Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 810 I gave you a chance

Chapter 810 I gave you a chance

"Mother, why did you rush to ascend the throne on this day?"

Li Ying gradually transformed into a dignified and luxurious look in the palace maid's attire, and the black imperial robe was slightly modified to make it more pleasing to the eye than the one Hu Hai used to wear.You can't accept it, sometimes women are willing to spend more time than men on aesthetics, and they have better results.

Jiang Yufeng sat behind her, admiring her daughter's every move through the mirror, and was a little obsessed. This should be the most perfect piece of art in her life.Although the child's father is not very good, it is precisely because of this little flaw that she has become the pinnacle of art!
Hearing her daughter's question, Jiang Yufeng said with a smile: "Because the national war is a major event, I hope they can put the overall situation first, and hope that they can understand that it is generally not against you at this time. In this way, I can also convince myself to spare their lives!" "

Liying hesitated for a moment, and waved all the maids to leave, "Mother, I remember that you didn't mean to drive them all out before. Why this time..."

Jiang Yufeng let out a long sigh, and stretched out her hand to caress her daughter's cheek, "Uncle Ni asked for it. The incident on the border of the Western Regions made him hate traitors deeply, and he believed that there must be no lagging behind in Daqin. It's just... If you kill them all, then you will be killed." I couldn't bear it, so I proposed to be enthroned today, as a way of life for them."

Li Ying frowned, a little confused: "But...the people have long complained about the empress mother, and the Ming Dynasty has used related things to make a fuss from time to time. If the empress mother kills this time, then..."

Jiang Yufeng shook her head and didn't care, "The big wind and waves are here, do you still care about some false names? Besides, this order will be issued by me. After you ascend the throne, you can rehabilitate them. It's enough to do some appeasement at that time. This notoriety The queen mother and your uncle will recite it."



"Hmph, so naive, do you think that there will be no objections on the same day as the dispatch of troops?"

"Stupid woman, I didn't agree with her taking power at the beginning, how is it now? There is only one of the five generals left, and the masters of the court have left one after another, which shows that they are unpopular."

"We can't let her act recklessly anymore, we must set things right today!"


You talk to each other, a group of high-ranking ministers are like shrews quarreling on the street. There is no nourishment or plan in their words. Feel free to set up a crime.

These are the people who want to oppose Jiang Yufeng. It is amazing that among these people, there is not a leader, nor is there any one in charge.Because everyone is an early bird, and everyone has to be an early bird, it seems that if you speak slowly, you will be at a disadvantage and suffer a loss when the interests are divided.

Oh no, if there is someone to lead, it is... Fusu!
The threat of monsters in the Western Regions is over, so Fusu and Bai Qi naturally come back.The next day, Fusu implicitly stated that he wanted to regain the position, which made some ministers who were already thinking about it very happy.

In many people's eyes, Fusu is the authentic Daqin imperial orthodoxy. If Fusu is in power, it will definitely give them greater benefits for these masters.

In addition, when Jiang Yufeng wanted to make Liying the throne all of a sudden, those ministers felt that they were being tricked. They had previously said that they would marry Liying into a husband, but they still wanted to be the queen.

Under the combined effect of several aspects, there was such an operation to seize the throne under the emergency plan.

Of course, more importantly, with Fusu and Bai Qi around, Cao Zhengchun, who was Jiang Yufeng's bodyguard, would no longer be a threat!

"It's not suitable for the king to say this in person. It will make people say that he doesn't like women, so I can only rely on you adults." Years of border wars made Fusu feel like a king.

The ministers were also obviously impressed by this kind of attitude, and expressed their opinions one after another. When the time comes, they will definitely respond together and force that bitch to return to the orthodoxy.

Fusu seemed to hesitate for a moment, "After all, she is my younger brother's main palace, so let's save her life."

"Your Majesty should not be benevolent as a woman. Cutting grass must be rooted out. Your Majesty's benevolence cannot be imposed indiscriminately. At most, Li Ying will be left behind. After all, she is also of the blood of the former emperor."

The first-flying bird is already calling 'Your Majesty', and the idiot hasn't even opened his mouth yet.

Hearing this, Fu Su could only nod his head, "Forget it, let's keep Li Ying. At most, I will love her more in the future and find her a good husband."

"Your Majesty is merciful!"×n
A group of ministers finally went back to their respective houses to prepare for the uprising, leaving Bai Qi sighing.

"What are you sighing about?" Fusu asked with a smile.

Bai Qi seemed to be wronged, "The Emperor Qin left me to ensure the continuation of the royal bloodline and break the so-called fate. But... you did this, didn't you kill most of the clan?" Extinct?"

Fu Su was silent and shook his head, "Don't worry about the descendants. My lineage has already integrated into the folks. I let them not stick to the blood line and intermarry with ordinary people at will. I have already remembered how many children I have in the past 15 years. I don't know. In addition, protecting the foundation created by the emperor is also a form of rebelling against fate, isn't it?"

Bai Qi was still very frustrated, "Then you don't have to kill them all, do you?"

"I just gave them a chance, but it's a pity, didn't they say they can't be kind to women?"

Bai Qi pursed his lips, "Actually, if you tell them that Li Ying was born by luck and is destined to be a queen, maybe they won't object."

"If it was really that simple, then Emperor Father wouldn't have killed Sima Guang back then. For the same reason, they say they don't believe in fate, but in fact, they all think that they are the destiny of fate, and those benefits are already there. They should keep it. If you tell about Li Ying, their first reaction may not be to obey the destiny, but to send killers to test whether Li Ying is really guaranteed by the law of heaven! Besides..."

Fu Su paused for a moment, then looked up at the sky, "If the way of the day is not clear, no one can say that it is God's will. At this time, I don't allow there to be chaotic voices in Daqin. If we can't unite, how can we deal with the changing situation of the world!"

Bai Qi also knew that he couldn't be persuaded, so he could only sigh: "Forget it, I can't take care of this matter, let you make trouble."

Fu Su said happily: "Uncle can't let go of the pickpocket, those courtiers who make trouble are not a threat. But there are still many people who want to take advantage of the opportunity to make trouble, but they need to rely on uncle."


The sky was faintly bright, and Cao Zhengchun's whole body seemed to be wrapped in the wind. Although he was not flying all the way, he almost achieved the effect of flying.

Just now, he received a letter, a letter he could not refuse.

Today is the big day for Liying to ascend the throne. He watched and grew up with this girl. At this most important time, he was there to accompany and protect her.However, not long ago, he received a letter, a letter asking for help.The location is far away, as long as he makes a decision, there is no way to rush back. He is even not sure if there are any traps there.

However, this possibility is not great, Cao Zhengchun has never been a reckless person, although he knows that this time is most likely to be an enemy conspiracy.

After all, the agreed place was too far away, so far away that it was impossible for him to come back before Li Ying ascended the throne.If the enemy had the ability to kill him, he would not have set it so far away.Or the other party is not sure enough to keep him?
"Brother, save me!"

Cao Zhengchun stopped suddenly, he was in a bad mood, yes, the one who sent him the letter was his sister, Xiaomeng who had been staying in the Ming Kingdom.

Speaking of Cao Zhengchun's identity is very complicated, he had cooperated with Zhu Wushi at the beginning, which means that in Zhu Wushi's eyes, he can be used and won over.Because of this level of identity, he also secretly has connections with Tianzun's people.

And Xiaomeng’s previous distress letter also came through the Tianzun channel, so the question is interesting, who is the mastermind behind that letter?Shinto or the Ming Dynasty?
Yes, after Cao Zhengchun arrived, he could see Xiaomeng's problems at a glance. From the time the distress letter arrived in his hands to this time, it was almost three hours. The look of being full of energy, is this the state that a kidnapped person should have?
Cao Zhengchun sensed the surrounding area attentively, and didn't feel any traps or strangers. In other words, Xiaomeng was the only person who was hanged up in this wilderness.

"Brother, put me down first, my arm is a little numb!"

Xiaomeng was giggling and had no sense of being kidnapped at all. Facing her playful smile, Cao Zhengchun remained silent for a while, then stretched out his hand and flicked the rope, and Xiaomeng slapped the ground with a pia, ouch. I won't be able to get up for a while.

"Who tied you here?"

Cao Zhengchun took a deep breath, suddenly felt a little sad, sometimes it is your relatives who hurt you the most.

Xiaomeng rubbed her arm, shook her head and replied, "I don't know, I was knocked out out of nowhere."

"If you are knocked out, can you still send me a distress letter with our special contact code on it?"

"Uh... yes, the robber woke me up and forced me to write a letter." Xiaomeng kept her head down, as if checking whether her calf was broken.

"The letter is through the channel of Tianzun, which means that Zhu Wushi also acquiesced in this matter, but he will not use such a cheap method. To me, you are a trump card against me, and he will not use it so easily. .Hehe, you see, even the deepest-minded people care more about yourself than you do."

"..." Xiaomeng didn't speak, just untied the rope on his own, as if there was some magic in the rope, and he couldn't untie it no matter what.

Cao Zhengchun also ignored her and just said to himself, "There can only be one reason to lure me away, which is to harm Jiang Yufeng and Li Ying. And I am not the only one in the palace, and I Some of the formations arranged by Huang Chang can still hurt Jiang Yufeng under this kind of protection, and only the Shinto side has this power."


"So this matter started with Shinto, and then Zhu Wuwang had to find some trouble for Daqin, which would be beneficial to the future layout, so he let it go, and even asked Murong Qiudi to send the letter to me through the channel of Tianzun ,Is it right?"

"No, not a Shinto person!"

Cao Zhengchun stared at Xiaomeng's eyes, probably seeing a little grievance in them, nodded and said, "So? It's neither Shinto nor Zhu Wushi, so who else is there?"

Xiaomeng stopped talking again, and Cao Zhengchun continued to guess when he saw this, "No one except Shinto and Ming Kingdom has the ability to hurt Jiang Yufeng. So if it weren't for the two, then the mastermind behind the scenes would not stand in the sunshine Underneath, all he can do is to exert influence secretly. So... are they some of Zeng Jin's enemies of the Great Qin Dynasty, or are they some exiles who are unwilling to be lonely?"

Xiaomeng licked her lips, got up and hugged Cao Zhengchun's arm, "Brother~~~~~ It's hard to meet him, so don't mention those disappointing things, let's go back to Ming Kingdom together."

Cao Zhengchun had a cold expression on his face, with some disappointment in his eyes, "Do you think that the reason why you did so well in the Ming Kingdom is because you have unique economic abilities? Or is it because of Zhou Zhiruo's status as a closed disciple of the local master?"

"Uh this..."

Cao Zhengchun didn't care about her who was speechless for a while, and continued: "No, it's because I still hold a high position in Daqin, and it's because I can still be useful in ignoring Zhu. If I go to Ming with you, although he won't target us, But you won't be living so happily anymore."

Cao Zhengchun was very disappointed, Xiaomeng was his only blood relative, and he paid a lot for her to live freely.He didn't say these things before, but with Xiaomeng's intelligence, he believed that the other party would be able to understand, but... It seems that this has nothing to do with intelligence, but whether the other party wants to understand.

"Brother is a master of the local rankings, he will be respected everywhere, and now we are powerful, even Zhu Wushi would not dare to underestimate us."

"'We'? Who are you with? It seems that you still have an organization, do you look down on Zhu Wushi? Is it in your heart that you already have the conditions to compete with a country, or is it like a country by definition? ?”

Xiaomeng was stunned, she didn't think that one word could make Cao Zhengchun think so much, she was a little flustered for a while, it is really not easy to be a person who is similar to the position of chief executive in the palace.

Cao Zhengchun sighed, and shook his head in disappointment, "If you don't tell me, then I'll go back and have a look. I'm also curious. In this operation, besides some people who are sent to death, will someone come over to give away their heads?"

Xiaomeng was a little dizzy, listening to this... This time it was a trap!
"No...wouldn't you be kicking Jiang Yufeng's mother and daughter out of power? There are many ministers involved, and... Fusu and Bai Qi are also involved. Even if you go back, you won't be able to stop anything!"

Cao Zhengchun paused, "You still know pretty much everything, what else?"

"And because it's a battle within the royal family, Huang Chang won't make a move."

Cao Zhengchun frowned, "Being able to count Huang Chang means that in the enemy's plan, there will be a conflict with the masters of the local list. This intelligence power... Hehe, the problem is back again. Now only Tianzun and Qinglonghui have this intelligence power , Shinto, Demon Sect, then... it is still Shinto!"

(End of this chapter)

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