Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 813 I'm Happy, I Can Play Anywhere I Want

Chapter 813 I'm Happy, I Can Play Anywhere I Want

"Huh? Do you have any actions on Daqin's side?"

Facing Zuo Zhou's question, Lu Dongbin didn't hide anything, "Of course, we arranged a lot of people to stir up chaos in the Great Qin Imperial Household, and even let people act as followers to cheer them on."

Zuo Zhou frowned, and glanced at Cao Zhengchun in the distance again. Was it necessary to bring Cao Zhengchun here for provocation and cheer?
"Don't forget, Jin Chan is still in Daqin now. If Daqin picks out the identity of Shinto, they can use the army to surround and kill Jinchan. At that time, there are good reasons and you have no time to rescue them. People will only I hate people in the Shinto even more, and then don't think about the affairs of the heavens."

Lu Dongbin smiled and said: "Don't worry, our plan is to establish a heavenly court, which does not conflict with secular power. It doesn't matter if the Tang Dynasty is destroyed. Of course, a troubled world is also conducive to our spreading faith. So we don't want Great Qin to collapse. All he needs to do is mess up."

Zuo Zhou nodded. This is not difficult to understand. Just like the reason why a certain country continued to create turmoil around the world in the previous life, only by taking advantage of the chaos can it gain benefits.

It's just... If Shinto didn't do this, who would it be?Zhu ignored?

Zuo Zhou wanted to ask, but Lu Dongbin couldn't move rashly beside him, so he couldn't help but turn his eyes to the direction of the palace.

Zhu Wushi, Shangguan Jinhong and others were all entangled, and it was also an old acquaintance who entangled them.

Purdue Cihang!

Yes, it was the centipede spirit, the guy who was beaten in half but still managed to survive.

Just like what Lu Dongbin said just now, you can't easily deal with people with luck, but Pudu Cihang once had the idea of ​​luck, and he also has corresponding methods. He is very similar to Gongsun Sheng back then.And regardless of martial arts or spells, this centipede spirit is very powerful, and it is the most suitable candidate.

Seeing that one formation after another was used inside, Zuo Zhou was a little disdainful, "In order to stop Zhu from ignoring them, how much resources did you give Pudu Cihang?"

Lu Dongbin smiled, with an inscrutable look on his face, "It's not too much, but it's just a little precious, but you also understand that now that the Dao has changed, all the rules are sliding towards the Martial Dao, so these materials related to spells No matter how much you cherish it, you don’t care so much.”

After talking about Zuo Zhou in this way, he understood, "It's just that this person, Li Yuanfang, Pudu Cihang, has dealt with him before. From what I can remember, he is not a reliable person. Be careful not to be bitten by a raised demon." .”

"Don't worry, his goal is to transform into a dragon. I promise to let him steal part of his luck when the Tang Kingdom falls, so he doesn't dare to mess around."

"So that's the case. Although it's a bit reckless, but think about it, Jin Chan also needs some stepping stones along the way."

Speaking of this, the two old silver coins smiled at each other, everything was in the air.


The faces of the people blocked by the formation in the palace were quite ugly. They were still waiting for the news of the civil strife in Daqin, but they turned out to be traitors first.

Yes, they are traitors, who can arrange so many formations in the palace, if they say that there is no ghost, they will not believe it!

"Can the national teacher have a solution?"

Zhu Wushi looked at Zhang Junbao and asked eagerly, now he can perceive the battle in the distance through the formation, and he doesn't know the specific situation.

Looking at the constantly changing colors in the sky, Zhang Junbao stretched out his hand into the void, his hand disappeared halfway through, as if he had entered some other space, but when he pulled his hand back, there was a gleaming stone.

"This should be the spirit stone for setting up the formation. I have cracked 70.00% of it now, but the opponent's formation is too much and too complicated. The rest still needs time. But if your majesty is in a hurry, you can actually do it now." Gathered strength and forcibly broke through."

Zhang Junbao's answer was neither too fast nor too slow, although he didn't know the details of the outside plan, but Zuo Zhou once gave him a hint, telling him that there was no need to worry, he had his own arrangements.

Zhu Wushi heard the words, but he was not in a hurry. He began to use his senses to explore the distance. To be honest, he didn't understand that battle, mainly because he didn't understand Liuliqin's identity. General strength to target.

However, based on the principle that we should oppose what the enemy wants to do, he intends to help a group, but the problem is that if you want people to know how to repay you, you can't add icing on the cake, you have to give charcoal in the timely manner.So, to save people, you have to do it at the most dangerous time.

It's just that this time, Zhu Wushi seems to be a bit overbearing, after all, he is not the only one who can help in a timely manner.

After Cao Zhengchun initially observed the situation, he finally started to act.

The speed of this old eunuch is quite fast, not only fast, but the thick inner strength formed an air shield around his body, and with the speed, it was like a tank raging through the crowd.People in the Shinto who were caught off guard were vomiting blood one after another.

At this time, Xiaomeng secretly walked back behind Liuliqin, "What are you two waiting for, hurry up!"

Liu Liqin looked back at Xiaomeng and suddenly felt a little strange, "You...why are you back?"

Xiaomeng made her ask dumbfounded, "What are you talking about, I'm here to save you!"

Liu Liqin turned to look at Cao Zhengchun who rushed into the crowd and wandered around, "So in order to save me, you called your brother back from Daqin?"

Xiaomeng said a little embarrassedly, "Well, by the way, but it's not important, the most important thing is to escape."

"If we could escape, we would have escaped long ago. If they couldn't stop these enemies, then with their strength, it would be useless for us to escape anywhere." Zhou Zhiruo reminded.

Xiaomeng was at a loss for a while. On the other hand, Cao Zhengchun was not as exaggerated as Ye Gucheng and Ximen boasted that they were strong. With his strength, he could fight up to three at the same time. Now relying on his speed, he can still do it with ease, but if it continues, He may have lost before those two.

More importantly, after Ximen Chuuxue and Ye Gucheng changed their style of play, they could still kill one or two from time to time, but he really couldn't do it. A master of the local ranking wanted to escape, and he really couldn't keep it. live.

Ximen Chuuxue and Ye Gucheng's style of play is quite scary, so they are relatively safe under this kind of mood, but Cao Zhengchun is a bit dangerous.He was chasing and beating a group of people by himself just now, and a group of people were chasing and killing him a while ago, watching Xiaomeng beside him was very worried.

"We have been sisters for many years, tell me honestly, how did you trick your brother back from Daqin?" Liu Liqin looked at her seriously, feeling a little resentful in her heart.

A master of the local rankings, and a master with an important position and great effect, how could he be deceived so easily?You know what you've done, what a critical time it is, my God, are you so confused?
Xiaomeng was a little unaccustomed to Liu Liqin's seriousness, so she pursed her lips, "You also know that Daqin will definitely decline after Qin Huang, so he said that he is sure to overthrow Daqin, and he couldn't bear to see me feel sad because of my brother, so he let me I tricked my brother back, so I naturally agreed!"

"Naturally? Who is he? Why do you have such confidence? Daqin doesn't say it is impenetrable now, but it is also a powerful country in the world, and the situation of three pillars. Who is this him of yours?"

Xiaomeng smiled and said a name, a name that was familiar to the exiles, but the natives didn't necessarily care about it.


Daqin, the enthronement ceremony has already begun. This time the enthronement will be completed under the witness of countless people. There will be a queen in the world, which also indicates that Daqin will enter a new chapter.

And no matter which world, there will always be some obstacles when the general trend is moving forward, no, the obstacles are coming.

Jiang Yufeng turned her head slightly, and looked at an old man who came out of the crowd. This old man was an old senior in the clan. In ordinary families, he would be enshrined in the ancestral hall every day. He was highly respected.

Jiang Yufeng and her daughter looked at each other, and reached out to help her daughter straighten her collar, while the old man below had already started a long speech.

He didn't pay much attention to what he was clamoring for specifically, anyway, the so-called theories he could put forward were all platitudes.Jiang Yufeng was able to take part in the imperial examination and get good grades back then, but he was much better than these old guys in terms of citing scriptures.

Jiang Yufeng forced the other party to finish speaking out of politeness, "Tell me what you want to do."

The impatience was forcibly suppressed in her tone, and she felt a little pity. In fact, she had already given these people a chance, but unfortunately, it was useless!
"Demon Empress, are you going to go against the sky in front of all the clans today?"

The old man stretched out his hand and pointed out that he was doing justice for the whole world, and he highlighted the awe-inspiring righteousness.

Jiang Yufeng was getting a little bored, after so many years, she still said those words, I would feel sleepy if you didn't bother me.

"Since some people object, let's change the method. Everyone proposes a few candidates, and then let everyone participate in the voting. Well, it is everyone, not only the clan, but also all the people present. This emperor is chosen by you come out!"


All the clan members were stunned for a moment, why does this style of painting feel a little problematic, shouldn't you be jumping your feet in anger, and tearing your face hysterically?What the hell is this election?

No one knew beforehand that Jiang Yufeng was going to do such a ruthless job, even Fusu from the secret alliance was stunned there, so... what's going on?
Li Ying understands, in the past, Li Ying always heard from her mother and Uncle Li Yuanfang mentioned some rules of other worlds, when she heard that the person in charge was elected by the people, her three views were greatly impacted.

But she doesn't mind messing around, "Emperor elected by the people", well, if she can have such a title, that would be a bright spot.

The old man was stunned for a long time, why didn't you play the cards according to the plan, how do you let me deal with myself!
People have already made their words clear to this extent. Could it be that they criticize the Demon Queen for deceiving people?Although the people are easy to fool, that doesn't mean they are stupid. It can only be said that they don't want to use their wisdom for intrigue.

At this time, they could only bite the bullet and push a few young people up, and of course there was Fusu!
As a result, the scene of being scolded came out. The young people of the imperial family were not bad, and several of them were even used to deal with Liying and use it to play a beauty trick. Who knew that they were used to do this at this time.Well, these young people are all aristocrats, and they are naturally proficient in everything, even in the strategy of governing the country.But the problem is, they don't have a popular base at all!
You suddenly came up with such a move, and it caught everyone by surprise.

A group of royal family members looked at Jiang Yufeng with ugly faces. Her playful expression made them extremely angry. None of them thought that Jiang Yufeng was serious. She was showing them her means and authority. She was using practical actions Tell everyone, you are still far behind, I can play however I want, with whatever rules I want to play.

It's just that when she played, the people in the entire imperial capital began to boil. Qin Huang had already abandoned many old habits and bad habits before. At that time, the people did not support Qin Huang not only because he could expand the territory.Now Jiang Yufeng is obviously more courageous, and even let the common people choose the emperor, they chose it themselves~!

Looking at the excited people, Liying's eyes showed a trace of admiration, "Did the empress think about this long ago?"

Suddenly there was a hint of naughtiness on Jiang Yufeng's face, and her raised eyebrows were extremely agile. If Jiang Yuyan or Zuo Zhou were here, she would definitely be able to exclaim. Isn't this appearance the same as the carefree young lady of the Jiang family back then? Well!

After all these years, she seems to have finally reconciled with herself.

"On a temporary basis, I also want to thank these old men for bringing out all the bad habits and scolding me, otherwise I won't be able to recall why I came to the imperial capital in the first place, and why I went to take the imperial examination."

Jiang Yufeng looked at the sky nostalgicly, and remembered that Li Yuanfang had told her a lot, which made her feel a strong and magnificent heart for the first time.Similarly, she also remembered the disappointment and regret deep in Li Yuanfang's eyes when he sent her into the palace.

Perhaps in his eyes, he is a poor person who would have made great achievements but was forced to this point by the world!
"You have to think about what you are doing. You know, I also participated in the election. If the people vote for me, I can't end it."

Fusu suddenly jumped out from the crowd and came to the side of the mother and daughter, who had been confronting each other on the surface.

Well, it was clearly agreed to wipe out all these royal family members, but you... you make me very passive by making such nonsense!

Jiang Yufeng's smile became even brighter, "There is nothing to regret, to be honest, I hate Hu Hai, hate that he got me but didn't take any action to avenge my father, hate every time he presses on me, hate him even more That smiling face after venting. I know that it is his self-satisfaction that he feels that he has won over Li Yuanfang. In his heart, I have always been labeled as "Li Yuanfang's woman", and he has never respected me."

The corners of Fusu's eyes twitched, not because he was angry but because he felt ashamed. He knew that his brother was unreliable, but he didn't expect it to be so unreliable.

"However, I don't have any grudges against the royal family, and I even want to thank the dragon bone. Without the dragon bone, I would not be able to taste the joy of being a mother. In this case, in order to repay the karma of the dragon bone, how can I let you send all the royal family members to you?" What about killing? Don't you think that your current behavior is exactly the same as Hu Hai in the history of exiles?"

Fu Su was stunned, his eyes widened for a while, he didn't know what to say, for a moment, he also doubted whether these were his own thoughts, or...

boom!A ray of light seemed to explode in his mind, and Fusu shuddered violently, sweating all over his body suddenly, something invisible broke away from his soul.

When he raised his head again, he was relaxed like never before, and said with a smile, "You are not afraid, didn't the people choose you?"

Jiang Yufeng was overjoyed, "Then I'll remarry. I'm not a queen anymore. As an ordinary woman, no one can stop me from doing whatever I want."

(End of this chapter)

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