Chapter 417 Got a new idea

After they saw St. Peter's Basilica, they ended today's trip to Rome and went to find a place to eat.

It was also at dinner that Yu Dong and the others met Ennio Morricone, a well-known soundtrack master.

There are two world-renowned soundtrack masters in Italy, one is Nino Rota, who has composed music for films such as "The Godfather", "Nile Tragedy" and "War and Peace", and the other is Ennio Mo Ricone, the two are called "European film music leader".

Nino Rota has passed away for more than ten years, and Ennio is not young anymore, he is close to 70 years old this year.

However, Ennio is in good health, and his creative passion is also very strong. He is close to 70 years old and is still at the peak of his creation. It is said that he still has to make soundtracks for more than ten movies a year.

And "Sea Pianist" is the biggest job he has received recently.

Italy is no better than the United States, and the investment in films here is generally not too high, and the budget of "The Pianist on the Sea" is close to 2000 million US dollars, which has far exceeded the average level of Italy.

Ennio admired the piano piece Cheng Yanqiu created for the film very much, and after expressing his admiration for Cheng Yanqiu at the dinner table, he asked curiously: "Giuseppe told me that this piece hasn't been named yet, has it? "

Cheng Yanqiu nodded: "Because the director said before that he would ask you to make the soundtrack, so my husband and I thought, maybe we can wait until all the soundtracks are made before naming it."

"Are you thinking about me?" Ennio laughed, "This is your song, and you should name it."

Cheng Yanqiu looked at Yu Dong: "My husband mentioned a name before. I think it's good, but it's a Chinese name, so it's not easy to translate."

"Oh, is that so?" Hearing that it was Yu Dong who mentioned it, Ennio became interested, "What's the name?"

"In ancient China, there was a poet named Lu You. He once wrote a poem, in which there is a sentence "The spring wave green under the sad bridge, it was Jinghongzhaoying". The mood of the song is more suitable, so we think 'Jing Hong' can be the title of this song."

After Cheng Yanqiu finished speaking, the scene suddenly fell silent.

For this meal tonight, there were people from three countries present. In order to facilitate communication, they brought two translators. One translator was responsible for the communication between China and Italy, while the other stayed next to Tim Ross and served him exclusively.

At this moment, neither of the translators spoke. Poetry is really difficult to translate.

In the end, Rossi, who had been in China for five or six years and had some research on ancient poetry, translated it first.

He didn't think too much about it, but chose literal translation, translating Jinghong into Jingfei Hongyan.

But this kind of translation is definitely not tasteful enough, so after translating Cheng Yanqiu's words, Rossi explained to Ennio: "In China, the frightened swan geese are an image. Very early on, the frightened geese represented..."

Rossi's level is still acceptable, he knows how to be surprised, and also knows how to look at a glimpse.

After combing it for Ennio from beginning to end, the image of Jinghong became vivid.

When Rossi was explaining to Ennio, Yu Dong and the others watched with a smile on their faces. It seemed that "Stunning Shadows" made Rossi encounter a problem.

After hearing what Rossi said, Ennio said with emotion: "In this way, the word Jinghong is really suitable for this song, and it is also very suitable for the movie."

Giuseppe also nodded again and again. It was also the first time he had heard the phrase "Jinghongzhaoying". He felt that this word was indeed very suitable for the picture of the movie.

When the protagonist 1900 was composing this piece, he saw a girl passing by outside the warehouse.

"But there is a problem." Ennio patted his forehead again and said: "This is a Chinese name, and we need an English name, how should this word be translated? Startled swan geese? It doesn't sound very good."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "It's not necessary to translate. Use this Chinese name, but you can use another English name."

"Replace it with what?" Ennio asked puzzled.

"How about calling it playing love?"

"Playing love." Tim Rose on the side pondered: "YU, you really understand Americans very well."

Yu Dong smiled. He didn't understand Americans, but he had reference answers.

Ennio and Giuseppe also think that the name playing love is very good.

But Yu Hua and the others felt it was a bit of a pity. They all thought that Jinghong was better, or taking pictures was fine too. This was a cultural difference.

The translation of Jinghong into Jingfei Hongyan is tasteless to Chinese people, and the translation of playing love into the song of love or the performance of love seems too straightforward and simple.


"The Pianist on the Sea" had nineteen locations in Rome, and it took Yu Dong and the others several days to watch each location.

Cheng Yanqiu is quite busy these days. From the third day, he followed Ennio's team to search for materials and collect inspiration.

There are many kinds of music work. One is to get the finished film and then dub it. For example, Cheng Yanqiu made the soundtrack for "The Tuner".

There is another way, like now, to participate from the beginning of the script to the subsequent shooting, and naturalize a set of soundtrack from beginning to end.

When Cheng Yanqiu was busy making music with Ennio's team, Yu Dong was always by his side, while Yu Hua and the others took time to watch the football game.

These people are all old Serie A fans. Since they came to Italy, of course they don't want to miss the opportunity.

At first they only watched the game in Rome, but later they felt that it was not enough, so they went to other cities, including Milan, Turin and Naples.

The few of them are running around, but the hardest part is the office of Deep Space Corporation.

Because something happened to Yu Dong and the others in Paris, Deep Space Company paid special attention to their safety.

So when they first arrived in Rome, the Italian office sent three security personnel to follow them, for fear that they would have problems again.

Originally, they were all in Rome, and three bodyguards were enough, but after Yu Hua and the others ran around, the company had to hire three more people to follow Yu Hua and the others, and the previous three were to accompany Yu Dong and his wife. .

In addition to the security personnel, there are translators, assistants and other coordinators, including Yu Hua and others, the team has a total of more than ten people.

When a group of them had had enough fun and returned to Rome, the work on Cheng Yanqiu's side was also completed in stages, and it was time to leave Rome and return to China.

On the day before leaving, Giuseppe took Yu Dong to his residence alone.

Yu Dong thought he was looking for him because of "The Pianist on the Sea", but he didn't expect that as soon as he entered the room, Giuseppe took out a stack of manuscripts and said, "YU, after I read your "Death of a Widow", Got a new idea."

(End of this chapter)

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