Chapter 27 One day (seeking a ticket)
The letter from "Golden Horse and Jade Rooster" should have arrived in Yanjing in July, and it took a lot of time to forward it in the middle, so it is now in my hands.

The content is all ordinary content, saying some of what he has seen and heard recently, and also sharing the novels or poems he has read recently.

There were also two letters, one from Xia Yangyan, which Yu Dong put aside and read the letter from his teacher Hu Yueming first.

After reading Hu Yueming's letter, Yu Dong realized that it turned out that Hu Yueming helped forward the first two letters, and Hu Yueming's letter just explained the two letters, and then asked a few more words, probably to let He treats his work well, he has made mistakes before, and he should be more careful in the future.

After reading the three letters, Yu Dong looked at Xia Yangyan's letter.

This time the letter was very thick, six pages long.

Half of the first five pages were talking about how difficult it was to work after graduation, often feeling unbearable for one person, while the other half were vaguely accusing Yu Dong, a boyfriend who had not fulfilled his responsibilities and could not be around. No spiritual comfort can be given.

It wasn't until the last half page that she finally got into the subject and proposed a breakup.

Seeing this covert letter of breaking up, Yu Dong thought it was a little funny, Xia Yangyan probably put the responsibility of breaking up on her infrequently writing letters to her.

But he knew that in the last life, he frequently wrote letters, in exchange for nothing but indifference.

Four letters, Yu Dong wrote back one by one.

What I told Wang Yu was to thank him for his love. If I have the idea of ​​publishing an article again in the future, I will definitely consider voting for him.

He told the "Golden Horse and Jade Rooster Veteran" about the recent situation, and also said that he had changed his address, so he could send a letter to the new address next time.

On Hu Yueming's side, Yu Dong pleaded guilty again for what happened last time, thanked him for helping forward these two letters, and made an appointment to go back to school to visit him next time.

As for Xia Yangyan, Yu Dong originally wanted to write a few more sentences. After all, she wrote several pages, but Yu Dong couldn't think of what else to write. In the end, he only wrote two sentences: Thank you for always I hope you can find a better home in the future.

In order to keep the letter from being too monotonous, Yu Dong deliberately wrote more and larger signatures.

After the letter was answered, Yu Dong was busy with the draft of "Second World".Not only did he not relax at home during the holidays these days, but he devoted more time to it. He has to write more than 1 words every day, and now he is still [-] to [-] words away from finishing the manuscript.

It's just that the latter are rough drafts, and they have to be revised and then carefully transcribed. These work will take several days.

It is expected that the remaining manuscripts will be sent to the "Science Fiction World" magazine in a week.

As for whether "Science Fiction World" will serialize this novel, and if so, when will it start serialization, Yu Dong can't be sure.

His other work "Replenishing the Sky", if it goes well, will be published on January 350 next year.The remuneration should arrive within a few days, and the total is 30 yuan, which is equivalent to more than [-] yuan for a thousand words.

This standard of remuneration is not high, but it is not too low for a newcomer like Yu Dong.

From the perspective of remuneration, this period is the last glorious period for Chinese writers.

According to the average remuneration, writers write an article of several thousand words and submit it to a magazine or newspaper, and once adopted, they can get hundreds of yuan in remuneration.

But now the salary level is not high, such as Yu Dong's rank, the monthly salary is only more than 100 yuan.The remuneration that Yu Dong can get for his article "Mending the Sky" is equal to his three-month salary.

This kind of good times is not too long. After a few years, the salary level has increased year by year, or even doubled, but the standard of remuneration has not changed much.

Originally, a [-]-character novel could be exchanged for three months' salary. Later, not to mention that the manuscript became more and more difficult to be adopted. Even if it was adopted, the manuscript of [-] characters could no longer be exchanged for a month's salary.


In the remaining [-] days of October, Yu Dong sorted out the remaining manuscripts of "Second World" and sent it to "Science Fiction World", and then waited silently for news.

During this period, he was not idle either, and he took the time to write another "One Day" with a full text of [-] words.

This "One Day" was not conceived by him, but borrowed from the American film "Groundhog Day". Based on his own impressions, he adapted the plot of the film and wrote it into a novel.

The main reason why I wrote this novel was to earn money for the manuscript as soon as possible.

It is not known when the "Second World" will be decided, and the subscription certificate may happen at any time. He needs to get more capital before the subscription certificate is issued.

The background of the novel "One Day" was placed by Yu Dong in today's Yanjing.

The protagonist of the story is a reporter from Yanjing TV who hangs around all day. One day, he and his team went to a town near Yanjing to report on local customs, but they were trapped there because of Blizzard.

According to Blizzard's situation, at least the next day before leaving town.

The protagonist who wanted to go back to Yanjing had no choice but to stay in the town for one night, but when he was about to leave the next morning, he found that the people and things around him were the same as yesterday.

At first, he thought it was just his illusion, but later he found that he had really relived the day and found it very interesting, and began to enjoy life recklessly.

But gradually he discovered that living a day every day was not a blessing from God, but more like a prison of terror.

There was no way for him to leave this town. The people he met every day would forget him the next day, and the things he did every day would start over the next day, and he was stuck in this cycle by himself.

Halfway through, he committed suicide, wanting to end it all with death.

But he found that no matter how he died, eventually the cycle of time would not break, and every morning he would come back to life, in the same place, and start the same life.

Later, he changed himself in an endless cycle and had a higher pursuit.

He began to learn knowledge, began to be happy to help others, and began to learn to mingle with the local people.He will learn how to play Changxiao from the old man at the entrance of the village, and he will also ask the craftsman how to weave flower baskets, and occasionally he will go to the retired old principal to discuss astronomy and geography.

At the end of the story, when everyone in the village recognizes him, the time loop is lifted.

The story of "One Day" is similar to that of "The Day of the Groundhog". The difference lies in two points. One is that Yu Dong put the story in Huaxia Yanjing, which integrates local culture, and the other is that "One Day" is not like "Groundhog Day" is about love as the main line.

In the original film, the protagonist changed because he spent countless days pursuing his colleagues and was eventually rejected by them.

But in the stories written by Yu Dong, the protagonist penetrates life more from the life in the town and the ties between people, but weakens the line of love.

(End of this chapter)

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