Chapter 1092
On December [-], famous Chinese movie stars Tong Dawei and Yan Danchen attended a local event in Goryeo Mountain to promote their new drama "Goodbye My Lover".

In recent years, Chinese TV dramas have become popular in Asia. Tong Dawei and Yan Danchen also have their own masterpieces. Their popularity in Korea is very high.

Thousands of fans of the two people came to the scene, all waiting to see their idols.

The event started at three o'clock in the afternoon, but at 02:30, the organizer suddenly announced to the audience that today's event was temporarily canceled and the specific launch time would be announced later.

There was chaos when the event was cancelled.

Many fans have been preparing for this event for a long time, and some even came all the way from other cities just to catch a glimpse of Tong Dawei and Yan Danchen.

Now that the event is suddenly cancelled, of course they are unwilling.

Moreover, the organizer simply announced that the event was canceled without giving any reason.

If there is a special reason, such as the celebrity encountering any difficulties or feeling unwell, even if they feel unhappy, they probably won't react too fiercely and will express their understanding.

Now the organizer is about to cancel the event without any explanation. Such a brutal behavior made the fans' emotions rise instantly.

"Losing money!"

"We must lose money!"

Many people at the scene shouted to lose money.

Although there is no admission fee for the event, many people spent money for this event.

There were people selling DVDs and movie and TV drama peripherals... Many people spent money to buy them, and now they are asking for their money back.

Even if they didn't buy these things, they still spent time and travel expenses, so naturally they refused to give up and started shouting for compensation.

Even though there were many security personnel on site, chaos still occurred.

Some of them had bad tempers and smashed the stage set up at the event.

Originally, there were several LCD TVs at the scene, used to play TV series starring Tong Dawei and Yan Danchen, and cameras were set up to record today's event. They were the first to be hit and were smashed to pieces by excited fans.

At this time, if the organizers can invite celebrities to come out and say a few words to appease the fans, things will not continue to deteriorate.

But the organizer did not do this, so they could only watch the scene becoming more and more chaotic.

Thousands of people were very powerful, and the stage was quickly smashed into a mess by these people. Some security personnel were even accidentally injured by fans.

Seeing the seriousness of the situation, the organizer's staff quickly called the local police station.

It was only after the police arrived that the situation was brought under control.

However, the damage has been done and it is impossible to restore the scene.

There are too many people involved in the vandalism, and there is no way to find anyone to compensate. The organizer can only bear these losses.

Faced with this situation, the organizers’ hearts bleed.

It's not that they don't want to hold this event, or that they don't know that letting two celebrities come out can appease the emotions of the fans at the scene, but they can't do that.

The organizers were also happily arranging the event, looking forward to the lively atmosphere after the event started.But at about two o'clock, suddenly the relevant departments sent someone over and stated to them that there was a problem with the procedures for the event held by the two celebrities and that it must be stopped immediately and could not continue until there were no problems with the procedures.

Moreover, not only cannot events be held, but two artists are not allowed to appear in front of the public.

But it was difficult for the organizers to explain this kind of thing to the fans at the scene, so they could only bear it silently.

All losses this time will be borne by the organizer, not the celebrities.

There is no way, the celebrities have already arrived, and they can't appear because you didn't handle the matter well.


After the day's events ended, the person in charge of the organizer went to the relevant departments to inquire about the situation.

Now that there is a problem, they must solve it. As long as the problem is solved, they can still recover the losses by quickly inviting the two celebrities out.

But no matter how the person in charge asked, the relevant departments had only one answer: the procedures for the two celebrities to attend the event were incomplete.

As for the incompleteness of the procedures, they didn't say anything, leaving it to the organizers to guess.

Of course the organizers couldn't guess it.

Later, after many inquiries, the organizers probably also knew that it turned out that Chinese TV dramas had become too popular in South Korea in recent years, which greatly affected the development of domestic TV dramas, so they took measures to curb the development of Chinese TV dramas in Korea.

The current situation is basically unsolvable, so the organizer can only suffer a loss.

This situation is not unique. Subsequent activities related to Chinese celebrities organized by other units were also ordered to stop indefinitely.

In fact, in the past, Goryeo was supporting its own film and television industry, and all foreign film and television dramas could not enter prime time in Goryeo.

However, China's TV dramas have developed so fast in recent years that they can't even keep up with the dramas. Moreover, China has also signed a large number of Korean actors, causing a large number of domestic talents to drain out.

Those Chinese TV series that are placed in non-prime time can still get good ratings, especially young people nowadays are more willing to watch Chinese TV series.

On the one hand, Chinese TV dramas are indeed good to watch. On the other hand, with the development of the Internet in recent years, young people in Korea have become more and more exposed to the world. There is a lot of publicity about Chinese movies and TV dramas on the Deep Space Network, which has a great influence on these young people. big.

Seeing that the previous support policies were ineffective, the Goryeo government has now begun to step up its efforts and wants to completely prevent Chinese movie stars from coming to Goryeo for promotion.

Not only movie stars, but Chinese celebrities who were scheduled to hold concerts in Korea in the next few months also had their concerts canceled due to policy reasons.

Of course, when celebrity concerts are cancelled, the organizers still suffer the loss.

The concerts of these stars in Korea are basically bought out by local entertainment companies in Korea. The stars only receive an appearance fee, and these entertainment companies are responsible for their own profits and losses.

The appearance fee is paid in advance.

Moreover, these entertainment companies themselves take the initiative to pay. It is stipulated in their contracts that if celebrities are unable to appear due to personal reasons, they must pay liquidated damages, and the liquidated damages are three times the appearance fee.

But now, celebrities cannot appear, not because of the celebrities themselves, but because of their country. Therefore, celebrities do not have to pay liquidated damages, and they do not even have to refund their appearance fees.

These entertainment companies that contract concerts not only lose the stars' appearance fees, but also lose a large amount of operating expenses.

(End of this chapter)

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