Chapter 141 I Will Do My Best

When Yu Dong was giving his acceptance speech earlier, Yang Xiao and Tan Kai were both laughing, but when they heard Yu Dong's last commercial, they both froze for a moment.

Yu Dong has a new book?
They glanced at each other, and they both saw doubts in each other's eyes.

But then Yang Xiao came to his senses again, Yu Dong hadn't told her about the new book.

The last time she called Yu Dong to talk about the Galaxy Awards, Yu Dong said that a new novel was being written.Now that he announced it publicly on stage, he should have finished writing it.

It seems that after the ceremony is over, I want to talk to him about the new book.

Here comes another long article, for the magazine, there are joys and sorrows.

The joy is that the pressure on their manuscripts will be reduced because of the long articles, but the worry is that the magazine has only so many pages. If they always serialize long articles like this, it will definitely have an impact.

What they really lack now are short and medium-length manuscripts.

But now is not the time to think about this, Yang Xiao looked at Yu Dong who was walking down, applauded, stood up and walked to the stage.

Seeing Yang Xiao appear on the stage, everyone in the audience thought she was going up to give the closing speech, because the first prize had already been awarded, and there were no other links left.

But Yang Xiao said with a smile: "Don't be impatient, everyone, today's awards ceremony is not over yet. This year's Galaxy Awards are different from previous ones, we have specially added a special award."

Grand Prize? !

This is something most people don't think of.

No wonder there are two first prizes, but there is also a special prize.

Yang Xiao on the stage continued: "Today, I specially invited a very important guest, and the next grand prize will also be presented by this important guest. Please give the warmest applause to everyone. Mr. Kang Zhenhua, Chairman of Shu Association for Science and Technology."

As soon as Kang Zhenhua's name came out, there was a burst of cheers in the venue, and these cheers were mixed with a lot of surprise.

Listening to people's cheers, Jimmy asked Yu Dong puzzled: "Is this Mr. Kang Zhenhua very famous? It seems that this situation is not as simple as the chairman of the Association for Science and Technology."

Before Yu Dong could reply, He Hongwei, who was sitting behind them, leaned over his head, "It's really not that simple. Mr. Kang is a famous biologist and fluid dynamics scientist in China. He also served as a high-ranking official. He is a top boss. The school has served as the vice principal, so the students in our school know him."

Yu Dong had only heard about Kang Zhenhua, and was not as familiar with him as He Hongwei.

Jimmy was taken aback when he heard this, the Galaxy Awards this time really exceeded his expectations, even such an award presenter was invited.

After Yang Xiao finished speaking, an old man walked onto the stage slowly. He looked to be about 70 years old, but his steps were not faltering at all.

Seeing the energetic Kang Zhenhua, Yu Dong was also very moved. In this era, it is really rare for an elderly man in his 70s to maintain such a mental state.Based on his current state, no one doubts that he can live to be eight or ninety years old.

After taking the microphone from Yang Xiao, he patted the microphone first, and after the ground became quiet, he said with a smile: "Hello everyone, I am very glad to meet you here today. Xiao Yang just said that he invited me Yes, actually not, I volunteered and came here by myself."

Kang Zhenhua's speech was full of air, with a Sichuan accent, but it could be heard that he was not a native of Sichuan.

"A few days ago, Xiao Yang went to the Science and Technology Association and said that he would invite a colleague to present the award. I became interested as soon as I heard it. I am the most suitable for this job. I am a leader anyway, and I have some advantages in my identity. , In addition, I am so old, I am usually freer than them, and I can spare more time."

"Chairman Kang is humble. We all know that you have always been on the front line of your work. Not only continue to be engaged in the research of biomechanics, but also devote your energy to teaching work, and continue to cultivate and export talents for the domestic biomechanics field. .” Yang Xiao said with a smile.

Kang Zhenhua waved his hand, "What I have done is not worth mentioning. The more I work in education these years, the more worried I am about the basic science education of domestic students. It is not the university that wants to cultivate scientific and technological talents. It can be solved by learning, and the root lies in the construction of scientific concepts and the expansion of thinking in the lower grades. To achieve this, students must be interested in science."

"I think that good science fiction works should take on such a responsibility to let our children have a strong interest in science because of science fiction works. Therefore, before awarding the awards, I also sincerely want to give advice to all science fiction writers. This is a suggestion, I hope you can bring a sense of responsibility when you create, and bring your thinking about the scientific world to readers."

Yang Xiao nodded and said: "I believe that the science fiction writers here will definitely not let you down."

Kang Zhenhua smiled, then took the card from Yang Xiao, squinted at the card, and said in a low voice: "It's not what I thought, I thought the grand prize would be "Second World" .”

When he said this, the microphone was held far away, so people in the audience could not hear what he said.

Only Yang Xiao was close enough to hear clearly, she also took the microphone away from her mouth, and explained to Kang Zhenhua in a low voice: "Because "Second World" has not been serialized yet, so it is not included in this year's award list."

"I see." Kang Zhenhua nodded slightly, then put the microphone to his mouth, and said, "I announce that the winner of the Grand Prize of the [-]th China Science Fiction Galaxy Award is ——Closed Loop."

Applause immediately resounded in the hall, but many people had the same doubts as Kang Zhenhua. They thought the grand prize would be "Second World". After all, "Second World" is Yu Dong's most influential work.

There are also some people who are surprised by the operation of the Galaxy Awards. One special prize, two first prizes, and the top three works are all from the same author.

Although Yu Dong's works have been very influential this year, the quality of the works is excellent, and the length has advantages compared to other works, but I have to say that Yang Xiao is really courageous if he gives him the top three all at once. .

The first few winners of an award are all given to a writer. When a layman hears this news, he will generally have two thoughts.

First, the domestic science fiction is very weak, and the generals can only be selected from the head of the dwarf.

Two, this award has no weight at all.

Either way, it's not good for the Galaxy Awards itself.

But people with a discerning eye can also guess Yang Xiao's thoughts. Doing so can not only win over Yu Dong, but also create a sci-fi star and attract more people's attention.No matter what age, there is no lack of pursuit and worship of celebrities.


At this time, Yu Dong had already stepped onto the stage. He bent down to take the certificate and trophy from Kang Zhenhua, and said with a smile: "Thank you, Mr. Kang, not only for getting this award from you, but also for your dedication to me. country's contribution."

Kang Zhenhua patted Yu Dong's shoulder with a smile: "Keep going, I have read your "Second World", and some things are very inspiring to me. But I suggest you can look further, the domestic Science fiction is still lacking in the description of the universe. Zheng Wenguang has done it before, but he is limited to children's science fiction adventures and lacks detailed descriptions of the vastness of the universe. You can spend some time and write a little for children to read If they are interested, they need to spend some time thinking about it.”

Yu Dong nodded and agreed, "I will try my best."

 Thank you [Big Lemon] for the 100 tip
  Thank you [Shiyi is also called Eleven] for the 1500 reward
(End of this chapter)

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