Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 1046 Extreme Speed ​​Raiders

Chapter 1046 Extreme Speed ​​Raiders

Chloe logged into her Facebook account with curiosity, picked up a few bottles under Anna's guidance, and soon felt the fun of the function of drifting bottles.

The randomness of drifting bottles is stronger than the randomness of finding friends in Dongdong, and you can often get bottles from other countries. Roy used up twenty chances to scoop up bottles, but only caught eight bottles, and the rest were either crabs, broken shoes, rotten boat planks and the like.

And among the eight bottles, several have no content, just "hahahaha", "hello" and the like.

In fact, what Chloe and Anna didn't know was that if Facebook hadn't released a lot of bottles in advance, the two of them would have fewer bottles today.

The function has just been opened, and there will be very few bottles. After all, when most people start playing this thing, they choose to catch the bottle first instead of throwing the bottle first.

Regardless of whether it was Anna or Chloe, they were all like this, and both of them used up twenty chances to scoop up bottles, but only used a few chances to throw bottles, which was completely unequal.

Before this function was opened, Tengxun conducted an internal test, and the throwing of the bottle and the scooping of the bottle were at least [-]:[-], so that everyone would not be empty every time they scooped up the bottle, because the person who chose to throw the bottle back into the sea Not many.

In order to prevent many people from being unable to find the bottle when the drifting bottle function was first opened, the staff of Fujixun spent nearly half a month throwing at least [-] bottles into the sea. The first bottle Anna picked up A bottle is actually a bottle thrown out during the internal test, so after she replied, she did not receive a reply from the other party.

Of course, [-] bottles may seem like a lot, but it won't hold up for too long at all, that is, within an hour or two, the [-] bottles thrown out by the insiders have been scooped up. It depends on the user himself.

In order to encourage users to throw bottles, Fujixun has made a lot of medals for the drifting bottle function, and there is also a level-up system. Users can get corresponding points for throwing bottles, catching bottles, replying bottles, and throwing bottles that are answered by others.

After the user level goes up, he can obtain corresponding permissions, such as "directional bottle", and after reaching a certain level, he can choose to set the bottle he throws out as a directional bottle.

There are several types of directional bottles. For example, you can set the bottle to be thrown in a specified city, and only people in this city can pick up the bottle, or you can specify a gender, so that only men or women can pick up the bottle.

When setting the points, Fujixun deliberately set a higher point for throwing the bottle and getting a reply after throwing the bottle, so that users can be more motivated to throw the bottle.

It's just that the drift bottle has just been opened today, and many users have not paid attention to these things. I believe that as time goes by, more people will discover this.

Of course, when the user finds that the number of times he has used up the bottle, he will also try to throw the bottle out. For example, Chloe, when she finds that she has no chance to catch the bottle, she starts to throw the bottle.

The bottle she threw was no different from Anna's. The first bottle was to introduce herself, and then said that she likes reading, watching TV, and playing games.

In the case of such a shortage of bottles, the bottle she threw was quickly picked up and answered, and it took no more than 5 minutes before and after.

[I like basketball, and I also like playing games. Have you paid attention to Blizzard's new game "Warcraft 3"? 】

This is a male netizen from Los Angeles, USA, and his profile picture should be a super handsome guy.

Chloe said that she likes to play games, but she usually plays games such as "Lianliankan", "Tetris", and "Match and Match". The more difficult ones are "Escape" and "Plants vs. Zombies" And I don't care which game manufacturer made the game.

Blizzard, Warcraft... She felt a little familiar, as if she had heard it somewhere, but that was all, she didn't know much about Blizzard's games.

But she didn't want to miss this handsome guy, so she turned to Anna for help, "Anna, do you know the game "Warcraft 3"?"

Anna tilted her head and thought for a while, then said, "Warcraft? My ex-boyfriend seems to have played this game, and it came out a long time ago."

"It seems that "Warcraft 3" will be released tomorrow."

Anna shrugged her shoulders, indicating that she didn't pay attention. As for games, she still likes "Friend's Farm".In her eyes, "Warcraft", a fighting and killing game, should be exclusive to boys.

Unable to get an answer from Anna, Chloe went to Google to search, and soon entered a post on Deep Space Tribe, which introduced the game in detail, and there were many news about the release of the new version .

After obtaining this information, Chloe chatted happily with the other party.

The two chatted until the evening, when Cruy suddenly ran to Anna who was cooking and said, "After "Warcraft 3" goes online tomorrow, let's go buy one and come back to play."

Anna tilted her head and looked at Chloe, "Are you sure you want to play? This is "Warcraft 3". Do you have to have played 1 and 2 before you can play it?"

"No, Randall said that you don't need to play the previous ones, you can play directly, and he will teach me." Chloe said with a smile.

Ana smiled and said, "Are you trying to date a guy from Los Angeles right now?"

"I just want to play games with him." Chloe defended himself.

"You have to know that there is a nine-hour time difference between Los Angeles and Paris, and it's still morning on their side at this time."

Chloe shrugged, "That's what makes it interesting."


"Warcraft 3" is released simultaneously in 25 countries around the world, including China.

Chloe and Anna went to buy the game the next day, but it took another half a day to install the game and register.

When downloading the client, Anna couldn't help complaining, "I never thought that playing a game would be so troublesome."

"That's how fun games are." Chloe tried to calm Anna's emotions.

After all the preparations were done, Anna asked, "What shall we do now?"

"Randall recommended a yapper to me and said that a video of the game will be posted today, so I'll check it out."

According to Randall's push, Chloe found a yapper named "MTY Ma Tianyuan" on the Yapper website. Click on this person's homepage, and the latest video is related to "Warcraft 3".

There are two videos about "Warcraft 3", which are divided into the basic part and the actual combat advanced part. Chloe chose the basic part according to her own situation.

What Chloe didn't expect was that the yapper spoke Chinese... In fact, Chloe wasn't sure if it was Chinese, she just sounded like it, but the video has English subtitles.

Fortunately, Chloe's English is not bad, otherwise I wouldn't be able to watch this video.

In fact, many French people are learning Chinese now. Chinese literature is very famous in France. Even in French bookstores, there are almost not as many books by French authors as there are by Chinese authors.

Anna knows a little Chinese. She studied East Asian literature at school. She needs to understand the cultures of China, neon and other East Asian countries. In addition, Chinese culture has become more popular in all aspects in the past two years, so she knows more about Chinese culture. .

The basic chapter is indeed the basic chapter. Ma Tianyuan completely treats the viewers as beginners who have never touched the game "Warcraft" to teach. He directly introduces the background of the game first, and then the gameplay.

After reading the basic chapter, Chloe got an ID for herself according to the explanation in the video, and tried to start a man-machine battle.

She carefully chose the simplest man-machine, but soon discovered that even a simple man-machine was not easy for her at all.

As a last resort, she began to watch Ma Tianyuan's "Practical Combat Chapter" video again, and only then did she have a better understanding of this game. Later, when she faced the man-machine, although she still couldn't win, she was not as embarrassed as she was at the beginning. up.

Anna watched Chloe earnestly studying the strategy of the game, and couldn't help but shook her head. Chloe, if she can spend [-]% of her willpower on her studies, then she His studies are sure to be among the best.

She watched the video again, Ma Tianyuan was explaining how the human race should start, and she could understand some Chinese.

To her surprise, this game has just come out, and this yapper has already made a video, and there are still two of them.

In fact, if she knew Ma Tianyuan, she wouldn't be surprised.

Ma Tianyuan, the player who has won the WCG StarCraft single player competition for two consecutive times, is known as the number one villain in the e-sports industry, and is now in a semi-retired state. He is a candidate for the club's StarCraft project and an assistant for the project coach.

Except for club work, he spends most of his time on the Internet, making some video guides for netizens.

When Duck Web did not start, Ma Tianyuan has been doing text and picture strategy editing work, mainly on the Deep Space Tribe, and the main games are "StarCraft" and "Warcraft", and he has also gained a lot. Player fans.

After the duck web was fully launched this time, he was also one of the first batch of celebrities to settle in. After coming to the new website, he got better at it, and the guide video was obviously more popular than the text and picture guide.

Before "Warcraft 3" was officially launched, Ma Tianyuan had already played it, so he was able to make the strategy so quickly.

For Blizzard, having a star player like Ma Tianyuan play their new game will definitely play a good role in publicity.

Ma Tianyuan is also worthy of being a game master. He only touched the essence of the new version after playing for a week. Therefore, when making the strategy video, he emphasized the use of heroes by various races, so as to distinguish the new version from the previous old version. Version.

Players don't even have to play it themselves to feel the charm of the new version.

Compared with the old version, the new version first has much improved image quality and action, which is refreshing. Secondly, the hero's ability should be more prominent, which makes the gameplay of this game more abundant.

Many players who felt that the new version was just a change of soup and medicine have begun to pay attention to "Warcraft 3". The difference between this game and the previous "StarCraft" and its unique charm.

Now more and more game videos are made on the Duck Web Duck Web site. At the beginning, everyone made strategy videos like Ma Tianyuan. Later, some people found that strategy videos are difficult to make and require special attention. High technical level, so I changed the gameplay.

Some people started to make funny videos, cutting some funny clips from game videos, some people did dubbing, and some people did some challenge activities.

But most of the good ones are from Deep Space Entertainment.

Deep Space Entertainment has a special department with a very long name, but everyone calls it the "Network Celebrities" department. This department is all Internet celebrities, some are in the Deep Space Tribe, and some are in Duck Web.

Why can people promoted by Deep Space Entertainment achieve better results? Is it because Deep Space Entertainment and Duck Web belong to the same parent company?Actually no, duck webs did not give these people any special treatment.

In fact, it is not easy to become a yapper now. It is not as easy as 20 years later. A mobile phone can easily shoot videos, and even buying some other professional equipment will not cost much.

But now if you want to buy a passable camera equipment, the price is not cheap, and you need a little technology to use it, so you can’t use it as soon as you buy it.

After that, getting the video into the computer and then uploading it to the duck web is also a hurdle.

Even if this hurdle is passed, what about the editing of the video?
Just like Ma Tianyuan's video, although he speaks Chinese, it does not affect his ability to gain a large audience in Europe and the United States, because the video is equipped with Chinese and English subtitles.

Just doing subtitles alone can block 90.00% of the people at [-]:[-].

In Ma Tianyuan's videos, he often appears at the same time as the actual combat scene. This is of course easy for professionals, but it is too difficult for ordinary people.

Deep Space Entertainment has a special department to help these people do these things, and there is also a special planning department to help these people plan programs.

For example, there is a yapper who has been a little popular recently on the duck web. He specializes in street interviews. All his interview drafts are designed by the planning team of Deep Space Entertainment. He only needs to do his own things according to the plan. , When the video is shot, there will also be a post-production department to help him edit it.

Netizens believe that the emergence of duck webs has quickly turned many ordinary people into celebrities, but in fact, only a small number of these people are really successful on their own, and most of the others have teams.

(End of this chapter)

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