ask sword 2

Chapter 478 Evacuation

Chapter 478 Evacuation

Everyone turned their heads to look at Wang Bofan, and the white-haired old man known as the third uncle frowned, "Bofan, what do you mean by that?"

"I just received a secret report from the family spies using the close worm."

Wang Bofan took out a bamboo tube from his bosom, opened the lid, and took out the note hidden inside, "Just an hour ago,

The emperor of Jing State issued an appeal to Yu State.

At the same time, more than [-] kingdoms farther away and devoutly believing in Haotian, such as Persia, Tocharo, Jin, Wei, Jiao, etc., all issued a condemnation statement against Yu.

Claiming that the study of Neo Confucianism in Yuguo Xuegong is close to the way of the devil, rebelling against Haotian is an unforgivable crime, and demands that the school be closed immediately. "

As soon as these words came out, all the clan elders in the courtyard opened their mouths in astonishment.

What is the concept of call to action?It is a document used for recruitment and condemnation, and once it is issued, it often means war.

More than [-] kingdoms issued a call to action at the same time, simply stating clearly that Taihao Mountain was behind the manipulation.

The white-haired elder tremblingly took the note from Wang Bofan, scanned the contents of the secret report back and forth, and murmured: "How is it possible? How is it possible?"

Only Mount Taihao can command so many kingdoms.

But what kind of motives and reasons did Taihao Mountain have?A few years ago, didn't you still have academic exchanges with Yu Guoxue Palace with great interest?Why are you suddenly shouting, beating and killing now?

Looking at the secret report in his hand, the eldest elder of the Wang family, a dignified thousand-year-old family, felt powerless with an uncertain future and darkness in front of his eyes.

"Nothing is impossible. The academy is changing with each passing day,
The newly invented aura locomotive, as well as a variety of fully functional talisman boards, have visibly enhanced the national power of Yu State.

He also plans to create some kind of spiritual energy network, so that every household and every workshop can use talisman boards.

If there is no more war, the gap in national strength between them and Yu State will become wider and wider. "

Wang Bofan said: "Lian Xuanxiao, the head of Xuegong Mountain, is getting old and has few years left to live. Now is the most suitable time to do it.

These kingdoms demand the immediate closure of the academy,

Of course it's impossible,

The State of Yu was originally established jointly by the Academy and the founding ancestors of Li Yu's royal family. Without the Academy, the State of Yu would cease to exist.

The situation of conquering the whole world is in sight.

The state of Zhou and the state of Yu are not afraid at all, and even the state of Jing can be evenly matched.

However, with so many kingdoms, and Taihao Mountain behind the scenes,

Can Yu Guo still hold on? "

Wang Bofan didn't care about the different expressions on everyone's faces, and said to himself: "Maybe this year, maybe next year,

There will always be a war, and Xue Gong will die at that time.Either Xue Gong and Yu Guo died together.

The State of Yu is already a leaky wreck, and the most sensible thing to do is to jump off the boat and escape as soon as possible."

The white-haired elder interrupted: "What did the seventeenth say?"

Members of the Wang family also hold official positions in Taihao Mountain. The highest status is a priest of the Torch Language Institute, and his status is only under a cardinal and three deputy envoys.

He is also considered a powerful figure in the entire Taihao Mountain.

"Uncle Seventeen also sent a secret report through spies."

Wang Bofan said with a smile: "He received the personal promise of Juyu Cardinal and Judgment Cardinal Bian Yubo that this war was launched by Haotian Headmaster because he was dissatisfied with the academy.

It is also only aimed at the Academy, and will not affect the aristocratic families within the Yu Kingdom.

As long as we agree to cooperate,

When the full-scale war breaks out and the coalition forces break through the border of Yu State, the family will still be safe and sound and will not be liquidated. "

"Dissatisfied? It's just that the headmaster is dissatisfied, and you want to launch such an unprecedented war?"

The white-haired elder scolded angrily: "Don't be stupid! It must be the head teacher, the four cardinals, and even the elders of Mount Taihao who all agreed to go to war with Yu State.

There must be a deeper reason behind this.

Old Seventeen didn't tell you the truth!Or he didn't know the inside story either! "

"So what if you know the inside story?"

Wang Bofan asked rhetorically: "Taihaoshan can't tolerate the behavior of the academy studying Neo Confucianism and tearing off the mysterious veil of Haotian.

It is also difficult for Xuegong to accept Tai Haoshan's request to terminate Neo Confucianism.

The contradiction between the two is difficult to mediate, and it can be said that fire and water are incompatible.

But there is no fundamental conflict between our family and Mount Taihao.

In the Three Kingdoms of Jing, Zhou, and Yu, which aristocratic family did not have a few priests, priests, and even cardinals?

The strength of Mount Taihao is far greater than that of Yu State, we have to think about the future. "

The white-haired man stared at him stubbornly, and asked, "For the sake of the future, why do you want to continue to promote this plague?"


Wang Bofan nodded and said: "In three days at the latest, news about more than [-] foreign countries' proclamations will spread throughout the country of Yu. It cannot be concealed.

People are terrified, and there must be some people who are afraid of the possible war and flee to the deep mountains, old forests, or even other countries.

At this time, if the arrival of the plague medicine can be delayed, combined with the spread of the plague ghost talisman,

This will allow the plague to spread rapidly, severely damage Yu State, and weaken Yu State's combat power.

In this way, the reduction in the intensity of the war is also a good thing for the people of Yu State. "

The white-haired old man said hoarsely: "This is what the old seventeen told you?"

"No, I suggested it to Uncle Seventeen myself."

Wang Bofan said in a deep voice: "If the king regards his ministers like brothers and feet, then the ministers will regard him as his heart; if the king regards his ministers like dogs and horses, then his ministers will treat him like a countryman;

Since Li Yu's court didn't treat me, Mrs. Wang, as a human being, they tortured us in different ways.

Then why should we regard Yu State as the motherland?Why should the emperor Li Shun be regarded as a father who needs to be respected and loved?

What's more, if you can delay the plague medicine, you can win a great achievement at Taihao Mountain.
This is definitely a good thing for Wang's future. "

"You, cough cough, cough cough!"

The white-haired old man didn't catch his breath, pointed at Wang Bofan, covered his mouth and coughed uncontrollably.It took a while to calm down, and said hoarsely: "I don't agree.

Even if there is an announcement, the war will not really break out.
Perhaps Jing Guo and the others are bluffing to cheer for Zhou Guo.

Even if Jing Guo and the others are really ready to participate in the war, it will take time to prepare ordnance and weapons and mobilize national power.

This period will take at least a year, during which anything can happen.

Maybe the headmaster died, Tai Haoshan changed a new headmaster, decided not to start a war,

Perhaps the headmaster has changed his mind,

Perhaps Yu Guo made a certain compromise. They only closed the Dongjun Building of the Academy, shared all the technologies of the spiritual locomotive and the talisman board, and let Taihaoshan intervene in the change of imperial power.

The Wang family has lasted for thousands of years, relying on making decisions before moving.Until the situation is fully clarified, we all sit tight. "

War is the continuation of politics,

Behind these twenty or so essays is the game between Taihao Mountain and the Academy,

Mrs. Wang didn't even know what kind of game they were playing around, so why should they take the lead and jump into this muddy mud?
"Third Uncle, even if we don't do anything, Zhaoming's people may have already done it."

Wang Bofan shook his head and said, "I just received another message.

Rumors arose in the town that a plague-infected man claimed that, in hallucinations of fever, he was told by the gods,

Li Ang is the reincarnation of the Little Medicine King God, and a drop of his undiluted blood can cure the plague.

And not just one or two plague-infected people, but dozens of people having the same hallucination at the same time. "


The expression on the face of the white-haired old man froze suddenly.

"Yu Shi's purpose is to use the plague to force Yu Guo to release his master Situ Zhi. Naturally, it is impossible for Li Angan to make the special medicine in a peaceful manner."

Wang Bofan said: "Rumors of divine blood healing diseases are spreading rapidly in the market. The Zhen Fusi and the government servants in the city can't keep the mouths of the people in the city at all.

People are going to die, so who cares about being convicted for their words. "

"They can't, then let's do it!"

The white-haired elder said sharply: "Order our people to stop the spread of rumors. The Wang family can still make decisions in Taiyuan Mansion!

The purpose of our Wang family from the beginning was just to protect ourselves.

With the Plague Ghost Talisman, this goal has been achieved, there is no need to do more, which will only cause trouble. "

"It's too late, third uncle."

Wang Bofan shook his head and said, "If we stop it, we will only hurt Zhaoming.

If they reveal the matter about the Epidemic Ghost Talisman, they will hate the State of Yu.

At the same time, what is the benefit of helping Li Ang and the court?It will also hate Taihao Mountain.

In any case, the gains outweigh the losses.

If you disagree, third uncle, then let's vote.

Agree with third uncle's opinion, those who are trying to stop the spread of rumors at this time, raise their hands. "

There was no sound in the courtyard, and needles could be heard. Only a few people, including the white-haired elders, raised their palms.

Wang Bofan continued: "Agree with me, those who secretly promote rumors, or at least acquiesce in the spread of rumors, raise your hand."

This time, the number of arms raised in the courtyard was far more than last time.

"Okay, the result is out."

Wang Bofan put down his palm, "Third Uncle, you should go back to the house first, we are here."

He took the crutch from the old white-haired man's hand, and with a gesture of his eyes, he asked others to carry the protesting elder back to the back room.

And Wang Bofan himself, with a steady pace, retreated from the servants and came to the bungalow in the corner of Wang's mansion.

He took out the key as always, and unlocked the lock on the door,
A stench hit the face.

Wang Jie, the once handsome and unrestrained eldest son of the Wang family, is still alive at this moment.

His hands and feet were full of lumps and pustules, and his skin was covered with black spots. He was lying reclined on the bed, with a hose in his mouth, sucking an expensive medicinal soup equivalent to pure gold.

Only the extremely rare and precious decoction can make Wang Jie, who should have died of the plague long ago, barely survive until now.

Seeing Wang Jie's appearance, Wang Bofan, who had just completed the forced palace and seized the power of the Wang family, darkened his eyes, but tried his best to keep his tone light, "Son, wake up, dad is coming to see you."

"Father? Is that you?"

Wang Jie opened his swollen eyes with difficulty, and looked at the door blankly.

"it's me."

Wang Bofan took two steps forward,
When Wang Jie heard the footsteps, he hurriedly said, "Father, don't come here. I'm still sick. I will infect you."

Wang Bofan had no choice but to stop, looking at Wang Jie who was dying on the sick bed, his expression changed again and again, and he said sadly: "It's all because of my father. It's because my father asked you to go to Yunzhou to buy furs, so you get sick."

"No, I took the initiative to go there at the beginning, and it has nothing to do with you, father."

Wang Jie said with great effort: "What's going on in the city?"

Wang Bofan forced a smile and said: "The Plague Ghost Talisman is very useful, and more and more people are getting sick. Even the yamen servants have fallen ill a lot. Without the yamen servants, the Yamen of Taiyuan Prefecture can't even patrol the streets for twelve hours.

The city is getting more and more chaotic. The king of Yue and Princess Guanghua are going to evacuate in despair these two days, making Taiyuan Mansion an isolated city. "

"That's good."

Wang Jie nodded with difficulty, "Then, what about Yushi? The city is in chaos, can he come over and cure me?"

Wang Bofan couldn't help being silent.Before, he coaxed and comforted his son, and when the city was in chaos, that Zhaoming Yushi would come over and cure Wang Jie's condition.

However, Yu Shi would not be so stupid as to risk himself, and really come to Taiyuan Mansion to take risks, just to save a Wang Jie.

Hearing Wang Bofan's silence, Wang Jie understood that this road would not work.

He moved his neck with difficulty, and asked, "Then, what about that Li Ang? Isn't he researching a medicine that can cure the plague?"

"Lee Ang."

Wang Bofan paused for a moment. The meeting in the courtyard just now has decided that the Wang family will acquiesce, or condone the spread of rumors in the city.

This means that Li Ang's work on developing drugs will inevitably be disturbed.

Looking at his son's swollen face, he hesitated for a long time, still turned his head slightly, and said softly: "His medicine is very successful, and it can be produced in a few days, but it can't be mass-produced yet. Dad will find a way to help you get it." With one shot of the reagent, your illness will be cured by then."

"That's good, thank you Dad"

Wang Jie finally narrowed his eyes contentedly, and began to speak incomprehensible nonsense again.What do you want to play a kite, want to go swimming, Dad, you can carry a higher back, I want to watch fireworks and so on.

Wang Bofan's eyes became sore and his throat choked, he turned and walked out of the house, locked the door silently, and muttered to himself, "Son, don't blame dad.

As a descendant of an aristocratic family, the survival of the family is always the most important."

Speaking comforting words, Wang Bofan locked the door, turned around and stepped out of the courtyard, his eyes became firm again, and he ordered his subordinates who had been waiting outside the courtyard for a long time: "Go, spread the news that Li Ang's blood can cure diseases, get out."



Outside the laboratory of the prefect's mansion, Li Leling took a deep breath, raised her hand and knocked on the door.

"Please come in."

Li Ang's voice came from the room, and Li Leling pushed open the door, only to see Li Ang in a white coat rushing back and forth in front of the various experimental platforms,
Qiu Feng and Ouyang Shi observed the microscope at the back of the laboratory and recorded the data.

Li Leling forced a smile, "Busy?"


Li Ang nodded, "This batch of soil samples is still not good, and the extracted medicine is still too toxic and too harmful to the human body.

But that's a huge improvement over the past.

I just need to give me more than ten days to test hundreds or even thousands of soil samples, and maybe new medicines can be made.

Not only plague, but diseases like tuberculosis can be cured. "

"Pulmonary tuberculosis was also an incurable disease in the past. Coughing, hemoptysis, and chest pain can torture people for years, making life worse than death for patients."

Qiu Feng, who was observing the bactericidal effect of the drug under the microscope, turned around and said, "If the new drug is manufactured smoothly, countless people will be saved by then."

"This is the charm of medical skills, hehe."

Ouyang Shi also turned his head and smiled brightly.

Seeing the three looking forward to being happy, Li Leling couldn't help falling into silence.

"What's the matter, Le Ling?"

Qiu Feng couldn't help frowning and asked.

"I just received news that more than [-] countries, including Jing State, have also issued a denunciation document against Yu State. They demanded that the school be closed."

Li Leling said with difficulty: "Chang'an sent a message, let us withdraw from Taiyuan Mansion"


Ouyang Shi stood up subconsciously, and said in astonishment: "But we will be able to make a new medicine soon."

Li Leling pursed his lower lips, and said helplessly: "Jing Guo and other countries issued a statement at the same time, which means that Taihao Mountain has completely stood on the opposite side of Yu Guo.

As for the situation in Taiyuan Mansion. Since the Plague Ghost Talisman came out, the situation in the city has been getting worse day by day. The imperial court decided to take back part of the resources and let Taiyuan Mansion govern itself to save itself. "

In the current Taiyuan Mansion, there are not only martial arts masters Yan Guogong Yan Yundang, but Zhu Xiaonian master Xi Yangyu, who are ordered to protect the palaces of Li Hui and Li Leling.

There is also a large group of bachelors transferred from the academy, monks from Zhenfu Division.

When Taiyuan Mansion has fallen to the plague, and the outside world is threatened with war, the most sensible thing to do is to evacuate the personnel.

The so-called self-government and self-help can also be understood as self-destruction.

(End of this chapter)

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