Chapter 415 The frog is cooked
With the "News" report, TV stations at all levels also reported Yu Dong's news, but considering the relationship between the two sides, the TV station's news was very restrained, objectively stated what Yu Dong and the others encountered, and expressed hope Willingness to get things resolved as quickly as possible.

The dissemination of television and the dissemination of news newspapers are completely different things.

"News" has a great influence, but its influence is mainly concentrated among intellectuals, so those who first learned about this news are basically intellectuals.

But after the TV station reported it, it was different, and many ordinary people who hadn't read much also became concerned about this matter.

Most ordinary people don't know who those people are on TV, and writers are too far away for them. They only know that there are a few celebrities in China who have been bullied abroad.

However, this incident had just been reported, and it didn't take long for the TV station to report another news: the Bali police publicly apologized and dealt with the police involved seriously.

The mood of the common people is like a roller coaster.

One day he was full of righteous indignation, and the next day he was filled with joy.

The TV station is also very strategic. It is very restrained in reporting on the process of the conflict, because it is afraid that public opinion will become too boiling and something uncontrollable will happen.

Now that the results are out, they will write a special report and report a special report, because this result can satisfy everyone.

Of course, some people may not be satisfied.

Li Youxue was watching the news being reported on TV at home, his face was full of clouds. He was organizing some news media during this time, preparing to launch a new round of public opinion attacks on Dong and the others.

However, this incident happened before the matter started. Several collaborators have already called him and told him that they would quit.

The collaborators that Li Youxue found this time are all unknown small media, and many of them are engaged in gossip news and follow the market route.

His idea is very simple, that is, to take a two-pronged approach. On the academic level, let Fang Yanwu, Liu Baiyu and others go to confront Yu Dong and the others, and then take the mass line, let those tabloids create some scandals for Yu Dong and the others, and expose them The image among the masses is uglified.

In fact, it's not that he doesn't know that the Deep Space Company will definitely help Yu Dong and the others, but it's not so easy to clean up the dirty water after it's spilled.

And those small media are also willing to do it, they are not afraid of offending deep space, anyway, barefoot people are not afraid of wearing shoes.

But now it's different, Yu Dong and the others have transformed into so-called "national heroes", and those small media and tabloids have started to shrink back.

They are not afraid of offending Deep Space, but now the higher-ups seem to be deliberately promoting this matter. If they come out to splash dirty water at this time, it is not just Deep Space that will trouble them.

"It's definitely not that simple."

Li Youxue stared at the TV screen, which was showing the scene of Yu Dong's speech at Hongxing Elementary School before. It should be that Yu Dong's video material is difficult to find, so he used the one that Dragon TV had broadcast before.

Regarding the matter of the Paris police, Li Youxue felt that it was impossible to be so simple. He even suspected that this matter was deliberately manipulated by Deep Space, playing a "bitter trick".

Maybe those two policemen were bribed by Deep Space, and then they did this on purpose.


The phone rang again.

Li Youxue turned his head to look, he didn't want to answer the phone any more, and he didn't receive a call with good news in the past two days.

The phone rang a lot, and when he was about to hang up, he finally picked up the phone: "Who is it?"

"Xiaoxue." Fang Yanwu's voice came from the opposite side.

Hearing that it was Dialect Wu, Li Youxue immediately sat up, "Mr. Fang, why did you remember to call me?"

"Xiaoxue, I called to tell you something. I have already retracted the manuscript I submitted to the "Literary Newspaper." Fang Yanwu said.

"Ah?" Li Youxue's heart skipped a beat, "Teacher Fang, why is that? You can't be worried because you saw the news about Yu Dong and the others. In fact, there is no need at all—"

"I'm not worried." Fang Yanwu interrupted Li Youxue, "I suddenly felt that the previous criticisms of them were biased, especially accusing them of disrespecting the country and not being patriotic. Now it seems that I was completely wrong. They proved everything with their actions, but it made me feel ashamed."

"No, Teacher Fang—"

Beep, beep—

Li Youxue wanted to say something again, but dialect I had already hung up.

Looking at the phone with a busy tone in his hand, Li Youxue sneered and said, "Now I'm full of a gentleman, but a timid villain."

"Hey, things can't go any further for the time being, forget it, just bear with it."

Li Youxue sighed, made another phone call, chatted with the other party for a few words, and hung up the phone.


Because of this, it wasn't just Fang Yanwu who died down.

Even Wei Wei and Liu Baiyu, the editor-in-chiefs of "Zhongliu", said that their criticism of Mo Yan had errors in the method. Mo Yan himself was still a good comrade, but his literary creation was not rigorous enough or prudent enough.

This statement meant that they compromised, but they did not fully admit their mistakes.

They felt that some of the hats given to Mo Yan before were inappropriate, but they still had reservations about the novel "Big Breasts and Wide Buttocks", thinking that there were mistakes in the expression of the novel and there were mistakes in guiding.

I hope that Mo Yan will pay attention to the problems and correct them in his future works. (correction)

These words sound harsh, but anyone who knows Wei Wei and the others knows how difficult it is.If Wei Wei can easily admit his mistake, then Wei Wei is not Wei Wei anymore.

As for Rongcheng TV Station, when they first heard that Mo Yan was coming, everyone on the stage was actually a little worried. After all, Mo Yan's matter is not small, and they were also afraid of being affected. (correction)

Unexpectedly, the situation took a sharp turn, and Mo Yan had also transformed from a negative character who was criticized by the big bosses to a righteous and awe-inspiring national hero who stood up for the country. (correction)

He is no longer a hot potato, but a sweet pastry.

But at this moment, the TV station received Mo Yan's resignation letter.

The letter was sent by Deep Space Corporation and delivered directly to Director Lin Changhe's office.

Along with the resignation letter, there is also a big gift package from Deep Space Corporation.

"Director Lin, our Deep Space Company is very willing to cooperate with you, but I don't know what your intention is."

Lin Changhe has worked for so many years, and he knew what was going on when he saw the representatives sent by Deep Space Corporation.

Without even hesitating, he directly approved Mo Yan's resignation application.

If Mo Yan wants to leave, even if he doesn't approve today, he won't be able to stay in the future. Public institutions are not prisons, they can lock people up.

Since it is doomed not to stay, it is better to simply agree and get deep space's kindness.

(End of this chapter)

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