Chapter 317 Theme Bookstore
Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu hadn't rested for a while in bed when Hu Changqing knocked on the door outside.

"Yu Dong, are you here?"

To be honest, Yu Dong really didn't want to answer.

But Cheng Yanqiu pushed him, "Go and open the door."

He had no choice but to get up, and first shouted: "Not yet."

Then go to open the door again.

Seeing Yu Dong, Hu Changqing said with a smile, "I counted the time and knew that you should be here. Xiao Cheng, didn't I bother you?"

Cheng Yanqiu smiled, "No, Secretary Hu, we just arrived too."

"That's good. Originally, Yang Peng and He Hongwei were waiting for you, but I just went to see the stars."

Leaning to let Hu Changqing into the room, Yu Dong was about to pour himself a glass of water, Hu Changqing raised the glass in his hand, "Don't worry, I'll bring the water myself."

Yu Dong curled his lips, thinking, do I want to pour water for you?
After taking a sip of water, Yu Dong asked him, "Which star did Yang Peng and the others go to see?"

"I don't know what it's called. It's a female star from Xiangjiang. I heard that she looks very beautiful and dresses very fashionable."

It should be Liang Yongqi. The stars from Xiangjiang are indeed more fashionable. It is normal for young people to be curious. Yu Dong didn't care too much.

But after a while, Yang Peng and the others came over.

They were on their way back to the room when they heard a voice in Yu Dong's room, and they knew that Yu Dong had arrived.

Seeing more and more people, Yu Dong drove them out, and he himself followed them, leaving the room for his wife to rest.

As soon as he entered He Hongwei's room, Yu Dong smiled and said, "I heard that you went to see a female star, how is it going, what do you think?"

"Hey, don't mention it, I didn't watch anything, I stayed in the room. Besides, we are not looking at female stars, but mainly looking at directors." He Hongwei defended himself.

Yu Dong nodded, "Understood, are Teacher Wang Jingkang and the others here?"

"We're here, and Liu Cixin, the two of them went outside. I heard that there is a science fiction-themed bookstore in Rongcheng, and the two of them went to have a look." Yang Peng said.

Liu Cixin's "Supernova Era" has not yet been revised, but last year he published an article "The End of the Microcosm" in "Science Fiction World".

After coming here last time, Liu Cixin became good friends with Hu Changqing and Wang Jingkang. According to Liu Cixin himself, he mainly felt that he was much younger than He Hongwei and the others, and there was a generation gap.

This statement is actually unreasonable. In terms of age, He Hongwei is in the same group as Yang Peng, Hu Changqing is in the same group as Wang Jingkang, and he, Liu Cixin, should be in the middle position, barely in the same group as Yu Dongneng.

But Liu Cixin prefers to put himself in the senior group, and the key is that the senior group is willing to take him to play.

Speaking of the sci-fi themed bookstore opened in Rongcheng, Hu Changqing said with a smile, "I was the first to know about this bookstore. I came early and wandered around. I saw such a bookstore at Tianfu Square. The bookstore is well done. It can be seen that the operator is a senior science fiction fan, but I feel that this bookstore will not last long."

"Why?" Yu Dong asked.

"Because the boss is an idiot, he was the only one in the store. I walked around for a long time, but he didn't even look at me, just lying on the recliner and reading a book. Can this bookstore manage well? I don't think he thought about it at all. Sell ​​the book."

He Hongwei laughed and said, "Secretary Hu, what you said makes me want to see it."

Because He Hongwei and the others have always heard Yu Donghu's Secretary Hu as Secretary Hu, and they followed suit by calling him Secretary Hu. Not only them, but now Yang Xiao and Tan Kai would call Hu Changqing when they saw Hu Changqing.

For those who didn't know, they thought Hu Changqing was an official.

Hearing He Hongwei's words, Yang Peng nodded, "I'm also very interested. From what Secretary Hu said, I feel that this boss should be a master who takes advantage of a lot of money at home to open a bookstore to play tickets. Maybe there are books in his bookstore. nice one."

"If you are interested, let's go back and have a look together." Yu Dong smiled, "This is the first time I know that there are science fiction-themed bookstores in China."

He Hongwei looked at Yu Dong and said, "Brother Dong, do you mean that there are science fiction-themed bookstores abroad?"

Yu Dong nodded, "Yes, as far as I know, there is a bookstore called Uncle Hugo Science Fiction Bookstore in Minneapolis, USA. There are many precious books in it, such as the original version of "Interstellar Troopers". Next to it , and an Uncle Edgar Reasoning Bookstore, the two bookstores have been in business for more than ten or twenty years.”

Yu Dong had only read about these two bookstores on the news, but had never actually been there. He also thought that if he had the opportunity, he would go and have a look.

He Hongwei looked envious, "If only we had a bookstore like this."

"This kind of bookstore is just like what Yang Peng said, it's completely run by the owner for fun, and he doesn't think about making money at all." Yu Dong laughed.

"To be honest, I want to open a bookstore like this." He Hongwei said.

"Isn't it okay for you to start a family? It happened to be a fortune during this time." Yang Peng laughed.

"My little money is not enough."

"Tens of thousands of dollars is not enough, you are quite ambitious."

"If you want to drive, you must look decent."


Yu Dong was next to them discussing the bookstore, and they couldn't help feeling that the domestic science fiction world is very different today.

Three years ago, everyone basically got together for hobbies. At that time, they basically didn't think about making money from science fiction to support themselves.But three years later, they are more or less making money off of science fiction.

He Hongwei, like Hu Changqing, both received copyright fees from Jimmy.

This amount of money is of course a huge sum of money for them who have just graduated.

He Hongwei and the others are already very competitive. The tuition and living expenses for going to school in the future are settled by themselves with the manuscript fee, and occasionally they can send a few hundred yuan home.

This time he got the copyright fee, and He Hongwei told his parents about it immediately.Before, his parents had conflicted attitudes towards He Hongwei's novel writing. On the one hand, the children paid for their tuition and living expenses by paying for the manuscript, which relieved a lot of pressure on the family, which made them very pleased.

But on the other hand, they feel that writing novels is not a long-term solution. They are afraid that He Hongwei will delay his work and affect his future because of this matter.

But this time He Hongwei made tens of thousands of dollars all at once, and their thoughts were reversed all at once.

Parents and children always have very different ideas, and sometimes conflicts arise because of different opinions, but both parents are pragmatic parents. Seeing that He Hongwei can support himself and live a good life by writing books, his parents also There is no comment.

He Hongwei is still working now, and Yang Peng has done it more thoroughly. He decided to write for a living when he was in college, so he started his life as a freelance writer directly after graduation.

This time he came to Rongcheng to participate in the Galaxy Awards ceremony. He arrived half a month in advance, and he took a good look at the scenic spots in Rongcheng, and he also planned to go to the cities around Rongcheng after the Galaxy Awards ended.

He himself said that he should use his feet to measure the mountains and rivers of the motherland.

The vitality of China's science fiction world can be seen from these science fiction authors.They are full of vitality because of the vigorous development of Chinese science fiction, and at the same time pour their vitality into the science fiction world through their works.


When Wang Jingkang and Liu Cixin came back from the outside, it was already meal time, and Xiao Li from the magazine came to ask them to have dinner.

The eve of this year's award ceremony is not a buffet. "Science Fiction World" invites everyone to have a good meal in advance, and the meal is very rich.

Before the banquet started, Yu Dong met his old acquaintance Feng Xiaoning.

Feng Xiaoning is in a good mood recently, because the project of the new movie "Red River Valley" has been approved, and he has been preparing for the new movie during this time.

"But it's a pity, what I want to shoot most is your "Prison No. [-]"." Feng Xiaoning smiled, with a trace of regret in his smile.

Regarding the shooting of "Prison No. [-]", Feng Xiaoning had a serious discussion with Jimmy, but finally decided to give up.The filming of this movie was not as simple as he imagined at first, and it would definitely cost a lot of money to make it well.

Yu Dong comforted him and said, "It's okay, Director Feng, it's just that the time is not ripe. I believe there will be opportunities to cooperate in the future. By the way, I will get married on September [-]th. If Director Feng has time then, he must Take the time to pass."

"I have to go if I don't have time, haha, where is the specific place? Is it Jinling or Shanghai?"

"In Jinling, after a while, I will send you an invitation card with detailed information on it."


Feng Xiaoning nodded, and wanted to continue to say something, when suddenly a girl in her early 20s popped up next to her.

"Director Feng, you are here."

She really jumped over and even surprised Yu Dong.

Yu Dong first heard her voice, which was slightly hoarse, and then came to her side, slightly fat, and looked quite energetic. When she turned her head to look over, Yu Dong recognized who it was.

It was the young and chubby Ning Jing.

"Xiao Jing, why are you always so surprised?" Feng Xiaoning said to her with a smile, and then introduced her, "This is Teacher Yu Dongyu."

When Ning Jing heard Yu Dong, her eyes widened and she said in surprise, "So you are Teacher Yu Dong. Hello, Teacher Yu."

I have to say that Feng Xiaoning's evaluation of her was very fair, just a surprise.

"Yu Dong, this is Ning Jing, the heroine of "Red River Valley"."

Yu Dong nodded, "Hello, Ning Jing."

"Mr. Yu, you are really young. They all said you were young, but at first they didn't believe it. Now that I see a real person, I feel younger than they said. However, science fiction writers seem to be quite young. I saw several Looks smaller than me."

"Every group will always have different ages."

"That's not true." Ning Jing tilted her head and said, "I see that all the famous pure literature writers are older than each other, of course, except you, Teacher Yu."

That is, you have not seen a few pure literature writers.

Yu Dong thought so, but he didn't say it out loud. The little girl Ning Jing gave people the impression that she was careless and not in a good mood.

Afterwards, Yu Dong chatted casually with them.It can be seen that Ning Jing wants to talk about something related to literature, but she really doesn't know much about literature.It's still too young to say it, and I don't know how to make use of my strengths and avoid my weaknesses.

But one thing is better, she doesn't seem afraid of exposing her ignorance.This doesn't sound like a good word, but it is indeed a rare quality. Most people are always afraid of their ignorance being known, but they don't understand that exposing one's ignorance is sometimes not a bad thing. After ignorance is exposed, more easily eliminated.

They chatted for a while, Ning Jing suddenly looked towards the entrance of the hall, at this time a man and a woman walked into the hall.

As soon as the two came in, they attracted a lot of attention, most of which were on the woman.

A slender woman, she looks very beautiful, the key is that she is wearing a black suspender dress, the skirt is just above the knee, very cool, and at the same time perfectly showing the curve of the figure.

Yu Dong recognized Liang Yongqi and Ye Weimin. He glanced at them and thought Liang Yongqi was tall and pretty, so he wasn't interested in looking at them.

Feng Xiaoning may have avoided suspicion and didn't look at it too much, but Ning Jing had been watching Liang Yongqi all the time.

"She's really tall, and her clothes are so pretty." Ning Jing sighed, "Xiangjiang's stars are just different."

Although Ning Jing didn't know Liang Yongqi, she also knew that there was a Xiangjiang female star at the awards ceremony.

In the past few years, although there have been some movies that the mainland has cooperated with Xiangjiang, such as "Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance" and "Sunny Day" in which Ning Jing participated in the filming, but generally speaking, there are not many exchanges between the two sides.

So suddenly a Xiangjiang female star came, everyone will definitely feel very curious, and the news spread quickly.

Feng Xiaoning said with a smile, "Don't be envious of others. Actors don't look at these things. You have potential. Don't think too much in the past two years. Only by solidly honing your acting skills can you go far in this field."

"I would like to follow Director Feng's instruction." Ning Jing said something funny.

A few people were talking, Cheng Yanqiu ran over, just now she and Yu Dong entered the hall and were pulled over by Yang Xiao, now Yang Xiao was busy and didn't have time to take care of her, so she came to look for Yu Dong.

Seeing Cheng Yanqiu, Ning Jing was surprised again and said, "Mr. Yu, your lover is too beautiful, even more beautiful than that female star from Xiangjiang just now."

Cheng Yanqiu smiled, "Little sister, you are also very beautiful, you are no worse than anyone else."

Ning Jing was not afraid of strangers, and hugged Cheng Yanqiu's arm, "Sister, you are not only beautiful, but also nice to speak."


After Ye Weimin entered the hall, he led Liang Yongqi to find Yang Xiao.

"Yang, Yang...I, I..."

Ye Weimin didn't stutter, it's just that his Mandarin is really bad.Liang Yongqi's Mandarin is better, and this time he also took on the responsibility of translating for Ye Weimin, but at the moment, he can only be in a hurry, as far as what Ye Weimin said, he can't translate it.

Yang Xiao smiled and said, "Director Ye, speak Cantonese, I can understand some, even if I don't understand, isn't there Miss Liang?"

Ye Weimin breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "Thank you President Yang, I need to practice more on my Mandarin."

"It's okay, take your time. When we return, there will be more opportunities to come to the mainland."

Ye Weimin nodded, "Yes, yes, I came this time with the idea of ​​cooperating more with the mainland in the future. By the way, is Teacher Yu Dong here? President Yang, can you introduce me?"

"Yes, it just so happens that his lover..." Yang Xiao nodded with a smile, and turned to look for Cheng Yanqiu, but found that Cheng Yanqiu was no longer there, so he looked around the hall again and found Yu Dong's location, "He is over there , I will take you to find him."

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(End of this chapter)

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