Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 264 The Advantages of a Famous Writer

Chapter 264 The Advantages of a Famous Writer

After hanging up Hu Yueming's phone call, Wu Changxin took out a cigarette, went back to the sofa and sat down, and said to Yu Dong with a smile: "Wealth and honor do not return home, like brocade clothes at night, your teacher wants you to go to Yan Normal University with Su Tong and the others." Do communicate."

"The teacher told me about this once before, and he only said it was possible."

"This time, it should be finalized. It is said that Principal Su has given the task. Later, you can call your teacher and ask him about the specific matters."

"it is good."

Wu Changxin added, "I definitely support your exchange this time, but I also want to give you a task. After you go, you must invite a few of them to come over. We can't suffer, right?"

Yu Dong smiled and nodded, "Take orders."


In the evening, Yu Dong called Hu Yueming back and had a detailed chat about the exchange meeting.

Yan Normal University originally hoped that Yu Dong, Su Tong, Mo Yan, and Yu Hua would go. Later, Principal Su saw "Essays on the Cucumber Garden" and asked Hu Yueming to invite Bi Feiyu to join him.

As for the time, Yan Normal University is thinking of finding a time in April, but Yu Dong is not sure about it, he needs to ask other people for their opinions.

After chatting with Hu Yueming, Yu Dong went to find Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu first.

Yu Hua naturally agreed.

His wife is now in Yanjing, and he just happens to be able to see them when he goes back.After thinking about it for a while, Bi Feiyu nodded in agreement. He was originally a character who liked to run around, but he became more stable after coming to Jinyi.

Now that he has the opportunity to go out and roam, he certainly doesn't want to miss it.

When he heard that Yu Dong was going to America, he still felt itchy.

It's just that this time I have to arrange the courses well. Before Yu Dong went to the United States, Bi Feiyu took the writing class on his behalf. Now that both of them have left, there is no one who can take over the class.

After finishing Bi Feiyu and Yu Hua, Yu Dong went to find Su Tong again.

Su Tong also agreed, but he had to think carefully about the time. He needed to arrange all the affairs in the club properly before he could leave.Fortunately, now Liu Xuemin can share a lot of work, and Su Tong's affairs are much less than before.

Jinling's side is almost done, and there is only one Mo Yan left.

Mo Yan was the most difficult to contact. It was difficult to make phone calls, and writing letters was too slow. Later, Su Tong asked Hong Feng to find Mo Yan.

It's just that Mo Yan replied that he couldn't be sure now, and asked Yu Dong and the others to tell him after they fixed the time. If he had time, he would go there. If he didn't have time, he would just miss it.

After the last round of negotiation, the time to go to Yan Normal University for exchange was set on April 23.


Zhou Min always felt that today was a bit unreal.

Could it be that April Fool's Day is so popular in China that even "Sprout" comes to play?
"Boss, this is really a sprout, isn't it the best?" Zhou Min asked, pointing to the magazines on the shelf.

The bookstore owner was amused by Zhou Min, "It's the best, do you want it?"

The title of Geri's journal is in Lu Xun's handwriting. Although it is not very scribbled, it does look like the word "Qianmao" at first glance.

There is a witty and interesting story circulating in the market. It is said that a person once saw a magazine in a bookstore and was very fascinated by it. Unfortunately, he was too shy to buy it.

After returning home, the man regretted it so much that he searched hard for this magazine for many years, and asked anyone he saw, "Have you ever heard of a magazine called Qian Mao?"

Those who were asked shook their heads.

Later, this man was very old, and when he was about to die, he suddenly saw a person holding a magazine. He drove the stump to snatch the magazine away, crying and crying, "the first one!" Qian Mao, I finally found you."

The owner of the magazine pointed at the words on it and laughed, "Old man, this is the budding, not the top."

Although the story is outrageous, it is quite interesting.

There are also many people who simply don't call it budding, but call it the top.

Zhou Min shook his head and bought a copy of "Sprouting".

The reason why he finds it incredible is because the cover of this issue of "Sprouting" actually reads: Horror Reasoning-Yu Dong's new serialization is a big start.

There are two things about this incident that make people feel incredible. The first point is that Yu Dong actually serialized novels in "Sprout", and the second point is that Yu Dong actually wants to write mystery novels.

And "Sprout" did a good job of keeping it secret, or maybe it was because the publicity work was so poor that no news was revealed before, and the novel started serialization.

Zhou Min put the magazine in his bag. He had to work in the morning. Although the unit was relatively free, it was somewhat inappropriate to take out a copy of "Sprout" to read.


"Sprout" did not do any publicity, but the news of Yu Dong's serialized novels in the magazine quickly spread among the readers, first of all among the students.

When the magazine came out, they were the first to buy it.

Then it spread to the science fiction circle.

"President, Teacher Yu has published a new novel."

When Qu Aiguo went to the Cucumber Garden Science Fiction Association activity classroom in the afternoon, he heard that Yu Dong had published a new book. He said with a surprised face, "No way."

You know, Brother Dong's long novel "Deep Space" has just come out.

And he didn't hear any news.

Qu Aiguo thought about it, it shouldn't be science fiction.

"Was it published in "Zhong Shan" or "Harvest"?"


"Is that Contemporary or October?"

"No, it's "Sprouting"."

""Sprout"?" Qu Aiguo's jaw almost dropped in shock, "Have you bought the magazine, show me it."

"I bought it." The other party smiled and took out a copy of "Sprouting".

Qu Aiguo took the magazine and saw the words on the cover at a glance. The other party really didn't lie to him.

And it turned out to be a horror reasoning.

Qu Aiguo quickly pulled up a chair and sat down to read "Fatal Identity".

A total of less than [-] words were serialized, and Qu Aiguo finished it soon.

After reading it, he always felt that the novel was almost meaningless.

What's the difference... By the way, it doesn't look like a mystery novel.

why?Because a lot of space in it is written about the short stories of the characters, and it focuses more on digging into the hearts of the characters.

From the reader's point of view, Qu Aiguo can only speculate on the possibility of a character committing a crime based on these psychological descriptions and background story descriptions.

But he would like to see more clues revealed in the novel to lead readers to reason, but now he doesn't even understand what happened.

However, because it was Yu Dong, Qu Aiguo still kept his expectations for this novel. He believed that Brother Dong would not disappoint.

In fact, this is also the advantage of famous writers. Readers are more willing to give famous writers time and allow them to do more foreshadowing.

If this is a novel written by an unknown author, I am afraid that after reading Chapter 1, many readers feel that it is not too exciting and give up directly.Even if the back is very exciting, they can't see it.

Of course, if it was written by an unknown author, there is a high probability that "Sprout" will not be serialized.

(End of this chapter)

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