Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 1026 Your money is really easy to make

The person sitting next to him was asking the conductor about the delay of the train, and asked the male protagonist if he could get back the 10 minutes late.

The woman looked at the male lead, "Curtis, is it because of something I did?"

Her face was full of doubts, and she didn't understand why the male lead behaved like this.

The hero stared into her eyes, "Listen, I know you think you know me, but I don't know you. I'm Xu Chen, an Air Force captain..."

At this time, the train announced the station sound: Glenbrook Station is the arrival station ahead.

The woman laughed when she heard the man's words, "Curtis, this..."


The woman called him Curtis more than once, and Xu Chen was sure that she was calling him that.

"Sorry, I'm a little uncomfortable."

The male lead hurriedly stood up and stumbled all the way to the door. He stood at the door for a while, and only returned to his original seat after the train closed and slowly opened.

On the way just now, he saw a lot of things and observed a lot of people. He didn't know why he had to observe, but he wrote them all down.

After returning to his seat, the male protagonist was still restless. He stared at the scenery outside the window, and the train announcement was still ringing: the station ahead, Chicago Union Station.

At this time, the train happened to pass by a bridge, and when the iron frame of the bridge flashed by, a strange figure appeared in the mirror. Looking at the figure that kept passing by, the male lead widened his eyes, and he looked at the woman opposite, "You Did you see it?"

The woman said with a serious expression, "Curtis, you are very scary."

The male protagonist seemed to realize something, suddenly got up and ran towards the toilet, opened the door, entered the door, closed the door, and then slowly looked into the mirror.

He didn't know the man inside.


Seeing this, Little Will was still in a daze. He had no idea what happened to the protagonist. During this period, he also explained a lot of information. In addition to the dialogue between the male protagonist and the woman, there were also a lot of information about the passengers in the carriage and the Description of the item.

But why does the hero appear here?Why doesn't he recognize the man in the mirror?Who is in the mirror, the Curtis that the woman said?Who is that hero?

Is there something wrong with his memory?
His face was changed?
Will continued to look down.

In the novel, the male lead took out his wallet from his pocket, and there was an ID inside. The portrait on it was the man in the mirror, and the ID showed that his name was Curtis.

The male protagonist came out of the bathroom and met a woman who came to care about him. Before the two could say a few words, the train they were on suddenly exploded.

In a burst of flames, the male protagonist woke up again. This time he appeared in a confined space. In front of his eyes was a large video conversation screen with a woman in military uniform inside.

In a daze, the female officer asked the male protagonist to report what he saw in the train.

The male lead told the female officer about the situation he encountered in a trance, and asked the female officer what the situation was. The female officer only told him that the flight test mission had been completed long ago, and now they are carrying out another mission, the mission He needs to find the killer who planted the bomb on the train.

Before the hero could react, he appeared on the train again.

There was still that woman in front of him, and a passerby spilled coffee on his shoes... Everything was the same as the last time he woke up in the train.

When he saw this, Xiaowei probably understood a little bit... This seems to be a kind of time loop. The person in the video just said that the task is only 8 minutes long, so it is very likely that the male protagonist looped from 8 minutes before the explosion.

But how is this cycle completed?What's the situation with this Curtis, and what's the situation with the woman opposite?Will the loop end at 8 minutes, or will it wait until the bomb goes off?

There are still many questions, but here, the story becomes more and more interesting. Little Will rubbed his neck, looked around, and then he found that there were quite a few people sitting next to him reading new books.

There are not many places where you can sit and read a book nearby, so book fans who have signed autographs have come here.

Seeing that so many people were reading the new book, Will quickly buried himself in the new book. He was originally the first reader to see this book, so he couldn't be left behind.

As the storyline progressed, the truth slowly emerged. The explosion happened this morning, and it was only the first in a series of explosions, so they hoped that Xu Chen could find the murderer within 8 minutes so that they could catch the murderer. Killer, stop the killer from making other bombings.

And the male protagonist has also discovered that the bomb was installed in the bathroom, and it was detonated by the mobile phone. The female officer told him that when the explosion happened, a total of 53 people in the train made calls, and then the male protagonist will return to the train. Inside, find the murderer from these 53 people.

By this time, Will also discovered that it seems that the story basically loops in these 8 minutes, but even so, each loop feels very different, and there is no boredom.

And as the number of cycles increases, the male protagonist becomes familiar with the female protagonist... In fact, the female protagonist is more familiar with the male protagonist, but because of more and more cycles, the male protagonist becomes more and more familiar with the female protagonist. familiar.

It's just that in the process of carrying out the mission, Xu Chen discovered that there seemed to be something wrong with the female officer and the others, and they had always been perfunctory to his request to talk to his father on the phone.

Later, the hero found out through the heroine that he had died two months ago.

In fact, the male protagonist didn't die, but something went wrong during the test flight, and he was on the verge of brain death. The military claimed that he was dead.

However, although he is not dead, it is no different from death. He only has one brain to survive under the maintenance of the instrument, and he has connected the source code to find the murderer.The source code is a program, which contains the memory fragments of one of the deceased, Curtis. The base uses technical means to connect the consciousness of the hero to this program. It can also be said that the world is the imagination of the hero based on the memory fragments of Curtis. .

But Will felt that it should not be so simple.

If the source code is only Curtis's memory, then the male protagonist got off the car in this world and got into a fight with someone at the station. How can this be explained?It stands to reason that there are no such fragments in Curtis's memory.

Also, the hero's task is to find the murderer who installed the bomb, but if Curtis has never seen the murderer who installed the bomb, how can the hero find the murderer in Curtis's memory?
So, this source code is definitely not just as simple as memorization.


Later, after many cycles, the male protagonist finally found the murderer, who was a fanatic who wanted to rebuild the world.

Find the murderer, and the hero's mission is complete.

After the task is completed, the source code will be closed, but the hero wants to continue to live in the source code, but the female officer tells him that the source code is just a program, which will not change the real world. In the source code, it will only disappear with this program.

But the male protagonist insisted on doing this, after all, for him, the real world has no meaning, and the female officer also agreed to him softly.

At the end of the novel, the male and female protagonists hug and kiss each other, the female officer turns off the male protagonist's life support, and the world of source code is frozen at the last second of 8 minutes.

Here, the story ends.

Seeing this ending, Little Will was stunned for a moment, because the ending was not perfect.

Is the hero alive?Or, does the world of source code continue to function?The novel doesn't explain at all, it's an open ending.

Although he knows that an open ending is normal, Little Will still feels lost. He very much hopes that the hero and heroine can continue to live in the world of source code, but reason tells him that this possibility is not very high. Source code It's just a memory, and it's incredible to be able to find out the murderer.

Among Yu Dong’s many science fiction novels, the infinite flow of "Source Code" is relatively soft science fiction. Although there are many scientific explanations for the source code in the book, it is still not rigorous enough, and many problems cannot be explained in the book. theory explained clearly.

Of course, the attraction of this novel is not the sci-fi part. It looks more like a suspense novel. Although most of the story is in those 8 minutes, there are many repeated scenes, but each cycle gives People's feelings are different, and each cycle makes readers have new expectations.

When reading the novel, Will also followed the description in the book to find the murderer. He would also be misled by the novel, thinking that someone was the murderer, but later found out that it was a misunderstanding.

He is looking forward to the protagonist finding the murderer, and also looking forward to more progress from the hero and heroine.

Little Will was reminiscing about the novel when someone nearby suddenly patted his thigh and said, "I knew it, it must be like this, this murderer..."

Another person next to him hurriedly stopped him, "Don't spoil it."

Only then did the man realize that he was in a public place, and quickly apologized to the people around him.

Steven Case walked up to his son at this moment and asked with a smile, "Have you finished watching?"

Will nodded and said, "Well, it's over."

"How's the novel, how would you rate it?" Steven Case asked.

"The novel is very good, but I won't rate YU's novel, I don't deserve it... Anyway, it's just good to read."

"Having read the novel, do you still want to watch the movie?" Steven Case asked again.

Will shrugged his shoulders, "Why not? Although I already know the outline of the story, there are some things that can be made in movies but not in novels. I think movies must have a special taste, and the female lead in this movie The main character is Aniston, I am looking forward to her performance."

Steven Case smiled, "So, your money has really improved. YU can make you money by publishing a novel, and you can make money by making a novel into a movie. Maybe you can make it into a TV series in the future." Make your money."

"If it can be made into a variety show, I will still watch it." Will laughed.

Steven Case sighed, and said helplessly, "Let's find a place to eat. It's already almost eleven o'clock. After eating, go back to the hotel to rest for a while, and come back in the evening to send money to Deep Space Corporation."

In the evening, Serena will also come to the premiere ceremony, which is not free, tickets are required.

Tickets are not too expensive, the cheapest ticket only costs 180 US dollars, and the VIP area near the stage is not very big, and only [-] US dollars per ticket.

The cost-effectiveness of this ticket price is already very high. You must know that many singers who came to the scene this time are not small. Compared with many concerts, the quality of today's concert is much higher.

The reason why the ticket price is so cheap, on the one hand, is because the main purpose of this event is to promote movies, not to sell tickets to make money. There is no need to use ticket prices to keep ordinary people out. On the other hand, compared to other concerts or For music festivals, today's performances are relatively short. Some music festivals can listen to it for several days after buying tickets.

Except for a small number of VIP tickets for today's performance, the rest are ordinary fifteen-dollar tickets, and the standing position is not fixed. Basically, whoever comes early stands in the front, so some people are starting to line up now to wait for the follow-up Entered.

However, Steven Case and his son bought VIP tickets. They have their own fixed area, so there is no need to line up. The vip area is very small, even if you go late, it's no big deal to be behind the vip area.


That night, tens of thousands of enthusiastic fans gathered in the Centennial Olympic Park. The singers also worked hard and sang together for three or four hours. The premiere ceremony of "Source Code" only lasted for more than 40 minutes .

In today's performance, apart from Jay Chou and Shakira, the most surprising thing is the new singer Avril Lavigne that Deep Space Company is promoting recently.

Avril Lavigne was born in the draft. In 1999, she participated in a singing competition on a TV station, and got the opportunity to share the stage with country singer Shania, and signed a contract with a small record company.

In the next two years, Avril Lavigne's singing career hardly developed, and the record company didn't think about developing her well, and finally sold her to Deep Space Company, which made a lot of money.

After Deep Space Company signed Avril Lavigne, they found that she had written a lot of songs, so they found some of them and made a solo album for her.

After the album came out, the single "Complicated" in it has topped the singles chart for two consecutive weeks.

As a rock singer, Avril Lavigne is very stylish, especially able to attract young fans. Today's performance also has some meaning to praise her.


The next morning, Yu Dong met Steven Case in a restaurant in Atlanta.

While eating the Italian beef chowder in front of him, Yu Dong smiled and said to Steven Case, "Here, in America, very few people invite me to have breakfast."

Steven Case laughed, "I also want to invite you to dinner, but I know you only have time this morning."

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