Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 89: Aunt Rama Zhao Ji!

Chapter 89: Aunt Rama Zhao Ji!

For a belief to have believers, it must have a rigorous level. The more rigorous it is, the more it can cover the reason of believers and make believers feel that it is true.

As far as Buddhism is concerned, it is said that the Dharma is boundless, and the ability of the Buddha is infinitely magnified, as if it is really omnipotent, and it can even overshadow science and cause and effect.But if you ask him to give some practical examples, 90.00% of the monks will be caught blind, and the remaining [-]% you can't tell whether it is the ability of Buddha or human ability.If you ask the hosts why this is the case, most of them will answer that your cultivation level is not enough, and you have not become a Buddha, so naturally you cannot be omniscient and omnipotent.It's a pity, from ancient times to the present, no one has heard of anyone who has become a Buddha.

As Zuo Zhou, who grew up under the red flag and was born in New China, he has a very light view of Buddhism, so he does not have a deep understanding of its own teachings, let alone the difference between Arhat, Buddha or Bodhisattva, let alone Buddhism. It did not originate in Middle-earth, and no one can tell how much has changed during this period.

From Zuo Zhou's point of view, Buddhism is more like a school with its own ideas. Ideas are the main body, and martial arts are just means of protecting the law.

In this regard, Buddhism is actually doing much better than Demons. Demons and Buddhists are essentially the same. They are both a kind of thought as the main body and martial arts as a means of protecting the Dharma.But the problem is that as time goes by, the magic door pays more attention to the strength of martial arts, but completely ignores the purity of thought.It seems that you can conquer everything by force alone. You ask the beautiful country, is this trick easy to use?

In Buddhism, there are many people who talk about benevolence, righteousness and morality, but what they think of in their hearts are people who are interested in business.But the devil's side is even more ridiculous, and they don't even bother to say nice things, and they directly follow the criminal law to obtain benefits one by one.

In a word, if you lose people's hearts, you are doomed to fail!

This is also the reason why Zuo Zhou is reluctant to have a relationship with the Demon Sect. The Demon Sect has no future.Of course, Buddhism doesn't seem to be developing much now. Unless the future state religion is really Buddhism, then just eat fast and recite Buddha honestly and don't do anything.

Back to the question of Bodhidharma's swordsmanship, the sword intent in Bodhidharma's swordsmanship can actually be merged into Guo-level Arhat Fist. Is it possible to equate the level of Guo-level Arhat Fist with that of Bodhidharma?

Land list! ?
Of course, there are 72 unique skills in Shaolin, but no one can tell which unique skills are there. Maybe this Bodhidharma sword technique is not actually created by Bodhidharma.

Ding Yin, "It's just four tricks to over and over again, it's boring!"

Zuo Zhou was awakened by the crisp sound of swords intersecting, forgetting those wild thoughts, and looking at the sound, the drizzle at this time had been knocked out by Xiaomei's water-repelling sword, and the whole person sat on the ground slumped.

"Xiaomei, come back." Zuo Zhou got up and walked to the fire, reached out and picked up a bag, even if he didn't open it, he knew what it was, Rama's body!

"Hmph, it turned out to be for Rama's body. Let's do it!" Drizzle sneered, closing his eyes as a bachelor.

Zuo Zhou didn't even open it to look at the body. After all, it wasn't complete.

"Actually, I'm very curious, since you want to get out of the black stone, why do you take Rama's body with you? If there is no such thing, you just need to change your face and hide in which town, as time goes by, the wheel king will naturally not be good to you. I'm interested. But carrying this Rama body is like stabbing a thorn in the wheel king's heart, and a silk thread is tied to the end of the thorn, and he will miss you for the rest of his life!"

In fact, this was also the most confusing place for Zuo Zhou when he was watching the movie. A killer who wanted to go into hiding, but brought the baby coveted by the whole martial arts. What is so special about going into hiding?Why do you call this retreat?What do you call this a special retreat?

With this willful time, why don't you return Shaolin?Oh, yes, now Shaolin is gone...

Drizzle opened his eyes and looked at Zuo Zhou, his eyes almost overflowing with doubts.Zuo Zhou laughed, "Look, I'm asking you now, don't think about what I'm going to explain to you, either you say it, or I'll leave, but it's estimated that it won't be long before the wheel king will come to you and ask for the body. "

Hearing the name of the King of Wheels, a trace of solemnity flashed on the drizzle again, "How did you find me? The King of Wheels is also nearby?"

"I can tell you this in a very responsible way. Yes, the Wheel King is nearby. As for how he found you, hehe, you are so stupid to even run to Jiannan Road, but you know the two eunuchs. The same pair of pants."

Drizzle was startled for a moment, and a name blurted out, "Liu Jin!"

"It doesn't seem too stupid, let's talk about the King of Wheels."

"You didn't come to rob Rama's body? Why did you ask about the Wheel're going to kill him!" Drizzle was startled, his eyes rolled around, obviously he was starting to think wildly, but unfortunately the city was limited and his expression was hidden. Don't stop.

"Hey, you are real ink, if it weren't for Lu Zhu's painstaking efforts, I would have beaten you long ago, and I would have asked you to talk while I beat you." Zuo Zhou pouted.

Drizzle took a deep breath and changed his posture to sitting cross-legged, as if planning to tell a long story.

Zuo Zhou waved his hand to indicate that Xiaomei had the same mind and took out the steamed buns and started roasting them on the fire. After a while, the fragrant steamed buns were handed to everyone.

And the story of the drizzle gradually unfolded.

The wheel-turning king is Aiyu!

This is an explosion point, but the drizzle seems to be afraid that it is not shocking enough, and it explodes when it comes up.She did get a gasp as she expected, and even the flames swayed.

Xiaomei: "Who is Ao?"

Exhibition Seventeen (;¬_¬) "A Eunuch."

Xiaomei said disdainfully, "Oh."

Zuo Zhou is actually quite interested in Drizzle's life experience. According to the truth, if a killer is cultivated from a young age, unless there is something touching, there will never be such a thing as betrayal.Don't be fooled, this is the magic of brainwashing.

"I was originally a farmer's daughter. There was a flood that year, and my family went to the fields with my parents. After my grandfather sold me, I starved to death."

Everyone was nibbling on the steamed buns, listening to something embarrassing but it seemed to happen every day.

Drizzle stared blankly at the bonfire, and said in a rather magnetic voice, "Renyazi took me to the brothel, and the old mother said that I have the appearance of an oiran, and I will get a good price for training. So I learned a lot. , learn how... how to make a man happily take out the money."

Click, Zhang Junbao broke a cucumber.

"Until one day, I was valued by a magistrate. He spent 2000 taels of silver to redeem me for my first night. Although the magistrate looked old, he seemed to be a good person. On the first day of the magistrate, he didn't touch me, not even See me. I mistakenly thought it was pity and respect for me, but I didn't want to, and he gave me to a general the next day."

"The military general looked at me like a snake staring at its prey. I was too scared to move, but he didn't touch me like the prefect."

"On the third day, I was given to Lao by the generals."

Zuo Zhou pursed his lips, took out a pen and paper and handed it to her, "Don't rush, write down the names of the general and the prefect."


Next to Zhan Shiqi was shocked. When everyone was sad about the poor experience of Drizzle, you actually noticed the blind spot?This... This is a credit, if I had this ability to find out, I would have amazed everyone!

The little sadness that had just risen on Drizzle's body melted away in an instant, and he raised his hand and wrote two names and then said, "Maybe you don't believe it, I'm really good to the Queen Mother, it's true love! He taught me the water-bending swordsmanship. I didn't want me to be a killer, but sent to protect Zhao Ji. However, after Ao was hunted down by Emperor Qin, all around Zhao Ji became Emperor Qin's people, and I followed into the shadows and became The killer drizzle under the runner king."

Zuo Zhou suddenly had a bold idea when he heard this, and interjected: "Four masters have been changed in three days, so... which master are you more loyal to? Is it the wheel-turning king, who taught you the water-bending swordsmanship, or "The Queen Mother Zhao Ji!"

Drizzle clenched his hands suddenly, Zuo Zhou sighed and already knew the answer.

"A person who has love in his heart, someone who is worthy of Lu Zhu's sacrifice, will not be a simple cold-blooded killer. Let's talk about Rama's body. I think that Empress Dowager Zhao Ji also knows the mystery of this body. Right. Since she asked you to take away the body... So, does this body really have such a miraculous effect?"

Zuo Zhou's voice fell to the ground, but it shook the temple and everyone's heads buzzed. Did Zhao Ji let Drizzle take away the body?Ah, doesn't it mean that the two really love each other?Why are they stabbing each other?
Zuo Zhou glanced at them and didn't bother to explain.

In fact, Zhao Ji's actions really protected her. She knew her too well. If she returned to a complete man, she would definitely come back to find herself.At that time, Emperor Qin will not be as indifferent as he is now, and he will use all the power of Qin to hunt down and kill!
Don't think that Qin Huang has become a bully when he stops Ge, think about Di Renjie, Bao Zheng, Lu Xiaofeng, Zhuge Zhengwu and other influential figures in the court martial arts, they are all willing to do things for Qin Huang, this is enough to prove Qin Huang charisma.And there are so many people under his command who can do practical things, the strength of Da Qin can be seen.

Some people always think that conquering a larger territory and laying down a larger land is powerful. In fact, it is also powerful to be able to make all the people of Daqin live a prosperous and dignified life.

Those who don't understand think that Emperor Qin can't do anything, they can move on, or even blatantly rebel, so it's a pity that what awaits you must be a tragic end.

I couldn't understand it, but Zhao Ji, the biological mother of the Qin Emperor, understood it. Should I say that she knew her son, Mo Ruomu?So she can't let Auntie come back, even if it will make both of them suffer, but this is the way to live.

"In that year, Emperor Qin intended to destroy the Shaolin Temple. That month, a high-ranking monk entered the palace and preached the Dharma to Emperor Qin in an attempt to quell the Emperor's anger. This monk was Rama. Emperor Qin didn't have so much time to study Buddhism, so Rama only If you can take up the rest time, you will step into the harem, but that is where the concubines and concubines in the palace live. According to the rules, only the Emperor Qin or the princes can be men here, so Rama must cleanse himself."

"This is also a test that Emperor Qin gave to Rama, and Rama really made a sacrifice and voluntarily entered the palace clean!"

When Drizzle said this, there was a little more admiration in his tone, but Zuo Zhou rolled his eyes when he heard the words, "Buddhist belief can actually fool a man into voluntarily entering the palace? Hehe, if I were Emperor Qin, I would be even tougher. I want to flatten the Shaolin Temple!"

(End of this chapter)

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