ask sword 2

Chapter 263 Hospital

Chapter 263 Hospital
In the early morning of the next day, the carriage of the imperial palace stopped outside Jinchengfang.

Li Ang, as one of the main persons in charge of the Suzhou Infirmary, accepted inquiries and explained the process in the court hall.

After Situ Zhi was imprisoned and artesunate appeared, the suppression efficiency of Suzhou water poisoning disease was greatly improved, and finally achieved a relatively acceptable outcome.

Including Li Ang, Qiu Jing, Qiu Feng and others, all the doctors who went to support Suzhou received awards and rewards, and Li Ang's title was elevated to the title of Founding County Marquis.

After the early court ended, Li Ang was stopped by the palace servants again, and was taken to Penglai Hall to meet Emperor Yu.

Emperor Yu stood holding the railing, and the one standing beside him was not Empress Xue or the crown prince, but Li Shan——His Royal Highness Guangwang, who worked hard in Suzhou, stood beside his father, his complexion improved a lot, his face His expression is also more sunny, and there is no longer the imperceptible loneliness and sadness between his eyebrows and eyes like before.

The father and son were talking about something, seeing Li Ang coming, Emperor Yu nodded slightly, and said peacefully: "Thank you for your hard work this time."

Li Ang nodded respectfully and said, "This is what I should do."

Emperor Yu waved his hand, motioning for the two to follow, he paced through the corridor outside the Penglai Hall, looked at the Taiye Pool with rippling green water in the distance, and asked casually: "I heard that the new drug artesunate, in addition to curing schistosomiasis, Besides, it can also treat malaria?"

"There are a few cases."

Li Ang's heart moved, and he answered truthfully.

When he took out artesunate in Suzhou, he did not directly announce all its functions to the public, but there were indeed patients who had schistosomiasis and malaria again, and their symptoms disappeared after reusing the drug.

This part of the case, he did not explicitly write in the memorial.Either it was reported by Qiu Jing and other imperial doctors, or it was the spies arranged by the Zhenfu Division in Suzhou to directly pass the news back to Chang'an.

"Artemisia annua has been used to treat diseases in ancient times, and I also got inspiration from ancient books. However, the medical science is complicated and affected by various conditions. A few cases alone cannot fully prove that artesunate can cure malaria."

Li Ang said: "That's why I didn't write it into the memorial, so as not to cause misjudgment by the court, and just be happy for nothing. I want to experiment in Chang'an sick workshop first. If it is effective, I will report it to the court."


Emperor Yu nodded, stopped, brushed his palm against the railing with a little rain, and sighed: "It's been malaria for three years, and no ghost will die. Search for fat marrow the next day, increase the cold and embrace the snow.

If artesunate can really cure malaria, I would like to thank you on behalf of the [-] million people in Yu State. "

Malaria is the most threatening and deadly infectious disease in the world, not one of them.

No matter rich or poor, high or low, those suffering from malaria will lose their dignity step by step in the painful cycle of alternation of cold and heat, and go to death.

The previous anti-mosquito strategy was only about prevention. By killing mosquitoes, the probability of suffering from malaria was reduced as much as possible.

Once sick, there is still nothing you can do.

Until now.

"This time, the title of Marquis of Founding County will be conferred on you,"

Emperor Yu said calmly, "It's still too low."

"I'm already very satisfied, I don't dare to ask for too much."

Li Ang replied respectfully.

At his current age, it can be said that there is no seal in terms of titles. If he wants to be promoted, he has to wait until he is an adult, and take up an official position as a disciple of the academy to obtain a higher title.

This is the advantage of a school background, whether it is an official or a knighthood, it is much faster than others.

People of the same age studying in the Imperial Academy, even descendants of dignitaries, would never be able to obtain the same title as Li Ang at this age—unless their father died.

"In the end, there is still a reward. The imperial court has not expressed such a major contribution to curing malaria. It is inevitable that some people will talk about the unfair reward and punishment."

Emperor Yu paused for a moment, as if he was thinking about what reward to give.

At Li Ang's age, there is no title to be conferred, and it is not appropriate to be directly appointed as an official - it is impossible for him to abandon his studies in the palace to become an official.


According to the estimates of the secret agent of Zhenfu Division, Li Angguang's income from patent fees has already exceeded the profit of an entire firm.

The 100 taels and 200 taels of gold usually rewarded by the imperial court are really shabby.

"I want to expand the scale of the Physician College of the Imperial Medical Office."

Li Ang noticed the expression on the monarch's face, and hurriedly spoke first.I'm afraid that the emperor slapped his head and thought about bestowing a marriage again - after bestowing a marriage, they become a family, and don't care about seniority and age when it comes to rewards.


Emperor Yu frowned slightly, "Is there not enough manpower in the Imperial Medical Office?"

The Imperial Medical Office is one of the official medical institutions of the Yu State. In addition to treating diseases for the palace people, the army, and the craftsmen of the imperial city, it also trains medical students to learn medical books such as "A and B", "Multiple Classics", and "Zhang Zhongjing".

Li Ang replied: "Judging from the water poisoning Gu disaster this time, I'm afraid it's not enough. Whether it's allicin, penicillin or artesunate, special personnel are needed to use it.

If artesunate can really treat malaria, state capitals will inevitably need a large number of professionally trained medical students.

The scale of the current Tai Medical Department College is still too small. "

The medical students of Tai Medical Office will study for two to seven years according to their specialties (acupuncture, massage, herbal medicine, etc.),

During the period, exams will be conducted like the Imperial College and the Academy.

Medical students with excellent grades can serve as medical officers, while those with poor grades will be dismissed.

At first glance, it sounds quite professional, but when you look deeper, the number of people is still too small.

All the medical students in the Chang'an Imperial Medical Office, including the medicine garden students, only have a staff of more than [-] people.
There are only one to two hundred medical students in the local state capitals.

Compared with Chang'an's population of 200 million and Yu State's [-] million people, the number of official physicians is completely unable to meet the needs of the people.

That's why the folks have the living soil for blessing medicine like Yu Miaoshui.

More importantly, not all medical students who graduate from the Imperial Medical Department will eventually practice for life.
When Li Ang and Qiu Feng were chatting before, I heard that many medical students of the Imperial Medical Office will serve as medical officers after graduation.

Either with the army, or with the governor of the state,
Slowly he was turned into an official, and finally became an official in the local area.

The qualifications of the imperial medical office became a springboard to the officialdom.

But this can't be entirely blamed on those medical students. Qiu Feng said more than once that the income of ordinary doctors is too low, and it is not easy to support the whole family in Chang'an.

Even as a medical officer, the treatment is far inferior to that of officials in important institutions of the imperial court.

"I went to the south of the Yangtze River this time, and found that some county clinics along the way have been able to sell allicin and have a part of the profit.

It is no longer the same as before, which completely requires the court's financial support, which is equivalent to a bottomless pit that cannot be filled.

In the future, the Physician College of the Tai Medical Department will expand in scale, and the medical students trained can also go to the wards of various state capitals to take up positions and earn income.

It is not necessary to give up what you have learned all your life in order to support your family. "

Li Ang said sincerely.

Under his supervision and guidance, the scale and operation mode of the Suzhou Infirmary are already close to the hospitals in the memory of other worlds.

What is most lacking now is a large number of qualified doctors.


Emperor Yu pondered for a while, then nodded after a while, "Okay, I agree."

If artesunate can really conquer malaria, the number of patients will drop significantly, and the fiscal revenue of the entire Yu State will benefit from it.

In contrast, Li Ang just wanted to expand the scale of the Physician College of the Imperial Medical Office, and the amount of money consumed was not unacceptable.

(End of this chapter)

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