Yu Dong knew what Li Fukang meant by bringing Hong Tong here, but he was an alumnus after all, so Yu Dong also acted more enthusiastically. He smiled and said, "Brother Hong Tong, has he returned to school after graduation? In the past two years, has he returned to school?" The school has changed a lot, and many places have been rebuilt.”

Hong Tong smiled and shook his head, "Speaking of this, I'm really ashamed. I haven't been back to school since graduation. However, I have seen our school on TV several times and there are indeed many changes. Several classmates from before We discussed whether we should wait until the [-]th anniversary of graduation before going back, but we haven’t decided yet.”

Yu Dong smiled and said, "If you have time, you might as well go back and have a look. Which department is your senior brother in?"

"I'm a history major," Hong Tong replied.

Yu Dong nodded, "Oh, from the History Department. When I went back last time, I saw many teachers from your department, including Professor Liu Jiahe and Professor Wu Huaiqi. I'm from the Chinese Department, and I'm from the Chinese Department. There have always been a lot of historical exchanges, and we have taken many history-related classes before, such as Professor Liu Jiahe’s class.”

Hearing the familiar names, Hong Tong said with emotion, "Literature and history are inseparable. I didn't expect that Mr. Liu Jiahe was still teaching. When I graduated, he was already 60 or 70 years old and was about to retire. Do the math. , there should be more than [-] this year.”

Yu Dong smiled and nodded, "Well, Professor Liu is indeed over 70 years old, but he is still in good spirits, and from what he said, he still has the enthusiasm for teaching. It is estimated that he can still teach for a long time."

Hong Tong said with emotion, "Professor Liu is admirable, but Teacher Wu Huaiqi is younger. He just graduated from master's degree when I went to school, but he worked for many years, and he was already over 40 when he graduated from our school... Oh, he is now over 60 years old. Time flies so fast. Teacher Wu has a deep research on the history of the Song Dynasty, especially Zheng Qiao, a historian of the Song Dynasty. During class, he often tells us "General Chronicles" "."

Hong Tong originally came with a mission and was thinking about how to please Yu Dong. Now he chatted with Yu Dong about his alma mater, and his feelings rose in his heart. He had not heard about his alma mater for a long time.

Since graduation, let alone returning to his alma mater, he has not even seen a few alumni. Most of his classmates stayed in Yanjing, and they could occasionally communicate by phone.

Li Fukang was secretly happy when he saw that Yu Dong was chatting so well with Hong Tong, and secretly thought that he had done the right thing by bringing Hong Tong here today.

After chatting for about half an hour, Li Fukang and the others stood up and left knowingly, and Yu Dong and the others did not try to stay.

Before leaving, Hong Tong still couldn't hold it back and extended an invitation to Yu Dong and others, "If the three of you have time, I wonder if you can go to our school to give a speech to the students later?"

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Let's look at this matter later. We are quite busy here now."

In fact, Hong Tong already regretted it after sending the invitation, but when he heard that Yu Dong did not refuse directly, he was relieved and said with a smile, "Okay, okay, let's go first."


Huang Guozhu sent Li Fukang and others to the entrance of the village, then turned back. With a smile, he asked Yu Dong what they wanted to eat at night, and he prepared it for them.

Wang Xiaobo smiled and said, "Principal Huang, we can eat whatever you want, just do it as you like."

Huang Guozhu said with a smile, "Okay, I'll go back and prepare. You can go directly there when you get there."


After Huang Guozhu left, Yu Hua smiled and said, "Old Huang still has some eyesight."

Wang Xiaobo lay down on the bed, "After all, he is the principal, and he still has the ability to observe people's emotions. The key is that Li Fufu and the others made this trip too obvious. Unless they are blind, it is impossible not to see their attitude. Old Huang must be thinking wildly now, maybe guessing that Yu Dong is the young master of some executive family, and Yu Hua and I don't look like we have a backstage."

Yu Dong sighed, "I have been worried about this. Fortunately, the deputy director came. If the director comes with everything, our life will not be peaceful. I hope this is the only one, and there will be no more in the future."

"Lao Huang was here just now, so it's hard to ask Li Fufu how they knew we were here." Yu Hua looked at Yu Dong, "But how did you get us here? Who knew we were here? ?”

Yu Dong thought for a while and said, "The specifics are all handled by Yili and the others. I heard that they took the route directly from the city. No one in the county knew the inside story. However, there is no airtight wall in the world. After such a long time, It’s normal for other people to know about this.”

"At least let us finish teaching this semester." Wang Xiaobo said.

Yu Dong nodded and said, "Don't worry, I will take care of it."


That night, Huang Guozhu killed a chicken at home, and he also bought a pot of bulk wine from the town for 15 yuan a pound.

The bulk wine that costs 15 yuan per pound is the best bulk wine they can buy in their town. If it is more expensive, even if someone sells it, no one will buy it. They only bring the six or seven wines during the holidays. Yuan for a bottle of wine.

But he didn't drink the wine he got because Yu Dong and the others brought their own wine.

Yu Dong and the others expected that Huang Guozhu would prepare a rich meal in the evening, so they brought wine there specially.

It's packed in a large transparent plastic bottle, weighing three kilograms in total.

Seeing Yu Dong and the others bringing wine, Huang Guozhu said quickly, "Why are you bringing wine when you come over to eat? How is this appropriate?"

Yu Hua held the wine bottle and said, "We agreed before that we would just eat when we come to your place. Of course it's normal for us to bring some wine ourselves."

"Old Huang, don't be polite. Our wine has been unpacked a long time ago and has been stored for several days. It won't work if you don't drink it. Today is the day to get rid of it."

"Well... that's okay. I'll drink your wine today, and you'll have to drink my drink tomorrow."

"Good good."

The dishes that night were very rich. The three of them, including Yu Dong and Huang Guozhu, were just five adults and three children. However, there were ten dishes in total, including several hard dishes, including farm-style fried chicken and braised chicken. Big meat, crucian carp cooked with eggs, spicy fried snail meat, minced eggplant, green pepper shredded pork, sausage, plus three vegetarian dishes.

This specification, even if it is not as good as the Chinese New Year, is not much worse.

After the dishes were all served, Wang Xiaobo and the others invited Huang Guozhu's family members to the table as usual. Then Yu Hua opened the plastic pot and poured five glasses of wine from it.

As soon as the wine was poured out, Huang Guozhu was surprised and said, "This wine smells so good."

"The sauce-flavored one must have a strong aroma. I'm worried that you won't be used to it." Yu Hua said with a smile.After Huang Guozhu picked it up and drank it, he wrinkled his eyebrows first, and then said with a smile, "I'm really not used to it at first, but I will get better after a while. This wine is still good, and the alcohol content is high enough. I think everyone can order it. "

"As long as you get used to it. In fact, we usually drink more of the other kind of wine, but after we finished the other kind of wine, we only have a little bit of this one left."

"Well, the second sip feels good. You brought this wine from Jinling. It seems that the bulk wine made in Jinling is also good. How much does this wine cost per kilogram?"

"I don't know, my friend helped me beat him." Yu Hua laughed.

Huang Guozhu nodded, "This wine costs at least more than 20 yuan per catty... No, Jinling is a big city after all, and things must be expensive. Maybe this wine will cost more than 30 yuan per catty. It is more expensive in our county. The wine is only at this price, so you really spent a lot of money today."

Yu Hua smiled, "No need to waste anything, just be happy."

Wang Xiaobo nodded. Huang Guozhu was quite knowledgeable and knew that this wine was not cheap. However, Huang Guozhu would not have thought that this wine was not more than 30 yuan per catty, but 300 yuan per catty. The pot of wine we brought over today was worth close to 1000 RMB.

If Huang Guozhu knew the price, he would probably not dare to drink it. He only gets more than 600 yuan a month now, and this bottle of wine costs him half a month's salary.

His salary is considered high, and the monthly salary of other teachers in the school is just over [-].

They already feel pretty good about this. After all, their wages were lower before. In the past ten years, their wages have increased several times, and their lives are still better than before.

Let's just say that today's meal, how could they have gotten it in the past, and how could they afford to drink wine that costs more than ten yuan a pound.

When he was half-drinking, Huang Guozhu took advantage of the drunkenness to start asking about Yu Dong and the others, asking them what they did in the county before and whether they knew other leaders.Focus on Yu Dong. As Wang Xiaobo said, among the three, Yu Dong seems to be the one with the most background.

Yu Dong and the others said nothing and kept toasting him.

Later, Huang Guozhu saw that he couldn't find anything to say, so he stopped asking.

Anyway, from that day on, Huang Guozhu's attitude changed drastically. He would unconditionally support whatever Yu Dong and the others wanted to do.

In the past, he would not help even if he had no opinions on what Yu Dong and the others wanted to do. But after that, he was very active in helping Yu Dong and the others with whatever they wanted to do. He even coordinated some cement mortar from a nearby prefabricated factory. , and then found a villager who had worked as a bricklayer from the village to build two standard-sized table tennis tables for the students.

The new table tennis table is a favorite among students because it is smoother and has a better size.

The key point is that the two table tennis tables didn't cost much in total, so I gave him some money for the cement mortar as appropriate. The bricks were all left over from the school before they were used, and the bricklayer's labor fees were not charged. Huang Guozhu invited him to his home for a drink. A small drink cost a total of 30 yuan.

Yu Hua and the others said that Li Fukang and the others had both advantages and disadvantages. Although their identities were almost exposed, it also gave Huang Guozhu some guesses about them, which greatly increased their enthusiasm.

Sometimes Huang Guozhu would take the initiative to do things without Yu Hua and the others doing anything.

For example, regarding the school wall, he had previously mentioned it to the town, waiting for them to receive funding, but when there was no news from them, he stopped asking.

But now he had to go to the town once every two days to discuss the fence. The town had no money, so he began to think of ways on his own and discussed various ways with Yu Hua and the others.

They decided to raise money first.

What kind of financing method is to erect the fence project first?

After the project was established, they began to seek external financing. Huang Guozhu calculated that if they planned it themselves, the entire wall plus the gate could be completed for more than 6000 yuan, but if outsourced, it might cost eight, nine thousand or even tens of thousands. He also applied for 1 yuan from the town.

But now that the town has no money, he plans to raise funds from the villagers first, and start work after raising more than 6000.

But there is a question, why do the villagers invest money?Although building a school wall is a good thing for students, it is difficult to say when it comes to money.

So Huang Guozhu is going to give interest to the villagers. Banks only give them 5.00% to 1000% interest, but when the school takes their money, it can give them 80% interest. If they invest [-] yuan, they can get [-]% interest in a year. Yuan interest, and if you invest up to [-] yuan at a time, you can also get a large pot of dishwashing liquid.

According to Huang Guozhu, as long as the money for building the fence can be allocated later, not only will the interest be paid to the villagers, but there will also be a lot of money left.

Wang Xiaobo asked him, what if the superiors do not allocate this fund? If the villagers' money is not paid by then, won't the villagers cause trouble?

Huang Guozhu was confident. He said it didn't matter. The school now has a special sports fund of 100 yuan per month. If he saves one province every year, he can pay the interest to the villagers. As long as there is interest, the villagers will not say anything.

In the past two years, money has become increasingly worthless. The sooner the wall is built, the better. Moreover, there are many people in their village who have worked as bricklayers. Now building the wall can still give them work.The kiln factory's business has been bad recently, and bricks have become cheaper. Now that the fence is built, the kiln factory can also get some business.

If 6000 yuan is taken from the hands of the villagers, walked around the school, and then dispersed, the economy of their village will become better.

Even though Wang Xiaobo had studied economics, he still felt that Huang Guozhu's method was reasonable, at least it was useful under the current situation in his village.

Cash is transferred from their village, and most people can benefit.

The prerequisite for this method to be effective is that there is idle labor in their village, there is a need to "build a fence" and there is a product that exceeds supply.

Now Huangcao Village has these three things. The key is that there is no money before the project is established, so Huang Guozhu thought of this method.

If this project is not a wall project, but another profitable project, then this plan will be a perfect economic case, because there is no need to rely on higher-level funding in the future, and the "project" itself can replace the money.

The plan is feasible, but Yu Hua and the others are still very emotional. Huang Guozhu is really brave. Generally, no one dares to do this because the risk is too great.

Not only is there the risk of not being able to pay back the money, but there is also the possibility of being criticized by the superiors. After all, doing so is against procedure.Even speaking more broadly, this is illegal and constitutes illegal fund-raising. (End of chapter)

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