Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 404 All, all, from head to toe

Chapter 404 Everything, everything, from head to toe

After talking about the business, Yu Dong smiled and said to Cahill: "It's hard to come this time, let's have a good time for a few days, do you want me to be your tour guide?"

Cahill said with regret on his face: "Of course I also hope to stay in China for a few more days, but there are still some things in New York that I need to go back to deal with. Of course it doesn't matter. There will be many opportunities to come to China in the future. Wait until the next day." The next time you come here, you must have a good time.”

"After two days here, are you still used to the food?" Yu Dong asked.

"Not completely used to it, but to be honest, it's much better than I thought before. The baijiu was very impressive to me. I had a baijiu in New York before and it was completely different from what I drank last night. Maybe it's because I bought it in New York. The wine is not right."

"That may not be the case. There are many flavors of baijiu, and each place has its own characteristics." Yu Dong smiled, and led Cahill to Yu Hua and the others. You can have a good drink and feel the Chinese wine table."

"Haha, I already felt this last night."

Yu Dong smiled and said nothing. Although everyone had a good drink last night, most of them were still drinking, and tonight was the highlight.

The interview in the auditorium was slowly ending, and there were more and more people in the restaurant.

During the meal, Yang Xiao took Yu Dong to their table, and Kang Zhenhua and Xi Ke were also at this table.

Kang Zhenhua looked at Yu Dong, and said with a smile: "For this new book, if you need any help, just tell us, and we will do our best to help if we can."

"Then I will thank you in advance." Yu Dong smiled, and suddenly thought of something, "The matter of the new book is not sure yet, but "The Martian" will start filming in the past two years. Can’t give some guidance. Of course, it’s definitely not gratuitous.”

Kang Zhenhua raised his eyebrows, and was very interested in this matter, "This matter is interesting, but it is different from the information provided to you before, it is an extra job, and you may need to report it."

"Of course, I understand these rules very well." Yu Dong nodded, then looked at Xi Ke, "Is Dean Xi interested? Some of the professional skills in it are also related to your school. I wonder if you can be a consultant for the film. "

Xi Ke probably didn't expect Yu Dong to ask him, and his expression was a little surprised, but he was very interested in the matter of consultants, and their college was different from the Association for Science and Technology, and they could decide this kind of consulting work internally.

"Do you just need relevant professionals, or send a consultant team in the name of our school?" Xi Ke asked.

"It's all right, see how convenient it is for you."

"If possible, we would like to send a team of consultants on behalf of the school."

With these two options in front of him, Xi Ke would of course choose the latter.

With Yu Dong being so famous now, "The Martian" will definitely be a hit when it is filmed. It must be a good thing if their Electronic University can appear in the list of technical consultants for the film.

"Okay, since your school is willing, then I will talk to the Deep Space Company later. If this can be done, then you can directly connect with the Deep Space Company."

"Yes, yes, no matter what, I have to thank you on behalf of the school."

"You're welcome, just helping each other."

Yang Xiao squinted at the side and watched Yu Dong and Xi Ke's exchange of technical consultants. She thought that the cooperation between Yu Dong and Jimmy was not easy. .

Maybe Yu Dong and Jimmy partnered to open the deep space, otherwise why is Yu Dong always so active about the deep space?
Of course, if this is the case, Yang Xiao will be happy about it. No matter how good Jimmy is, he is still a foreigner, and no matter how well developed the deep space is, problems may arise at any time.

Compared to Jimmy, she certainly believed in Yu Dong more.

But generally speaking, both Jimmy and Yu Dong have a long-term vision, and they can always make the people around them also benefit.

Thinking of this, she said, "Dean Xi, if this can be done, then you all need to help Deep Space Corporation do some publicity."

Xi Ke laughed: "Even if this thing doesn't work out in the end, we have a reason to help promote a high-quality company like Deep Space. The works of Deep Space, whether it's novels or movies, are already very popular among the masses. The library of our school has recently entered a lot of books by authors under the banner of Deep Space, maybe one day in the future, everyone can see a place like a special area for deep space in our school library."

I have to say that although Xi Ke was born in science and engineering, he is also very knowledgeable in speaking. While complimenting Deep Space, he also drew a cake.

Yu Dong likes this too.

He attaches great importance to the publicity in the school, especially the literature.

Since this year, Deep Space Corporation has donated a lot of books to middle schools in various places, among which the works of the Deep Space Department account for the majority.


At the dinner that day, Yu Dong drank a lot of wine, but he didn't get drunk in the end, but Tan Kai was very happy. He raised a group of sci-fi authors to clink glasses, and finally poured a large amount of wine, and Hu Changqing was one of them.

After the dinner, Wang Jingkang supported Hu Changqing with a bitter look on his face.

The two of them are a "combination of veteran cadres", and they sleep in the same room every time. Hu Changqing is so drunk that he staggers around, and it is naturally his roommate who suffers.

The next day, Yu Dong took Yu Hua and the others to the "Erdao Alley Science Fiction Bookstore". The bookstore was developing very well. According to the owner, Qin Fen, he was planning to open another mystery-themed bookstore nearby.

They didn't stay in the bookstore for too long, because some book fans already recognized the bookstore.Nowadays, there are more and more news about Yu Dongshang, and the probability of being recognized is also increasing.And these two days are the Galaxy Awards ceremony again, he must be easily recognized in a place like a sci-fi themed bookstore.

After being recognized by the book fans, Yu Dong and the others signed some books, and then took advantage of the situation to be under control, they took the time to leave the bookstore.

They played in Rongcheng for two days, then returned to Jinling, and then brought Fu Jing and the others to pack up and go to Europe. The first stop was England.

This time because they brought their family members, Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu stopped arguing about playing cards, but actively took their families around for sightseeing.

Yu Dong has no activities in the UK itself, but things in Italy haven't been settled yet, so they took advantage of this time to stroll around and visit Rowling by the way.

However, as soon as he arrived in the UK, he attracted the attention of all parties.

And what pays most attention to him is not the science fiction world, but the football world.

Because of what happened last year, Yu Dong was hyped as a lucky star. After knowing that he was here this time, several teams invited him to watch the game live.

But Yu Dong didn't agree. One thing he didn't want to hype that he was a lucky star. On the other hand, it's not good for anyone to agree to this matter. Don't end up with his lucky star's personality collapsed and offended other clubs. fans.

In addition to invitations from various teams, many bookstores also sent him invitations, hoping that he could go to their bookstores to hold a signing event.

The book signing he held at Hatchards last year was very successful, and all major bookstores in London hoped to invite him to hold another one.

It's just that this was also rejected by him. The signing meeting must not be done just by saying it. He can't stay in the UK for too long, so there is no need to find trouble for himself.

In addition to the bookstore and ball club, Yu Dong also received some other invitations, among which the invitation from singer Sting surprised Yu Dong the most.

Sing is a stage name, his real name is Gordon Simner, he is very famous internationally and has his own record label.

Yu Dong really couldn't imagine any connection between himself and the other party. He looked at Laikado, the head of the UK office of Deep Space Corporation who came to convey the news, and asked, "Did he say what it was for?"

"He didn't say that, but I can probably guess."

"what's up?"

Laikado said with a smile: "He previously promoted a movie to our company. I also told the headquarters about this, but the headquarters has not responded to me yet."

"He still makes movies?"

Yu Dong didn't know much about Sing, he had only heard a few of his songs, so Yu Dong was very surprised to hear that he came to promote the movie.

"It's not a movie he made, it seems that her wife invested in it, but after the movie was made, they found a lot of distributors, and almost no one was willing to help them distribute it, so they came to us." Laikado explained.

"So, does he feel that the company is not very interested in the movie he recommended, so he learned that I'm here, and tried to change the company's decision through me?"

"This should be."

Yu Dong couldn't help laughing, it seemed that Sting had hit a lot of walls because of this movie, otherwise it would be impossible to think of using him to change the idea of ​​deep space.After all, in the eyes of outsiders, he is just the "top card" of deep space.

"It seems that this movie is indeed not very popular with distributors."

Yu Dong was not in the mood to meet Sting, and wanted to refuse, but he still asked, "What's the name of this movie?"

"The name is very interesting. It is related to a popular saying, called "igniter, butt and two bongs."

"Igniter, butt..." Yu Dong frowned suddenly: "Two bongs?"

"That's right." Laikado thought that Yu Dong didn't understand what the name had to do with the common saying, and explained to him: "That's right, we have a common saying called igniter, gun stock, and gun barrel, which means It's all, all, head to toe, and the title adds two words to the proverb."

Yu Dong didn't even bother to listen to common sayings, his mind was full of "two big smoking guns".

Is this movie out so early?And it still can't be sold?
Yu Dong has seen the movie, but he doesn't know the story behind the movie. He only remembers that the movie box office was very good, and it also influenced a small-budget movie "Crazy Stone" in China.

"Two Smoking Barrels" is a strange movie full of black humor. In terms of style, it is a bit similar to Quentin's style.The most interesting thing is that the perspective of the story is very unique and the pace is very fast.If you can't keep up with the rhythm, you may look a little dizzy, but if you watch it, you will find that this movie is very interesting.

The question is, is the movie Leckardo is talking about "Two Smoking Barrels" or just a similar title.

"Do you remember the name of the director of the movie?" Yu Dong asked.

"I don't remember, I only know that I'm a young man, that's why the film is harder to sell." Laikado shook his head, he looked at Yu Dong in a strange way, as if after hearing the title of the film, YU had a feeling for the film Is it because YU is interested in this common saying?

Yu Dong thought for a while and said, "How about this, reply to Sting that I will invite him to dinner tomorrow night, and tell him directly that I understand his intentions, and ask him to bring the director of the movie with him."

"Okay, I'll tell him now, and he must be very happy to hear the reply."


Sting was at home rubbing his forehead and listening to his wife's complaints.

"It's obviously a very good movie, but those distributors don't know how to appreciate it at all. They will definitely regret it in the future, for sure. After the movie is released and the box office explodes, it will be too late for them to regret it."

After complaining about the publisher, his wife looked at Sting again, "Gordon, you should ask again. I think there will always be some discerning publishers. The companies in the UK can't do it. You can ask the US. Yes, those big publishers, they can develop and grow, which means they have a good vision... Of course, some big publishers, at least the ones we have contacted, are not very good, they have lost their aggressiveness, it is impossible Take it a step further."

"Didn't you make an appointment with YU? Did he reply? He must be a discerning person. Wasn't he the one who discovered Rowling? I heard that many publishers were not optimistic about Rowling's story. It was YU who recommended her to "Harry Potter" sold a lot soon after it came out. Since he can discover Rowling's talent, he must also be able to discover Guy's."

After talking for a long time, seeing that her husband didn't respond, she shifted her firepower again, "Guy also has some problems. I was optimistic about his subject matter before and was willing to invest, but after his script was completed, I couldn't understand it. It's not that I didn't talk to him. Said to make some changes to cater to the market, but did he listen? He didn't listen, he didn't pay attention to me as an investor and producer at all. We paid more than 100 million pounds for him, my God, how long will it take us to make that much money back, and if the movie doesn't sell, it's gone."

"Trudy, can you stop arguing, my ears hurt a little. If you believe this movie is good, then... then you should believe it."

Sting touched his head, stood up from the sofa, and wanted to smoke a cigarette, but he had just walked a few steps when the phone in the living room rang.

He turned back to answer the phone.

"Hi, hello, it's Mr. Maguire...Well, of course, there is time, no problem...Okay, see you tomorrow..."

Seeing the excitement on Sting's face after answering the phone, Trudy leaned over and asked, "Who is Maguire?"

"Head of Deep Space's UK office."

"It's him!" Trudy's body stiffened suddenly, "What did he say?"

"He said that YU would like to meet us, and he also said that we should bring Guy there."



"Gordon, you're awesome." Trudy suddenly hugged Sting's head and kissed her hard, then stood up and walked upstairs, "I have to go and see what clothes I'm wearing tomorrow..."

As soon as she reached the stairs, she hurried back: "No, before choosing clothes, I want to tell Guy the good news quickly, so that he can prepare well."

 Thank you [Lao Zhu is a thin man] for the 500 reward
  Thanks to [Wandering Today] for the 100 reward
(End of this chapter)

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