no fighting spirit to speak of to fall into chaos.

Judging from the meager brain capacity of the monsters, is this going to break their way out?It's a pity that they may not even know what the "back road" is, and all they have in their minds are the orders from the Beastmaster.

So they are still rushing forward ferociously, trying to tear everything in front of them.It's a pity that they can't do anything, because Daqin's soldiers are very strong, especially when Zhang Han and She Taijun sacrificed, their fighting spirit has been burned to a peak, the reason why they haven't exploded yet is probably because these two people are not together. It's not their immediate superiors, but their comrades in arms are also taking revenge.

If it's Wang Jian, you'll have a look!
It can be said that the Great Qin Iron Cavalry is indeed an elite that once swept the world. The death of a general did not lower morale, but instead responded to the principle that mourning soldiers must win, and their fighting spirit reached its limit.

The sudden appearance of the carriage also attracted the attention of other people. The soldiers of Daqin deliberately began to gather and opened a path for them. Jin Chan was a little nervous all of a sudden. It was the first time that so many men paid attention to him at such a young age!

Zuo Xuansha was quite calm. After all, as the future emperor of the Yuan Kingdom, even if the Yuan Kingdom was weak, he could still move there if he gathered enough ostentation.And Ximen Wu is a cold person by nature, even looking for a husband is to deal with the parents, what kind of reaction can you expect from her?

Just like that, the carriage came near the corpse of the beast king, Ximen Chuixue scattered the gathered beast kings with a sword, Jin Chan hurried over, holding a nine-ringed tin stick in one hand and raising his palm in the other, and began to recite the scriptures in a low voice Everyone didn't understand what it was, anyway, when she reached out again, she firmly grasped the Buddha's relic in her hand.

The appearance of this Buddha relic is not very good. Of course, after the light is weak, the jade color is smooth and delicate, but the overall shape is a small bone, and it is a bone that no one can understand.

Let's put it this way, martial arts is inseparable from the body, so from a certain point of view, martial arts masters have a better understanding of the body's bones than some doctors.Especially those masters of body training!
With the eyesight of Wang Jian and others, they could see something wrong with this bone at a glance. This... doesn't seem to be any bone in the human body!
"Interesting, it turns out that this Buddha relic is actually a piece of demon bone!"

The ruthless words immediately attracted the attention of Zuo Zhou and He Ran, "What do you mean? You said this Buddha bone relic is a demon bone!"

He nodded ruthlessly and seriously, "When an animal evolves into a demon, it will improve its bones and intelligence, and this evolution is not always positive, nor is it a one-step process. During this process, a lump will be formed in the throat. Crossbones!"

He Ran suddenly continued: "I know when you say this, and I have heard this saying before, that only monsters who have refined their bones can speak human language."

He ruthlessly shook his head and denied: "It's not that simple. The evolution of animals into demons is a kind of life transition, just like human beings became gods. Before the world changed, it was also a life transition. Think about it, humans become immortals and become immortals." Gods also want to overcome the calamity, but the thunder calamity is not all bad."

In this way, Zuo Zhou understood, "That's right, thunder calamity is not only a test of heaven for monks, but also a reward for monks, because sky thunder is the best way to temper oneself, wait, you mean, this cross-boned Is there such a thing as pros and cons?"

He nodded ruthlessly, and replied softly: "Yes, Xiaobai and Xiaoqing got my help when they first cultivated the human form, and that's when I knew about it. This horizontal bone is actually a kind of treasure, just to see if you can Mastered!"

"Baby?" Zuo Zhou glanced at the Buddha relic in Jin Chan's hand below.

"This crossbone is actually a gift from heaven. It is not only a thing that can prevent you from mastering language flexibly, but also a magic weapon that can be used to display sound-like magical powers. As long as you master the correct method, you can use it It cultivated a magical power of sound. It's a pity..." Ruthless paused and said: "It's a pity that not all monsters have such a strong understanding, so most of the monsters will choose to refine the bones to obtain humans After all, language is also a condition for casting spells, and this choice is also very common."

Zuo Zhou frowned, and asked again: "Based on your understanding, what kind of monsters usually use horizontal bones to practice voice supernatural powers?"

"Usually they are those monsters who are sensitive to sound and have talent, such as bats, parrots, and some birds, such as tigers and lions, which have a talent similar to the voice of emperors. After all, there is a saying called Tiger Roaring Mountain Forest .”

Zuo Zhou nodded knowingly, "So that's it, it seems that this Buddha relic has something famous!"

Next, Ye Yujing finally ran back, and hid behind Ximen Wu the first moment he saw Ye Gucheng, um, in front of other girls, you have to save face.

When Ye Gucheng saw his son's face, he instinctively burst into anger, but he gave up after only a moment, hum, I'll deal with you when I go home, when the time comes, men and women will play doubles!
Ximen Wu didn't find a chance to fight, and couldn't get interested in seeing those unsightly monsters, so she could only stay where she was and sulk, but saw Zuo Xuansha walking slowly towards Taijun She's body.

"What are you looking at?"

Zuo Xuansha paused for a moment and shook his head strangely, "I feel like there is something attracting me here, so come and see... what is it?"

Zuo Xuansha squatted down slowly, stretched out his hand and took out a piece of bamboo from Mrs. She's arms. The golden light flowed on it, which instantly attracted everyone's attention.

Merit bamboo slices!

A group of people couldn't help gasping, why?
People were not surprised that being Zuo Xuansha was able to get the bamboo piece of merit from Madam She's arms, but they were surprised that they knew this thing existed before, but why didn't they think of it?Instead, a junior found it!

At this moment, everyone noticed that something was wrong, but for a moment they couldn't understand the reason.

Zuo Xuansha stroked the virtuous bamboo piece in shock, his face was tangled, as if he had struggled for a while, and finally he let out a long breath and said: "Mr. Continuing the journey, help the predecessors to complete the trip!"

The virtuous bamboo slices burst into dazzling golden light, and a beam of light went straight to the sky and spread out in the starry sky.

This scene is very similar to what Chu Chu did when he helped Gong Shuchou to change the rules. Everyone who watched was excited, and they didn't know what laws Madam She and Zhang Han had instilled in the way of heaven?
In the next second, a piece of auspicious clouds rolled over, and in the distance, there was a bright red that was close to the setting sun, and soft golden light sprinkled on everyone's bodies, and then a kind of enlightenment emerged from everyone's hearts.

Soldiers, defending the country and protecting the people are to keep the enemy out of the country!
That's it?That's it!
The rules written by Madam She and Zhang Han are so simple, compared with the previous rules of "people can kill gods", it is a bit stingy, but they also use their lives to implement them.


I don't know who yelled, the morale of the army suddenly rose, the movement became faster, the strength became stronger, and even the voice of cursing became louder, and it was this increase that made the soldiers form With the terrifying fighting power, the monsters were beaten to pieces in an instant.

Especially the eyes of those soldiers, if you look carefully, there is a kind of eagle-like sharpness hidden in them, staring at the feet of the monsters, if anyone takes a step forward, I'm sorry, a dozen soldiers will swing your knives to kill you Chop off your legs!

Originally, the battlefield has already entered the final stage, but now it is faster to clean the battlefield.

When the blood dissipated, everyone felt a little complicated. So, is the attachment between Madam She and Zhang Han really that simple?

Before everyone came back to their senses, the joyous merit distribution scene appeared again.

Seventy percent was shared equally by the souls of Taijun She and Zhang Han, and they went to reincarnation with their merits.

[-]% fell on the sword of the Son of Heaven and Bai Qi, which made Bai Qi stunned for a while, didn't I just borrow the sword, and this also has a share?

Before he could figure out the problem, he saw that more than [-]% of the merits had fallen on everyone in the Yang family army.This kind of apportionment is also intoxicating. The merits obtained by each person are almost negligible. Of course, it does not mean that it is useless. If these soldiers do not do anything harmful to the sky in the future, they will all live long and survive. good death.

In the end, some merits still drifted to Zuo Xuansha's body...

Ye Yujing stared wide-eyed, and said in a tone of envy, "If I had known that shouting twice would be able to gain merit, I would have rushed to do it!"

Zuo Xuansha was embarrassed for a while when he said this, but Ye Gucheng rolled his eyes when he heard it. Is that what you can say?Didn't you think about it even if you knew about the plan before watching us?

The water inside is deep, and not everyone can use that piece of virtuous bamboo, so come back quickly, don't embarrass your father!

(End of this chapter)

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