Chapter 21 You Are Yu Dong

"Hey, Mr. Yu, don't go, tell us your poems!"

Yu Dong heard the clamor of Qu Aiguo and the others behind him, and his footsteps became faster and faster.

Seeing that Yu Dong was gone, Wang Kuo asked Qu Aiguo: "Old Qu, Teacher Yu really wrote a poem? Is it still amazing?"

Qu Aiguo raised his head and said, "How can this be fake? The senior sisters from the Oil Painting Department told me personally, there is no need for them to lie to me. Besides, our teacher Yu is a top student who graduated from the Chinese Language Department of Yanshi University. For someone who has published an article in Harvest before, writing a poem is nothing. Last time I went to his dormitory to find him, and saw what he was doing, and the manuscripts piled up in front of him—"

Speaking of which, Qu Aiguo made a gesture, "It has to be as thick as my little finger, I guess it's a novel. Also, wow, our art counselors have traditions."

"What tradition?" Wang Kuo asked.

"The tradition of great writers, Su Tong, do you know? He used to be a counselor at Gongmei, and coincidentally, he also graduated from Yanshi University, tsk tsk, is this script familiar?"

"It's too familiar, isn't this exactly the same as our teacher Yu?"

"Really wow."

When the other students heard Qu Aiguo say this, they couldn't help but read Dong's poem a little more, even though they hadn't even seen a single punctuation mark on the poem.


In the next few days, Yu Dong did not expect that this matter would continue to ferment, and his poem began to be recited among the various departments.

Then Yu Dong saw the kung fu touted by contemporary literary and artistic youths.

Some people say that Yu Dong's poem is a new trend of the Misty Poetry. It has stepped out of the shackles of the Misty Poetry School and integrated the expression of stream of consciousness. It belongs to the avant-garde Poetry School.

Others disagree with this statement. They believe that this poem by Yu Dong is a counter-current in a counter-current. This is because the Misty Poetry School was considered by some to be a counter-current in modern poetry. Poetry continues to flow against this current.

Some people think that this is a philosophical poem, but the short few lines of the poem explore the relationship between time and space, and expound the relativity of time and space.

Anyway, so this all points to one thing - Jin Yi has produced a great poet.

To this end, the principal Wu Changxin also specially called Yu Dong to the office to ask about the matter. Although Yu Dong humbly stated that this poem was just a graffiti work by himself, Wu Changxin strongly encouraged him: if Jin Yi came out A great poet is a great thing.

Later, Yu Dong also accepted the title of poet calmly, and when he saw a student greet him, he also responded kindly.

It doesn't matter, no matter how high you hold it now, when the time comes, it's a big deal to fall down and lie down on the ground.

In this way, the time came to the end of September, and Jin Yi's sports meeting was held as scheduled.

The opening ceremony was very grand. All majors did their best, and all kinds of strange arrays were displayed. Even their first-year engineering and beauty heart-shaped array was not the strangest. Yu Dong also saw a gossip Array, and it is a gossip array with evolution, which is breathtaking.

The characteristics of each major can be seen from the square array. For example, the majors in the fine arts focus on color and drawing. For example, in the first year of the oil painting department, they built a big float. 's wonderful performance.

On the other side of the vocal music department, there are many instrument bonuses.The most outstanding is the piano department. A piano is placed directly on their float, and the students play it live.

It's just that everyone in the opening ceremony showed their magical powers and made a great deal of momentum, but when it came to the game, they all became more and more strenuous.

When Yu Dong was watching the game on stage, he shook his head frequently. Good guy, these students of Jin Yi are really not very athletic. Yu Dong even thought that he could get a place in most of the events when he played.

Most of the athletes are dressed properly, running shoes, sports shorts, sports tops... When they really move, they show their true colors.

This is pure selection of generals among dwarfs.

It's just unfortunate that their Gongmei 91 is still the dwarf among the dwarfs, and the results are particularly unsatisfactory. That is, Qu Aiguo won a bronze medal in the shot put, which is the only fig leaf.

Originally, Yu Dong was afraid that the students would be frustrated because of their poor grades, so he was going to comfort them, but when he arrived at the base camp of Gongmei 91, he found that everyone was very relaxed and happy. , Peeling oranges, peeling oranges, there is no sign of depression.

Qu Aiguo also took the lead to ask for credit: "Mr. Yu, I have inquired, Oil Painting 91 did not have a medal this year..."

Yu Dong endured a mouthful of old blood in his throat, and gave them a thumbs up to Qu Aiguo.

These little red guys really can adjust themselves.


When the games were about to end, He Yu, a counselor from Gongmei 89, found Yu Dong on the playground.

"Mr. Yu, someone came to you, a woman."

"Woman? Where did you come from, what are you looking for me for?" Yu Dong asked.

"Did I ask you? He is about 40 years old and has a good temperament. His accent sounds like someone from Sichuan Province." He Yu said.

When He Yu mentioned Sichuan Province, the first thing Yu Dong thought of was "Science Fiction World", and the woman in her 40s made him think of the president Yang Xiao.

But how could Yang Xiao come, for the manuscripts he sent them in the past?

Yu Dong shook his head. He wasn't so arrogant that he thought that after he sent a manuscript, the president of the company would come to him personally.

With doubts, Yu Dong walked towards the door of the government affairs building under the guidance of He Yu. When he walked nearby, he saw a middle-aged woman with glasses standing downstairs from a distance, looking back and forth.

Yu Dong has recognized each other.

He did not expect that Yang Xiao actually came over in person.

Yang Xiao looked at the people who came and went, trying to find Yu Dong's figure among them.She also saw a young man looking at her, but she quickly excluded that young man in her heart.

She didn't think that Yu Dong was an older person, but this young man was too young, and he looked very handsome, and nine out of ten he was a student.

But what made her strange was that the young student went straight to her and kept his eyes on her.

She suddenly thought of an incredible possibility...

"You are the president of "Science Fiction World" Yang Xiao." The young man had already walked up to him before he knew it, and took the initiative to speak.

Yang Xiao nodded.

The young man laughed.

Many years later, when Yang Xiao recalled the scene of meeting Yu Dong for the first time, the first thing that came to his mind was the radiant smile on his face.

He was wearing a clean white shirt, holding the warm afterglow on his body, and when he smiled, autumn turned into spring in an instant, and the clouds in the sky followed with joy.

"I am Yu Dong."

Yang Xiao shook his head in disbelief and repeated Yu Dong's words: "You are Yu Dong."

(End of this chapter)

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