Chapter 182 Why

Compared with the time-changing changes in the construction market, it appreciates in value.

Artworks such as old rosewood furniture should still have non-renewable scarcity.

Maybe this pile of furniture after Uncle Cheng will be worth more than this building.

Jing Xiaoqiang hahaha told Uncle Cheng to make persistent efforts and make this building into a red sandalwood museum in the future.

Let's pick up the eldest lady first, it's really busy with musicals during this time.

It's time to ask about the progress of the development.

This time Jing Xiaoqiang dared to drive the car into the campus of the Medical University, and waved to Cheng Yuling while wearing a mask.

Maybe it was winter, but Cheng Yuling, who was wrapped in a thick woolen coat, looked less indifferent. She got out of the car first, and then looked at the person: "It matches your appearance quite well, and I'm playing with my dad for some shady business. ?”

Although the tone was still contemptuous, it was already a little familiar.

Jing Xiaoqiang's experienced precautions: "We two brothers have similar smells, but I am much more mature than your father, he actually encouraged me to buy a Mercedes-Benz replaced by the government, and I deliberately didn't drive that Cadillac just to keep a low profile. As handsome as I am, now there are so many girls chasing me in the Drama Academy, how about driving a luxury car?"

Cheng Yuling's expression suddenly turned cold, but Jing Xiaoqiang graciously helped her open the rear door and said thank you.

Then stay silent.

After driving, Jing Xiaoqiang talked about business: "After I introduced to you the R&D center that the daily chemical company wants to set up, have I talked to you?"

Cheng Yuling said coldly, "Not interested."

Jing Xiaoqiang tried harder: "Is there any new product development?"

Cheng Yuling still said in the same tone: "No time!"

Jing Xiaoqiang sighed: "Sister, we are not considered friends but also partners. Can we communicate and work normally? Do you communicate with your graduate tutor in the same way?"

Cheng Yuling stared angrily: "What do you compare with your graduate tutor?!"

Jing Xiaoqiang was confident: "Because I am the gold medal winner of the Youth Song Club!"

Cheng Yuling was even more contemptuous: "It's just a singer. What can you compare with scientific research? It's the distorted social atmosphere that makes you so proud!"

I was so excited that I spat a little bit.

Jing Xiaoqiang said eloquently: "Your mother really likes to watch me sing. You are scientific researchers, and we are literary and artistic workers. Revolutionary work does not distinguish between high and low. Your attitude of discriminating against working people needs to be criticized."

This is definitely the mainstream three views of the 90s, at least the official has repeatedly emphasized.

Cheng Yuling suddenly felt wronged, and her voice dropped an octave: "What kind of working people are you!"

Jing Xiaoqiang was proud: "When I sing, isn't my throat working? Is it wrong?"

Cheng Yuling could only turn her head to look out the window, and even hummed angrily!
Jing Xiaoqiang reminded her: "Do you think this is quite like the atmosphere when you are in love?"

Cheng Yuling blushed immediately: "What nonsense are you talking about!"

Jing Xiaoqiang has already parked the car downstairs of the married family: "I just hope that there will be no such illusion. When talking about work, talk about work. Only men and women in love are so stingy when they are always in love."

Cheng Yuling was so angry that she opened the door and ran back!
At the door, her grandma wished she could put on a good ear: "Are you bickering? You must be wrong. You should let him..."

Cheng Yuling almost let out a groan of grievance, and rushed upstairs.

Instead, Jing Xiaoqiang whistled, and came over beaming with the new car keys on his fingers: "Hello, Auntie, your fox fur vest is so luxurious!"

Mrs. Cheng couldn't laugh or cry: "It's better to call grandma! I'm getting more and more out of tune with Lao Cheng all day long."

Jing Xiaoqiang whispered: "Actually, I think that if he collects old furniture, it might become a great tool."

Mrs. Cheng was rarely surprised: "What?"

Jing Xiaoqiang helped the old man to go in: "The door is very windy. Today I went to see the old furniture he collected and pulled. I don't understand, but think about it. Ten years ago, 20 years ago, 30 years ago, these things were dross , is rubbish, because the whole country has problems with enough food and clothing, but as the whole country can eat enough and clothing warm, don’t you have to start thinking about these things?”

Mrs. Cheng thought for a while: "In such a big country, no one has been able to feed and clothe everyone in such a large country for thousands of years. Now is indeed the closest time. It's incredible."

Jing Xiaoqiang laughed: "So billions of people burst out to enjoy life, it's amazing, a tape, put it in HK, it sells 100, it's called a platinum record, and Citigroup gets 20 million, it's called a platinum record, but in our China, I This is already at least two platinum. People will try their best to think about how to live a better life after they are fed and clothed. Now it is a tape of more than ten yuan. In a few years, it will be good clothes. After ten years, it will be a good house. Er is good red sandalwood and huanghuali furniture, Cheng Ge has become an art collector, elegant and grand."

Mrs. Cheng actually laughed: "Okay, I haven't figured out what to do with him after 50 years of thinking. Now I can leave with peace of mind. Well, I just wait to see that A Ling has a home."

Jing Xiaoqiang immediately betrayed his partner: "Then she'd better be a single nobleman."

Granny Cheng immediately laughed like a child: "Naughty!"

Close your eyes and lean on the sofa: "What a big rock fell to the ground, you remember you promised me to take good care of this useless guy."

Jing Xiaoqiang helped his brother: "He's actually pretty good, because you are so good, let me tell you about another friend of mine, his father should be a senior officer in the Air Force, and his mother is the head of our art troupe. With older brothers and sisters, the military family must have been very strict since childhood. Her parents are standard soldiers. They have lived in the military camp all their lives. They are like [-]... [-]. They started doing business with us and became independent. Suddenly, they became rebellious. , Mom and Dad are not afraid that I will not listen to what they say, but I don’t! Do you think that when you were young, you were too hopeful for your son to become a dragon..."

Mrs. Cheng answered: "He always fails to meet my requirements, and after more than one or two times, he slowly gives up and fools around, doesn't he?"

The voice is a little low and a little sad.

Probably no one ever told her that.

Unexpectedly, Jing Xiaoqiang smiled and gestured: "No, he is working hard to be your son..."

Mrs. Cheng opened her eyes and saw that Jing Xiaoqiang was twisting the hair on his nose, and laughed out loud hahahaha, Jing Xiaoqiang was so frightened that he quickly got up to take care of him: "Okay, okay, don't be too happy, calm down, calm down..."

At this time, the roar of the wild wolf motorcycle was heard outside.

Uncle Cheng obviously parked the car, dawdled for a while, and didn't know whether it was cleaning the car or looking at the Cherokee, and then jumped up happily, and then his footsteps became calm at the door, and he opened the door like a standard middle-aged man: "Xiaoqiang is here, Girl, what are you guys talking about today..."

Upstairs suddenly stepped up and rushed down, Cheng Yuling impatiently threw a few bottles and plastic boxes to Jing Xiaoqiang: "You take it and have a look... I'm still sorting out the craft recipes!"

Then she got angry with her father: "Did you buy you with a motorcycle?! Go learn to drive, and I will buy you a car after learning! Mercedes-Benz!"

Then he ran back with a bang!

Uncle Cheng was puzzled, and tiptoed up to the upstairs and whispered: "You even told her that I wanted a Mercedes-Benz? You talked a lot?"

Just as the food was ready in the kitchen, the sister-in-law of the married family came out wearing an apron to say hello: "Ah Qiang is here, we can eat."

Mrs. Cheng glanced at her daughter-in-law, and suddenly said to her son: "Your Auntie Du has a set of ebony and golden silk furniture with marble tops. It was put there by her in our house before. Go find her and move it back."

Uncle Cheng was a little flattered and gave Jing Xiaoqiang a wink.

What the hell doesn't understand: "In the future, you and Xiaoqiang will go out to do business. Don't be too late at night and get too tired. Take it easy when you come back. I sleep more and more lightly."

Jing Xiaoqiang immediately answered the words in a serious manner: "Okay, okay, I will tell Brother Cheng, Xiaoling, is your grandma a little nervous, please take care of it."

Cheng Yuling held back for a long time: "I think you are a little paranoid!"

Immediately her father, mother, and grandma said together: "How can you say that!"

Graduate students are so frustrated!

After the two brothers came out, Uncle Cheng smacked: "What does my mother mean, I was never allowed to do such trivial things with her old friends and acquaintances before, she thinks I am ashamed!"

Jing Xiaoqiang also rolled his eyes: "The point is the last sentence, which means that you are playing outside, be careful, don't go too far!"

Uncle Cheng couldn't believe it: "Is there?"

Jing Xiaoqiang simply hated iron and steel: "She is already asleep, so I don't need to accompany you back to say hello!"

Uncle Cheng suddenly realized!
But Jing Xiaoqiang still wants to accompany him, and went to the International Hotel to inspect the bar today.

Uncle Cheng said why not go to the izakaya.


With money and a car, this kind of life is not to mention how happy it is.

Anyway, Jing Xiaoqiang came back after ten o'clock in the evening, threw Uncle Cheng out the door and was about to go back to school, when he suddenly remembered, ah, the hospital also lost a wounded person!
Still feeling a little sorry, he went upstairs lightly, and found An Ning lying on the hospital bed with her butt up and sleeping, with an attractive silhouette.

Yu Shufan was still sitting next to him and dozing off!
Jing Xiaoqiang really felt a little sorry, so he went in first to gently wake up the graduate student, and motioned her to come out: "I've been busy all day, and I still have a drink with you, everything is settled, come over tomorrow morning to transfer the money to you."

Yu Shufan felt like he was dreaming: "How much?"

Jing Xiaoqiang tried to think about it: "We are taking 150%, it seems to be [-] million for you, remember to bring your ID card."

Yu Shufan felt like he hadn't woken up from the dream: "Is it true? Why should I..."

The eyes are all the kind of unconfident left and right glances, even if the body is pictured, the one inside is more valuable.

Jing Xiaoqiang also drank a little wine: "Yes, it's very good if you ask me that. In addition to taking good care of the company, you can also help me take care of Lao Zhou. Our combination can make money. Take care of Lao Zhou and your gang. Brothers and sisters, even if it is the best way for us to repay Lao Zhou, shouldn't we spend money?"

Only then did Yu Shufan breathe a sigh of relief: "That's right, otherwise I wouldn't be able to sleep well at night, um, I understand."

After his manager left, Jing Xiaoqiang gently pulled the sheet to cover his ass.

Sit by yourself and take a nap instead.

(End of this chapter)

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