Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 322 I just want to know how to write Chinese characters

Chapter 322 I just want to know how to write Chinese characters
If Jimmy’s interest in Jeff Bezos was only 50.00% before, then after Shinji Mikami came to him, his interest in Jeff Bezos increased to 90.00%.

Because he suddenly found that he really needed someone to help him manage the website.

Jimmy told Yu Dong last year that he was going to invest in games, and he did.

Later, he formed a game company dedicated to "Resident Evil".

Others in this company were recruited by Jimmy from various companies, but only Shinji Mikami volunteered, because Shinji Mikami was an avid "Resident Evil" fan.

He originally worked in Neon Capcom. Last year, Jimmy wanted to dig Capcom's Fujiwara Tokuro, but he failed.

However, it was precisely because of that contact with Capcom that Shinji Mikami knew that "Resident Evil" was going to make a game, so he found Jimmy, hoping to join the team.

Jimmy was worried about no one, so he accepted Mikami Shinji.

However, Jimmy didn't pay much attention to Shinji Mikami at that time, but placed his hopes on the other people he personally dug. Compared with other people, Shinji Mikami had only been working for a few years, and his experience was not as rich as them.

But what Jimmy didn't expect was that Shinji Mikami performed very well after he came over, and he was excellent in all aspects.And he is indeed an avid "Resident Evil" book fan, and his understanding of this book far exceeds that of others.

The game faced many problems, which were all solved by Shinji Mikami.

Moreover, Shinji Mikami did not follow the plot of the original work, but based on the original work, he wrote a set of game plots by himself.

This time, Shinji Mikami came to him to tell him that he needs to start promoting the game. The implication is that the problems faced by the game have basically been overcome.

So Jimmy will have to free up his hands for game promotion after a while.

Now he needs someone like Bezos. Of course, it doesn't matter if Bezos can't pull him over. Jimmy believes that there is no shortage of talents in this world.

Originally, Jimmy wanted to get to know the senior management of Ingram Book Group through Dante, but there was an unexpected joy, that is, Dan Brown's fiancée Bryce actually knew Ingram himself and expressed his willingness to help matchmaking.

After that, Jimmy successfully met Ingram through Bryce's relationship. After the meeting, Jimmy showed him a proposal.

But this prospectus is not from a trading website, but another genius idea from Yudong—printing on demand.

The so-called on-demand printing refers to a printing mode produced in response to the coming digital age, which belongs to the customized business of printing from one book.

In other words, if someone wants to buy a book that has not been printed in the future, it doesn’t matter. Just place an order directly, and the on-demand printing company can print it and deliver it to the customer.

Jimmy has been working on this plan since Rongcheng, and it is also a second-hand preparation for the trading website.

There is also a proposal, which only gives a rough outline, which is the publishing service plan, but Jimmy has not thought of throwing this plan to Ingram for the time being.

Ingram was very surprised when he first saw the "printing on demand" proposal. They are a book industry group, so they have always paid attention to printing technology, and the new digital printing machine exhibited this year is in their There was a lot of discussion within the group.

Unexpectedly, he saw a proposal for this kind of digital printing machine so soon.

After reading the plan, Ingram stared at Jimmy. He knew that Jimmy hadn't written everything into the plan. There must be some details that he didn't know, especially the follow-up strategic planning.

Without thinking too long, Ingram decided to cooperate with Deep Space Corporation.

After Ingram decided to start a print-on-demand joint venture with Deep Space, Jimmy floated another plan.

This time it's the trading site plan.

Jimmy hopes that this company will exist again in the form of a joint venture, but this time Ingram can only get 100% of the shares of the new company. Of course, they only need a symbolic investment of 600 million US dollars, while Deep Space will pay [-] million dollars.

With the cooperation of "print on demand companies", the cooperation of transactional websites has become much simpler.

For Ingram, they just need to pay 100 million US dollars to get [-]% of the shares and a channel that is likely to grow.

And after seeing this plan, Ingram also understood Jimmy's final thoughts.If the transactional website can be implemented, it will complement the print-on-demand company. Online customers can order an unprinted book through the website at any time, and then the print-on-demand company will produce it.

Ingram had supplied books to Amazon before, but it was only a small matter. Now that Deep Space Company has appeared, they naturally know who to choose.

During the operation of this series of plans, Jimmy went to see Bezos, but the other party only agreed to sell up to 30.00% of the shares and to raise 800 million.

So Jimmy simply didn't have a good talk with them, but chose to directly cut off their retreat, which is why Jimmy later wanted to jointly establish a website with Ingram.

After the cooperation between Jimmy and Ingram was reached, Bezos was notified that Ingram would no longer agree to their application for deferred payment.

Prior to this, Amazon first sold the books online, then found Ingram's goods and sent them to customers.

They will first receive the payment for the book from the customer, and then settle with Ingram three months later.

In this way, as long as their operations are stable, the sales for these three months can always be used as their company's operating funds.

As the plates get bigger and the sales increase, the cash in their hands will also increase. As a financial practitioner, Bezos understands this very well.

But now that Ingram is only willing to accept the cash flow, this system cannot continue.

Of course, Amazon can go to "Baker and Taylor", but the market share of "Shell and Taylor" is not at the same level as that of Ingram, and Amazon will lose its original geographical advantage.

Even if they persisted reluctantly, there would be no room for their Amazons to survive in the subsequent development of deep space.He came from finance, and he clearly knows that no capital will choose between "Deep Space and Ingram" and Amazon.

Bezos is a very smart person. He knew that he had been suppressed in all directions, so he chose to compromise early, make his surrender posture more elegant, and at the same time win more benefits for himself.

In the end, Bezos got 200 percent of the shares and a $[-] million severance package, and kept the Amazon name.


Yu Dong didn't know about Jimmy's running around. During this time, he first took Ruan Xiaohu to visit the Shanghai Writers Association, and then sent invitations everywhere.

He didn't fly to the UK until NO.15.This time, apart from Cheng Yanqiu, Bi Feiyu, Yu Hua and his assistant Jiang Jie were also traveling together.

The UK trip, they had already discussed it before.

Yu Hua and the others will accompany Yu Dong to finish the signing in England, and then they will go to France to visit Actes Sud Publishing House. Airline's largest partner in France.

Before going to England, Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu called Yu Dong and asked him what he needed to bring to England and France. Yu Dong told them that apart from the documents, they only needed to bring a change of clothes.

Later, the two had a discussion and decided to bring a few decks of poker. They were afraid that they would not be able to buy the kind of poker in China when they went abroad.

When they arrived in London, after a short rest, Yu Hua and the others proposed to play poker, but Yu Dong ignored them at all, and took Cheng Yanqiu directly to Charles Cross Road.

Cheng Yanqiu liked the book "84 Charles Cross Road" very much, so she said that she would go there to have a look before coming here, and of course Yu Dong couldn't let her down.

Seeing that there were not enough poker players, Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu had no choice but to put down their poker and follow.

Charles Cross Street is a famous bookstore street in London, right in the center of the city, with a very good location.

The south of the street is next to Leicester Square, and the north of the street is Saint Gilles Circle at the intersection of Oxford Street.

The road in the commercial street is not wide, with only four lanes, but it is very lively, full of people, even foreigners.

Of course, to other people in the street, Yu Dong and the others are foreigners.

In fact, Yu Hua and the others didn't think it was too crowded, because they had seen crowded scenes before in China, and Charles Cross Street was really a child's play.

At the corner of the intersection, you can see a small bookstore. Bi Feiyu pointed to the sign above and said, "Look, isn't this 84 Charles Cross Road?"

Yu Dong looked over there, shook his head and said, "Impossible, 84 Charles Cross Street is already closed."

Bi Feiyu moved closer and sighed, "Hey, so it's number 48."

Yu Hua smiled and said, "Since we've reached 48, I think 84 is not far away."

But later they found that 84 Charles Cross Street was no longer there, only a nameplate was nailed on the wall facing the street. When they arrived, there were still many people taking pictures in front of the nameplate. 84 Charles Cross Road.

The nameplate was really nothing to see, so they wandered around again, and walked to the entrance of Foyle's bookstore. This bookstore was heard in the east, and it was said that it was the largest bookstore in the world. Thirty miles of bookshelves set a Guinness record.

As soon as he entered the bookstore, Yu Hua was attracted by a book on the front shelf. He pointed to the book and asked, "Is this Resident Evil?"

Yu Hua couldn't understand the English title on the book, but she could understand the picture on the cover.The cover of the English version is a little more unrestrained than the cover of the Chinese version, and a zombie is directly placed on it.

Yu Dong glanced at it, nodded and said, "That's right, it's "Resident Evil"."

Hearing the affirmative answer, Yu Hua said sourly, "I said why you came to the bookstore, so you came here to show off."

Yu Dong did not refute, and pointed to the two books next to him and said, "It's more than that, this one is "Second World" and this one is "Fatal Identity."

"Okay, I know that you are also very famous in England."

As he spoke, Yu Hua picked up another copy of "Resident Evil" and flipped through it.

Bi Feiyu teased beside him, "Do you understand?"

Yu Hua nodded seriously, "Yes, I can understand a little."

Yu Dong gave a thumbs up, "Senior."

Yu Hua flipped through it a few times and found that she really didn't understand it, so she lost interest.But it's not easy to find a Chinese book here, so Yu Hua went out of her way to find it, but she couldn't find it after looking around.

Later, they found a place to sit and rest in the bookstore, and an eight or nine-year-old blond boy came over with a pen and notebook.

He walked up to Yu Dong and handed the notebook to Yu Dong, "Hi, can you write down your name for me?"

Yu Hua looked at the little boy and asked, "What did he say?"

Bi Feiyu smiled and said, "It should be Yu Dong's book fan who came to ask him to sign."

"Yu Dong, you still have such a small book fan, and this recognizes you?" Yu Hua said in surprise.

Yu Dong was actually a little strange, but he still smiled and said, "What can I do, I can only blame me for being too famous."

While laughing, he took the book from the boy, signed his name on it, and wrote down today's date and place thoughtfully.

After finishing writing, he returned the book to the little boy, and then asked with a smile: "Little friend, which book do you like?"

The little boy showed a puzzled expression, as if he didn't know what Yu Dong was talking about. He frowned and asked, "Excuse me, are these written in Chinese characters or neon characters?"

"Of course it's Chinese characters." Yu Dong was a little surprised. This little book fan could recognize other people, but he didn't know that he was from China?
The boy smiled, "I just want to know how Chinese characters are written. Fortunately, you are not from Neon or Korea, thank you."

After finishing speaking, the boy turned around and ran away, leaving only the petrified Yu Dong, and Cheng Yanqiu who covered their mouths and laughed.

Yu Hua didn't understand what was going on, and asked, "What's going on?"

Bi Feiyu smiled and explained to him, "I'm not a book fan at all, but just a passerby who wants to know how to write Chinese characters."

Yu Hua also laughed, "Yo, who said that just now, it can't be helped, it's too famous."

Yu Dong pursed his mouth, just now this handsome guy played a bit hastily, and gave Yu Hua a chance.

Bi Feiyu made up the knife again, "You didn't know just now, but Yu Dong asked the little boy which book he likes, and the little boy didn't know what he was talking about at all?"

"That's not true. I think the little boy is also surprised. Is this person out of his mind and asking the wrong question?"

Yu Dong couldn't help rolling his eyes, these two guys can't do anything else, but they have a lot of yin and yang.

He patted his legs and stood up, "Let's go to eat."

 Thank you [Ginkgo Ancient Leaf] for the 200 rewards
  Thank you [Xianyu Embroidery] for the 200 tip
(End of this chapter)

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