Chapter 1023

The movie has started, but Steven Case is still thinking about the commercial that was played just now.

It stands to reason that the 10-minute commercial before the movie is very annoying, but the 10-minute commercial just now feels quite good, because the 10-minute commercial seems to be in IMAX format.

In particular, IMAX's own 3-minute promotional video simply brought into full play the immersive effect of IMAX.

Steven Case suddenly discovered that even if they were successfully integrated with Time Warner, it might be difficult to take advantage of the competition with Deep Space in the future. Deep Space's ability to integrate resources in all aspects is too strong, and The vision is too unique.

He turned his head to look at his son again, and Little Will was staring at the screen intently. Children of their age couldn't resist the temptation of Spider-Man.


"Spider-Man" is the hot movie of this year. Before the movie came out, everyone knew that it would be a big hit at the box office. Even if this movie was not made by Deep Space Company, without the support of Deep Space Tribe and IMAX, The three words Spider-Man alone are enough to make a large number of movie fans pay.Everyone knows that the North American box office of this movie must start at [-] million US dollars.

The character of Spider-Man was jointly created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditek. He first appeared in the 60s, No.15 of "Amazing Fantasy".

Because this character is very popular with readers, after a few months, there will be a single-volume comic book featuring him. It is also because of his popularity that so many companies are willing to spend a lot of money to buy him.

Although Deep Space Company took advantage of the fisherman's profits, it still paid more than [-] million U.S. dollars for this role, and later raised another [-] million U.S. dollars to make it into a movie.Compared with other Marvel characters purchased by Deep Space Corporation, Spider-Man spent the most money.

In fact, there are still many people who look down on "Spider-Man". They think that the deal of Deep Space Company is not worthwhile.

The box office of "Spider-Man" is indeed not bad, but the production cost is too high. It cost [-] million US dollars. If it has a box office of [-]-[-] million, it can only be regarded as a breakeven, and if it exceeds [-] million, it can be regarded as a small profit. .

The key is that Deep Space has a lot of films that can be made, there is no need to spend money on Spider-Man, and they have not permanently obtained all the copyrights of Spider-Man. If there is no work within five years, the copyright will be withdrawn. .

In the eyes of these people, it is better for Deep Space Corporation to develop the IP they have on hand honestly. Just "Harry Potter" and "Lord of the Rings" are enough for them to work on, and there are a lot of sci-fi IPs.

However, after "Spider-Man" came out at the box office in the first week, these people had nothing to say. It only took less than three days to get a box office of 2 million US dollars in North America, and jumped to the top of the box office list of North American movies this year. Third, the first two are "My Greek Wedding" and "Ice Age [-]".

"Ice Age 2" is about to be released, and the box office is basically set at around 7000 million, definitely not more than [-] million.

"My Greek Wedding" has only been in theaters for half a month, and its performance is very strong, and the box office is expected to exceed [-] million US dollars.

However, according to the box office performance of "Spider-Man" in the first week, it is no problem to exceed these two films. The only question is whether it can win this year's box office champion, and its opponents mainly have three films, namely "King 2", "Harry Potter 2" and "Star Wars Episode 2", all three are sequels, and what they have in common is that the market performance of the previous work is very good.

Of course, everyone is most concerned about "Star Wars Episode 2", not because of the movie itself, but because of these four most competitive movies at the box office, the other three are all from Deep Space, and only "Star Wars Prewar 2" is not.

Some people also found that these four films this year are all related to IMAX, and "Star Trek 2" is produced by Lucasfilm.

After the box office came out in the first week, many forecasting agencies adjusted the previously predicted North American box office from 50.00 million US dollars to [-] million US dollars, a direct increase of [-]%.


"It's still a pity that we didn't get all the copyrights of Spider-Man, otherwise we can operate more now, and now Marvel has taken advantage." Looking at the box office data of "Spider-Man", Jimmy couldn't help feeling emotional.

Sitting opposite Jimmy, Campote said with a smile, "People are really greedy."

Jimmy also laughed, "If people are not greedy, how can they make progress? But I just said casually, Marvel is not a fool, how could they give us all the copyrights, I reckon, they are now I'm thinking about the film and television adaptation rights in our hands, anyone who sees this box office will be envious."

"Haha, they should regret it. However, if we hadn't taken down the film and television adaptation rights and made the movie, Spider-Man wouldn't be able to explode again. They shouldn't regret it, but should thank us. Fortunately, we still have There is still some room for manipulation in the management rights around the movie.”

Jimmy nodded, "There is indeed some room for manipulation, but after all, "Spider-Man" is not our own, so our focus should still be on works such as "Harry Potter" and "Resident Evil", oh, yes , and "Plants vs. Zombies", how are the sales of derivatives of Plants vs. Zombies recently?"

Campote recalled for a while and replied, "The first quarter of this year performed well. The sales of derivatives of "Plants vs. Zombies" reached 700 million US dollars. Quarterly more than 20.00 million U.S. dollars, this year is expected to exceed 1000 million U.S. dollars."

"Look, it's better to use our own IP." Jimmy said with a smile.

Campote nodded in approval. Their own IP profit point must be higher, and it is more casual to use. For example, they just authorized the props and character images in "Plants vs. Zombies" to a clothing brand some time ago. Clothes will go on sale next month, which is why Campote is so confident that sales of derivatives will exceed 4000 million this year.

However, the copyright of "Spider-Man" is not authorized by Deep Space Corporation as long as it wants to authorize. Most of the copyrights are in Marvel's own hands.

There is also "Harry Potter". Although most of the copyrights of "Harry Potter" are jointly held by Deep Space Corporation, Warner, and Rowling, Deep Space Corporation takes the majority, and the follow-up IP operation is very important to Deep Space Corporation. most favorable.

So in Jimmy's view, although the IP of "Spider-Man" is very useful and can make quick money, it is not a long-term solution. Their focus is to cultivate their own IP.

Even if they don't make movies in the future, as long as they release the film and television copyrights, they can lie down and make money, just like the current Marvel, because of the popularity of "Spider-Man", their comics and various peripherals have also followed suit. big sale.


On June [-], Yu Dong took everyone from the International Writing Center to Gwangju, Korea. The next day was China's first match in the World Cup finals, against Costa Rica.

That night, because the street outside the hotel was chaotic, everyone did not choose to go out, but stayed in the hotel to play cards.

They didn't go to the stadium until one o'clock in the afternoon the next day.

After arriving at the stadium, Yu Dong and the others found that the scene was red.

Today, the Chinese team wore white jerseys with red borders, but many Chinese fans still wore red jerseys and held red flags in their hands. Costa Rica wore red jerseys, but not many of their fans came to the scene.

Costa Rica is an American country with a small population and a long distance, so not many people are able to go to the scene.

On the other hand, China has a large population base, and China is very close to Korea, so there are a lot of domestic fans who come to support the Chinese team.

Standing in this stadium, it feels like being in a certain domestic stadium. Most of the people next to you speak Chinese. If you don’t understand, it’s probably because the other party is speaking a dialect from a certain place.

Yu Dong and the others didn't go to the box, but stood in the front area, but no one else recognized them.

On the one hand, there were too many fans at the scene, and most of them were wearing the same clothes. On the other hand, Yu Dong and the others put various stickers on their faces and painted them in colors to stand with other fans. Being together is no different.

In fact, some of the audience who came to the scene today did not come at their own expense, because several brands in China have organized a wave of ticket giving activities this year. kind.

Dongdong alone gave out [-] "all-inclusive" quotas. As long as you recharge or renew your membership, you will have a chance to draw a lottery. If you win the "all-inclusive" quota, Dongdong will package the winners to go to the World Cup All travel expenses, accommodation and ticket money, as long as the winner does not have his own activities there, it is completely possible to spend no money.

However, "all-inclusive" does not cover all games, but only covers "Chinese team" games. If the Chinese team is eliminated in the group stage, then it will not be covered in the future. If the group stage is qualified, it will continue to be covered.

In fact, because of the guidance of the media during this period, the mentality of the fans has been very good. Although since playing against strong teams such as Manchester United and Arsenal, the Chinese team has shown better and better condition, and the top ten games are even bigger. Kill the Quartet, but the fans still have no hope for such things as qualifying.

In the group where the Chinese team is in this time, Brazil's No.1 qualifying will basically not cause any surprises. Costa Rica will compete with Turkey for the remaining qualifying spot. The goal of the Chinese team is to score, even if it scores one goal.

If you don't score, you also hope that the goal difference will not be lower than negative double digits.

Today's first game against Costa Rica is also the game where the Chinese team is most likely to score points. If they lose this game, the next two games will be even more hopeless.

The Costa Rica players looked at the Chinese fans who were constantly shouting in the stadium stands, and they already felt the pressure of the home court. Before they came, they never thought that such a group match would be so lively.

The match between these two teams, among the many matches in the World Cup, should belong to the inconspicuous one.In their group's matches, the Brazilian team's matches must have attracted the most attention.

This evening, there is another Koryo-Poland game in Busan, and the attention of that game should be higher, but in fact, judging from the scene, the atmosphere of no game before the group stage surpassed this one. The World Cup is not Korea and Neon, but China.


After the official start of the game, Costa Rica was still testing the Chinese team's offensive thinking, but the Chinese team has quickly picked up the rhythm.

After the opening game, the Chinese team did not make any attempts at all, and directly suppressed Costa Rica in a high position. At the beginning of the game, Costa Rica had not recovered, and was robbed by the Chinese team for several consecutive mistakes, and was almost scored by the Chinese team.

After seven or eight minutes in a row, Costa Rica finally stabilized their formation, but the Chinese team suddenly stopped attacking and began to fall in the midfield.

Falling feet is obviously not the strong point of the Chinese team, but Costa Rica has just experienced 8 minutes of fear, and now they dare not easily press out to grab the ball from the Chinese team. After all, the 8-minute contest just now proves that the Chinese team can score at any time. The possibility of their door.

When Costa Rica started to push up, another five or six minutes had passed. At this time, the Chinese team's formation began to shrink again, and they stopped falling and played a defensive counterattack.

In fact, Costa Rica is definitely stronger than the Chinese team in terms of strength, but Costa Rica has fallen behind in terms of mentality. They were not prepared, nor did they expect that the Chinese team is so much stronger now.

And the more they failed to score, the more anxious the Costa Rican players were, and they kept increasing their offensive strength. At the end of the first half, they basically bombed around the gate of the Chinese team, and they were about to score a goal. , but was counterattacked by the Chinese team at the last moment. Midfielder Zheng Zhi made a counterattack, then advanced with the ball and connected with Yang Chen in the frontcourt.

Yang Chen got the ball in front of the penalty area and took a strong shot. Unfortunately, the angle was slightly right, and the goalkeeper held it out with his hand. The Costa Rica players were startled and hurried back to defend the corner kick.

The corner kick was difficult for the Chinese team to please in front of Costa Rica. This corner kick was also a tactical corner kick, which was eventually destroyed and went out of the sideline. After a while, the referee blew the whistle to end the first half.

Hearing the whistle, the Costa Rica players breathed a sigh of relief. Although they were attacking most of the time in the first half, there were not many absolute opportunities. They were basically resolved by the Chinese team. The Chinese team had two great opportunities.

According to the Chinese team's style of play, if they steal one, it will be difficult for Costa Rica.

(End of this chapter)

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