Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 259 is a reward and a test

Chapter 259 is a reward and a test
After the signing session, the store manager Hal enthusiastically invited Yu Dong and his party to dinner, but Yu Dong declined.

After a busy day, he had a sore back and a sore back, so he couldn't be in the mood to socialize, so everyone bought some fried chicken burgers and beer and went back to the hotel for a small dinner.

Fatty Li Huixiang ate so deliciously that he was reincarnated like a starved ghost.

"When we were in Universal City, they gave us Chinese food every day. I was afraid that we would not be used to other foods. I wanted to eat some fried chicken and hamburger sandwiches for a long time."

Wang Jin said with a smile, "Actually, there is nothing wrong with eating Chinese food every day. The problem is that the Chinese food they bring is not authentic. Some dishes are so sweet that I guess the teacher can eat it. Shanghai people eat sweets too. famous."

"Don't take me with you, we don't eat General Tso's chicken in Shanghai, sweet and sweet are different."

In fact, Jinling opened a KFC the year before last, but Wang Jin and the others have never been there.

The consumption level of KFC is too high for most people in China.

A set of children's meal costs more than ten yuan, not to mention ordinary workers, even ordinary businessmen, they are also discouraged from such consumption.

When it was almost time to eat, Yu Dong wiped his hands and asked with a smile: "I'm going back to China soon, what do you think?"

Liu Changmin first opened his mouth and replied: "I'm very happy. To be honest, I'm not used to the food here, including this fried chicken burger. I feel okay after a few bites, but I can't eat it as a meal. We have been away from home for a long time. , I haven't called home for a long time, although I have explained it before coming here, but I still miss it in my heart."

Speaking of this, Yu Dong couldn't help sighing that it was not easy for Lao Liu. His wife and daughter are all in his hometown, and he wanted to divide the house and has not been allocated until now.

But things will get better soon, and the house issue will be resolved in a short time. The last time I heard from Wu Changxin, it seems that I have to arrange work for Lao Liu's wife, and then their family will be able to reunite in Jinyi.

The students did not have such emotion, they came to the United States with a more relaxed mentality.

"Actually, my mood is quite complicated. I feel a little regretful that I didn't go to many places this time, but I feel more at ease thinking that I can go back to China. And I learned a lot this time, and this trip is worthwhile." Lin Ke said.

Li Huixiang regretted, "I won't be able to eat fried chicken when I go back."

Wang Kuo patted Li Huixiang on the head, "Stupid, I have more than ten million Chinese delicacies, but you are conquered by this little fried chicken."

Li Huixiang rolled his eyes, "I think you ate better than me just now."

"I'm afraid you'll eat too much, so I'll share some with you."

Wang Jin smiled and said, "Pang, if you want to eat fried chicken, you can eat it when you go back to Jinling. There is a KFC in Confucius Temple."

"Then who can afford it? Ji Ge and Teacher Yu will buy it for us here, and you will buy it for me when you go back?"

Jimmy was drinking beer. When he heard them mentioning himself, he put down the bottle and said with a smile, "It's affordable. I'm going back to China. Let me tell you about labor costs."

"Labor fee?"

Several students and Liu Changmin were a little surprised, because no one told them about the labor fee when they came.They have never thought about this aspect, have they paid for their studies and labor costs?

In their view, the purpose of going abroad this time is to study. Although everyone's work intensity was very high some time ago, they also feel that this is a necessary process of learning.

They didn't feel that they had made much contribution, and they could just find an artist to do these things.

They already felt very content with the round-trip air tickets, board and lodging without asking them to pay a penny, but they didn't expect that there would be labor fees now.

Jimmy was not surprised by the surprise of the crowd, and this was the effect he hoped for.

"Every one of you will have a labor fee when you come here this time. Yu Dong's labor fee is paid separately and is not with you. As for you, each student is [-] U.S. dollars, and Teacher Liu is [-] U.S. dollars. Because it is inconvenient to give you U.S. dollars , so I took it upon myself to exchange these US dollars into RMB at a ratio of one to ten. When you return to Jinling, I will arrange for someone to deliver the money to you.”

"So." Jimmy clapped his hands, "Pang, if you want to eat fried chicken, you can go there anytime. I think 1 yuan is enough for you to eat fried chicken for a long time."

1 yuan!
Li Huixiang felt his palms sweat, but he had never handled so much money.

Several other people are similar, 1 yuan is a huge sum of money for any one of them.

Liu Changmin looked at Yu Dong with questioning eyes.

He took the most, [-], which is of course very good for him.But he also has some worries in his heart, mainly in two aspects. First, is what they did worth so much money?Second, will it be bad for the students to suddenly get such a huge sum of money?
"Ahem, Lao Liu, I left a book in your room yesterday, let's go get it together, I want to read it tonight." Yu Dong said with a smile.

Liu Changmin nodded. Of course, Yu Dong didn't leave any books with him, so he said this just for the convenience of talking.

The two went to Liu Changmin's room, and Yu Dong smiled and said, "Old Liu, I know what you are worried about."

"Since you know what I'm worried about, it proves that you know that my worries are not superfluous, so why do you still do this? Or are you saying that Jimmy did all this and you didn't know?"

Liu Changmin is not clear about the specific relationship between Dong and Jimmy, but he knows a little bit. They are definitely not a simple relationship between a writer and an agent.

And it must be thanks to Yu Dong that Jin Yi and his group were able to follow them this time.

"I know about it."

"Since you know..."

"Actually, I also thought it was not a good thing to give students too much money at first, but after thinking about it later, I felt that there was nothing wrong with it. With the development of the times, students will definitely face this situation in the future, not only students , and you, Lao Liu, you will also encounter all kinds of temptations. It’s just that I have advanced this temptation so that they can feel it.”

"Their experience is not enough. I am afraid that they will lose themselves when they get so much money suddenly. And they will definitely not get so much remuneration for their work in the future. Comparing the two, there will be a gap in their hearts. Sometimes this gap is Fatal. Now I have a worry that they will go abroad with one mind in the future."

Yu Dong said with a smile: "Do you think that if you don't give money to those who want to run away, they won't run away?"

"You're raising their self-expectations."

"Do you think locking them in the country is a good way to keep them? I think these students are trustworthy after this period of investigation. For example, Wang Kuo, when Spielberg invited him, he said Just refused."

"Maybe he didn't know at the time that there was a lot of money to be made."

"Do you believe this statement, Lao Liu? Is Wang Kuo an idiot? With such a big Universal City, so many high-end equipment and Spielberg's name, does he know how much money he makes?"

Liu Changmin nodded: "Wang Kuo's doing this really made us look good, but how can you guarantee it for others?"

Yu Dong patted Liu Changmin on the shoulder, "Old Liu, you need to have more confidence in your students and in yourself. Instead of letting them go out to society and take the test, it's better to let them accept it right under our noses." Test, at least we can still do something in the middle."

(End of this chapter)

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