Shu Blossoms

Chapter 13 Moved

Chapter 13 Moved
The warm afterglow, sprinkled through the dense leaves, became a little golden spot

At this time, a beam of rays of light was shining on Liao Wennan's side face, making her whole person glisten.

Could it be that the gods descended to earth!
Xiaochan's mind became even more dazed. She could vaguely hear what Liao Wennan asked, but she felt that she didn't listen too much.

"Looking at you frowning and looking sad, have you encountered any difficulties?"

"The slaves heard from them that the barbarians came to rob the village outside the city and robbed many people. The slaves' family is in the village outside the city, and the slaves are afraid of Dad and the others."

In a trance, Xiao Chan expressed all her worries, "The city was sealed off a few days ago. After finally opening the city, the servants had not had time to intercede, and today the city was closed again. The servants were really worried that those barbarians would not The meeting has already reached Qingzhou."

Liao Wennan lightly patted Xiaochan on the shoulder to comfort him.

"When did this happen?"

"About a month ago."

Liao Wennan paused and comforted softly: "It's been a long time now, and I think the imperial court already has a plan to deal with it, and reinforcements should be sent to support Qingzhou City soon. Now the troops stationed in Qingzhou are also patrolling the border every day, and I think there will be no more troubles. The others don’t even think about it now, take care of yourself, and when the situation becomes clear in the future, you can go home to see your parents.”

Liao Wennan knew for a long time that in the face of life and death disasters, his words were always pale. Seeing that Xiaochan was still uneasy, he quickly changed the subject: "Xiaochan, I'll ask you where there is a shop for clothes in Qingzhou City, and I want to buy a body. I went to visit my brother in a long gown."

Xiaochan tried her tears, cheered up and said with a smile: "It turns out that Langjun came to Qingzhou to visit relatives. There are various shops on West Street, as well as ready-to-wear shops, but the shops should not be open today, so Langjun can have a good night's rest. Go tomorrow."

Liao Wennan nodded and thanked, and the two of them arrived at the gate of the courtyard.

Xiaochan thanked Liao Wennan and turned to leave.

The next day, Liao Wennan went to Liu Weng's place and saw Song Zaiyan was there, he hurriedly greeted the two of them, and then said that he wanted to go out and buy some clothes.

When Liu Weng saw that he was wearing the same clothes as yesterday, he knew that he had only bought two clothes when he was in Yanzhou, and that the clothes that he changed and washed the night before had been left in the inn, so he turned to ask Song Zaiyan, "Mr. Song, how is the situation in the city today? Can you go out?"

When Song Zaiyan heard the words, he immediately realized that the governor's office had been negligent. In the past few days, the situation in Qingzhou city was turbulent, and everyone in the governor's office was in danger.It is estimated that the lady in the backyard was overwhelmed and neglected the hospitality.

He was also in a hurry yesterday, but now he turned around and looked at it, not only Song Zaiyan, Liu Weng had changed his shirt, hair and shoes as if they were all from yesterday.

"It's all Zaiyan's fault. I've been so busy these past few days that I've neglected you all." Song Zaiyan apologized repeatedly, "I'm going to find someone to sew clothes immediately, how can I bother customers to buy clothes by themselves."

"There's no need to recruit people like this," Liao Wennan quickly refused: "It is already a nuisance for the governor to keep Wennan in the mansion, how can I cause you any more trouble."

In addition to making clothes, she also wanted to go out to explore the situation and didn't want to miss this opportunity.

"How can it be troublesome," Song Zaiyan laughed. "You are now the guests of the Prefect's Mansion. If the guests are left unclothed, the Prefect's Mansion will really lose face."

After saying the greeting, he left in a hurry.

Liao Wennan could only stare unwillingly and stomped his feet in a hurry.

"Okay, Wennan." Liu Weng smiled and raised his hand to reassure him, "Although today's governor's mansion is like an ant on a hot pot, we still have to have the proper etiquette. Those of us who run the rivers and lakes all year round can not care about the small sections. But there are also the female relatives of the Zheng family, if the female family members of the Zheng family really have nothing to wear, it will really be a shame to Jiankang."

Liao Wennan naturally understands the twists and turns here, and it can only be like this.

Liu Weng was leaning on the table, feeling uncomfortable and moving back and forth a few times. When Liao Wennan saw this, he hurriedly brought the hidden capsule to cushion it.

Liu Weng sighed comfortably, with a relieved smile on his face, looking at her like his own son.

"I'm old, I can't help tossing." He smiled and shook his head, pointed to the seat next to him, and motioned her to sit down.

Liao Wennan knelt beside him.

"Yesterday, Mrs. Zheng and I asked you to leave Qingzhou with the Zheng family. The Zheng family will be escorted by a series of escorts. It will be much safer along the way." Liu Weng's tone was slow and gentle.

"Liu Weng. I" Liao Wennan wanted to speak, but Liu Weng raised his hand to stop him.

"It's hard to tell you the specific situation in Qingzhou right now, but there will be war at any time. It's too dangerous for you to stay here."

Liu Weng picked up the bowl and took a sip of the tea soup, and continued: "If you Jiankang has no relatives, Mrs. Zheng will also promise to take care of you one or two."

"I will ask someone to continue looking for you, brother. Before you leave, you can leave a letter and tell him where you are. He will find you in the future when he is stable."

They met by chance, not relatives, but Liu Weng arranged for her thoughtfully.

Liao Wennan felt that her heart that had been cold and hard for a long time had become soft and warm, and her eyes were slightly sour and moist.

She stood up and stood upright, pressing her left hand on her right hand, bowed deeply, and was speechless for a while.

She finally accepted Liu Weng's arrangement.

She also thought about it for a long time before. If there is a war, she will stay here and not say whether she will be able to see my brother. It will be a problem for her to survive here.

At first, I wanted to escape from my father's arrangement and change my way of life, but now I find that this road is more difficult.

Later, she also asked Liu Weng why the grandparents of the Zheng family traveled all the way to Qingzhou.

It turned out that Zheng Heng, the only son of the Zheng family, went back. The young man of this aristocratic family was only 15 years old, and he was passionate about serving the country and making contributions.But his fists and kicks from elementary school were nothing more than the head of the enemy's meritorious deeds on the battlefield.

Knowing that he ran away with the army, the whole family chased and blocked, but still no one has been found.

Zhao Inspector came back last night and made it clear that they must leave as soon as possible, and promised that if Zheng Heng was really in the reinforcements, he would be sent back.

Mrs. Zheng was still worried, but she also knew that these women and children would undoubtedly be a burden to stay here, and she could only agree to leave because she was afraid of encountering the inn again.

At night, Amu, who had been in a coma for two days and one night, finally woke up, but he still couldn't stand the turbulence. After everyone's discussion, Amu temporarily stayed in the Governor's Mansion to recuperate, and then returned to Jiankang when he was healthy.

They lived in the governor's mansion for three days, and on the fourth day, the Qingzhou city was lifted when the morning light spread over the earth.

The Zheng family and his party, Liao Wennan and the others took a cart full of clothes to eat and said goodbye to Mrs. Prefect who came to see them off and left Qingzhou City.

They went directly south to Langya County, and then went to Xiapi to take a boat back to Jiankang.

Moreover, if the vanguard army came to Qingzhou City, it would have to pass through Langya, so Mrs. Zheng still wanted to try her luck again.

They traveled for a day and entered Linqu City in the evening, planning to spend the night here, and tomorrow they would pass through Daxian, which is known as Qidi's natural danger.

Mrs. Zheng took them to rest, and He Li took a few episodes to the city to inquire about news.

(End of this chapter)

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