Chapter 29 Ahead of Time

On the morning of November [-], Yu Dong has been busy preparing the content of the afternoon class meeting.

Usually every other week, Yu Dong will hold a class meeting for his classmates on Friday afternoon, because their class only has two classes on Friday afternoon, so there is more time, and the students are willing to hold the class meeting at this time.

Today's meeting has a lot of content, mainly because the Department of Arts and Crafts will hold a design competition on the theme of "Decorative Art" next month, which is closely related to the students in their class.

At noon, He Yu, who was sitting next to Yu Dong, got up and stretched. He Yu looked at the office and saw only Yu Dong and himself. He smiled and said, "It seems that we are busy."

"It's not that we have a competition." Yu Dong rubbed his shoulders and smiled.

He Yu glanced at the book in front of Yu Dong, and knew that he was preparing to design the competition, "You, there is no need to be so serious. This competition has been held for several years, and I have participated in it several times, but to be honest, once The grades usually run with me in the past. When I first came, I was more serious than you. Later, I didn’t even get a fashion award, and I was sad for a long time. Anyway, you can just take it easy, and treat it to the students. Practice your hands."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "That's what I thought."

In fact, He Yu was right. The first-year participants in this competition are usually accompanied by runners. Yu Dong has been a counselor in Gongmei for so many years, so he naturally knows the situation.

Moreover, the students' competition results are generally not directly related to their counselors.

Political counselors usually take care of students' thoughts and lives. As for professional matters, they are naturally asked by professional teachers.They are all laymen, and even if they want to ask, they have no clue.

However, Yu Dong is still reluctant to be sloppy. For the students in their class, many of them are participating in the competition for the first time, they have no competition experience at all, and they do not understand what the competition means to them.

At this time, he is needed as a counselor, one to cheer them on, and the other to help students adjust their state of mind, so that they can grow as much as possible in this competition.

"It's time, let's eat." He Yu looked at the time and said.

"Okay." Yu Dong nodded, and he was almost ready for the meeting.

The two packed up and were about to go to the cafeteria to eat when they met Liu Changmin who was excited at the door.

"Mr. Yu, just in time, I was thinking about you in the office and came here to find you. Why don't you celebrate such a good thing?" Liu Changmin said with a smile.

Yu Dong looked at him in confusion, "Celebrate?"

Seeing Yu Dong's confused expression, Liu Changmin said unexpectedly, "Did I make a mistake?"

He took out another copy of "Zhongshan" magazine from the bag, turned to the catalogue, pointed to it and said, "Isn't this Yu Dong you?"

Yu Dong stretched his head out and looked at it, and saw the word Yu Dong written on the catalogue.

He frowned in surprise, because "Mending the Sky" should be in the January issue of next year.

"Zhongshan" is a bimonthly magazine, published once every two months. Before Su Tong and the others said the next issue was the one in January.

But now the magazine is in front of Dong, with his name clearly written on it, as well as his article "Mending the Sky".

"Is that you, Teacher Yu?"

Liu Changmin and He Yu both looked at Yu Dong, waiting for his answer.

Yu Dong nodded, "It's me."

Hearing the affirmative answer, Liu Changmin's brows and eyes bloomed, and he patted Yu Dong's shoulder: "Then you are still pretending to be with me, so embarrassed for such a good thing?"

"I'm not……"

Just as Yu Dong was about to speak, Liu Changmin took the magazine and said to He Yu, "Mr. He, you haven't read it yet. Let me tell you, Yu Dong's "Mending the Sky" is absolutely amazing. And the length of this novel is It’s not short, this time it is estimated that the magazine must have given up a lot of other people’s manuscripts to make room for it.”

He Yu was also happy to hear Liu Changmin say this. After all, they were both in a poetry reading club. He and Yu Dong were next to each other. When he saw that Yu Dong had published an article, of course he was honored.

He snatched the magazine from Liu Changmin's hand and said with a smile, "I requisitioned this issue."

Liu Changmin smiled and waved: "Take it, take it."

Then Liu Changmin put his arms around Yu Dong's shoulders: "You haven't eaten yet, let's go, let's go to the cafeteria together. Don't worry, we won't let you invite you to dinner, we just want to touch your writing style as a great writer."

Liu Changmin is usually not a talkative person, but this time he was really happy.Although I have known Yu Dong for a long time, when I get along with him during this time, I always feel very close. Yu Dong seems to understand himself very well.

Although it is not to the point of "scholars die for those who are confidants", it is not easy to meet someone who can understand themselves, so I am so happy this time.

Yu Dong was surrounded by Liu Changmin and He Yu and went to the cafeteria, but he was still confused about "Mending the Sky".

He deliberately looked at the other works in the catalog just now, but didn't find Bi Feiyu and Wang Anyi their names, which means that only his "local customs" special feature that was originally designed was published in advance.

During this period of time, he has not gone to the "Zhongshan" magazine, and Su Tong has not contacted him. Only a few days ago, a staff member sent a money order.

But Yu Dong didn't struggle for too long. That's it. Anyway, it's a good thing that "Mending the Sky" was included in the publication. Since the magazine has made such a decision, there must be their reasons.And Liu Changmin and the others were so happy, and Yu Dong didn't want to spoil their happiness.

So when we were halfway through, Yu Dong waved his hand and said, "What else are you going to eat in the cafeteria, I'll take you out to the restaurant and beat your teeth."

"That's daring!"

The three turned their heads and walked out of the school again.


The school's circle is not big, and the news spreads very quickly. In addition, Yu Dong was already famous because of the "Poet" incident last time. This time, his novel was published in "Zhongshan" in the school day. spread.

Yu Dong thus gained another title of "novelist".

In fact, this is also related to the environment. If this happened at Yan Normal University, or a school like Yan University, it would not be a big deal, because every year the teachers and students of the school publish countless articles in major well-known magazines and newspapers.

But Jin Yi is different.

If a certain teacher in Jinyi won an award for a painting, or was published in a newspaper, the students would pay attention, but they would not think it was anything special, because this is a common occurrence.

In terms of literature at that time, the last time someone from the school published a novel in a publication of the level of "Zhongshan" was back when Su Tong was in school.

(End of this chapter)

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