Chapter 34 Ruan Xiaohu

Wu Changxin sighed slightly as he watched Yu Dong walk out of the office.

In fact, when Yu Dong said that he submitted a manuscript to "Science Fiction World", he was a little disappointed in his heart.

He had read "Mending the Sky" yesterday. Wu Changxin was surprised by this 1-word novel. He didn't expect Yu Dong's narrative ability to be so strong.

Most of his previous knowledge of Dong came from Dong's teacher Hu Yueming, but Hu Yueming only told him that Yu Dong's professional knowledge was very solid, and he had published literary criticism articles in "Harvest".

But Hu Yueming never told him that Yu Dong's novels were so well written.

Wu Changxin remembered Su Tong who went out from Jinyi before. The styles of the two are very different, but their writing skills are the same.

Comparing the two, Wu Changxin even likes Yu Dong's writing more. When reading "Mending the Sky", he can often feel a kind of drastic pleasure.

Wu Changxin also carried his previous thoughts, believing that science fiction could not be considered elegant, and because it was written by Donglai, he would lose his identity somewhat.

But he also has a kind of contradictory enlightenment. Since Yu Dong wants to do it, he won't stop him, and he won't even say superfluous words, otherwise he won't approve his fake so readily.


Before Yu Dong set off for Rongcheng, he met Cheng Yanqiu for the second time in the administrative building.

Jin Yi is not big, and the teachers can't see him when they look up, but when Yu Dong came to school for more than two months, he only saw Cheng Yanqiu twice.

The second time I saw Cheng Yanqiu, Cheng Yanqiu was arguing with Xu Zhengyong, the teacher of the vocal music department.

Seeing Yu Dong passing by, the quarrel stopped, Xu Zhengyong showed a guilty expression on his face, and smiled at Yu Dong: "Mr. Yu, go to the office."

Yu Dong smiled and nodded: "Go to the office to get something, Teacher Xu is busy."

"Hey, I'm not just going to the classroom, and I met Teacher Cheng for a few words. Hey, the class is about to start here, let's go, Teacher Yu, Teacher Cheng." Xu Zhengyong left in a hurry.

After Xu Zhengyong left, Yu Dong looked at Cheng Yanqiu.

He wanted to say hello to Cheng Yanqiu, but seeing the expression of "don't approach strangers" on Cheng Yanqiu's face, he gave up.

Nodding at her, Yu Dong turned around and was about to leave.

Cheng Yanqiu, who was behind, took the initiative to stop him: "Are you Yu Dong?"

"Well, yes, you are Teacher Cheng Yanqiu." Yu Dong turned his head and responded with a smile.

Cheng Yanqiu hummed, looked at Yu Dong's face carefully, and finally said, "It's not like Yu Dong."

She said this in a low voice, as if she was telling it to herself, but Yu Dong still heard it.

He didn't understand what Cheng Yanqiu meant by this, and Cheng Yanqiu didn't give him a chance to ask, so he turned his head and walked away.The high heels tapped on the ground, and the sound echoed in the empty corridor.

Yu Dong watched her go up the stairs until he came back to his senses. He shook his head slightly, this teacher Cheng is also very individual.

Going to the office to find Liu Changmin, after saying hello to him, Yu Dong set foot on the train to Rongcheng.

From Jinling to Rongcheng, the train took more than 30 hours. Yu Dong couldn't buy a sleeper, so he had to buy a hard seat.Fortunately, he is young now, otherwise he would not be able to survive the 30-odd hours.

At the beginning, Yu Dong was still in the mood to chat with the people next to him, or enjoy the scenery outside the car window.After a few hours, Yu Dong no longer had this mood.

The environment of the carriage was not very good. Needless to say, it was the sound and smell that made Yu Dong the most unbearable.

Some people drink, some eat, some take off their shoes, some smoke...

All kinds of smells and sounds mixed together, forming a noisy environment. The four men sitting next door played a game of four-player landlords with a pair of poker that was about to be rotten to watch, and a bunch of people were watching.

The poker players didn't make much trouble, but the poker watchers were very anxious, and frequently made moves to the poker players, but there were many people watching the poker, and their opinions were not unified. Just a single.

The poker players didn't listen to them and played a three-with-two.

If it's right, no one will make a sound, and if it's wrong, the person watching the cards behind will bluff.

"Look, you'll be fine if you listen to me earlier."

All day long, Yu Dong kept his eyes closed and rested, but he couldn't sleep at all. It was not until after dark that the players who played cards stopped, he finally couldn't bear it and fell asleep.


Ruan Xiaohu leaned against the wall at the connection of the carriage, his eyes kept beating back and forth on the passengers in the carriage, like a hunter looking for prey.

His hair was messy, and the bangs on his forehead covered half of his eyes, but he couldn't hide his shining eyes.Tall and thin, he looked like a teenager.

There is another person standing next to him, a middle-aged man in his 50s or [-]s, who looks more elegant, wearing a suit that looks a bit loose, and the beard on his chin has been trimmed clean.

The middle-aged man was called Fei Qiang, and Ruan Xiaohu called him Uncle Fei.

With a cigarette in his mouth, Fei Qiang squinted and asked Ruan Xiaohu, "I see clearly, is there a big family?"

Ruan Xiaohu shook his head, "No, but there is a big bag in front of a small bag, maybe there is a cannon inside."

Fei Qiang couldn't help laughing and said, "Cannon? You really dare to think about it."

"I'm just guessing."

Fei Qiang looked at the big bag and the small bag that Ruan Xiaohu was talking about for a long time, threw the butt of the cigarette on the ground, and said to Ruan Xiaohu, "Try it first, you can force it."

Ruan Xiaohu nodded, walked over first, and stood beside the sleeping young man. The passengers in both rows were sleeping, and the position he stood just blocked the sight of the person who was not sleeping on the other side.

Then Fei Qiang came over and gently unzipped the denim bag in the young man's arms, revealing a black briefcase inside.

Just as he was about to take out his briefcase, the person sitting across from him suddenly opened his eyes and looked at them.

Fei Qiang glared at the man, then revealed the hilt of the knife from his pocket.

The passenger was taken aback for a moment, and quickly closed his eyes again.

After Fei Qiang took out the briefcase, he thoughtfully re-zipped the zipper.

After that, he took Ruan Xiaohu for three carriages in a row, and then he found a toilet and went in.

After entering, Fei forced to open the zipper of the briefcase, but when he opened the briefcase, he was dumbfounded. He didn't see the banknotes he imagined. There was only a thick stack of paper with words written on it.

But Fei Qiang couldn't read.

"Mummy!" Fei Qiang cursed, this trip was a waste of time.

"Is this the cannon you're talking about? I think you look like a cannon." Fei Qiang took his anger at Ruan Xiaohu again, and smashed the paper and bag on Ruan Xiaohu's chest.

Ruan Xiaohu hurriedly caught the paper and bag, and then followed Fei Qiang out.

Fei Qiang glanced at Ruan Xiaohu, "Why don't you lose this thing, keep it for food or drink? I'll go find a place to sleep in front, and come and call me in the middle of the night."

After explaining, Fei Qiang left.

Ruan Xiaohu looked at the stack of paper in his hand, and couldn't bear to throw it away.

(End of this chapter)

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